Hug An Emo. They'll Love You...

By Rosalie_69

396K 5.1K 1.6K

I lay there.. thinking. What if I didn't agree to go with Chris to that party? What if I never got drunk? I... More

Hug an emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 1 - HUGS
Hug an emo. They'll Love You For It -Ch. 2- Drunken Brothers and Hobos with Broken Beer Bottels
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 3 - Microwaved Pizza And Bears Named Leo
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 4 - French Maid Outfits and Tequila
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 6 - Mothers And Brothers
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 7- Wigs And Picasso Better Than Picasso
Hug an emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 8 - Popcorn Skanks and Italian Mothers
'Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 8 - Popcorn Skanks and Italian Mothers
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Ch 9 - Bros And A Lot Of Smirking Teaser
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 9 - Bros And A Lot Of Smirking
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For it-10-Italy and Things That Will Make Us Cry
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For it-11-Time-Outs and Italian Boys Named Jasper
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For it-12-Rubber Ducks and Very Fluffy Pillows
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - 13 - New Babies and Dad's Bamboo Plant
Hug an Emo. They'll Love You For it - Chapter 14 - Ashes and Black H2T
Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It-15-North Pole Penguins and Angry Broccoli

Hug An Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 5 - Kisses and Three Girls Named Brittany

35.2K 382 183
By Rosalie_69

Hug an Emo. They'll Love You For It - Chapter 5 - Kisses and Three Girls Named Brittany

I woke up in the middle of the night with a killer headache. I can't believe that jerk got me drunk!!

"Ice.. ICE! What the hell is this?" a voice said. I wrenched my eyes open and looked to my side to see Cain, clutching a paper in his hand, his forehead creased with anger and confusion.

"What?" I groaned. I want to sleep.. not argue with this sh*t head all night..

"Why don't you take a look?!" He flung the paper at my face.

"Uh, hey! What the hell was that for!?" I screamed and rested my hand on my forehead, attempting to stop the stupid spinning so I can read the damn paper. I turned on the lamp.

Dear Sexy Babe,

I hope you had a good time yesterday. (Wink, wink) I didn't get you in my bed AGAIN like I wanted, but that kiss was almost as good enough. Thank you for such a good night. Call me if you need anything. Oh, and the slave thing is still going on. Second command: Come to my house for dinner Wednesday night at 8.

Your Master,

Tre Rivers.

I CAN'T BELIEVE HE SAID THAT!! Well, every part of it was true but the way it sounded to Cain was too wrong!

"Wait, no, Cain, you don't know what happened, see... it- uh, I mean - I it's not-" he cut me off.

"You lost your v-card already!?" he yelled.

"No! I just spent time with him that last two days.. it's nothing!" I defended myself. Damn I was so gullible.. taking this crap from my brother and not doing anything about it.

"Tre Rivers... why does that name ring a bell?" he mused, sitting on my bed and scratching his chin. I never realized what a heartless a-hole my brother was. He couldn't even REMEMBER him!

"Oh! Wasn't he our neighbor?" I was fuming. That's it!

"Cain you don't even remember him!? IT WAS LAST YEAR! It was last year when you stole his girlfriend.. you remember Angie? Or Tre? YOUR FRIEND?! What is WRONG WITH YOU!?" Tears sprang in my eyes.

"Tre.. RIVERS!? Oh!! I remember he's that A-hole from last year! Oh!! Ahaha! I thought he like moved somewhere," he said easily and waved it off.

My eyes narrowed.

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM YOU B*T**!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"What? Why?"

"GET OUT!!!!!!" I grabbed my Roman Mythology book and flung it at him. Bulls eye! Or should I say Cain's Eye!

He finally stumbled out the door and I sighed.

Poor Tre..

Stupid Cain..

I went back to a deep dreamless sleep.

Who the hell invented alarm clocks? If I knew who it was I would kill him if he wasn't already dead..

They are sent from hell to torture teenagers with endless beeping and smelly breath mornings..

I had an idea. If I really was going to change, then I needed to do something about my hair.

I showered, put on my "Rude" destroyed skinny jeans and a purple shirt that said WTF with black letters. I Finished this new look with peep-toe pumps, a leather jacket, and multiple bands and bracelets on my arms. I smiled in victory.

I finally unwrapped the towel from my head. The soft, black and red wet strands clung to my neck and cheeks. My heart sped up. Finally I was doing something for me.. something that my mother wouldn't approve of. Though the dye would probably wear off by next month. I blow dried it and straightened. My eyes lit up, It looked pretty awesome.

Next, make-up. Heavy eyeliner, grey eye shadow, and chap stick. My usual was pink lipstick, pink eye shadow, and dark blue eyeliner. Too much pink.

And now to admire my work.

I looked so much better than my usual clothes my mom put me in. She believed that girls should show their outer beauty by looking like skanks. Basically, I was to wear a skin tight tank top, and a hot pink mini. Though as usual, when I get to school, I usually change into a some capris or jeans.

I worked part time at Hot Topic on Saturdays and Sundays (Though last Sunday, they didn't need me) I didn't need the money, of course, but it was just for the experience.. I loved my job. People were so nice..

And to my mom's future disappointment (not that she knew), I actually got a tattoo of an angle holding up the middle finger on my back. Because that's what they called me at the store. Angle. I personally thought the name was irritating, but fitting, since I was no more than a stupid angle who follows her mother's rules like an idiot.

I sighed and grabbed my pink bag back from the closet. Mom will be back in a month..

I swear if I see anymore pink, I'll barf. Being around Tre with all of his 6'2'' of emoish tallness influenced the way I looked at things.

Glancing behind me, I saw that it was 6:30.. I have half-an-hour left.

Walking to the art room with a huge smile plastered on my face, I opened the closet and got out some bleach.

I made sure to take out everything from my bag before I dunked random splotches in the vat of the powerful smelling liquid.

When I was done, I put it on the counter and admired my work.. Okay, it's official, it looked awesome. I smiled and put my stuff back in.

"ICE! LET'S GO!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!" Cain shouted.


I grabbed my keys and my bag, and ran to the door. I've had so much practice in heels, I can practically run in them.

Cain was in the kitchen, eating an unnamable object. Typical Cain.

I really didn't like the looks I was getting from him.. A brother shouldn't be looking at a sister like that, right?

"Damn, sis.. lookin good! But are you sure mom would let you do that?"

"That's the point dim-wad."

"Did you take my black skinny jeans? I swear, Ice.. I will KILL you!" I stifled a laugh and imagined Tre's amused smirk.

"Nope," I said, brushing past him. Isis - 1 Cain - 0.

I walked out and climbed into the Audi R8, and shut the door.

A tap on my window.

I pressed the button and the window rolled down. "What!?" I shouted, still very pissed at him.

"Can I get a ride?" he asked sheepishly, like nothing happened.

"No, Cain. You have your own car."

"But we always ride together! We're the FOX twins!" he did this little roll of his head that looked very amusing, though I didn't laugh.

"Don't even, try! I'm done Cain.. DONE. I can't believe you.. your such an a-hole!" I shouted, pretty sure there was smoke coming out of my ears.

And with that I drove away, making sure to spray him with the mixture of mud and water that was on the drive.

We've always been known as the FOX twins. He's the player, I'm the little popular sister. Not today.

All of my so called 'friends' (Stupid people that I sit with) were brainless jocks and snotty cheerleaders. I sat with them to keep a reputation that I really didn't want. But my mother did. Not today.

All they did was tell me to do this, throw away that, tell what's-his-face that what's-her-face liked him. Not today.

I finally arrived in a parking lot of excited teens. There were the "Goldens". The jocks, cheerleaders, the rich, and my brother and I.

Then there were the "Untouchables" the nerds, loners, the gross. I tended to stay away from them, even though I'm sure they were all nice people.

And lastly, the ones that I truly admired.. They didn't really have a name.. if you would label them, you would say they were emo.. like Tre. They wore black, heavy make-up, and teased their hair with a clip on the sided. They were all happy and lively, yet not plastic and fake like the others. It was my mission for today to make friends with them.. It will surely be very hard .. looking at the fact that they hated me and my brother. Well they hated every 'Golden'.

Here we go.

I stepped out, and all eyes followed me. Whispers erupted from everywhere. "Look at her!" "Damn, she's hot." "Wow." "Who the hell does she think she is?!" "Is that Isis?! Isis Fox!?"

I smiled and walked in.


"Isis Fox, Isis Fox, please report to the office, Mr. Morgan needs to talk to you," The nasal voice of a tiered secretary said from the speakers. I sighed and made my way to the office.

Pushing the heavy wooden door, I stepped in and called out. "I'm here! Now why does Mr. Morgan need to talk to me?"

Two hands seized my waist. I almost screamed, but then I smelled it. Mint and Axe.

"Hey, Babe! What are you doing HERE?!" his voice entered my ears. I stiffened.

"No, no, no, no, no!! Not here!" I groaned and turned around to face him.

"Mmm.. lookin good! LOVE the hair," he said, sounding very gay, while twirling a strand of black on his finger. Tre gave me the same look Cain gave me this morning. But this time.. I actually enjoyed it.

"Why are you here!?"

"I moved here. And before you say anything, in my defense I really didn't know you went here," he said quickly.

"Ughh!" I noticed the 3 boys behind him.

"So this is the legendary Isis.." one of them said. They were all like Tre, black clothing, amazingly hot, tall, muscled up very well.

"Babe, these guys are Mason Michael, Leo Mane, and Storm Prince. We're all attending Mercy Prep from now on." He smirked in victory. Storm Prince? What kind of name is that?

"How many times did I tell you NOT to call me babe?!" I yelled, face getting as red as my hair.

"How many times did I call you that?"

"A lot!" I exaggerated and threw my hands up.

"Then a lot." He ran a hand through his hair. I crossed my arms and tapped my foot, waiting for Mr. Morgan to get his slow behind so I can get the hell out!

"Hi, I'm Leo." one said, black eyes, blond hair with blue streaks. I shook his hand; he winked.

"Hey just like my teddy bear!" I grinned.


"Never mind."

"Mason.. but you already new that," the other said. He had bronze hair, blue eyes and snake bites. So.. hot..

"And I'm Storm," the last said. He was by far the most attractive, though of course I wasn't interested. Brown hair with black streaks, leather jacket, and an emerald necklace around his neck.

"Isis.. and if Tre told you anything about me waking up in his bed and then the other night waking up on a couch in between his legs, they're lies. LIES I TELL YOU!"

They all laughed and Tre swung a heavy arm around my shoulders.

"Word was that you're his 'Slave' now!" Leo said.

"I WAS DRUNK AND I LOST A DRINKING CONTEST!" I said in my defense and pouted.

They laughed and high fived Tre.

"Yeah.. and then we shared that amazing kiss," he said dreamily and winked.

"You made me!! I didn't even kiss back!"

"No need to deny anything, sweetheart!"

I glared at him and bit his arm.

"Ewwieee!!! I got Tre germs again!!!" I started jumping up and down.

"Miss Fox!" Mr. Morgan's voice boomed from behind me; I froze and shrugged Tre's arm away from me. "I see your already friendly with the new arrivals," he said. Rumor has it that he was a drill sergeant before he became principal. That explains a lot..

"N-no, Mr. Morgan.. I-I didn't.. Ugh. Why am I here?"

"I see you decided to take on a new appearance, Miss Fox. And I need you to show these gentlemen around the school for their first day."

"But, Mr. Morgan! I'm Sure Alexia Corey should now the school better! I mean, she's the student body president and all--" I said quickly. I had better things to do than show a bunch of perverted sexy boys around!

"It's final, Miss Fox. I've already rearranged their schedules to match yours. Dismissed. Get to algebra, NOW," he boomed; I cringed. The boys were silent.

"C'mon," I whispered and grabbed Tre's hand, rushing out the door as quickly as possible.

"Damn! What crawled up his A$$ and died there!?" Mason said.

"Let's go before I get detention for being late!" I said and towed Tre behind me to Mrs. Giorgio's room.

As I walked I was getting dirty looks from every girl, lust filled looks from guys, while Tre and the guys were getting longing looks from girls and a few guys.

"Why are they all staring?" Leo whispered.

"You guys are the new meat.. like the shiny new toy. And by the looks of it, soon I'll be the most hated girl in the school," I whispered back.

"Oh," Storm said. "Don't worry, we'll still hang with you." He laughed.

"Thanks. Here we are. Now be warned, sit in the back, because Mrs. Giorgio is a spitter."

"Alright," they all said.

We walked in. Automatically, all eyes were on the guys and I.

"Ah! The new guys are here!" From the corner of my eye I say Mason twitch back, his face scrunching up in disgust. Well, that's her way of welcoming you, Mason. I smirked.

"Why don't you introduce your selves, you go first, sweety," she said and pointed at me.

"Uh, Mrs. Giorgio? I've been in your class since the beginning of this year.. It's me. Isis Fox?" it came out like a question.

"Isis!?" her eyes popped out. "Well-um, excuse my mistake.. you look much different. Take a seat, please."

I walked back to my usual seat in the back across from Christine and Raeena, heels clicking behind me.

"ISIS!? WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOU!?" they whispered/yelled.

"Changed. I don't think I can take it anymore," I stated simply.

"We'll talk about this after school!" Raeena said. She was more like me than Christine. She had her jet-black hair in a messy pony tail, blue shorts and a white tube top, while Christine's hair was elaborately curled, with a daisy stuck by her ear. She was wearing a plain red top and a white mini skirt.

First up was Leo.

"Uh, Hey! My name is Leo Mane, I like to surf, listen to music, and stare at girls." He walked over and sat next to me. Almost every girl in the class swooned then stared daggers at me. The Three B's (Three cheerleaders with the names of Brittany, Brittany, and Brittany) simultaneously flipped their blond hair and sighed.

"My name is Mason Michael, my nick name is M&M. I like to play guitar." He walked to the back and sat next to Leo.

"YO, My name is Storm Prince, I like to play soccer, my favorite band is Cradle of Fifth." He walked and sat next to Mason.

"Okay.. so that leaves me. My name is Tre Rivers, I like to play soccer, listen to music, and stare at my beautiful girl back there." He pointed at me.

"I'm not your girl! We aren't dating! I wouldn't do you even if you were the last thing on the planet," I said and people laughed. Leo slapped my hand.

"Oh.. really because all I remember was last night.. at the bowling ally.. and on the couch.. you in between my legs.." he trailed off; people went silent, even Mrs. G was watching this like it was one of her Italian Soap Operas.

My face grew red. "I did not do anything! I was held against my will!"

"Sure! I bet you enjoyed every minuet of it!"

"Thank you Christine! This is all your fault! If you hadn't taken me to that stupid party I wouldn't be in this mess! Thank you!"

"Your welcome!" she said smugly.


I plopped back in my seat and started banging my head on the table.

"Alright Miss Fox. Mr. Rivers, please take a seat."

My pen was scratching against the paper, creating an annoying and ominous sound.

"Psst! Isis!" I ignored it.



"WHAT!?!" I shouted. Oops.

"Is there a problem, Miss Fox?" Mrs. G asked.


"Then get back to work, please!" I grumbled and turned back to my work.

"C'mon, Baby! Talk to me!" he said yet again.




"Help me!"

"With what?" I was getting really annoyed. Yes I felt an attraction to him.. but he annoys me big time!

"I don't get this!"

"Well did you try reading?!"

"No.. I'm too bored."

"Tre, leave me alone!"

"No. I'm bored." His hand rested on my thigh; my breath caught.

"Get your hand off me!"




"Y-" the bell rang.

"Whoo! TO THE NEXT CLASS!" Mason shouted.

"Whoo.." I said, less enthusiastic.

It is now 4th period, right before lunch, with Leo and Storm sitting beside me. This time, I put my foot down.. Really, I put my foot down on Tre's foot when he tried to sit next to me.

Here it goes.. I approached the table that they were sitting in. I was biting my lip so hard, sooner or later it was going to bleed.

"Guys, look." One of them said nudging her friend and pointed at me, but my steady stride's didn't flatter as I walked up to them.

"Hi.. can I sit here?" I said hesitantly.

"Um, Sure.." the blond one, I think her name was Riccki, said.


"What's your name?" the one beside Riccki said.

"You should know.. since you hate my guts," I whispered.


"It's me.. Isis.. Isis Fox?"

Each and every one of their eyes widened.

"What do you want?" the guy said in a harsh tone.

"Look, before you kick me out.. let me explain. Because I'd really love to be friends." I looked around for any of the guys.. Good, they were still in line for lunch.

"Fine, then," Riccki scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Explain," the other said.

"Wow," the guy said. "I get it," he said after I was done.

"Yeah.." Riccki said. "Wow, your mom is a bach!" I mumbled an 'I know' and looked down.


"Call me Ice."

"Ice, we'd love to be friends.." one breathed.

"Thank you.. I didn't think I could take anymore!"

"Well you still don't know our names.." the third girl said.

"I'm Riccki," The blond one said.

"I'm Torian," the black haired girl said with an easy smile.

"I'm Logan," the guy with the shoulder length hair said.

"And I'm Kaitlyn," the last one said. "And I must say, you look really good, girly! We always thought that you were one of THEM." She pretended to shudder.

"Hey, don't blame me.. blame my mother. Since she's gone for the whole month, how would you guys like to come swimming at my house?" I asked, eager.


"Yeah! I'm so happy that I made friends that weren't plastic," I said and started to do a little dance. They laughed.

"Sure!" I got out my phone and told them all to put their numbers in.

"BABE!" a too familiar voice shouted.

"Oh no.." I squeaked.

Riccki laughed.

"Hey, Guys.." I said.

"What's up?" Storm said.

"Nothing much, um, these are Riccki, Logan, Kaitlyn, and Torian." I pointed them all out.

"Mmm... who's that fine piece of meat?" Torian whispered to me, pointing at Leo.

"Leo Mane. I met him today, but he's a nice guy," I whispered back.

"You think I should go for it?" Her eyes lit up.

"Totally! I'll invite them to the pool today."

And to our complete surprise, Leo walked over to Tor, picked her up, and sat her on his lap. She gasped and looked at me with eager eyes. I winked.

Soon, Mason picked up Riccki, sat her on his lap, and introduced himself.

Storm shrugged and did the same to Kaitlyn. Logan and I laughed.

And then I was lifted.

His warm breath tickled my neck. My breathing stopped. "Uh, Hi?"

"Hello," he stretched the word out.

"I'm such a loner.." Logan said.

"Well then go get your self someone!" Torian said.

"Fine!" he got up and walked away.

A couple of minuets later, Logan came back with a protesting Raeena in his arms. My eyes widened.

"PUT ME DOWN, LOGAN!" she screeched.

"Heeeeyy!!!!" I said and waved.

"ISIS! What the hell!?" she screamed at me when Logan sat her on his lap. Everyone around me laughed.

"C'mon Raeena! Do you really wanna stay with.. THEM?" I said, and pointed.

"I guess not. I mean.. Todd cheated on me.. and I'm liking Logan here.." she trailed off. I chuckled.

"Wait, Ice, how do you know them?" she pointed to everybody at the table.

"Well, I met Riccki, Torian, Kaitlyn, and Logan today.. I met Tre two days ago, and his friends this morning."


When I was done with introducing, Tre said, "Hey, Babe."


He kissed my cheek.

"No!! Bleh!"

"You know you loved it."

I shrugged and picked up his piece of pizza and took a bite.

"That was weird.. you didn't even DENY that! YOU LIKE ME!" he started jumping up and down in his seat.

"I DO NOT!" I yelled.

"You know you do!" Logan threw a French fry at me.

"Awh, you really gotta throw the fry? What did it ever do you to you, eh?!" I said. He just laughed and threw another at me.

When the bell rang we went our separate ways. Except I was stuck with Dumb, Dumber, Dumbest, and Dumbester.

"Dude.. Riccki is TOTALLY hot!" Mason screamed and jumped.

"So is Torian," Leo said, a dreamy look coming to his eyes.

"Nah, my Baby here is the hottest." Of course, Tre, you really had to say that. I stomped on his foot.



"Bleeh!!" he said right back.

"Oh, hey before I forget, I'm inviting everybody to my pool today, you guys coming?" I asked.



"I'm in."

"Why not?"

"Okay, good, so Tre, you already know where I live, so just bring them with you."


"C'MON!!" I grabbed Mason's hand and towed them all to my car. I really didn't want to face Christine and Raeena today, maybe later. I'll invite them, sure, but I really don't wanna talk to them right now.

"Alright!" Tre chuckled.

"ICE, YOU DRIVE AN R8!?" Storm yelled.


"SH*T, THAT'S AWESOME!" The bubbled on how cool and awesome my car was. I just watched them with amusement. Tre was just emotionless, but I could see in his eyes that he was contemplating something in his head.

"Guys get in the car," Tre demanded, never taking his eyes of my face.

I cocked an eyebrow.

"Why?" Storm whined.


"Fine!" Leo said. They walked off.

"Tre?" I asked as he edged closer to me, placing both hands on either side of my head. I'm trapped. "Are you okay?"

He didn't answer. He was close.. too close.

He bit his lip and scrunched up his eyebrows, forehead creasing.

I closed my eyes, inhaling through my nose, smelling the Axe and mint.

His lips were so close.. if I could move I would've closed that small space and kissed him with all of what I have.

Collecting whatever ounce of energy left in my body I twiched closer, yet still not close enough. I could barely feel the brushing of his warm lips on mine, just barely, yet it was enough to send the 'Cobra Bites' as I would call them, through my body.

"C'mon" I whispered. "Just get it over with!" I whispered. Finally, FINALLY, his lips crashed down on mine. It was only a second later that I was interrupted.

"Isis!" I'd know that voice anywhere.

"Ugh, We'll finish this later." He gripped my chin, kissed my cheek, winked, and walked back to the Escalade.

"What. Was. That?" Christine shouted at me.

"Me kissing Tre," I said it in a DUH tone.

"KISSING MY BOYFRIEND!?" She screamed at me.

She really is getting desperate for a boyfriend.. "Since when was he your boyfriend?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Um, since he moved in next door to me!"

"Wait! Aren't you with Christian Ricardo now?" I could swear on my life that she was kissing him this morning.

"Yeah, but Christian was just a cover up for what me a Dre had." I never noticed that she was such a.. such a S*UT!

"Um.. his name is TRE! DRE is his BROTHER!" Is she for REAL?

"Whatever, same chizz," she waved it off and rolled her eyes. "And, Damn, Isis, could you look anymore, EMO?! It's disgusting! And hanging out with those loners? You might as well be sitting in a trashcan!" she scoffed and flipped her hair.

"Get. Out. Of. My. Face."

"Face it Isis, your nothing but this gullible piece of jelly." My hands at my sides twitched.

"Chrissie, I thought you were my friend.. what happened?" I whispered.

"We are friends, silly!"

"How bi-polar can you get!?" I screamed, the parking lot was empty now.

She didn't answer.

"What the hell is your problem? You were always like this.. I never noticed. I was always in my little bubble.. just agreeing to whatever people tell me to do.."

"You finally realize that, huh?"

My hand twitched again, and this time, I didn't stop it, it came up and slapped her on the face. Her head snapped to the side, and the red hand print on her face was clear.

A few seconds of silence passed by. She straightened her skirt and said, "Well, I'm off to cheerleading! Ta-ta!!"

I was fuming, pretty sure my face was as red as my hair.

I sighed and got into the car, dropping my head on the steering wheel.

"Why?" I asked. Why what? I have no clue. Who was I saying 'why' to? I don't know.

"DING!!!!" The doorbell went.

I fixed my bikini and walked down stairs.

"HEY!!" Riccki pounced on me.

"What's Crackalackin!?" Torian said and hugged me.

"JELLO!!!" Kaitlyn was next.

"HOLA, MUCHACHA!!!" Raeena was here too.

"I LOVE YOUR HOUSE!" They all said together. They were all wearing bikinis with towels draped on their shoulders.

"Thanks! Where's Logan?"

"HERE!" He walked in with only a pair of swim trunks on. My eyes bulged. 8 pack.. a tattoo of an eagle on his abdomen..

The ringing of the doorbell snapped me out of my reverie.

I opened the door to be greeted by 4 shirtless boys with their eyes wide open.

"Hola! C'mon in." I stepped away from the door so they could get inside.

Nobody moved.

Sighing I walked to Storm, grabbed his hand, Tre's in the other, and towed them inside.

"Since when did you have a tattoo?!" Tre said and traced his fingers on my lower back. I jumped away.

"That tickles! And I got it about 5 months ago." I crossed my arms.

"NOBODY knows about it.. you guys are the first," I admitted.

"It looks so cool!" Kaitlyn said.

"Hells yeah!" Torian agreed.

Mason and Storm looked at each other.

"Hot!" They said at once.


I chuckled and led them all out to the back yard.

Screams erupted, a hand grabbed my waist, and I was underwater.

I swam to the surface and started screaming and hitting Tre.

"Alright! Alright!"


He just continued to laugh.

"You guys are so weird!" Torian said.

"Tell me about it!" Leo said and wrapped both his arms around her waist. She blushed and looked down. Aw, how cute!

We were in the shallow end of the pool so the water came up to my waist. His hands snaked around my waist, jerking me closer to him.

"What are you doing?" I asked suspiciously.

"I believe we have some unfinished business," he whispered. My eyes widened.

"No.. Not here, leave me alone!" I thrashed, but to no avail.


"N--" and for the third time in a matter of 2 days, he kissed me. I practically melted.

The guys around us were saying stuff like,


"Hey, no making babies in the pool!"

"How cute!"


"Ice and Tre, sitting in a pool, F-U-C-*-*-*-g!"

He moved back and rested his forehead on mine.

"Your such a meanie!" I whined and pouted. He laughed and pecked my lips.

I turned around and saw every boy was with a girl.

Logan and Raeena, Tor and Leo, Storm and Kaitlyn, and Mason and Riccki. And of course Tre and I. They were all splashing, tickling, and laughing. It was a pretty nice sight.

"LET'S GO INSIDE!!" Riccki shouted. Everybody but Tre agreed.

"C'mon," I said and tugged on his arm.

"No," he shook his head.


"Because I'd like to stay out here with you." He poked my arm.

"Well I wanna go inside!" I whined.

"No." He picked me up and set me on the edge of the pool. His blue eyes were full of lust and mischief. I wonder what's on his mind.. Then again, finding out wasn't really the best answer when it came to Tre.

His wrists locked around my ankles. I set my hands on the edge of the pool and sighed.

"What now?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Do you like me, Isis?" He asked, his eyes totally relaxed, eyebrows raised, lips set into his signature smirk.

"Pfft, no! If I wasn't in this 'slave' thing I would've kicked you out a long time ago." I could almost hear a tiny person in my head saying, "Congratulations to Miss Isis Fox for wining the Biggest Fattest Liar Of The Centaury Award!"

"Your lying," he accused and kissed my knee.

"Would you stop with the kissing!?" I was frustrated.

"No.." he breathed and spread my legs apart. My breath caught in my throat. His hands slid up from my ankles, to my knees, and finally to my thighs.

I was utterly frozen, I couldn't move, breath, nothing!

He laid on single kiss on the inside of my thigh. I shivered.

"As I was saying.." Another kiss; another shudder. "do you like me?" WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO DO!?

"N-" Kiss. Cobra bites!

"What was that?" He kissed my thigh again, this time biting it gently and then licking the place where he bit.


"I thought so." Kiss.

"Hey, Ice - whoa!" Torian's voice sounded from the screen door. Oh SH*T! I could imagine what Tor was seeing right now. A guy in a pool, a girl on the ledge of the pool, legs spread apart, the boys lips on the inside of her thighs. Well, F***.

Tre let go of me and pushed off the wall. I gathered my legs together and cleared my throat.

"Yeah, Tor?"

"Um, I was just gonna ask if you guys wanted to watch a movie.. but you look pretty busy.."

"No, no.. We'll be there in two minuets! Go pick a movie. Shoo!"

She laughed and went inside.

"What was that about!?" I crossed my arms and looked at him.

He shrugged and grinned at me. "I made you admit that you liked me," he said smugly.

"I feel so violated!" I groaned. He laughed lightly and swam up to me.

He pulled me down into the pool by my legs and kissed me again.. but this time, I actually kissed back.

I started running my hands through his silky, wet, black hair, gently tugging on it. His hands were on my back, supporting me up, lightly rubbing circles on it.

He pulled back, and I saw, for the first time, worry and nervousness in his eyes. That's a first!



"Look, I really don't know how to say this--" I cut him off.

"If you say you have a girlfriend, I will so kill you."

"No, no. I don't, no need to get jealous," he sniggered. "I wanted to ask.. if you would.. uh, I know this is your first time and all.. would you.. UGH!" he groaned. Why the hell did I find it seriously cute that he was nervous? "I seriously need to grow some balls," he muttered.

"Spit it out!"

"Would you go out with me tomorrow night?" I gasped. It's really happening! "Wait.. don't answer.. I am your master! I COMMAND you to go on a date with me tomorrow," he said, smugly. I sighed.

"Way to ruin the moment! And yes.. I'll go with you tomorrow."

"Pfft.. it's not like you had a choice anyways.." He grinned, I slapped him.

"I saw the note you left on my nightstand.. good job, loser, you really made Cain mad at me. Sexy Babe? Really?"


I shook my head. "Your unbelievable!" I chuckled.

"Tomorrow is Tuesday.. and Wednesday is dinner at my house." He grinned again.

I sighed but nodded.

"Now, c'mon, we better go inside," he said and helped me out of the pool where we made our way inside and watched a movie with everybody. Every girl was on her guy's lap, blankets everywhere, pillows behind our heads, and soda and popcorn.

BEST. DAY. EVER!!!!!!!!!



If you say that was short I will find you, make you into Shish-kabob and DIP YOU IN BBQ SAUCE!!!!!!

6,666 words on word. (No Joke) Hey that's funny.. WORDS ON WORD!!!

Anyway.. I'll be uploading the next one sometime next week...

This chapter was all intros, and loveeeyyyy and all mushy.. but, hey, you gotta have those once in a while.. ☺ LOL.

Thank you soo much for fanning commenting reading.. yeah.



BTW: Guy in the pic is Mason Michael. AKA Alex Meraz.

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