Demi One-shots

By lovatic_faye

26.1K 641 125


Demi One-shots
My little family
Demi's other sister.
What's going on
My little family (two)
My little family (three)
Demi's other sister (two)
Melody - Interesting plane journey
Demi's Other Sister (three)
Demi's other sister (four)
What's going on (Two)
Do not hate on my sister
Demi's other sister (five) (holiday)

Let me help you

1.8K 50 12
By lovatic_faye

I know this one isn't a request, but I randomly thought about it and wanted to write it.

Demi POV.

About two years ago I made a drastic career change. However I still write songs for other artists in my spare time. I am now a kind of teaching assistant or a member of learning support in a school.

Today I meet the new child who I am being assigned to. I sit with them in there lessons and help them out with the work. Sometimes they don't need help academically, they just need someone to help them stay calm and help with anger or anxiety.

Last night I read the file of the girl I would be helping. Her name was Heidi and she was thirteen years old. She had just been put into a local orphanage meaning she had to move schools. After introductory tests it was concluded that she was dyslexic so I'd definitely have to help her with her work. Because of her background it's likely she will either have anger issues or anxiety. Possibly both. All I can do is try my best to help her.

When I arrived at the school I headed off to reception to meet Heidi. When I saw her I was surprised at how little she was, she looked like a shy timid little rabbit. She was stood next to her social worker, looking down at the floor and playing with bracelets on her wrists.

"Hi there, you must be Heidi, it's nice to meet you I'm miss lovato but seeing as I'm not a proper teacher you can call me Demi" I said as I greeted Heidi

"Hi" she said quietly.

"Why don't we go and get to know each other a little before the day starts?" I suggested.


I led her down the corridor towards the room where all the children who had a helper could hang out and go to calm down if they needed to. It was a really nice, relaxing environment. I sat down on the big sofa in the middle of the room and patted the cushion next to me for Heidi to join me.

"Are you excited to start school Hun?" I asked, trying to break the ice and get her comfortable talking to me.

"Not really" she shrugged.

"Whys that?"

"I just don't like school, I can't read or write properly. It's embarrassing" she admitted, looking down at the floor.

"Sweetheart, it's nothing to be embarrassed about. Lots of kids are in the same position as you. There's like two other people in your class who have a helper with them. You won't be the only one."

"Ok, you w-won't laugh at m-me right?" She stuttered out, fighting back tears.

"Of course not. We're in this together ok" I encouraged

She gave me a weak smile and looked at the clock. She was right, we had to get to her first lesson in five minutes.

"Come on then chick. Let's go"

We arrived at her first class and we were the first there other than the teacher. I introduced Heidi and she told us to take a seat near the front. As other students started arriving I noticed Heidi's breathing pick up slightly and her hands began to shake. I leant closer to her so nobody could hear me.

"Heidi, it's ok. Just take nice deep breaths." I whispered.

She nodded slowly at me and tried to calm her breathing.

As the teacher started the lesson, you could tell straight away that Heidi had switched off but so had half the class. She was staring blankly out of the window.

"Heidi, come on. Concentrate please" I said nicely but sternly.

"What's the point?" She whispered back

"You need to concentrate so you can complete your work" i replied


"Loose the attitude please."

She just shrugged and we went back to listening to the teacher talk about a random Charles dickens novel.

Eventually the teacher set the kids off with some work. They had to read a passage of the book and re-write it in there own words. Straight away I could see Heidi panic when she opened the book. Her eyes scanned over the page but I could tell she couldn't really read it.

"Sweetheart do you want me to read it to you?" I asked her.

"No. I can do it!" She snapped.

"Ok, can you read a little bit to me please?" I asked, hoping she would so i could know for sure if she understood.

"No, I don't want to"

"Heidi, are you sure you can understand this?" I inquired.

Her hands were screwed up and she was digging her nails into her palms. Her whole body had tensed up.

"Heidi. I'm here to help you, there is nothing wrong with needing help. Relax yourself and breath for me Hun" I said calmly.

"I-i c-can't do it. I c-can't calm d-down" she stuttered out.

"Ok, I need you to listen to me now sweetie. Take nice deep breaths and put your hands flat on the desk" i instructed.

She shook her head rapidly.

"Ok come here. Give me your hands."

I looked around the classroom and all the kids were getting on with there work, the teacher was making her way round checking on them all. I turned in my seat to face her and took her hands in mine. I uncurled her fingers and rubbed my thumb across the top of her hands. As I moved my hands to hold her wrists my thumbs made their way under her bracelets and I could feel recent cuts. This poor little girl. My thumbs traced the cuts and I looked up to meet Heidi's terrified eyes.

"Sweetheart it's ok. I'm not angry. I'm going to help you." I said in an attempt to calm her.

"I'm sorry d-demi"

"It's ok. We'll talk later let's try and do this work ok. Together"

"Ok, I'll try"

She settled down and moved her chair a little closer to me so she could hear me read a little clearer. I wish we weren't in a classroom because I just want to pull her on my knee and give her a cuddle. She just needs some love and affection.

When I finished reading she said she would try and do some writing by herself first and would ask me if she needed help. Every now and again she would ask me how to spell something.

"Good girl Heidi. You're doing really well." I praised.

She looked up from her work and gave me a genuine smile. When she finished it she turned to me.

"Will you check it for me Demi?" She asked

"Of course i will"

I read it and honestly, it was better than I had expected.

"Heidi that's really good, I'm really impressed with you"


"Really, I'm so proud of you. If you keep working hard sweetie, you're gonna be top of the class" I smiled

"Don't be daft" she laughed

"I'm serious, we'll keep working and you'll catch up in no time"

"Thank you Demi"

"Hey, no need to thank me. I'm always here for you ok"

The bell rang and we headed out to the next lesson.

Lunch time soon came round.

"Heidi, you can go have you lunch in the canteen if you want or you can come back to the learning support room. There's a few other kids who stay in there. You can meet them if you want."

"W-will you be t-there?" She asked nervously

"I will sweetheart, you wanna stay with me?"

She nodded but didn't speak.

"Alright come on"

When we reached the private room for the kids who need a little support, there were a few kids eating there lunch and chatting away. I led Heidi to a table and quickly went to get my lunch. On my way back I saw her looking down and playing with her bracelets.

I sat down and began eating. I know she has her packet lunch in her bag because her social worked told me before she left.

"Aren't you going to eat your dinner" I asked

"I'm not hungry." She said blankly

"Please try a little bit for me" I said batting my eyelashes and pouting, causing her to laugh.

She took her sandwich and yogurt out of her bag and placed it on the table and stared at it unblinkingly, like she was scared of it.

"May I?" I asked, pointing to her sandwich.

She simply nodded

I carefully pulled the sandwich into two halves and took one away so she wasn't over faced.

"Just try this little bit for me. I'm right here Heidi. It's all ok"

She nodded again and took it off me. She began taking small bites, chewing about a thousand times before swallowing. I looked up from my own lunch and noticed a few tears falling down her soft baby-like skin. I wiped them away with my thumb and gave her a weak smile.

"Where's the bathroom?" She asked me when she'd finished

"I'll show you towards the end of lunch time"

"Why not now?"

"You know why Heidi"

"Please Demi tell me." She begged

"If I tell you I'm coming with you" i stated.


We walked towards the bathroom and the second we were in there she locked the door and did exactly what I knew she was going to do. She was purging.

Luckily there was nobody else in here.


"Heidi sweetheart"

"Come out to me, I'm not mad"

"Heidi please" I shouted.

After about five minutes i heard the door unlock and a tear stained Heidi walkout and walked straight into my arms. I know there's supposed to be a child teacher barrier but I wrapped my arms tightly around her small frame while she cried into my body.

"shhh Heidi calm down"

"I'm s-sorry"

Her voice was muffled as her face was buried into my chest.

"It's ok darling, come on let's get you cleaned up"

I let her swill her face with water and wash her hands before we walked back to the room.

The sofa was free so I sat her down and went to get her some water.

I sat down next to her and passed her the bottle of water.

"Just try and have a little drink for me"

She nodded and took a few little sips before she put it down on table in front of us.

"Heidi, why don't you have a little rest, you look really worn out. I'll get you out of the afternoon lessons if you want"

"W-will you stay with m-me?"

"Only If you want me to"

"Please Demi" she begged, as she began to get worked up again

"Alright, hey hey hey shhhh it's ok. I'm here. I'm right here Heidi"

"I'm tired" she cried softly

"Did you sleep well last night sweetie?"

"No, I was scared, I don't like the orphanage" she admitted

"Ok, well have a little rest now. I'll sort everything out don't you worry." I soothed

"Come here angel"

I beckoned her towards me and she curled into my body and rested her head on my chest. I gently played with her hair until I felt her fully relax and noticed she was asleep. After a while I carefully manoeuvred her so she was lay on the sofa. I quickly walked to reception and got hold of the number of the orphanage.


"Hello, this is Demi lovato, I'm Heidi's helper"

"Oh hello, is everything ok?"

"Everything's fine, I was just wondering if I could set up a meeting with you?"

"About anything in particular miss lovato?"

"I'd like to discuss adoption"

"Ok, can you come by after school?"

"That's perfect, I'll bring Heidi with me to save you coming out for her"

"Ok thank you"

I made my way back to Heidi and sat back down on the sofa. I lifted her head and rested it on my lap as I once again began playing with her hair.

She rolled a little and got a little restless, letting out little whimpers

"Shhh shhhh baby girl. I'm here, Demi's here" I cooed and she settled down again with her face buried in my stomach.

I couldn't fight the feelings I had for this little girl, she's stolen my heart. I can't let her suffer any longer. I want to adopt her, I want her to be mine. I've never felt this connection with a child before. I just hope she will let me adopt her.


I hope you enjoyed this.

I am still open to requests and I will get round to them at some point.

Anyone of you beautiful readers seeing Demi at koko in London ?????

Message me if you are :)

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