Chapter 11 -- My Boi

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Chapter 11

{Gavin's POV}

I dragged the dead animal by one of its many tails, a small trail of blood following it through the grass. I led Ash by the reins, tethering her to a stake outside my house.

The kitsune must have bleed out in the bush, because I found it gushing fresh blood, dead as a stone. It puzzled me as to why I had barely skimmed it and the wound had been so deep, but it must have been forced perspective. Although it should have died on the spot then . . .

I looked down at the animal. It had a bright white pelt, with nine, full-grown fluffy tails extending form one point at the flanks. Its paws were tiny compared to the body, and it had an extremely pointed muzzle, indicating it was of fox-like origin.

I pulled open the door, setting the animal down near the front, as I intended to take it to the market later.

I sighed proudly, shutting the front door behind me and turning. “Hey Edgar! Look what I-“

My voice stopped.

I glanced around the room frantically, my confidence suddenly replaced with worry.

It had been a week, hadn’t it?

So had they taken her?

I rushed to the bed, finding where she had been this morning still warm.

No, they couldn’t have. They would have found and killed me. The King would have had me hanged or fed to Geoff’s dogs.

So . . .

“She ran away.” I let the words slip from my mouth, letting them fall just like my hopes.

If they found out I had let her go so easily, they would think I had set her free. That I had given up, and practically wanted to die.

I stumbled onto the bed, finally sitting down and folding my hands.

I was going to die.

I was going to-

“Hey, Gavin.”

The familiar voice was nearly music to my ears. My head shot up, and my heart sunk.

It was Mogar.

Why wasn’t I happy?

The bear-hooded man clutched a diamond sword in his hand, and he had a stern look on his face.

“Where’d you put Edgar?” He growled.

I darted to a stand, feeling like the first time we met. “Listen, Mogar, I just got home from a hunt and she was missing. I thought you took her already.” Well, half of it was true.

Mogar looked at me crazily. “You let her go?!”

I yelped slightly. “N-no . . .  I just . . . lost track of her?”

“And you let her escape.”

“Escape? I wasn’t holding her bloody hostage.”

“Oh, quit it, will you? That’s another problem I have to deal with now.” Mogar scoffed, looking at his sword, then at me. His expression changed from stern to at least relaxed. “Listen, I’ll make you a deal.”

I nodded weakly. If it meant I could live another day, find a way to escape, then I’d take my chances.

“Until we find Edgar,” Mogar glared at me, pausing, “until, and no later, I will not kill you. That doesn’t mean I won’t have slip ups.” He said, tossing his sword from hand to hand. “So don’t push it.”

I sighed, then thought again. “Wait, we?”

He laughed – strange when he used to be so stern just a minute ago. “Yeah, we. You’ll end up doing something stupid again, and if you do, I have the right to . . . well, you know.” He glanced at his sword again, a faint smile still on his lips. “Use this.”

I tensed. “Al . . . alright?” Was he really offering to take me somewhere? Or was he just chasing me out of town so my blood wouldn’t be spilled out in the open?

I blinked, and jumped back, finding the tip of Mogar’s sword in my face.

“Try anything funny, and this goes in your neck.”

I couldn’t tell if that was a threatening growl or a playful one.

I assumed not the latter.


{Michael’s POV}

“I’m actually glad you came along.”

“The only reason I extended your deadline is because I wanted a little more time with you.”

“I’m actually glad that Edgar ran – we have more time together.”

I wish I could have the courage to say those things.

But I didn’t.

We trudged along the forest, the sun high in the sky as it glittered of the greens and yellows and reds of the forest. Flowers grew everywhere, the trees were coated in vines, and the air buzzed with mosquitoes and other bugs. I slapped my neck at one, growling, as Gavin giggled, then squealed as one bit him on the arm. A few ocelots in the trees glanced down at us, but made no other movement.

I kept a stern face most of the time. He had to think that I was here only on business, and nothing more.

Every once in a while, Gavin would get bored with our current course – even though we were clearly following the tracks—and semi-wander off. He nearly ran into a tree the one time, almost fell into a lake the other, and now was yet again going to get into trouble.

I rolled my eyes as he tripped over something – probably a miniscule pebble of some sort – and neatly caught him on the arm, pulling him back up with a grunt. He clutched my arm for a second, blushing, then shook himself off and became serious again. That made me laugh lightly.

At around sundown, we managed to find the tracks leading to – of all places – a dark hole in the ground.

“How ironic.” I muttered.

“Damn.” Gavin said, looking down the cave. He stood a mere foot away from it, and I already had an arm tensed in case the idiot decided to fall before I wanted to push him.

I sighed, picking a path that would lead us down. As I mapped out my descent, I turned to reach into my bag, grabbing a couple unlit torches. Turning around, I said, “Hey, Gavin, you’re going to need-“

“Mogar, you’re really slow.” I heard the British accent echo. I whipped my head around, finding Gavin already at the floor of the cave.

I hopped down, my sword extended as I scanned the darkness, lighting a torch in my other hand. Seeing that we had yet to come across monsters or myths, I spun around, pointing the sword at him. “This is the kind of thing that makes me want to push you into lava.”

Gavin seemed afraid at first, then giggled. “Oh, Mogar, you silly sausage.”

I let my sword back down, sheathing it and sighing. “Please, call me Michael.”

My words seemed to take him aback slightly, but he regained himself quickly. “Alright, Michael, my boi! Let’s go!” He thought for a moment. “As my friend Ray would have said, llllet’s play!” He raised a fist in the air, then took a torch and led the way.

I smiled, keeping a torch in one hand and a firm grip on my sword in the other.

My Boi!

I liked that.

I liked that a lot.


Oh my jesus look at this 1200 words!

And look! Two chapters in 1 day!

I'm so proud of myself!

Now, let's see if I decide to push gavin into lava or michael into a bunch of mobs.

Or both.


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