Pink hair and a broken heart

By Writingrockstar316

3.7K 185 919

Seliel is well....normal. She's like us. A fan of the ninja. Espissaily of the Black one. She has posters, he... More

Chapter 1. Humble beginnings
Chapter 2. Pins and needles
SO super big news(Please Read)
Chapter 3. Costumes
Chapter 4. Metallic interruption
Chapter 5. Eclipse
Chapter 6. Jungle hunt
Chapter 7. Armored dresses
Chapter 8. Marble mother
Chapter 9. Into the ground
Chapter 10. And then there were two
Chapter 11. Blue hair
Chapter 12. Insight
Chapter 13. Imbalance
Chapter 14. Heartbeat
Chapter 15. Cave secrets
Chapter 16. Comeback
Chapter 17. Clifftops
Chapter 18. Haunted and hunted
Chapter 20. Capital funds
Chapter 21. Threats
Chapter 22. Power play
Chapter 23. Role models
Chapter 24. Children and Childhoods
Chapter 25. Dearly departed
Chapter 26. Mind over form
Chapter 27. Pressure points
Chapter 28. Farewell friends
Chapter 29. The last recording
Chapter 30. The purple lady
Epilogue: Ninjas and tombstones

Chapter 19. Hero time

68 5 32
By Writingrockstar316

{Location: Halfway up Red gorge}(Seliel's POV)

"Come on." I pull myself up with a funky half army crawl I'm barely making work. I can't leave Crystal Pass alone to the Tigers. I won't fail. I pause for a quick five-second break as the sun comes up. I need the light.

Then I hear screaming. I've got to move. I pull and push myself as Jordan cackles like a madman, "Eat this Crystal." A few gunshots make more people scream, "Where's the fuzz when you need them? Oh right, they're locked in the station." Two more shots, "And where's the Phantom Ninja? He's dead." I'm not. That he's weakness but my strength, "Isn't anyone here brave enough to fight me? You can only fight me if you get a Jade Blade. Like what my co-leader has here."

And it just so happens I have a Jade Blade.

Jordan, you're going down when I get up there.

Through a lot of pain and struggles, I make it around the bend, I try turning into the path without ripping open my stitches. Then a red truck pulls up next to me. "Seliel, I've got you, deary." Mrs. Glad. What's she doing here? She picks me up, gently places me on the passenger side then drives off the road around town. "Please don't be dead."

"Mrs. Glad?" I try shift but I freeze as pain shoots up my nervous system, "How'd you find me?"

She honks her horn and put the pedal to the medal, "I was in the next town's airport, Nathan had a flight."

I sigh. I really wish I had packed pain meds in this thing, "What luck then."

"Yes." She looks at my hand with the Jade Blade. "I see you found your mother's gift."

"You know about this?" I hold it up then regret moving my left hand.

"Yes." A smile flickers over her face, "As mysterious as your Mother was, she wasn't cautious of the smaller people in her life." She hits the break, making me lunge forward. "Sorry. To make a long story short, I overheard her at a lunch date with James so many years ago. I kept my eye on them and when she dropped that very knife, I felt like making trouble. I forged her handwriting, hid the knife and forgot about it."

I look at the thing. Why is it so special that Jordan had Victor drop me then start a riot? I stare at it, hoping that answers come out of nowhere.

Then a cute little squeak catches my attention. Julia's here too? She worms her way onto my lap and looks at the knife like it's a toy, "So pretty."

"Julia," Mrs. Glad sighs as she pulls up to my house, "How'd..never mind. Just help Seliel to the door."

Julia nods, opens the car door and gently leads me to the front door. "Is Victor ok? I haven't seen him."

I can't hurt Victor, Julia would see it and Victor would tell her it's all my fault, "Victor will live. Just stay with Mrs. Glad, k?" I lean on the door post. "Just hide and stay out of the way."

Julia plays with her hair. She stands out with her yellow and pink t-shirt with ponies and shorts, "No."


"I don't want to hide." She turns and runs to a pole in my front yard and desperately tries to knock down my helmet. I hobble over and take it down then give it to her. She gives me a toothy smile and places it on my hand, "I want to be a hero like you."

She's so sweet. So innocent. I take the helmet off and get back up, "You know who needs a hero? Mrs. Glad. Can you keep her safely hidden from the bad guys?"

"You mean Sarah?" Julia points to Mrs. Glad, who looks more and more nervous by the second, "Totally."

She scampers off as I hobble back to the front door, "Good girl." I stand in front of the door as I lift my hand to knock. I wait. It's happening again. My world is falling apart. Is there anyone else in the world heroic enough to step in a help? The Ninja? No. They didn't come when the robots did, they didn't come when those weird snake came and now they just won't. In the corner of my mind, some tiny scenario plays out where they swoop in and solve all my problems. I straighten up, "Grow up." I twist the knob and step in. Two people and a ghost come out from various hiding spots and freeze. "I'm back to kick butt."

All their mouths drop wide open as I close the door behind me.

Dad breaks statue formation first by squeezing me in a hug, "Seliel, I thought...Oh gosh." I whimper as he squeezes harder, "Sorry."

"You're ok." I let him lead me to the living room as Marci and AJ run around for medical supplies. I bend down slowly onto the couch, "I just wish I took Jordan with me."

Dad slowly pushes me down so my back is down first, "You're amazing you know." He starts taking off my breastplate, gasps at my cut up, blood stained jumpsuit then gently places the armor on the table. "I'm so proud of you."

"For what? The only thing that I did tonight was nearly fall to my death. And that in no way is spectacular."

He keeps cleaning me up as my shoulder guards come off next, "I'm proud of you for trying. You could have stayed in that gorge for days but you fought. And made it home in three hours."

Three hours? That's all. It felt like an eternity. I groan as he tries to take off my lower leg armor, "But what did it accomplish? I'm here, I can barely fight and Jordan is running amuck."

He leans down and kisses my forehead, "Seliel-bear, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. After something like that, I don't think the world stands a chance against you."

I snicker. He hasn't called me Seliel-bear sciences Mom.... I've come to far to be stopped now. I won't fail. I've got the odds against me but I can work the odds. "Thanks, Dad." I smile as he squeezes my good shoulder.

AJ and Marci returned with a few bottles of morphine and bandages. I let my smile wither away, "I only need half the moraine."

They stare at me like I've lost it. AJ opens up the bottle then steadies her hand, "Are you sure? I think you need-"

"I can't fight with a whole bottle of that stuff running in me." I ready for the tiny pinch, "Plus I'd rather not take a nap after this."

AJ eyes Marci. Marci nods, AJ kneels down and places the tip along my right forearm. A little relief hits my bloodstream and makes me sigh. AJ pulls the needle out followed by a bright pink band-aid with a white rose. "There."

"Thanks." I twist around so I'm sitting rather than laying down, "Now what do we have to work with?"

Marci scrunches her eyebrows, "What are you talking about? You can't fight them."

Dad shrugs his shoulders, "She tenacity can. She has the only other Jade Blade in Crystal Pass."

"Then she shouldn't," Marci folds her arms, "Seliel, you don't have to do this. Let AJ or me go and fight. You don't have to do everything for Crystal Pass."

I look down. I could worm my way out of this. But no, I was a coward for too long. I spot one of my Mom's old acupuncture needles in between my feet. An idea sparks in my head, "I'm not doing this for Crystal Pass. I've got to do this myself." I get up on my feet, putting as much weight on my bad leg as I can tolerate, "But I have a feeling I'll do better with you guys backing me."

Dad shakes his head, AJ folds her arms with a cocky smile on her face and Marci looks barely won over.

AJ licks her lips, "What do we do first, boss lady?"

I fold my own arms as I try to remember everything about acupuncture as I can, "I've got a few winning ideas."

[Two hours later]

"Careful!" I almost jump as AJ places a needle on my back. The plan, desensitize my nerves through acupuncture, arm myself to the teeth and fight Jordan and Victor like there's no tomorrow. The latest word is that some of the more devoted Tigers are holding people at gunpoint while watching Captain and co-captain meathead celebrate. Marci and Dad are sneaking around to the station for backup.

AJ sighs, "Don't be such a baby." She finishes her work, wraps an extra layer on my back. "There." She backs up as I get up.

This is so trippy. I can still feel things like the gloves against my hands or how the breeze feels on my cheek but the pain is incredible minor. I reach over to grab my armor when AJ punches me in the gut. I frown, "What was that for?"

She smirks, "I'm just making sure my hard work was done right." She hands me my belt, "And?"

"Nothing." I wrap the belt around my waist but it sinks to my hips. It's never been this full before. I know it can take it, I just hope I don't need to use everything in it to succeed.

"Awesome." AJ folds her arms as I get the rest of my armor on.

There's a very big knot in my stomach. I've never done anything this direct before. It was always night and shadows. But now that the sun is up, well, the rumors of a Phantom Ninja won't be rumors for much longer.

AJ helps tie on my smaller straps, "You got really quiet. What's up?"

"I've...never been in something like this."

"A fight?" She grabs my helmet, pulls out the voice changer and runs to replace the batteries.

"No." I have a small eye roll, "I mean I've never fought people in front of a crowd."

AJ comes back, puts the new batteries in, "Mabey Seliel is limited," She hands the helmet to me with a strong smirk, "But I believe that the Phantom Ninja isn't."

I hold it low. I haven't practiced in a while. I barely know my opponents. I could fail. But failure isn't an option.

AJ next grabs my kama and hold them in front of my face, so my reflection is staring at me in the shiny metal, "I believe in you. Your Dad, Marci, and I'm sure your Mom does too." She leaves them above my hands so I can grab them, "Do you?"

I pull my helmet onto my head, grab the kama, give them a small twirl then put one away so I can hold the Jade Blade, "Thanks for the pep talk coach."

She pats my back as I turn to the front door, "Anytime. Now get out there and show there is a hero in Crystal Pass." AJ opens the door for me.

Outside is chaos. There are 6 people being used as leverage while the rest of the Tigers dig a small hole by Mom's statue.

Jordan is sitting on top of my Mom's head, "Hey Crystal when you find your hero. You can put him here."

I step out and make a beeline to them. Victor has his arms folded and nods with Jordan as he shouts some rather rude things. I stomp on the ground about 15 feet away from them, "I'd rather not go in a hole just yet." I love my voice. It's so dark and deep. Like I'm a caped crusader or a dark knight or something.

Both Jordan and Victor's face flush white. Jordan climbs down slowly, "You...are."

"Alive," I hold out the Jade blade the spin around so all the Tigers can see it, "And ready to fight."

"Where'd you get that?" Jordan points his Jade blade to me as he storms closer to me.

"Does it matter?" I tuck the knife over my stomach but under my belt which has magnets to keep it there, "You said as long as someone has a Jade blade, they can fight. Or did you think you're little bro-protection would last forever?"

Jordan turns red as Victor reluctantly starts to circle me. "There was only two. Dad said only two were missing."

"Your dad miscounted." I hold out both my kama as they circle in on me.

"Fine." Jordan shows off his oh so impressive knife swinging skills, "You got yourself a fight. But it's two on one, do you think you're lame knives on sticks will be useful?"

I can't help but smirk under my helmet. Oh if he only knew how many toys I have with me right now, "They're better than your dynamite."

Jordan grunts as Victor charges at me from behind. I side-step around, past his attack then shove his shoulder. He almost runs into Jordan, knife first. Lucky for Jordan, Victor recovers so both of them can charge me. I wait as they try a dual attack with the Jade blades out. I catch both of them as I roundhouse kick Victor to the gut. Victor tumbles back as his blade falls to the ground. I kick it as far away as I can then close the distance between me and Jordan.

He tries to pull away but I hook my kama over his collarbone then knee him in the soft spot. He freezes as I pull back and drag the kama tips over his chest. I squat low now, I stomp his foot to hold him close. Then hit the end of my right kama to his soft spot again, followed by an elbow to the stomach all finished up with me racking both kama down his shirt and cutting that wide open.

He stumbles back as his chest bleeds and his soft spot is in great pain.

Victor gets back up as the circle gets smaller, "Ok. I'll admit, you've got passion. But, a hothead will always cool down."

I twirl my kama, pretend to crack my neck, "Believe me, that was a warm-up." Victor goes in for a straight stab to the gut, I hook his hand with the left kama, hit his biceps with the end of the right one then hook that one alongside the back of his neck. I push his head low and his arm high as I knee him in the stomach then football kick him in the soft spot.

The sound of a metal boot hitting a firm plastic surface rings. He's got a cup on. At least he's better equipped than Jordan. I hold his arm as he snickers, "Oh come on, you think I'm stupid or something? I know you. I've always been inside your head. I know what-ugg."

I knee him the only other sensitive place that's wide open. His face. I make sure that the armored cap of my knee greets his face. He gasps as I step back and force his face to the ground. I step on his shoulder, "Let the knife go." He does what I ask as the grass turns red.

I let him go, pick up the Jade blade and place it behind me.

Then I'm shoved from the right. Jordans on his feet again and disputed the amount of pain on his face, he's not done yet. Jordan balls his fists, "I can't lose. I promised him. You hear me. I promised my father I'd finish his work." He tries kicking me behind the knees. But I have him timed, I back up at the right second as I lead him around, "And just when he was about to get started, you came into the picture and distracted him." He surprises me with a punch. He poorly aims for my armor which breaks his hand, "He came far but I'm gonna finish it."

Almost there. I almost have him in the very hole he dug. I just need one more thing. I can't grab him without going down myself, I can't jump behind him then push him and those hostages look more and more nervous as their captors push them inwards.

Jordan stands up, wipes his bloody nose, "Oh I see. Trying to give me an ironic sense of justice. Well, smart guy, if you think I'm literally going to fall into the very hole I made, my boys will SHOOT!" He screams his orders.

Crap. My eyes dart around as the hostages scream for mercy. What can I do? What do I do? I slowly put my kama away then hold my hands out, "Don't hurt them."

"Why? Where was your conscience when you 'disappeared'?" He's got the spine to use finger quotes. "Maybe it's because you're a fake. Just like the Ninja. Here for the easy stuff, gone when things get hard."

That. Tears. It.

I reach for the jade blades only to find the one behind me is missing. I hold the last on in my left as I ready to try something risky.

Then a green blade holds steady over Jordan's neck. Victor holds Jordan's forehead as he pulls him back.

"What the heck?" I gasp but follow them, my weapon aimed for a spot in between Jordan's ribs.

Victor sneers in glee, "What's it you said Jordan? I'd only get half the power nationwide. What do I get when you're behind bars, hm?" Victor drags Jordan around me. "Let's be honest for once buddy, you only look forward. Always ahead. Always to the next big job. But you never look around you. And I can only be called 'Vikky' for so long." Victor pulls the knife away as he pushes Jordan's knees down.

Jordan catches himself on the edge, "No. Seliel," He whispers as I kneel down to his face, "Help me. You're the hero. The hero never lets the villain die."

I hum as I look at the hole he's in, "You won't die. If anything you'll break your feet on impact."

His eyebrows knit, "What?" He whispers as I grab his wrists and drop him in. "AHH!" He whimpers and cries as bones snap.

I stand back up, "He didn't fall. Don't shoot them." I really hope the police around right now. The Tigers aren't listing but they aren't letting them go either.

Victor drops his blade and pulls out a smoke, "Let them go." He lets out a puff with a growl, "NOW SISSIES!" At the scream, the Tigers drop their victims. "Now scram before the popo gets here." They follow his words in a very scattered directions. He faces me with his arms folded, "We make a good team."

I walk past him, pick up the blade then glare at them through my helmet, "A team doesn't backstab this much."

He hums as he inhales, "Fair point. But we did get the job done."

"No," I throw the knife into the ground, it stands straight up, "I did a good job. You played the in-between man. You were going to side with whoever won." I pull out the next blade, throw that one down too, a little closer to his feet, "I can't trust you much least work with you."

He smirks as he offers the last one to me, "Game set. If we can't work together, I may as well give you a reason to fight." He breathes a puff of smoke in my face, "And trust me S.Q. I'm gonna play with your head."

I take the last knife. So quick.So easy. I could keep the mind games away. But what about Julia, she doesn't admire her cousin but I won't take him from her either. I hold the knife down then impale the ground in between his feet, "Don't," I come up to squeeze his neck with my left hand, I press a little harder with each second, "Call me S.Q. anymore."

He rolls his eyes as he pulls out, "All right," He turns to walk to a black truck that's his ride. Then he pauses, "Just so you know, I'm only playing the bad guy because I care for you. Think of it, a bad boy and a good girl. We're the most natural pairing in all of Ninjago."

I walk up so I'm next to his ear, "I'd rather kiss the black ninja." I let him walk away as the truck guns it back to whatever hole it came from. I spin around, my home isn't too badly hurt this time, but everyone has expecting eyes on me, "I'm sorry. I left. I made a mistake. I never should have thought of letting people like Jordan or his father run loose." I pull out my kama, "I regret that. But now I won't fail you. I won't stop being here for you. I'll come as often as I can to keep evil out of Crystal Pass." I feel my fists shake as my kama's medal reflects the sun, "And I won't stop until I'm done this time."

There's a silent promise between me and the crowd. They're looking to me now. I have no choice but to help them. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

Then Dad leads the charge out of town with the cops behind him. I pull out something in my belt, one last time at being mysterious. I grab a note that I typed up, pin it to the ground with a spare knife then throw a few smoke bombs down as I retreat to my backyard.

I make it through the gate where AJ and Marci are ready to catch me. AJ smiles wide, "That was awesome."

Marci opens the gate as I pull off my armor as fast as I can. "You were a hero."

"Thanks." I breathe heavily as they and I take off as much as we can. The police with come to question me and I need to look like I've been at my house throughout everything. But I can't help but smile and think of my Mom. A small beam of sun shines on me. I recall her warm hands on my face before every kiss. "I think I needed a jumpstart."

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