By clumsylouhaz

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Its started with a short of introduced self in a letter and Louis find the letter by faith , then started to... More

20 (part 1)
20 ( part 2 )
25 ( part 2 )
epilogue ?
The End
Alternate Ending


78 3 0
By clumsylouhaz

28 October

No ones POV

It was a beautiful days , the weather is windy but it was a nice weather . It was currently 7 in the morning , Liam already up , making himself dressed and go into the hall , to see if there was any thing that he could fix . He wants it to be perfect as he wants to granted Louis and Harry wishes . He was surprised when he saw Louis standing on the middle of the hall and look at the decorations . Liam approached Louis and they stood there silently.

" Thank you for your such an amazing works Liam . " Louis said ,smiling at Liam , and Liam couldn't help but feels proud at his works .  " it's nothing really . If you guys didn't told me what you guys want, I will be blur and don't know what to do , " Liam said ,while looking around , it was indeed true , Louis and Harry have given Liam a little ideas of what they want their wedding to be , " I should be the one to thanks to you guys because its my first time to decorated wedding , let alone birthday party . its such an honor to do it  , besides , its makes me realised what I wanted to do in my future ,I wanted to be wedding planner . " Liam said happily and Louis gave him a proud smiles , " yea yea , I will support you ! Your decoration is good , I bet when people comes to our wedding , they will ask who decorated this wedding and we proudly said it was you ! So that many people will want you to decorate their wedding ! " Louis said excitedly that he almost fell but luckily Liam catches him ..

" Careful Louis , " Liam said panicky towards his best friend , Louis chuckles and put his hand on Liam hands so that he won't fell again . " let's get you sit down , " Liam said and bring Louis towards one of the chair , " I feel like an old man now , cannot stand straight ! " Louis said sighing but sat down on the chair " its not that Louis , you just weak , you probably tired , got any sleep last night ? " Liam said worriedly.

" yea , 3 or 4 hours sleep was enough , cannot sleep cause afraid I might not waking up today " Louis said sadly , Liam immediately understood him as he patted Louis shoulder ," I'm sorry mate that you've to go through all of this " Liam said sadly and hugs louis , louis just nods and hug Liam back . He didn't know he do need someone to hug him at the moment . He felt overwhelmed .  Liam then changes the subject , " oh its almost 8 ! I should wake up ni , and you go wake up your future husband to have a breakfast, now let's go , meet at the buffet later , " Liam said and he took Louis hands and they both start to walk to their room .


Louis open his door room and seeing Harry was sitting on the bed while staring towards the wall , he bites his lips also , it seems like he was nervous .  " love , " Louis said slowly as he approach harry  , Harry's gaze slowly turning to Louis and he tried to cover his nervousness by smiling at louis , his future husband in a few more hours !!  . Louis sat down besides him and took Harry's larger hand and intertwined their finger together , " hazza , you nervous ? " louis said knowingly and he chuckles when harry shook his head , " 'm not , " he said with a pout , " your hand is sweaty love , that show how nervous you have been , aww , my hazza bear '' louis said and kiss Harry's cheeks , " boo ! Stop , you didn't make things better , '' harry said blushing as Louis looks at him fondly .

" you're too cute . I can't believe I will be your husband . you're too handsome , kind , have a gorgeous smiles , oh my hazza ! You're soo perfect ! You're the one that was in my mind the whole time haz , you're the sweet creature that I'm thankful to have . Baby , I'm falling deeply in love with you ! Oh my - I should save this moment for our speech later for our wedding " Louis said as he wipes his tear that he didn't notice was falling . Harry did the same . They were  too deeply inlove with each other . nothing can separate them anymore  , not even death , cause as long as this love was existed , nothing could stop them .
'' yea , you should save that ! " harry said chuckling , he looks at louis and stare deep in louis ocean blue eyes , they were soo beautiful and shiny  . Its calm him down and said " thank you boo , " he kissed Louis hands and they smiled towards each other .

Afterward they go to buffet for  breakfast with Niam , Louis aunt and uncle , Harry's mom .   they ate happily and laughing till its 9:30 in the morning , Niam had to excuse themselves cause needs to take cakes and everything , meanwhile , louis aunts strictly said towards Harry and Louis to go to separate room to get ready so that they don't have opportunity to change their mind .
They knew there was a tradition about " the bride can't see each other a day before the wedding " , they knew it but Harry won't let Louis out of his sight cause he didn't want anything happen toward Louis . He just want to be there for Louis , so if he break the tradition , let it be as long as Louis was in his sight and fine .

They go to separate room , but not without Harry bring Louis to the room and Louis ' aunt with Louis along with Stan , " Hazza , could we change partner ? Its not like I don't like Stan but I want Zayn so that I can know him better and you can know Stan better then . what do you think ?," Louis said as he look at Stan with an apologized faces , harry think for a moment before he nods , " sure , he was in Niam room ,you wait here then , I'm going to get ready at Niam , so Stan follow me and bring my suit please !," Harry instruct Stan who chuckles at Harry's command '" alright sir , '" Stan said and took Harry's hanging suit and bring towards the door , " bye Lou , can't wait to see ya , you look beautiful babe so don't make up that much  ,since you're a girl in this relationships, a lipstick should be just fine , " Harry teased and smirk at blushy Louis ,

" just go haz , see you in a moment . " Louis said while pushing Harry out of the door " Alex , take care of him ! If anything happen , call me ! My phone always in my hand so don't hesitate ! " Harry quick to adds and Louis just shook his head fondly , Harry was in protective mood that Louis likes . once Harry out of sight and Louis chuckles and smiling soo wide that his cheeks hurt .

" that is beautiful relationship that you got there Lou ! " Alex remarks with a smile , Louis just nods and sat on the bed , he stare at his suit and smiles , I wish my family was here to see me , I wish my dad was the one walk with me down on the aisle , I wish my sister was the flowers girl , I wish my mom was here to tie the tie around my necks , Louis thought , he smiled sadly and took a deep breath , " you look sad , why ? '' Alex approach him and took a sit beside him while pulling his hand towards her hands .

" Nah , I just wish my family was here . But I am grateful to have my lovely aunts and uncles . Thank you aunty Alex , for being here with me instead of going to business trip , I know you're such a successful woman and you must have a lot of works to do so thank you . " Louis said smiling at Alex and Alex smiled at him while giving a nods ,

" no need to thank me Louis , you're like my son now , so I'm glad you let me treat you like my son even for while .... I'm pretty sure they are watching you up there Louis , and don't ever think that you're alone and don't have a family , you have all of us . Soon , you got your husband to create such a beautiful memories , I do pray everyday , wishing you receive a miracle from god above ..we don't know what god plans for us , so , don't lose hope okay ? " Alex said with tear in her eyes , Louis hugs her and whisper thank you and I won't .

But the hugs lasted the moment they heard someone knocked their doors , probably Zayn . Louis got up from his seat and open the door , reveal Zayn with a smiley face , " aye ! Ready for today , tommo ? " he greats while hugging Louis , " absolutely . come in !  Since I don't have hair , we've got a lot of time , so let's have a talk instead ! " Louis said while closing the door , " oh , aunt ? Can you ... " " oh ! Sure ! I can go prepare myself ! But if you need help , call me !! Okay ? Zayn , right ? Take care of him ! "  Alex said as she took her handbag and hugs Louis on the way out . Now its just left Louis and Zayn , Zayn awkwardly stood beside Louis , and that was when the talk started and it was secret between them .


The guest arrived at the wedding hall with an awe face as they are impressed with the decoration . Harry's mom and Louis' uncle and aunt begun to welcome the guests. The guest list consist of friends, cousins, relatives and other people , Zayn and Stan also welcome the guest that they know for Louis and Harry behalf , so that the guest wont feel lost if they dont know any person in this hall. 

Liam and Niall was getting ready of some stuff that they prepared,  well they being a best man for the couples so obviously they have to prepared themselves,  " do you think,  they will like this?  I'm nervous as hell!  " Niall whines and start to look at his guitar for plenty of times like the strings will flew off , Liam chuckles and held Niall face gently before kissing him sweetly,  '' love , I have heard you play before,  and it was amazing.  Its even make me cry when I editing the videos for them while listening the song of yours on my phone.  So,  i'm sure,  they will like it as much as I do.  Okay,  now lets go,  we need to be the best man for both of them,  " Liam smiles and Niall also smile as Liam smile was contagious , they both letting out of nervous sigh before going out of the backstage to face the guest, 

" Welcome to Louis and Harry wedding ! I am Liam Payne and this is my fiance , Niall Horan.  We both are the best man of Louis and Harry.  So,  the groom looking nervous there,  are you okay Harry?  " Liam smirked toward Harry who sat down on the chair as he was waiting for the priest and his beautiful husband to do a vow.  Hell,  he was nervous !

" don't tease him Liam ! One day,  you will be like him too,  you know?  " Niall said chuckling and the audience laugh happily , " oops,  sorry Harry.  Well,  now the priest is here so why don't we start?  " Liam said smiling as he look around and saw some chairs already full of guest and the priest was here already so why dont they start it? 

" okay now,  let the priest take over,  we will talk later after the vows complete " Niall said as they start to walk down off the stage and stand the side of the stage . " Upon all the guests arrival, the moment has come for the union of two hearts " the priest said smiling at Harry who awkwardly or nervously stand in front of the priest and look around like a lost puppy,  " don't be nervous, it will be alright " the priest said smiling and Harry let out a nervous chuckles,  then all the guest rose up for the bridal merch .
As the main door opened the bride walk in Louis was being sent away by his uncle , as they walk, Louis and Harry shared a gaze that they didn't see the people around them,  they only see each other. 

Harry was staring at Louis with awe and admiration , with a love eyes that Niall always teased him about when he looked at Louis,  his eyes automatically turns into love eyes like the emoji.  Upon arriving at the wedding altar Harry went to fetch Louis from his uncle while whispering thank you towards Louis uncle , they both walk in in front of the priest and start to look at each other, 

" ready?  " the priest said slowly as he want only both of them to hear,  they both nods and the priest nods,  "Today we are gathered here for the union of two hearts becoming one , now,  without any further , the groom can say his vows,  " the priest said and gave microphone towards Harry,  Harry held it and one of his hand holding Louis hands,  " In the name of God, I, Harry Edward Styles,  take you, Louis William Tomlinson, to be my wedded husband , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. That is my solemnvow." Harry said nervously as he read the vow of the priest holding,  the priest nods and Harry gave Louis the microphone. 

Louis held it and start to read his vows,  "In the name of God, I, Louis William Tomlinson , take you, Harry Edward Styles, to be my wedded husband , to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until parted by death. That is my solemnvow." Louis said with a smile and give the microphone back to the priest,  "now , you both are officially married , you may now ,  take off your glove and put on the rings , " the priest said and Liam quick to be by Harry side to give the ring towards Harry and Harry took it carefully to not drop them,  and put on Louis fingers perfectly. 

Now,  its Louis turns to put on the ring on Harry's finger,  Niall gave the ring towards Louis and Louis also carefully not to drop it and put on the rings,   After exchanging their wedding vows, the priest said " you may kiss your bride Mrs Styles " the newly married couple kiss with a smile on the face and the guest claps their hands happily. After kissing , they stood there looking at each other with a fonds and they can't stop smiling,  afterwards,  they looked at the guest and smiling happily as they see some of his friends,  family and relative was there to share the cherish moment of their marriage .

" before you go to your sit , do you have a speech that you want to share ?  " Niall said as he got the microphone back and walk toward the stage to stand by the newly married couple , and Louis and Harry nods shyly , " yes we do.  " they said on the microphone that was being held by Niall,  " okay,  now let's listen to Harry first " Niall said and give the microphone toward Harry, 

" thank you Niall , I would like to thank the guest for coming here,  my mom,  thanks for raising me and taking care of me with full of love.  My friends,  thanks for being my friends even though I'm not a very social person.  To Liam,  Niall , Stan and Zayn thank you for helping us get ready. We will talk later lads.  Now,  First of all,  I love you Louis Styles.  Second of all,  I love you Louis styles!  " Harry burst of laugh and the guest also laugh at his sudden laugh,  " I'm sorry,  I just .. I'm happy to call his name,  Louis Styles!  Am I dreaming?  Not like I'm not happy to call his name before but this was different.  Okay let's move on..  Thank you Louis for being awesome and notice me.  If you ignore the piece of paper of my number inside some random books,  we won't be here but as you have said before,  it's was a faith that book fall on the tops of your heads even though the bookshelf was too high from your reach considering you was on the wheelchair that time... But I'm glad you're the one who find it .. And then boom,  we got to know each other,  we play 20 question,  then we hang out then yea,  you propose .. The propose,  I never will forget about it.  If some of you don't know , you can go watch it on YouTube!  He propose me on my video works and yea.. We shared a lot of memories together,  through thick and thins we shared together,  we face together,  even though we got to know each other for 10 months,  but I feel like I have known you a long time ago. I feel comfortable with you for the shortest time, and that's when I know,  I have a huge crush on you.  I've start to have feeling to care about you , worries about you when you didn't answer my phone call even though on third call I almost go to your house to check on you,  but you answer and said '" I was in the toilet so calm down I'm fine!  " " Harry said while mocking Louis voice,  thats make the guest laugh,  and when the laugh settle down,  Harry continues " I know he was also scared of not answering my calls cause he know what I was like,  I  will come to his house even though I'm in the class and that's means I will skipped my study just for him and he don't like that,  he said " education is important so please don't skip it!  "  well,  that is the moment I know he will be a good dad to our children and that's when I realized,  I want to have family with him , I want to have him as mine , I love him , I start to have protective side for him ,I know he secretly like this side of me.  So...  Yeah,  we engaged and few month later here we are.  Louis , thank you for accepting my love,  thank you for letting me to feel love by you,  thank you for making me understand of the meaning of live.  thank you for everything Louis.  I love you soo much,  nothing can separate us,  not even death as long as this love existed.  forever and always!   " Harry said with a smile and kiss Louis lips,  the guest clap their hands with a smile " that's beautiful Harry.  Now,  it's Louis turn!  " Liam said with a smile . 

" thanks Liam...  I love you too Harry Styles.  You're sweet creature that I want to keep forever,  your smiles bring my day brighter even though you know I'm sick...  You never give up on me!  I thought if I end the relationship that we have that time,  you will live happily with someone else,  that who wasn't dying like me... But you didn't know I was sick and you try your best to make our relationship stay and yea after a lot of promising to each other,  I started to feel your love that you gave me.  Then,  I proposed you cause I love you so much that I don't want anyone to steal you away from me.  So we engaged .. Soon,  you know about my sickness,  I was scared you will break the engagement and I go home worriedly but instead of what I expected you to do,  you welcome me with a warm hugs and even sing to me,  you try your best to not crying in front of me.  " you're my sunshine,  my only sunshine,  you make me happy,  when skies are grey,  you will never know dear,  how much I love you... Please don't take...  My sunshine away..  " " Louis sang the song that Harry sing the moment he know about Louis sickness. The hall was silent , all of the audience trying so hard to not make a sound like they are crying.  They did cry  . The newly married couple also cried. 

" uh.. I'm not supposed to said that I guess cause,  now you guys cried...  Its happy day but I make you guys cry..  I'm sorry " Louis said with chuckle and wipes his tears,  the audience quietly said " no,  it's okay , keep going "  then Louis continues " alright...  I will continue... Then the moment you know the truth,  you start to take care of me,  you start to look after me,  thank you for not giving up on me.  Thank you for choosing me to be your husband,  thank you for everything that you've done to me Harry.  I love you and I'm soo lucky to have you in my life.  To my uncle and aunt,  thank you for taking care of me when I lost my family.  Thank you soo much . To my friends,  thank you for coming here,instead of practicing upcoming games which is next week,  I'll help you guys practice later!  . " the football teams started to cheer and Louis smiles at that,  " to Liam and Niall,  thank you for being our best man,  you guys did a great jobs and for all of you guys information , this wedding was being handle by Liam Payne , so if you guys are impressed with his work,  please do meet him and ask for his contact!  Thank you!  "Louis end his speech cause he didn't want to continue his speech cause he don't want to cry infront of them,  he end it with a bow and wipe his husband tears and kiss him.

Then the newly married couple had their wedding merch towards their sits as the guest claps their hands until they sat down on their sit,  "okay,  now let's cheer up ! now,  as the vows have completely done , the speech by both couples already done,  you guys can eat the food that was on your tables while listening to us . Urm,  Liam,  I think you should start first.  " Niall said toward Liam and Liam nod and continues  .

" I've known Harry since primary school,  he sat alone at lunch with his cute owl lunchbox , so I aproached him and ask his name,  at first he was shy and all but soon we talk a lot for a few weeks ,  then this leprechaun comes to our table and start to talk with us without introduce himself,  until he realise he didn't introduce himself when he takes one of our food,  he was like " oh!  I'm Niall by the way,  and you guys seem fun so friend?  " and just like that,  all of us becomes friends.  Everything we did it together.  Harry,  never do a relationship at school. He never dates.  Like on Valentine's day,  he mostly stay in his room while playing games,  I quotes him saying " why go on boring dates when you can enjoy playing games?  " " the audience chuckles and Harry blushed but pout when Louis chuckles at him but soon the pout turn into fond as he look at his beautiful husband smile. 

" he was different and I like that attitude of him.  Nobody is perfect so we have no right to judge anyone personality . Even though the whole school look him as a weirdo but I'm actually proud of being his friend cause he was being himself and not caring about what people say, he full of positiveness and yea.  That's Harry styles for ya.  Embarrassing moment that Harry have?  I wish I have one - oh wait!  I have!  He have a curly hair before and everytime when he feeling sleepy,  he always play with his curls till the class finished,  but you know what happen to his hair after the class finishes?  His curls turns into some kind of balls that teacher notice it and start to say " I know my class is boring,  but you dont have to make a ball on your hair!  " the whole class was laughing at him and yes thats all..   Hope you enjoy your food,  thank you!  " Liam finish his speech and smile, 

" Stan?  You want to have a speech about Louis?  " Niall asked Stan and Stan said " no.  My throat hurts " Stan said in husky voice,  Niall chuckles and continue " since Stan don't have a voice to talk about Louis,  let's continue then.  I'm sorry Louis.  I just want to save some times so yes..   Now,  let's continue with me!  Umm,  I've written a song a long time ago,  and its about both of  you.. I don't know if you guys like it or not but do like it cause yea...  Liam helped me write this,  and oh,!  We also have a video for you guys so yea..  Listen and watch the video..  Should we start ? " Niall said at Liam who was ready to play the start button. 

Niall sat on the chair in the middle of stage with his guitar on his laps and microphone was set in front of him.  Louis and Harry was speechless but they are excited too.  " this song titles is Flicker . " Niall start to play his guitar and the video start,  it's show the video of Louis and Harry cuddles on the sofa

When you feel your love's been taken ,
When you know there's something missing ,
In the dark, we're barely hangin' on ,
Then you rest your head upon my chest ,
And you feel like there ain't nothing left
I'm afraid that what we had is gone ,

The video show Harry blowing out the candles of his birthday cake and Louis start to smashed Harry face with cakes. 

Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave

The videos show Louis and Harry was playing bubbles and then they start to look at each other fondly and they started to dancing  . Louis and Harry have no idea how Niall get all of this moment. 

When you lay there and you're sleeping
Hear the patterns of your breathing
And I tell you things you've never heard before
Asking questions to the ceiling
Never knowing what you're thinking
I'm afraid that what we had is gone

The video show Harry was laying on the bed and look at the ceiling with tears running down , then Louis and Harry on their happiest days,  they was smiling,  cuddling and even the part where Louis shaved Harry's hair also in there.

Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave

And I want this to pass
And I hope this won't last
Last too long

Then I think of the start
And it echoes a spark
And I remember the magic electricity
Then I look in my heart
There's a light in the dark
Still a flicker of hope that you first gave to me
That I wanna keep
Please don't leave
Please don't leave

The end of the videos was Louis and Harry wedding hall and wow,  how they can edit this such beautiful video . Soon, the song ended and everyone claps their hand.  It was a good performance and its also make the audience cry because of the sweet song and sweet memories that Louis and Harry have.  Niall and Liam said thank you and that was how the wedding goes. 

After eating,  Louis and Harry decided to have a chat with every tables if possible.. That's how the wedding goes,  full of happiness and full of sweet memories that they have got.  And this was the memories that Harry and Louis won't forget. 

How was it ? '(*∩_∩*)′  long chapter huh?  Haha!  Next chapter will be second last chapter or maybe an epilogue.  So, yea,  lots of love,  Az (っ´▽')っ

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