Sincerely, Jaida

By somanye

155K 6.3K 4.9K

"You're a phenomenal woman." ... Dear Jaida, I hope when you re... More

author's note
yours truly, rose


12.6K 386 470
By somanye


I had just shimmied into my lacy black thong when I heard my phone ringtone; quacking ducks. Without so much as a glance at the caller ID, I answered the call to end the noise bouncing off the thin white walls.

Why on earth did you pick loud ducks as your ringtone? Surely you weren't in your right mind, Jaida?

My self-lecturing thoughts are interrupted by a whiny, screeching, "What the fuck? I don't know how you were brought up, but it's polite to greet the fucker that initiates a call so that he/she can greet back. Do you have no basic manners? Is it so damn difficult to say Hi, Hello, Hola or bloody Bonjour? Seriously Jaida, these types of things should have been instilled in you at a young age", Rose barked out on the other end of the call.

I let her continue her little rant till she was breathing so harshly she reminded me of an asthmatic old man laughing. I placed the phone securely between my ear and shoulder and stalked to my closet to pick out my matching lace bra out of the bag hanging inside.

"Are you done? As much as I'm enjoying this, we can surely save the lecturing for later? This thong is digging up my ass something fierce and I haven't even gotten to covering Bobby and Bob yet so if you'd like me to be ready by the time you come pick me up, I'm sure you'll save your loving shit for later, yeah?" I replied.

Bobby and Bobby were what I had named the lemons on my chest, she had called her mangoes, pride and joy.

Without answering, she ended the call allowing me to place the phone on the bed and hook my bra up from behind.

I walked over to my floor length mirror and surveyed my reflection.

I had black hair that was a hybrid of curly and wavy, completely different from members of either side of my family. My eyes weren't too small or too big, they were a dark brown, so dark that it looked pitch black. My nose was a little wider than I'd prefer, but I didn't notice it so much now that it had a ring pierced through the right nostril. I had a small black mole on the top left of my lips, which many have pointed out as a beauty spot.

I didn't feel as though I was beautiful. At least not in the classical sense.

Being biracial, I had inherited and combined genes that allowed me to look a little different. I was confident in my body, I was always had been. I liked the way I looked or at least had learnt to, otherwise, I changed it. No, I don't mean surgically, as much as I love the Kardashians, girl to girl, we both know over the years, things ain't been adding up. Besides, the flaws I saw on my face had been accepted and loved a long time ago.

As for my body, my boobs weren't small enough to accept most lace bralettes but they weren't big enough to create cleavage without the help of a trusty push up bra. I had a relatively flat stomach, long and thin legs with thighs that somehow widen when I sit down, resulting in the illusion that I'm curvy. My ass wasn't exactly golden globes, truthfully, they were nowhere near but with some time and effort at the gym, I'd gotten myself a baby peach sprouting from my thong.

Praise the Lord!

I gave myself another glance in the mirror and continued dressing up for the night.

Twenty minutes had passed and my makeup was immaculate with smoky purple eyes and black lipstick, my hair parted in the middle and flowing freely on to my shoulders.

My phone pinged with a message from Rose.

I'm here, fucking better be ready mate.

I walk down the stairs and out of the house making sure all doors and windows are locked. I made my way down to her baby blue 1970 Volkswagon beetle. As I step into the car and settle in, Rose starts to wolf whistle at me.

"Girl, dang! Loving that outfit, who knew you had such a rocking bod? Honestly, ten out of ten would bang if I was bisexual. I wish I was bisexual, I'd be so good at it", she complimented.

I laughed at her. Rose and I had been friends since the second year of high school. Our personalities matched like thigh-high latex boots with high-class lingerie. She wasn't one to give compliments out so freely, the words that come out of the girl's mouth, she means them truly. So I was basically beaming at her like a pregnant girl at her first gynaecologist appointment. The dress I wore tonight was tight, silky, black, spaghetti-strapped and ended mid-thigh. I may have looked great tonight but Rose, she was killing it!

Rose had always been on the pale side of the white community. But with golden blonde hair and crystal blue eyes, she rocked it and it gave her a glow that no Fenty highlight could brush on her. Her body was curvy with exceptional assets on the top and behind. Currently, these assets were showcased through her outfit. Pride and joy were flirty in a red tube top that allowed a little cleavage line to show. Her taut stomach, curvy hips and round ass were wrapped tight in a matching red skirt that ended mid-thigh.

We were hot to trot for clubbing.

Tonight wasn't just any ordinary clubbing night, tonight was to us graduating. Tonight, we celebrate the end of our hell. Tonight, we dance the damn night away in honour of the hours of sleep lost, the panic attacks we endured, the tears we shed, the patience we developed for the shitty teachers and the love we grew for the angelic teachers.

And if I made it to the club alive and safely, I was going to live and breathe the alcohol and music.

"Now, I may be on the wild side but Rose, you are driving on the wrong fucking side of the road. I fear for my life whenever I allow you to drive me places" I said loudly over the song playing.

She barked out a laugh and smiled devilishly at me. "Ride or die darling" she replies as the car comes to a sudden full stop right in front of the club.

"FUCK!" I screamed at her.

"What? We're here!" she reasoned.

"C'mon!" She dragged my reluctant self out of her car and tipped the bouncer to let us through.

The whole dance floor glowed with colours from the laser beams shooting out from the ceiling lights. The club was, as usual, packed with people jumping and dancing to the DJ's music. The song turned from a throbbing headbanger to a more sexy tune. Everyone had gone from dancing like they're on crack to grinding against one another like dogs on heat.

"Here, drink this". Rose pushed two shots of tequila into my hands.

Judging by the way she's moving her hips, it becomes very clear that she's drunk a few shots too. So, in the spirit of making memories with my best friend, I shrugged and willingly accepted the burning sensation in my throat as I downed the shots.

I also allowed her to tug my hand and drag me to the dance floor. The burning sensation in the back of my throat is quickly forgotten as my mood heightened to that of a five-year-old giggling school girl.

My hands sensuously moved up and down my body feeling the soft smooth fabric under my nimble fingers. The sexy music got my hips rotating and soon enough Rose and I took turns grinding against each other like the teenagers we are.

"Jennifer would you prefer
I know you playin' games
I know that's how it work
The first girl that I loved, first girl that I hurt
I'm calling out for Jennifer, been calling out for her"

Song after song, I danced with my best friend under the colourful atmosphere of the club till her eye catches a hot male specimen leaving me to fend for myself.


I decided to not wait around for a stranger to wrap his wandering hands around me and so I walked over to the bar again. My wobbly legs thanked me gratefully as I settled on the wooden bar stool.

Running my hands through my curls, I glanced up to see the back of the bartender and my mouth watered slightly in my tequila induced state.

His rippling muscles were outlined through the thin fabric of his black shirt. My dirty mind started imagining my freshly manicured nails ripping down his back as he thrusts into my glory hole. Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I cleared my throat to grab his attention.

"Yeah, one sec" he replied in a husky, deep voice and turned around.

Fuck me.

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