Pink hair and a broken heart

By Writingrockstar316

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Seliel is well....normal. She's like us. A fan of the ninja. Espissaily of the Black one. She has posters, he... More

Chapter 1. Humble beginnings
Chapter 2. Pins and needles
SO super big news(Please Read)
Chapter 3. Costumes
Chapter 4. Metallic interruption
Chapter 5. Eclipse
Chapter 6. Jungle hunt
Chapter 7. Armored dresses
Chapter 8. Marble mother
Chapter 9. Into the ground
Chapter 10. And then there were two
Chapter 11. Blue hair
Chapter 12. Insight
Chapter 13. Imbalance
Chapter 14. Heartbeat
Chapter 15. Cave secrets
Chapter 16. Comeback
Chapter 17. Clifftops
Chapter 18. Haunted and hunted
Chapter 19. Hero time
Chapter 20. Capital funds
Chapter 21. Threats
Chapter 22. Power play
Chapter 23. Role models
Chapter 24. Children and Childhoods
Chapter 25. Dearly departed
Chapter 27. Pressure points
Chapter 28. Farewell friends
Chapter 29. The last recording
Chapter 30. The purple lady
Epilogue: Ninjas and tombstones

Chapter 26. Mind over form

47 4 26
By Writingrockstar316

{Location: 1st and Main}(Seliel's POV)[Months later]

I can't be late. I can't get caught either. I push myself through crowds of people to get to the stage. I still have a hard time believing my eyes. There's a small party in my honor. All volunteers, no influence from my Dad or anything. Well, I guess it isn't technically my honor but the Phantom Ninja's. I climb on the back of the stage and quietly place myself next to my Dad.

He smiles at me, "Glad you could make it," He checks his watch, "And 5 minutes ahead of time."

"Wait, what?" I look at mine. 1:15. The ceremony should have started by now.

"I may have set your watch ahead." Dad snickers under his breath.

I half roll my eyes as people run around taking care of small last minute details, "Thanks for keeping me on track."

Dad pulls me into a small side hug, "Anything for my little girl."

"Who's not so little anymore." Ironically, and with my heels, I've got a small inch on him.

Dad sighs a little, "I know. You're all grown up, with a college degree...and still living in my house."

I shake my head as a crowd gathers, "I'm looking. It's just I kinda need a job first."

"I thought volunteering at the station was enough."

"Yeah, I may have gotten the boot after the whole Crown Que," I smirk as a panel of glass passes me.

I sorta look like Mom. I have a long blue skirt, a tight light blue tank top and a thin light grey sweater with my black high heels. My hair is tied into a long braid over my shoulder.

Dad lets go as the crowd thickens, "I'm sure things will start to work out."

"I have a feeling you're right." I watch as people find their places. Maybe I could find a place with AJ. After doing a little job hunting of course.

Soon Dad steps up to the stand, taps the mic a few times as the crowd quiets down. He clears his throat and holds up his notecards, "We are here, today, one of the first few days of spring, the time of renewing, for a renewing of our own." He changes cards as the curtain ruffles behind him, "At this time last year, our home was played by ruffians lead by people we once trusted."

Some people boo and hiss.

Dad lets them get it out then flips to the next card, "But this year. Someone came through for us. Someone with quick wit and courage chased off the Yellow Tiger Gang."

Now there are cheers. I try really hard to not smile too much. I remember my cue and pull out my phone then pull up my texting app.

"Someone dispute a ruff and a mysterious start has continued their good work in our high mountain home. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to introduce for the first time in public, The Phantom Ninja." Dad steps back as the Phantom Ninja pushes through the red curtain.

She waves as she walks to the stand.

My eyes flicker down to my seat as some chairs are set behind us. I type as fast as my thumbs will let me.

The Phantom Ninja warms their throat, "Thank you." Then takes a deep breath, "I have no words. I never expected this," he points around to everyone and the decorations, "When I set out that first night...well, I think it was a night no one expected."

I shake out my thumbs as I ready then next paragraph.

"That night, when the nindroids attacked." The crowd gets quiet as the Phantom Ninja pauses, "I'm not gonna lie, that night stunk. We lost a beloved member of our community, we lost parts of our mine, lost parts of our homes. But that was wrong." The Phantom Ninja slams her fist down, "It wasn't fair to us, someone should have prevented it. I don't know about you, but was anyone else expecting a few more well-known heroes to save us."

The crowd nods and murmurs.

"But the past is the past," The Phantom Ninja looks straight ahead, away from the holo notes I'm sending her, "That attack was the first of many scars. Scars like the Yellow Tigers, Edward Nom, Jordan Nom, Victor Crown and let's not forget about the battalion of serpentine."

I type, 'stop,' and, 'listen,' but she keeps going as the crowd quiets down a little more.

"Scars. They aren't by accident or mistake, the scarce our town has are battle scars. And all any kind of scars is a show of strength." The Phantom Ninja pauses as I look up, "Scars show that we went through something tragic and came out stronger. It is horrible that we had to lose even one life during the attacks but look at us now. We survived. We came out stronger than our trials. We honor those who were overwhelmed, we remember how they influence and taught us, but we can't forget our own strength. Sometimes, I think that we need to be our own heroes."

I blink a few times. I had planned for that to go in a different direction but this one seems more satisfying.

The crowd then erupted into a cheer.

Small blue tulips are tossed on stage.

The Phantom Ninja rubs the back of her neck, "Thank you." She turns around and disappears behind the curtain.

Dad takes over again as I tiptoe behind the curtain. I follow the Phantom Ninja to my Mom's old clinic then lock the door.

I turn around as the Phantom Ninja closes the blinds, "What were you thinking? Why'd you go off script?"

The Phantom Ninja pulls off her helmet to show AJ's messy brown hair, "Wow, this thing is hot. How do you not suffocate under this thing?"

"Answer the question." I place my hands on my hips as AJ pulls off the armor.

AJ sits down to pull off the boots, "I know. I went off on purpose though," She holds her hands up as I'm this close to blowing up, "It's only, you were going to have me say something about the Ninja abandoning us. How we can't depend on anyone."

"But it's true, they didn't come for us."

"Yeah, but, I think we all needed a reminder of who we are." AJ sets the boots aside as I huff.

"Ok, fine, you did deliver an okayish good speech," I fold my arms as AJ pulls off the breastplate.

AJ turns around to show off a blue police uniform, a little wrinkled but brand new, "It's a compliment of sorts," She grabs her hat from a chair then tips it up, "So I'll take it."

"So," I reach down to grab my breastplate, "How was it? Scary? Exciting?"

AJ walks around and ties my armor on with me, "A bit of both. But it was nice getting the crowd to shift moods like that."

"Something I may have to try." I hold still as AJ ties the strings together. "At least I'll get to do some autographing."

"At least." AJ snickers.

Then something crashes outside.

AJ and I kick our getting me dressed time up a notch. AJ turns the safety off her gun as my fingers glide over to my smoke bombs.

Then try bursting out the door only to run into the door.

I change the lock, "Oh yeah." Now we burst out dramatically to see people making a large circle around something. Only the crowd is too thick.

AJ and I make a U-turn and climb up onto the roof to look over.

And I'm not sure about what I see.

I spot two people, one male with a mix of grey clothing with salt and pepper hair and a female with purple hair and borderline showy clothes. Both seem to be arguing with Ethan.

Salt and pepper hair guy touches his temples, "We aren't trying to cause trouble. We stated our business. I don't understand why you seem so upset."

Ethan's cheeks get a little red, "I don't know. MAYBE THE FACT THAT YOU'RE HERE ON BEHALF OF THE NINJA!"

Purple girl folds her arms and leans on her right leg, "And the problem with that is? The Ninja are heroes."

Ethen growls as salt and pepper guy close his eyes, "The Ninja are hated here."

"Why? That is so stupid."

Then salt and pepper guy snaps his eyes open, "He and this town are upset that the Ninja were occupied with bigger matters. I don't know why they feel this way, logically-"

That's it. I stand up, making my shadow cast over them. I whisper to AJ, "Be my eye in the sky?"

AJ gets low as eyes are focused on me, "Yup. Now go kick butt."

I step onto the ledge, jump and do two flips just to show off. I land on my feet and with a little bounce in my step I walk in between Ethen and these two, "Feelings don't always obey logic. Who are you and what is your business here?"

Salt and pepper guy touches his temples again as purple girl glares at me. Her hand gravitates to her hips, "My name is Camille and this is Nero." She points to salt and pepper guy, "And we're here to handle a new snake problem."

Nero opens his eyes, "They are called the Vermillion, and to make a super long story short, we've been sent by the Ninja to protect this area of Ninjago."

My heads-up display pulls up anything about whatever a Vermillion is. But nothing but a rather misleading article. I put my hands on my hips, trying to match the attitude of Camille, "Well then there is a problem," I step closer to Nero and poke his chest, "I protect this village. And we haven't seen any snakes around."

Nero rubs his chin as I back off, "We haven't seen any. But our mission is clear. To keep this village safe until the threat is over."

I start burning up under my helmet, either AJ is right about it getting stuffy in here or I'm starting to boil, "Well, that's nice. But as I said, I protect this town. And there's not much else here, so how about you go back home and kick back."

Camille then flashes purple and once the color fades, she looks just like me, "I'm the protector of this village. Well, now you can take a little time off and let the pros handle this."

Nero nods, "And as I've said. We've been sent by the Ninja, after all they've done for us and Ninjago we couldn't turn them down."

That tears it. I bite my lip as Camille changes back, "And what makes you think the," I pause to make air quotes, "good name of the Ninja," I put my hands back down but just above my kama, "Means anything here?"

Nero looks confused for a sec, "Because it is good anywhere."

"Well, not here. Crystal Pass has been let down by those 'heros' a lot." I am so tempted to just snap and charge them but I have to wait, "And what makes you think you can do a better job then I can?"

Nero and Camille smirk as they look at each other. Nero touches his head again I a look for a weak spot to attack. Camille pulls are a rather slim looking whip.

I respond by pulling out my kama as Camille charges in. She starts swinging her weapon around her head as I get in tight and try to catch her hand. Only it disappears on me. I look right as Camille shifts into a perfect looking copy of me. Ok, fine. A shapeshifter. Something new but I can handle it. I kick the whip back into the crowd as I study Nero. Who still has his eyes closed like a dummy. Easy-peasy. I'll just charge him but get low then sweep him off his feet.

I rush forward, following my idea, I get low only for him to jump just above my strike. I recoil and aim for his side. Only for him to pull away from me again. I now head for the high attack, looking to catch either his neck or lock him in a chock.

Only he gets away from me again.

He stands side by side Camille as she still looks like me.

I growl as stand to face them, "Can you see the future or something?"

Nero shakes his head as Camille shifts back, "No. But I can read minds." He smugly points to his head, "We can make this so much easier if we just work together." He walks to me slowly with his hand extended.

Maybe I should consider. If there is a threat against Crystal Pass, I should know everything about it.

I slowly relax as Nero's smugness turns into smiling. He smiles wide, "I'm sure that is how that Ninja would want it."

I freeze. The Ninja want this? To replace me? Or maybe they still don't even know about me. What gives them the right to send in whoever without considering the area? Or who are living here? Maybe they should broadcast the information so everyone knows how to defend against it.

I break as Nero's hand is within reach. My muscles guild me as I push his hand away with my right hand and hook his neck with my left. He looks surprised as I hook his hand with my other kama. I growl I won't take what the Ninja give. I can't trust them or anything they might throw at me, "No deal."

Nero swallows, "I didn't see this coming." He tries to pull.

Camille looks around for her whip only for Dad to hold it up with a teasing smile.

I smirk under my helmet, "Now listen here. I don't care if the Ninja send an army of you elemental freaks. This is my home. I swore to protect it. I take my promises very seriously, just like you should take my warning just as serious." I let go to push him away. I point my kama at the two, "We don't want your help. I don't need it. What is so hard to understand about that?"

Nero glares as Camille balls her fists, "The fact that you can't fight the Vermillion. They are too strong for any one person. Any normal person." I can feel my face heat up as people around me start sharing angry whispers, "You should let us handle it. We're better equipped because we have powers."

Camille nods as she sticks her tongue out, "Sorry, Charlie. Just step aside already."

I look to my Dad, who is already having some people walk away with the cops helping him. Soon people look from around corners with glee. I put my kama back in my belt, "So, I guess that means you're ready for," I grab my smoke bombs and throw them down hard as I can, "This."

The haze drives away some of the crowd as my glorious heat vision kicks in. I grab my acupuncture needles as I target Nero first.

He waves his hands around wildly, "I can't see."

Well, duh. That's the point. I then start sticking my needles in his back, between each vertebra as he holds still.

Camille is in no better shape. She steps around in a circle with her hands swaying around her, "Nero, where are you? Help me!"

I wait until her back is to me and again perform my precision routine. Soon she too is frozen as the smoke clears. I stand with my arms folded and a wide smirk on my face.

Mrs. Glad steps out, "The Phantom Ninja wins again."

A quick cheer rings as I try to not let the attention go to my head. I wave, throw another smoke bomb then run down the street and climb up to a roof and backtrack to AJ.

AJ smiles as two cops have to pick up Nero and Camille, "Good job." AJ gives me a thumbs up as I stay low.

"Thanks," I watch as the cops arrest them for endangering the public. I can't help but feel proud, I took on two elementals. Just a step below the Ninja. I beat them fair and square and now I can look for these 'Vermillion' on my terms.

AJ watches as a few more cops come over to help carry them to the holding cells in the station. She tucks her gun away, "I better go help. It is my turn for interrogation after all," She's ready to calm down when she pauses, "Go on. Enjoy your party."

I turn back around to see small children waving posters of me.

What a good day to be me.

{Location: Crystal Pass' interrogation room}(AJ's POV)

I slowly open the door to a brown room with a small black table. Nero is sitting on one side, half frozen with a glare as he watches me come in. I sit across then press record on the tape, "I have a few questions for you. If you cooperate-"

Nero closes his eyes, "You'll take it easy on me. Only, that is a threat. You plan to grill me either way." He looks smug as he reads my thoughts.

I glare then take a deep breath, "Perhaps this be easier than I first thought."

Nero raises an eyebrow, "I thought you didn't like things easy." He pauses, "You or the Phantom ninja." There's an interesting type of twinkle in his eye. I hit stop on the recording. A smug smirk slides over his face, "Or isn't it really Seliel?"

I freeze. Great. Just perfect. "How'd did you-"

"Figure it out. I'm I mind reader. I knew from the second she was on the roof with you."

"So," I glare. Bad cop time, "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Nothing." He pauses, "But maybe I'll have loose lips and tell the Ninja."

Blackmail. Come on.

"You saw how much she flew off the handle when I mentioned them. How far are you willing to see her go? Or how angry she'll be when they come on my and Camille's behalf?"

If only I could just turn off his powers or make him forget, "And what makes you think they'll come. They didn't during the last 4 attacks."

Nero looks down, "Well maybe not right away. But I'm sure they'll make time for it."

I roll my eyes. At least I have something to keep me in Crystal Pass for a while.

How to make an elemental master forget someone.

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