Bad boy (Bruno Mars Fanfic)

By LaJunglaBruz

73.9K 2.9K 801

Another high school drama. Simple at that but you'll get some Brunz over here ^^ enjoy! More

Chapter 34
Chapter- 38

Bad boy (Bruno Mars Fanfic)

5.6K 113 25
By LaJunglaBruz


Do you believe in fate? What happen when two people meet? It's not just a random. It sure has a reason behind isn't it?


Hi my name is Sophia Hushman. I'm 17 and starting my senior year next week. I'm the only child in my family so you can say I am a spoiled little brat yet a treasure to my parents. The thing is I get everything what I want. But I didn't know I have to agree to This. I said "this", is............

Honolulu, Hawaii. 2002.

"Sophie what are you doing there? Come inside please, we need to hurry before it's very dark." My mom's demanding voice snapped me out from all the thoughts. My eyes look up to this unfamiliar sky blue painted two-storeyed building. This is going to be my new home, yay. See the excitement yeah?

"Phwe, mom I swear my hands are swelling now." I told my mom once I put down the last box. This moving things has been going on in my family since I was very young. I didn't bother to ask my parents the reason why. I'm sure both of them being doctors didn't have problems to find a job wherever they go. I must say they're a big fan of traveling around.

"So where is my room?" I yelled running up the stairs, I'm so ready to let myself sprawl on my bed. I opened up the first door, for some reason my mom didn't seems to hear me or ignored me which I don't really care actually. Yeah pretty much I can say this is my room. It has this queen size bed which occupied most of the room, a study desk, pretty much like my old room. They all are painted the light blue which is my favorite color.

This gonna be a start, a good start. I'm spending the whole senior year here. I made my parents promised me not to move anymore, at least to finish my senior year. Yeah I did mentioned I get what I want so they agreed with me. Tomorrow I'm gonna make some new friends and yes really get to enjoy high school for once. I didn't have any
friends. It's not like I'm a nerdy nerd, introvert person. It's just because I kept moving from place to place twice a year, gosh trust me, sometimes thrice? fourth? You won't believe me when I tell the true story of Sophia Hushman, pity me.

Monday :(

"Sophie get up!" I hear someone giving a shake.

"Ugh let me sleep? 5 mins?" I groan turning to other side shoving whoever the person who is shaking the life out of me.

"Alright are you gonna wake up or I'm gonna wake you up? Today's your first day of school remember?" I hear my mom's angry voice, I know this is not good. Ugh fuck school! I mentally swear and making my way to bathroom.

"You have 10 mins. If you don't want to be late." My mom's voice appears from outside. Like really? She could have woke me up earlier.

I jumped into shower, I swear this is the quickest and messiest shower ever. Headline: world newest record!!!

I jumped into some skinny jeans and my favorite band shirt, a hoodie. I grab my bag, stuff it with my essential item, my ph, chargers, diary, lip gloss, pens. I don't have any textbook coz this is the first day.


"Let's go!" I cut my mom off jumping beside the driver seat, ignoring her comment on my clothes, yeah to be honest, my mom has more fashion-eyed than mine. She dresses like a model while I'm like a homeless, no judging. That's who I am.

I plug in my favorite music and hit up the volume, enjoying the drive. We didn't have to drive very far, it was like 30 mins and I'm now standing in front of my new high school, Roosevelt High School. According to my mom it's pretty much big, I don't know she's just trying to cheer me up or just blabbing.

"Okay, I have to go to my work, Your dad and I'll be work late. Are you gonna be okay with going home alone?" My mom makes this cute pouty face, yeah there I said it, I can't freaking say no to this.

"Im gonna be fine mom, I'm a senior now." I tell my mom, it sounded more like I was reminding myself.

"That's my baby!" She gives me a light kiss on my cheek before I get out from the car and wave her goodbye. I turn around and face the main building and take a deep breath before I walk inside the school.

My mom was right this school is pretty big. I am looking for the admin office, for 15 mins now but can't find yet. Maybe it's time to ask someone.

"Excuse me, can you please tell me where is admin office?" I stop a group of girls who are walking down the hall, they stop snickering and stare at me like I have two head.

"Oh you must be new here, of course we can, right this way. walk straight to the end, turn left and then turn right, I'm sure you can see admin office right at the first room." She explains. Good at least someone has a caring mind.

I thanked her and started walking to the direction, I must reach there before the bell rings. I didn't know that the girls are laughing at my back. If I had known earlier.


I'm literally running down the hall to my first class. Thank you the girl, she freaking gave me the wrong direction. That's how they welcome a new girl? I mentally already give the school the last place in my list. It's just no. No!

"Ugh... " I fell on the ground when someone bumped into me. What's happening to me, like really? I quickly got on my knee and gather up the splattered books.

"Look where you're going" the voice stunned me, and I looked up to where the voice to see the heart thrilling guy. He has that mesmerizing almond shaped light brown eyes. I stood up after I get all my books to face him. He's just the same height as mine, maybe an inch or two higher? But the most funny thing is he has this afro, curly hair shooting all over the place. Okay I'm not just checking out to a random guy. LoL don't blame me you always do the same.

"I see someone is enjoying what they're seeing. But honey You're not my type." He smirks at me giving out this music soft like chuckle, followed by some snickers from some guys behind him. I don't pay any attention to them though. gosh those dimples.

Sophia focus! I snapped out from my own daze and open my mouth to form some words. I'm already look terribly awkward in front of them. But there is one thing I don't like about these hot guys. Their attitude problem. Who do you think they are? Like they own the world?

"Don't worry you're not my type either. I'm just looking what kind of person who didn't learn 'sorry' at primary school" his eyebrow twitches to the side, obvious that surprise at my words.

"Feisty are we?" He says biting his lip and looking straight into my eyes. I looked up at him. Suddenly I remember I'm late for my class.

"You're not going to say sorry?" I snap at him.

"Guys, do I say sorry?" He looks back to his buddies who are dying from laughter.

"You're messing with the wrong guy feisty girl" a guy with a long hair smirk at me. He's gorgeous but his hair is just annoying.

"Look I don't want any problem, and I've got enough today. I'll pass it this time. Let me don't see you guys next time."I quickly said to them before I stormed out to my class. Now I'm 100% sure this school has some serious issues. Bad.

"Sorry I'm late" I enter my first class which is English literature. I greeted the teacher.

"Oh you must be the new student, I'll forgive you this time because I'm sure it's not easy to find the right class in this big school, especially you're new." She gives me a warm smile, I already like this teacher.

"Thank you." I smiled back at her.

"Alright, since you're new here? Would you like to introduce yourself to your classmates?" That's it. The thing I don't like about moving to a new school. You're going to be a center of attention which I'm not a oh fan of it.

"Hi, my name is Sophia Hushman. I moved to Hawaii from New Orleans."

"Do you have boyfriend?"

"Are you lesbian?" Someone shouted from behind and everybody bursts into laughter. I can feel my face gone all red.

"Alright enough! Welcome Sophia, why don't you go and take a seat?" The teacher finally cut the class silent.

"You can call me Sophie." I smile at her and take a seat at the last row. I look around and see people watching me, whispering something and they turn to look at me with worry faces. Center of attention. :/ I shove them off and take out my book to focus on the lesson.

Right before I start to write down what on the board, the class door burst open and everybody's head whipped at the door and I wish I can just disappear from this class now. Why him?

When our eyes met, he is still wearing that smirk and mouth at me which I figure is "you again".

*Author note*

Okay first thing first! This is my another story about Bruno. He is a bad boy of Roosevelt High School. There's a saying good girls always falls for bad boys. Would he change his old ways when he meets a simple girl which seems to be his first love.....>>> do bad boys really fell in love?

Let's start the journey of "Bad Boy" with me and see what will happen next.

Love love <3 <3


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