The Magician {La Arcana Famig...

By BishounenYaoiCorner

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❝I'm here to find out these clues.❞ ㅡin which Sonia received a card out of nowhere and joins Arcana Famiglia... More

The Magician {La Arcana Famiglia Fanfiction}
Chapter 2: Celebration -Part 2-
Chapter 3: With the boys...
Chapter 4: MONSTERS!!! Part 1
Chapter 5: Masquerade ball! -Part 2-
Chapter 6: Cinderella! -Part 1-
Chapter 7: Good or Bad Guy?
Chapter 8: I'm a Lady! I can do it myself! -Part 1-
Chapter 9: Who are you? -Part 2-
Chapter 10 : Spellbound
Chapter 11 : The ghost with cards -Part 1-

Chapter 1: Pirates inside Regalo! -Part 1-

2K 67 3
By BishounenYaoiCorner

                  ~~~SONIA'S P.O.V~~~

           I woke up at 5:03 am.  I yawned "Haahhh~"  I stretched my body when I sat down at the bed.  I rubbed my eyes so my eyesight can be clear in 3 seconds.  I went to the bathroom to take a bath.


        I went out and finished bathing, I smelled like lavenders.  I wore a bandage again, and wore some black suits.  I wore a white polo, tucked in my black pants, with my fancy and pointy shoes.  I topped my white polo with a vest, that made look like a bartender.  I had a pocket watch at the pocket of my vest, I still wore my gloves with buckles, and wore my collar with a rosary, still wore my dogtag too.  

         I looked at the mirror, and I sighed, "Today is a new day, Son--I mean Pierro.  And I will do this for my grandfather!"  I talked to my reflection in the mirror.  I fixed my bed, and put the laundry to a basket,

      I went outside of my room.  I went first to the kitchen, I saw Luca-san.  I flinched even though, I gained his trust......  "Ah, good morning, Pierro-kun."  He greeted.  "Good Morning too!!"  I blurted out.  "S-so, what are you doing here?"

      He asked.  "I'm going to cook but it looks like you got here before me..."  I told Luca-san.  "You can help me, and 6:00 is where Ojou-sama, wakes up."  Luca-san held his chin.  "O-oh, really?"  I listened to him.

       "So........what are we going to coo--"  I looked at the door because Pace-san is there.  Luca-san flinched, "I want to eat~"  Pace-san was sleepwalking.  "Now, now Pace-san."  Luca-san was hiding the food.

      "FFFFFFFFOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!"  Me and Luca-san both shouted, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  We both jumped because Pace-san chased us.

          It seems I was wrong, Pace-san gets agressive when he's hungry.......for FOOD!!!  I tripped and fell down, "Owah!"  Pace-san tripped in my feet, making him fall down to me, "Chicken...."  He drooled.  

         I panicked, my eyes were shaking, and my hair sticked out of my head.  I can't take it anymore, I ran out of the kitchen, I threw Pace at the table.


         I was so scared, I went outside, and the next thing, I was at the garden.  My eyes sparkled as I looked everywhere inside the garden, I can't even breath because of it's wonderful scenery.  

       I continued looking, It was so beautiful.  This was my first time seeing something magnificent and wonderful...  "Beautiful, right?"  I jumped and looked back, I almost threw Felicita-chan.  "Ah, Felicita-chan--I mean Ojou-sama, it's you."

         I held my chest to calm me down.  "It's weird."  She spoke.  "Why?"  I tilted my head because of curiousness.  "You call me by my name instead of 'Ojou-sama'"  She laughed.  "A-ah!  I'm sorry, Feli- Ojou-sama!"  I bowed down.

         She laughed, "It's alright, and I like being called by my name."  She told me.  "Re-really?!!"  I was relieved.  "But you'll still call me 'Ojou-sama' in front of my father."  Felicita-chan said to me, I nodded, "Got it!"  I smiled.  

        "OJOU-SAMA, Where are you??!!!"  I heard Luca-san's voice.  "Over here!"  Felicita shouted.  "Ah~ Ojou sama, it's time to eat."  Luca-san said.  "Let's go, Pierro-kun."  Felicita told me, "Un."  I nodded.

        We all walked to the dining room, I saw everyone....except for Womanizer.  I think luck is with me today!!  Ahahahaaahhahahaha!   "Where's Debito?"  Pace-san asked.  "Still sleeping, I guess.  Pierro-kun, can you call him?

        You're roomies after all."  Luca-san told me.  Luca-san, I trusted you, why can't you just wake him up!!!   I gulped, "Ri-right away..."  I gave a salute.  I walked weirdly to Debito's room, I knocked. 

      "Excuse me..."  I opened the door and looked inside.  He was still sleeping soundly...  He slept like an angel.......  Kawaiiii~  I mean, stop!  Don't think like that!   I tried to wake Debito-san up, I gulped.

       I shaked him around, "De-debito-san, wake up...It's breakfast, you surely can't miss breakfast..."  A sweat dropped from my face, my teeth was shaking and I was shivering.  He moaned, and opened his eyes slowly.

        "I thought you were Bambina."  He stood up, I stood up immediately.  "Go-good morning, Debito-san, it's breakfast."  I smiled.  "You smell like Lavenders."  He spoke.  "Eh?"  I was poker-faced and blinked my eyes two times.

          He walked near to me and pinned me in the wall, he was smelling me, "I'll call you Lavanda from now on."  He whispered at me.  I held my right ear, "Stop whispering!"  I blushed.  

         He laughed and went outside of his room, "Sheesh.......Idiot...."  I whispered to myself.  I fixed his bed, "Phew~  Oh yeah, breakfast."  I ran to the dining room, and ate together with them.  


         The organization went out of the Arcana mansion, we strolled around town, because we protect the island of Regalo.  We sound badass.  We saw ships sailing here, "Felicita-chan~!!!"  I sprinted to her.  

         "It seems we have company."  I explained and pointed out to the sea.  "Call Papa!"  Felicita ordered.  Papa/My Lord/ Mondo-sama was here later, and we encountered pirates.  The pirates arrived, "What would be pirates doing here in a fine day?"  Papa asked them sarcastically.  "We're here to take your island, beardie."  The pirates mocked Papa.  The others got mad, but Papa stopped them.  "Felicita!"  Papa called her daughter.  

         "Yes, Papa."  She nodded and looked at them with her piercing green eyes.  The Lovers- the ability to pierce through someone's most inner thoughts.  Then Felicita whispered something to Papa, Papa was surprised,

          "It seems you have another reason, why you're here."  Mondo-sama shouted after. "ATTACK!!!"  They all ran attacking the pirates, I was left by them.  "Eh?"  A pirate came sprinting to me.  

        "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"  I grabbed his leg and threw him hard at the ocean.  It's time to get serious!!!   I grabbed my sword, Braveheart, "Come to me nasty pirates!"  I shouted.  Two pirates ran to me, and I ducked,

        I tripped both of their feet and slayed them with my sword.  I heard footsteps at my back, I blocked his sword using my weapon,  I arched my back, I was pushing the pirate's sword from me but the pirate was strong,

        I barely laid down on the floor.  I pushed it more and the sword came out of the pirate's hands, I continued attacking him with my sword.  But he dodged, and suddenly got me off-guard, he held both of my hands,

      trapping me that I can't move a muscle.  I did a backflip pinning him down on the ground,  I grabbed his collar and threw him on the ocean again.  "Watch out, Pierro-kun!"  I heard Liberta-san's voice,

       he blocked the pirate's sword that was about to attack me, "I'll fight with this smelly pirate."  He told me.  "Got it!"  I ran away and let them right together.  

      I went to help Felicita-chan "Feli- I mean, Ojou-sama, it seems more ships are coming."  We are both trapped by five pirates, one attacked me, "Hopp!!!"  I jumped high and countered his attack, "Where's your captain, master pirate?"  I asked while blocking his sword's atacks.  "Why should I tell you?"  He kept attacking me.  "Not telling me, eh?"  I use my Arcana card and I had a big cannon on my hand,

      "I spin this handle round and round, you will have a hundred holes on your body."  I threatened him with my cannon.  Sweat dropped from his miserable face, "You telling me or what?"  

       (A/N:  This is a bad-ass Pierro/Sonia!  Gets serious when she's in a fight.)   He got a chance to run away, I fired my cannon, and it hit him, he was flying and fell down at the ocean.  We'll just wait for the captain.  

      I heard bullets from my back, "Watch it, Lavanda.  You'll have a hole soon if you didn't focus."  Debito-san popped out of nowhere.  The Hermit-the ability to be invisible.  I was focused again, and I saw a ship not to far from the island.  "Papa, I see the captain's ship."  I told him.  

        "We'll just see..."  He told us all.  

         We waited for the ship to come and don't know what's waiting for us.  

                               ~~~~~~~CHAPTER END~~~~~~~

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