28 》 how could you

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Ronnie's POV

"What time is it?" I yell over the music to Devyn.

She pulls out her phone and shows me the display.

Her wallpaper was her and Corey being scandalous but most importantly the time was,


"Do you not think that we should start heading back now?" I yell again,

"Yeah come on, let go get them two!" She yells back.

We were sitting down at the bar but we frankly quite glad to leave.

Plenty of looks were thrown our way, it wasn't that we were intimidated but I was scared.

We got up and walked over to the main floor to see it even more crowded than it was when we first got here,

"I can't see them!" Devyn shouted,

"Maybe we can get a better look from the stairs!" I suggest as I gesture over to the stairs.

Devyn nods and grabs my hand, leading the way and through the drunken bodies falling over the place.

We climb up to about half way on the staircase that lead to where we first came in because it was more than high enough to see over the crowd,

"There!" I yell as I point to a red head and brown hair.

Devyn spots them also and starts waving her hands in the air.

Luckly, they both spin around and notice us.

Devyn then gestures for them to come over and they do.

Doing what me and Devyn did moments ago,

Barging past the drunken people as Katrina led the way.

They finally made it out of the mosh pit and climbed the stairs.

We all climb the rest of the way up and left the club.

Even more than pass out people were outside than when we first came inside.

The fresh cold air hit my lungs and I was instantly relieved,

"Did you text Aaron?", Katrina asks me,

"Yeah I told him earlier that we would be out at like 12ish so he should probably be here soon".


We pulled into the drive and all hopped out of the car,

"What the fuck did you guys do?!" Devyn yells.

I look at her in confusion and then to where she is glaring at.

Silly string and toilet paper covering the front of the house.

I gasp and my hand flies up to my mouth.

I was shocked.

Why the hell would they do this?

Amanda leads the way as we all storm in.

Aaron had run in as soon as we got home, probably to warn the guys of us literally away to rip them to shreds,

"COREY!!" Devyn roared as soon as she opened the door.

It was so loud that my ears started ringing,

"Elton, get your ass down here now!!" Amanda shouted as she marched and placed herself at the bottom of the stairs,

"How could they do this?" Katrina sighs, still as shocked as the rest of us.

Aaron had disappeared and I could hear shuffling upstairs.

Whispers and "fuck"s,

"They're upstairs" I say and we all charge up the staircase and we hear running.

We all dart to each individual room of our childish boyfriend.

Well I'm just charging towards the childish bedroom.

I try to open the door but it is locked.

I turn to Kat who is aggressively slamming her hand against Sam's also locked door,

"Sam, open the door!" She shouted and got no response.

Somehow I was the only one who was remotely calm and thinking with reason.

I walk down the hall and past the top landing.

Reaching Aaron's room and luckily for me the door was unlocked.

I knocked and opened the door, peering inside.

Aaron sees me and backs up into the corner,

"Hey, don't worry I'm not going to kill you but the rest might," I explain as I close the door behind me and lock it.

Aaron sighs relief and sits down at his desk chair,

"Why?" I ask,

"It was a spur of the moment and we wanted to suprise you all- it just got out of hand and we didn't care because it won't all matter in a few days," Aaron said,

"I'm so confused, what won't matter in a few days?" I question,

"We booked 9 tickets," Aaron sighed.

Nine tickets?

"Wait- 9 tickets for what?" I questioned again.

Aaron sighed and then started to grin,

"We booked and bought tickets for a 3 week trip across Europe and Africa," Aaron says calmly.

My eyes go wide and I jump up with excitement,

"Oh my- are you serious?!" I exclaim.

He nods and jumps up with me,

"Yes, we wanted to suprise you but we didn't think you would act like this,"

I fly forward and hug him.

I let him go and run to the door.

Unlocking it and running out onto the landing..

..smiling brightly.

Q: shitty chapter???

for you only // colby brock [SEQUEL: ONE NIGHT] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now