Kings And Pawns {Mavin Fanfic}

بواسطة The-Mad-Queen

11.4K 512 95

The Mad King has ruled for years. Like a dictatorship, no one has been able to overthrow him. Not even the be... المزيد

Chapter 1 -- The Two Musketeers
Chapter 2 -- Edgar
Chapter 3 -- Bad Luck
Chapter 4 -- Race Against Time
Chapter 5 -- Wait For It
Chapter 6 -- Knock Knock
Chapter 7 -- I'm Sorry
Chapter 8 -- Visitor
Chapter 10 -- One More Time
Chapter 11 -- My Boi
Chapter 12 -- Not Careful Enough
Chapter 13 -- Potions
Chapter 14 - Rise and Fall
Chapter 15 -- Don't Do That Again
Chapter 16 -- I Love It When You Say That
Chapter 17 -- It's Hot In Here
Chapter 18 -- Can We Not
Chapter 19 -- Rosethorns
Chapter 20 -- Demise

Chapter 9 -- Rage Quit

479 24 2
بواسطة The-Mad-Queen

Chapter 9

{Gavin's POV}

My breath caught.

My heart stopped.

My voice didn’t work.

My head was nearly spinning.

He had been the one to remove the arrow.

He had saved my life.

He . . .

Cared for me.

I looked from the arrow to Mogar, completely shocked. I couldn’t speak. I couldn’t tell him thank you.

In fact . . .

I sort of felt rage.

Why hadn’t he told me?

Why was it such a secret?!

Mogar put the arrow back in his back, then turned to me. “Listen. I was not here. If the King finds out I was, he’ll have your head. Understand?”

“No, I really don’t! What did you save me for! Lindsay was doing perfectly fine!”

Mogar was suddenly in my face, his expression stern. “You ungrateful fuck, I saved your life! Lindsay – her name was Lindsay? – was, in fact, not doing so happy-go-fucking-lucky, and you would have been dead as hell, understand?!”

I felt shocked. I somewhat remembered him being easily angered, and always ranting, but he had never turned on anyone like this. And still, I managed to kindle the fire.

“Me, ungrateful?! I’m glad to be alive, sure, but you didn’t have to lie!” I spat back at him, trying to push him away. Of course, he stood solid as a rock.

He straightened, glanced at Edgar, then back at me. “You say one more thing like that, and she’s dead.” His face didn’t waver as he spoke. “Understand?”

I suddenly felt weak again. He had been so nice, and now I just went and taunted him into this. I looked down sheepishly, nodding.

He kept up the act, storming out the door. “Good.” He said, nearly sneering, then slammed the door behind him.

I stood in the dark again.



{Mogars POV}

That British fuck!

I was trying to be nice, trying to help him!

And he went and threw my grace back at me!

I nearly stomped my way back to the Royal Court, fuming. My face was probably almost as red as my hair, and my hand clenched over my sword’s hilt, making my knuckles white.

I was pissed.

He looked so nice. So happy. So . . . good for me.

I felt bad for him.

And now I was angry.


And ready to kill him.

But I didn’t want to.

Somewhere, deep inside, it felt like I had been friends with him. And he had been good.

Good for me.

I probably wasn’t a murderous knight back then, either.

I stormed into the court, finding the king at the throne. As usual, he was letting his little black dragon weave in and out between his fingers. The thing scared me. It was almost as powerful as Edgar. It was a strange little force – made up of shadows and deceit. I feel like he made it out of the betrayal he created when he became king.

By overthrowing me.

I ignored the thoughts, looking up at him. “Is there anything you need?” I growled.

“Oh, something bothering you?” The king asked coyly, looking down at me. “Got a little lady friend who’s too afraid to even look at you?”

I scowled, adverting my gaze. “No. In fact, quite the contrary. You’re suspicions were right – he does have Edgar.”

“Well of course he does, Mogar!”  The king sighed, sitting up straight. “He was the one to return all the cows!”

I nodded. “Yes, but it could have been that Ray, too. It was good to check.”

The king raised an eyebrow. “You visited the man?”

“Ga- er, the one holding Edgar? Yes.”

“Mogar, I told you not to engage.”

“I didn’t touch him.” I snorted, watching the king warily. I was slightly afraid of what he would do if he found out I talked to the man. Or even knew his name.

“Listen, Mogar. It’s understandable if you wanted to see him. He probably was your friend.” The king sounded sympathetic, then turned to me, cold again. “But he’s not anymore. Whatever little thing you have for him -“

“I do not have a thing for him!” I interrupted.

The king glared at me. “You will not interrupt me. But, either way, whatever friendship you had – it’s gone. It doesn’t exist. Understand?”

I nodded, turning away from the royal court.

I don’t have feelings for the man.

Don’t I?


Ohhh god it’s so short it’s not even funny. Only like 700 words.

My goal was 1000 or so, but that didn’t happen this hour.

Maybe next hour I can write another chapter?

Also, guys, I’d love any suggestions you have <:

I want to throw in a bit of R+R Connection, maybe some other ships if you guys want them.

I have a couple more plans, some as if to how we get Mavin to happen. Some of them include a cave and lava, others a bunch of mobs. I don’t know, either way, I’ll probably incorporate both of them.

Anyways, I see we almost have 70+ reads! Oh my god, you guys, thank you so much! It’s not a lot, but it is to me! I love that you guys are, well, loving it!

I really hope you guys are enjoying so far. I’d love suggestions owo

Thank yaaaa


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