Chapter 7 -- I'm Sorry

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Chapter 7 

{Gavin's POV}

I creaked open my eyes again.

The pain was gone still, and I felt like I could move. I didn't risk it, however.

The light had drastically changed -- it was now sundown. I glanced around. Lindsay had left, but Ray sat at the edge of my bed, Edgar in the corner of the room sleeping peacefully.

I sat up straight, carefully scooting myself upwards without moving my leg. Even then, it felt healed. Fine. Perfect.

Ray's head whipped around, and his signature smile was back. "Vav! You're awake!"

I smiled, and gave a fake fist pump. "Yeah, woo-hoo." I laughed. "Thanks, really. I don't think I would have made it without you."

Ray cocked an eyebrow. "Wait, what? I was away the entire time."

I bit my tongue slightly. "But, wait. Weren't you the one who gave me the stuff that healed me?"

Ray shook his head. "Nah, that was Lindsay."

I narrowed my eyes, but waved it off. I must have hallucinated something. Of some sort. Somehow.

"Anyways . . ." Ray said, trailing off slightly before starting up again. "It seems whatever Lindsay gave you pretty much healed your entire leg. You shouldn't feel anything at all."

I slowly moved my leg, careful at first, but quickly realizing it didn't hurt at all. 

“Think I can stand?”

Ray nodded, standing to help me up just in case.

I appreciated the help, but found that I could easily stand by myself. No matter the amount of pressure I put on it, there wasn’t pain.

I glanced around the room. “Where’s Edgar?”

“’Dunno. She scampered off right after I left, apparently.”

 I sighed, picking up my sling of arrows and swinging it over my shoulder. "How long as I out for?"

"Most of the day. It's sunhigh right now, so you haven't been out too long. However, you almost died on Lindsay -- twice apparently." Ray shrugged.

I held the small bow in my hand, switching hands to test its weight. "Alright. Is the warning still up?"

"For the Manticores? No. Mogar must've taken care of them."

My breath caught slightly at the thought of Mogar -- I hadn't seen him in ages. Was he really still around?


I jumped slightly. "Yeah?"

"Quit spacing out like that. It's actually pretty scary after you just . . . you know, almost died."

I sighed, glancing at Ray and smiing. "I'll be fine. I think I'm just going to go out for a little." I started up again before Ray could protest. "In the city, I mean."

"Okay, but I'm coming with you." Ray stated. "I don't want you tripping over another pebble into a fucking lava pit or some shit."

I laughed. "I'm more worried about you getting distracted by a bunch of roses and jumping off a bloody cliff."

Ray gave a mock shocked expression. "Gavin! You know what I would do for roses!"

I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah, let's go."

Ray laughed, jumping up from his leaning position against the wall and opening the door. "Where to?"

I shrugged. "Anywhere. Town square?"

Ray nodded. "C'mon, the horses are tethered outside."


{Still Gav's POV soooo}

I tied Ash's reins to a small post outside the town square. The town square was a huge expanse of shops and homes -- the most faumous being Geoff's huge 'monolith'. It had long been abandoned and left alone, but it still stood in pristine condition in the middle of the square. Jack, one of the king's servants, used to live on the outskirts of the square, but his home was turned into a B&B a long time ago. 

Ray tethered Verizon right next to Ash, and then turned to me. "Looks like a crowd." He pointed to a small gathering in the center of the square. 

Sure enough, a huge crowd gathered. 

I saw two horses -- royal horses, no mistake. They were adorned in purple cloths and jewels, and had armor on their flanks. 

I made my way through the crowd, igrnoring Ray. 

Something was off. 

I reached close enough to the front as to where I could see. 

My breath caught, and I froze. 

There was Geoff. And Jack -- a bearded lad with a foreign-style armor. And Mogar. 

All standing in front of -

"The King." I breathed. 

He was royal and regal, robed in royal purple and black-and-white furs. Atop his blonde-brown hair-covered head was a golden crown with thousands of jewels. 

Around his arm hovered a tiny black dragon, intent on the staring at the crowd. 

"- And, in due time, we'll send a search party." The Mad King continued, scanning the group. "Edgar has been taken from the pens -- along with every single cow ever taxed. It is important that Edgar is returned." He looked down at the crowd, seeming to lock eyes with me. "Before she causes any more damage."

I gulped, feeling Ray behind me. 

"Dude, talk later. Not now." He muttered. I knew what he meant. 

We had taken Edgar -- and we knew it. 

"And, if Edgar is not returned within the week," The King spoke louder, tearing his gaze away from me and towards Mogar. "We have plans for those who hid her."

Mogar stared straight. Scanning the crowd. 

And finding me.

His face changed from sterness to softness, and suddenly mouthed a word. 

The Mad King noticed, and the dragon wrapped around the King's arm hissed, and Mogar immediately turned stern again. 

I watched him for a moment, my eyes searching his face for more emotion. All I could see were his brown eyes under his red curls. And how they looked longing. Standing out from the rest of his stern face were those two pools of chocolate brown. 

I grabbed Ray and turned.

Running towards the horses. 

All I could think of was the thing he had told me. 

"I'm Sorry."


Hey guys I really apologize for the suckish and late update

I hope it's long enough <:

I had testing all last week and was stuck in a tiny room with 99.9% people I hate and then .1% people I actually semi-approve of and/or like and somehow came out of that day with a scrape on my shoulder and a huge fucking bruise on my leg.




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