for you only // colby brock [...

By honeybooboochxld

272K 6.3K 2.6K

[SEQUEL TO ONE NIGHT//COLBY BROCK] But who's counting? Who's counting all of those lonely nights and tiny mea... More

01 》 goodbye chicago
02 》nervosa arriva
03 》 blue plastic chair
04 》 some fast and furious bullshit
05 》 cesar & jason
06 》 sweet & gentle
07 》 the first & the last
08 》 head to toe
09 》 crash & crumble
10 》 white wall nightmare
11 》 blood swirl
12 》 pool tiles
13 》 mass flood
14 》 physcopathic tendencies
15 》 perfect timing for an outburst
16 》 same page.
17 》 nobodies fault
18 》 responsible adults
19 》 absloute ballistic
20 》 ignition
21 》 let me burn
22 》 likewise
23 》 little things
24 》 big cheesy grin
25 》 extremely delusional
26 》 sly bastards
27 》 breaking free
28 》 how could you
29 》 chaotic planes
30 》 spoilt
åuthors ňote
31 》 full of kindness
32 》 proportional admiration
33 》 Inside a bottle
34 》 precious cargo
35 》 fingertip feelings
36 》 a crash landing
37 》 presidential authority
38 》 luxurious amusement
39》 a bold kiss
40 》 naked bestfriend flashing
41 》 reconnecting
42 》 im yours
43 》 worn in sheets
44 》 feather in the wind
45 》 trust fall
46 》 day 1000
47 》 hopeful heartbeat
48 》 the worst complexion
50 》 corrupt officials
51 》 hours and hours
52 》 diamond blue
53 》 the captain of the ship
54 》 bare breast
55 》 fresh arrival
sincerely me.
new beginnings

49 》 aren't we all?

3.6K 98 28
By honeybooboochxld

(Watch This Is Gospel by Panic! At the disco to get a real feel for this chapter)

Ronnie's POV


I pushed Aaron away from me and snapped my head back around to its previous position.

My eyes scanned through the glass to focus on a distressed Colby which horrified me.

He was upright screaming and trying to push the doctors who were holding him in place.

He was trying to get out of the bed but they kept trying to push him down.

I couldn't hold it in anymore,

"That's it" I said sternly as I slammed my fists on the door causing it to get again slam against the wall,

"Ronnie no!" I heard Aaron from behind me begging me to stay put.

But I could just sit back and watch as he was tortured,

"Colby!" I yelled as I began running towards me.

His eyes turned and landed on me.

I choked out a cry and covered my mouth.

I was about to walk forward and help him but a strong set of arms wrapped around me, holding me back.

I didn't fight back until i seen him being injected with a needle and his eyes rolling to the back of his head,

"NO! LET ME GO!" I begged as I started to struggle.

I was dragged out of the room and I pushed the person backwards.

Collapsing to the floor in agony,

"I just want to see him! Why won't they let me see him??" I screamed at the doctor I pushed backwards but he just looked at me with a confused expression.

He started talking in a foreign language that I could understand so I gave up trying.

Stumbling over to one of the blue plastic chairs that lined the walls of the waiting room.

I turned to realise that Elton, Sam and Aaron were the only people left,

"Where is everyone else?" I questioned,

"They were all tired so they went back to the hotel", Elton spoke up,

"Heh, aren't we all?" I chuckled,

"Well we wanted to stay to tell you that we also were thinking about going back to the hotel" Sam said hesitantly,

"Yeah you should, it's been a long day" I explain as I close my eyes and lean back in the seat,

"You should come with us" Aaron suggested,

"You're joking right?" I laugh,

"You look exhausted Ronnie," Sam continued trying to persuade me,

"I appreciated the offer but I don't trust these people. I would feel better if I got to see him so that's what I'm going to sit here and wait for" I insist,

"Are you sure not one of us can stay with you?" Aaron tried one last time,

"I'll text you with any new updates, okay?" I say as I pull out my phone and wave it about.

We say our goodbyes and they leave.

Now I was alone.

All I had was the hope that he was okay.

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