Adopted By O2L [Completed]


133K 3.2K 727


Adopted By O2L
Package Deal (Ch 1)
Our New Home (Ch 2)
Red Hair (Ch 3)
Hospital (Ch 4)
Ice Cream and Egg Head (Ch 5)
Youtube Party (Ch 6)
Disney Part 2 (Ch 8)
Beach (Ch 9)
Car Crash (Ch 10)
Car Crash, Andrea's POV (Ch 11)
Parents (Ch 12)
(Ch 13)
Hayes + Kris (Ch 14)
Authors Note
Da Date! (Ch 16)
(Ch 17)
(Ch 18)
Break up and Daddy-Daughter Time (Ch 19)
Happy Birthday Twins! Last Chapter (Ch 20)

Disney Part 1 (Ch 7)

5.4K 141 27

*Kris POV*

"Kris! Matt! Can you guys come downstairs we need to tell you something!" I hear dad say. Matt and I walk downstairs and sit down on the couch.

"Ok well we have some good news" dad says.

"Well what is it tell us" Matt says getting kinda jumpy.

"Ok so we are going to---" he pauses"Disney World" they yell, and I jump up from my seat and tackle them.

"Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!" I say hugging them.

"Your welcome now go pack! We will be there for a week and we are leaving in a week" dad tells me and with that I run upstairs and pack.

I finish packing in about and hour. It is already like 9 and I'm tired so I decide to go to sleep. "Goodnight guys!" I yell downstairs. The all reply goodnights and I go to sleep.

//1 Week Later\\

Today we are leaving for Disney World! Dad told me that a lot of youtubers are going so this is going to be fun! We all pile into the car and head off to the airport. We get there in and hour, then it takes an hour to go through all the security and stuff. They call our plane and we board. The seating is

Dad, Matt, Me

Ricky ,Sam, Trevor

Andrea, Kian, Connor

Jenn, Jack (thats0jack), Rebecca

Everone else is either there or taking a later flight.

// Skip Flight \\

The flight was so annoying. There was a baby that kept crying. Anyways we all get off, grab our luggage and pile into several taxis. I was with Jenn and Rebecca. About 30 minutes later I see the Disney entrance.

"Were here!" I yell and I start jumping up and down. I look over at Jenn and see that she is vlogging me so I stop.

"Hey guys its Jenn and as Kris said, Were Here!" she says imitating me.

"Hey! I've never been to Disney so I'm exited!" I say. Jenn turns her camera off as we arrive at our hotel. We are staying at the Art Of Animation Nemo hotel (A/N I have actually stayed there) We get out of the taxi and pay then we check into the hotel. We have 3 suites. They each have 2 beds and 1 pull out couch. So the rooms are

Room 1: Dad, Matt, Jack, Connor

Room 2: Ricky, Sam, Kian, Trevor

Room 3: Me, Jenn, Rebecca, Andrea

We all head into our rooms and unpack. We decide that after we unpack we will meet up with some youtubers that are already here. We unpack and someone knocks on our door. I open it and Zoella.

"Zoe!" I say hugging her.

"Hi Kris!" she says hugging back. She comes in and we all talk for a while then Zoe goes back to her room and we go to bed. I take the couch bed, Rebecca said she will take the table bed, and Andrea and Jenn take the bed. We all say goodnight then I fall asleep.

Ok so I decided that I would make them stay at the nemo hotel because I have stayed there. When I stayed there it was actually Halloween. I had gone as a ninja lol it was a cute costume. and that was 2 years ago. I love going to Disney. Its like a yearly event for my family. anyways the next few chapters will take place at Disney. I put a video of the hotel on the side. So hope you like this chapter! its kinda short but the next few chapters will be longer hopefully!

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