The Reaper's Keeper (UNEDITED)

By stefymay

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I always thought that when you die that would be the end and you would see a bright light and the pearly gate... More

Authors note...
The deads love Poem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chpater 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 15

11.3K 238 18
By stefymay


“If that’s all…” I said in a curt voice hoping that, that was it and I can get Violet away from him.

“That is all; I hope you don’t have any plans for later tonight, because you and your boy band groupies are going to be busy.”

I gave a curt nod again and all but sprinted for the door, but before I got out I heard D yell,

“Oh and Ethan, don’t forget to bring your bed mate to supper tomorrow night. I look forward to meeting your new play thing.” D smirked as he stared on at me.

I took a deep breath and left, seeing Violet safely waiting for me was a relief and getting her in the car and far away from D helped ease the uneasiness I felt.

I needed to figure out what to do; we needed to get Tommy like yesterday. 


Chapter 15

It was another twenty minutes before Ethan walked out of the library seeming a bit tense. He must of had a fight with his uncle.

He didn’t say anything as he opened my door for me and got in on his side and drove us back to the hospital, but he did look grimmer than what he did before.

It’s obvious that he doesn’t get along with his uncle and he wasn’t in the least bit happy that his uncle caught us. Was he embarrassed about us?

After we got Lily from the hospital, Ethan dropped us at home. He seemed to be deep in thought, unsettled in a way.

“Here you go Lily, I’ll be in soon.” I said as I gave her the keys to our front door.  She nodded and climbed out running to the front door and letting herself in.

Turning back to Ethan, he still hadn’t said anything and the silence was killing me. “Erm… so we didn’t get much done today.”

“No we didn’t.” Okay didn’t go as planned.

“Want to make another study date?”


Suppressing the urge to let out a frustrated breath I said, “Okay how about Friday? Want me to come over to your place?”

“NO!” He shouted and faced me fully for the first time since the library.

“Whoa okay… look we can always have it on another day if Fridays not good for you.”

He sighed, “No, Friday’s good. We’ll study at your place.” He took a deep breath and slowly let it out.

“Okay… so er… see you tomorrow at school.”

“Violet, what are you doing tomorrow night?” He asked like it was the hardest thing in the world.

“Erm… nothing might just rent a movie or something. Why?”

“I er… I was wondering if you would like to join me for dinner tomorrow night... at my place.” He asked me, while staring out the front window with a blank expression, like my response wouldn’t bother him either way. Of course I saw through his little rouse because even if his face wasn’t saying anything, his body language spoke volumes. His hands were clutching the stirring wheel so tightly that his knuckles where white from the strain and he was tense for most of the drive with his shoulders squared and straight. The real question was why was he so tense? Does my answer mean that much to him? Does he really want me to come, or does he really not want me to come? I think that I’m over thinking this and I should just go, where’s the harm in that?

“Sure, I’ll have dinner with you tomorrow night.”

He nodded and said nothing more. He didn’t ease his grip up and the tension never left his body. Weird, boys are just too weird.

After what felt like forever of silence and Ethan not making a move to kiss me goodnight, I decided to just go…

“So see you tomorrow.”

“See you tomorrow.”

I sat in the car a little while. Come on Ethan, kiss me, please kiss me. When it was painfully obvious he wasn’t going to lean over and kiss me senseless again, I said

“Right so I’ll just…” I trailed as I opened the door and slowly climbed out.

“Violet wait!” I turned around and before I could say anything, Ethan was standing next to me. I had no idea how he managed to get there so fast but before I could think he had his lips on me. He kissed me hard and it was one of the most passionate kisses I had, well it wasn't like i had a lot in my lifetime but it was one of the best. It felt like he didn’t want to leave me, like he just wanted to stand out here and make out and i was so in on that one. He stroked his sinfully soft tongue against mine and explored my mouth. Just as I thought I was reaching the point of no return, Ethan pulled back and we were both breathing heavily.

“Night Ducky, sleep tight.”

“Night Romeo.” I smiled as I saw an amused expression cross his face. Why did I just call him that?

“Romeo? And please do tell mine fair lady, why you have gifted me with this name?"  He leaned down close to my ear and whispered, "Is it because you think of me as a passionate lover?” He smiled as he twirled a lock of my hair around his finger.

Must resist urge to fan myself and remember to breath. I mumbled “You have no idea.” But he must have heard me because he chuckled and said , “I can do more than kiss you, you know?”

I felt my cheeks heat up two shades darker and I smacked him playfully on his arm,

“Ethan behave yourself.”

“If that’s what you really want.”


“Yes… you better get going it’s getting late.”

“As you wish my Juliet.” Then he bowed over my hand and kissed it lingeringly and I had a sudden urge to grab him and start kissing him senseless … again. Man this boy was going to drive me insane.

I reluctantly pulled my hand back and slowly walked to the door with a gigantic smile on my face that I just couldn’t wipe off.

I reached the door and glance over my shoulder one last time to look at the boy I was slowly falling for. He was leaning against the car watching me walk in. I sighed as I closed the door.

As soon as I closed the door, I heard Ethan’s car speed off.

Sighing, boys are most defiantly weird. First he was all quiet and upset like I had done something wrong then the next thing I know he’s kissing me senseless. Deciding boys are a complication I don’t really need right now, but Ethan was somehow different, I have never wanted a guy as much as I wanted him. I walked up the stairs to my room and closed the door.

The rest of the night I spent drinking coffee like a cop on the night shift and staying as far away from anything remotely comfortable enough to make me fall asleep. I even watched a marathon of Comedy Central and let me tell you, by then I felt like a zombie, just a walking corps, going about a routine of getting ready for school.

I walked down the stairs and had a quick shower and dressed for school. As I brushed my teeth I looked into the mirror and saw that the marks under my eyes where darker and more pronounced as the color of my skin was considerately paler and my eye balls looked like they had sunk back into my skull. God now not only did I feel like a zombie, I evidently looked like one too.

That’s just great!

Grabbing my make-up bag, I applied concealer to hide the smudges under my eyes and headed out for school, but not before grabbing a red bull from the fridge. I’m not really looking forward to today, just thinking about yesterdays drama with Terry was making me want to turn around; then again yesterday with Ethan was something to look forward to. Although I have no idea what was up with him after I left him with his uncle at the library. I wonder what dinner’s going to be like?

Most of my night was spent thinking about that kiss we shared in the library before we were interrupted by his uncle and then the kiss by the car. Mmm… Ethan, yum, yum, yum. Shut up Vi, you’re starting to sound like the zombie you look like. But still… what if we weren’t interrupted, how far would we have gone? I gave a slight shiver at the thought.

Stop it, just thinking about it now is getting me all riled up. No point in getting worked up and no-one to take it out on. Plus it’s not like we’re together or anything, I mean he didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend and just because we kissed a couple of times doesn’t make us an item… right?

I pulled up at school after I dropped Lily off and walked towards my locker. Grabbing my notebook and stuffing it into my mostly empty bag.

I reached my first class and noticed that Ethan wasn’t in yet and I decided to take a seat and wait for him. There was a few things I wanted to ask him about us and I was anxious to find out the answers to it.

The bell rang to signal the start of the lesson and still no Ethan. Damn I forgot to check if his car was in the parking lot, so I have no idea if he’s in yet or not.

The next few lessons dragged along with no sign of Ethan or his cousins. Was it me? Did I do something? Maybe his uncle was hard on him about catching us together yesterdday, maybe he doesn’t want Ethan with someone like me. Oh… who am I kidding, torturing myself like this is getting nowhere and Ethan said he didn’t like me like that, so why did he kiss me? Was he just using me, taking advantage over the fact that I have a crush on him? Damned if I’ll let a boy take advantage over me.

I should just forget about him, yip, boys are more trouble than they’re worth. Just keep working towards your goal of getting a scholarship for photography and that awesome photography job for Discovery.

Van and Vicky never said much, like they just knew my silence was due to Ethan. Bless their hearts, but they somehow talked about everything except Ethan and his cousins. A feat in itself if you asked me.

As I turned to walk towards my last class of the day, I felt a masculine arm grab me from around my waist and a meaty hand went over my mouth before I could scream out for help.

I gave a few muffled screams into the beefy hand and dropped my bag while I continued to flail about, kicking and swinging my fists like a deranged person. Then I felt someone’s breath against my neck.

“Calm down Ducky, it’s just me.”

I rolled my eyes and huffed into the hand that was still over my mouth. Seriously what the hell was he thinking scaring the crap out of me like that?

He slowly removed his hand from my mouth and turned me around so that I faced him, but he never loosened his grip on my waist.

“Well, look who finally showed up.” I said sounding a little harsher but was beyond caring. He just shows up out of nowhere and drags me into a closet like some kidnapped victim and then pretends nothing is wrong.

 “I think someone missed me a little too much. Don’t worry Ducky I missed you too.”

“I didn’t say that I missed you and quit calling me Ducky. It’s annoying.” I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest as I pouted like a two year old.

“Ahh, come on Ducky don’t be like that. I had to take care of something and it ended up taking longer than I thought it would.”

“What did you need to do first thing in the morning that took practically the whole school day?”

“I had to pick up a cousin of mine at the airport and his flight was a bit delayed.”

“Oh…” I said feeling a bit guilty that I went off on him like that for apparently no good reason.

“So you want to get out of here?” He asked, inching closer to my face.

“Not so fast Romeo, what gives you scaring me like that…” I looked around the dankly closet that smelled of mothballs and bleach. “and why did you pull me into this place?” I asked while suppressing the urge to cover my mouth and run out of it for some fresh air. The ‘closet’ he dragged me into provided no room what so ever, so even if he let loose his grip around my waist I would still be flush against him. Just thinking about it made me blush.

 “So… why are we in here? And what did you mean get out of here? Like as in this closet?”

“No I meant get out of the school, and I pulled you in here for a little privacy.”

“Privacy for what exactly?” I asked not missing the fact that he wanted me to play hooky on my last class.

“For more of this…” He trailed as he kissed the side of my mouth and trailed his soft lips down my cheek to my jaw, where he nipped me and I took a sharp intake of breath. I felt him smile against my skin as he trailed lower down my neck towards my collar bone.

"So what's it going to be Ducky? Me or boring lectures?"

Okay I can’t take anymore of this… I grabbed his hand and said in a husky voice,

“Okay lets go.”

I practically dragged him out of the closet after checking if it was all clear and running out of the school door.

I stopped in the middle of the school parking lot and looked around. I turned to Ethan and he seemed to know what I was thinking.

“My car.” he nodded in the direction of where his car was parked and I quickly spotted his black dodge parked on the far left.

He quickly opened the door for us and sped out of the schools parking lot. I glanced back to make sure no-one saw us leaving. Class had started already and there weren’t much students or teachers around. I will have to remember to text Vicky and Van later on, to let them know that I safe and not to worry about me and to drive my car back home, Vicky had had a spare key to my car, because I'm always locking myself out of it.

We drove in silence for a while when I started to notice that we were heading out of the residential area towards the mountains.

“Where are we going?” I asked looking around at all the passing trees.

“To this place I found on one of my walks.”

“You do that a lot huh?”

“What walk?”


“Ya it helps me to get away from it all, to just think. You know?”

“Ya I know.” I said while looking over at him. He seemed like he was in a better mood since yesterday and he wasn’t as tense. I guess he and his uncle worked things out.

Smiling to myself as I continued to stare out of the window. So what does this make us now?



“Are we… together now?”

He gave me a weird look and said in a sarcastic voice, “Well I’m here and you’re here so I guess that we are together.”

“No that’s not what I meant, I mean are we together, together as in… you know more than assignment buddies.”

“Oh.” He sounded taken aback by the question. Right over stepped Vi.

“Look it’s no big deal if we aren’t. Heck I know you’re not into me like that, I was just wondering-“

“Violet! I do like you okay and more as a friend.” I stared at him for a while and then started firing questions like I was in a shooting range with an AK47.

“Then why did you make me believe that you never cared for me? Why did you let me believe that there could never be anything between us? And why now? Why do you want to be with me now?” He sighed, and seemed to look very sad.

“It’s complicated.”

“Then uncomplicated it.”

“It’s not that easy, if you should know what I am… what I do…” He trailed and took a deep breath, “Just know, I didn’t mean to hurt you, that was never my intention.”

“I don’t understand Ethan. What do you mean if I should know what you are and what you do? What do you do?”

Ah crap, Kyle was right. He is most probably in the mafia that’s why he lives in Lakewood with all his mafia family.

“Ducky my… families different. We are a little weird.”

“Are you in the Mafia?” I whispered as if someone would hear me, and Ethan burst out laughing. He was laughing so hard tears where practically rolling down his cheeks. Once he calmed down he said,

“Only you Ducky would think something like that. No we’re not the mafia or in the mafia…” He took on a distant look like he was thinking real hard on how to explain what they really are.

“Are you… embarrassed about them? Is that why you acted the way you did in the library when your uncle caught us?”

“Among other things.” He mumbled as he tightened his grip on the stirring wheel.

“okay…” I said not wanting to push him. It was obvious he didn’t like this topic, so trying to change it I asked,

“So were are we going Romeo? If you’re going to say hiking I’m going to have to decline, because I’m not dressed for trekking up a mountain.” I said wiggling my four inch heels for him to see my point.

“It won’t be very far, I promise Ducky.”

“Heels and mountain don’t go, just like oil and water and my granny and cheese." I said the last part and wrinckled my nose at the thought of the last time my granny had cheese and I was unfortunate enough to be near her when her lactose intolerant system took effect.

"And this is too far out, we won’t get back in time to get Lily from school” He smiled at me and said while trying to use the puppy dog eyes,

“I’ve already asked Connor to fetch her and he said he’ll ask Vicky to wait with him while they wait for us so you’re covered.”

“I’m not too sure about those two together… alone with my little sister and that still leaves the issue of my heels.”

“Please Ducky, I’ll even carry you part of the way up.”

“Mmm… carry me you say.” I smiled at the thought and started tapping my chin with my index finger as a plan took form in my head. Pay back is a coming Mr. Leeds.


An hour later and we reached our destination.

“Shoot Ducky, get off. I said carry you part of the way, not all the way.”

“Well I would have walked most of the way if my heel hadn’t to break by that ditch thingy. I told you hiking and heels don’t go well.”

“It was a hole a small hole, not a ditch. I still think you broke your heel on purpose.”

“Are you serious, me break a hundred dollar shoe just so you can carry me up a hill. Don’t flatter yourself buddy. I told you at the bottom of this Everest that this was a bad idea.” I said while trying to suppress my laugh.

Okay so I lied about the amount of the shoe, it was actually twenty five dollars on sale at Wallmart and the shoe was ancient, not to mention that the same heel broke like five times since I bought it, but hey who’s keeping tabs. Don’t you just love it when a plan comes into action.

“And I told you I’ll buy you new shoes.” Check and mate

Changing the topic before I gave myself away, I asked, “So where is this magnificent place you had forced me out of the sancuary of school and dragged me up a dangerous mountain face?”

“It’s just over here.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a dense area of trees.

I was about to comment on the fact that his special place was an over grown forest and if he was hoping to find Tarzan in there, when he parted the branches of the trees like a curtain and revealed a small waterfall with a pool. It was beautiful, the afternoon sun hitting it just right caused a rainbow to form over it like a welcome banner. There were some wild flowers around it and a few boulders close to the edge, great for sitting on. The perfect spot.

“Wow Ethan… it’s… it’s… beautiful.” I said in a whisper, while I turned to look around the small clearing. There was mist forming where the water hit the pool and I could smell the damp earth and the fresh water in the air.

“I’m glad you like it.”

“How did you find a place like this? I’ve lived here all my life and I never knew this place existed.”

He shrugged with his hands in his pockets and walked over to me and said, “I told you, I like to walk and I happen to stumble into this place.”

“wow you must like to walk a lot to have stumbled onto this place. It’s so well hidden.”

I looked at the water and slowly walked over to it. It was a little hot and I had the urge to get in and swim especially since it looked so picturesque and inviting.

“Turn around, I’m getting in.”

He looked a bit surprised at first, but turned around none the less.

As I started taking my clothes off, I started thinking. What am I doing? The old me would never strip down in front of a guy or skip out on school. It seems ever since the attack I have felt this intense need to live. While I was lying on the floor, bleeding out, I thought of all the things I have done, which isn’t a lot and all the things I wanted to do and if I ever got out of that alive I would live my life to the fullest and not be afraid anymore.

Only in my underwear I turned to check if Ethan wasn’t peeking and when I saw his back still towards me, I turned and ran towards the water not waiting to test the temperature. The water was perfect, not too hot and not too cold.

“Mmmm… the waters perfect.” I shouted when I was in the center of the pool and my body well hidden from Ethan’s view.

Ethan turned around and smiled at me as I faced him with a gigantic smile on my face.

“I’ll take your word for it.” He called back. I gave him a confused look.

“Aren’t you coming in with me?”

He shook his head no and I called out, “Can’t you swim?” He looked to be thinking and then nodded no.

“Come in, I’ll teach you. I’m an awesome swimmer.”

“Vi it’s well…”

“Come on in Ethan. Come swim with me or I’ll come out of this nice water and come and get you.”

“Then come and get me.” Ethan said as a smile grew on his face.

He doesn’t think that I would come out in my underwear and get him. Time to prove him wrong Vi, don’t chicken out on your threat.

Taking a deep breath and putting on an evil smile, I slowly made my way to the shore. Ethan’s smile faulted and my smile grew as I touched the bottom and slowly walked out, making sure to swing my hips seductively. All the while I was making my way to him, I kept thinking what are you doing Vi, you’re teasing the hottest guy in school, this isn’t you. But when I saw Ethan’s hooded expression I thought to hell with it. This is the new Vi, the adventurous Vi that’s not afraid to live. I was just glad that I wore my matching dark green set, it brought the color of my eyes out, making it seem brighter more vivid.

I felt the cool air on the tops of my breast and then on my stomach, and as I stepped closer to Ethan I saw him checking my body out as the water slowly revealed my body to him. It was sexy as hell and giving me rather dirty thoughts.

I was all the way out of the water except for my feet when I asked him, “Aren’t you going to run Ethan? I’m coming for you.” It didn’t look like he heard my words as his eyes roamed my body and travelled up to my face and he watched me walk towards him. He barely moved since I made my way towards him.

“Gotcha.” I whispered in his ear when I was right in front of him and smiled at my victory.

I didn’t even get a chance to fully pull my head away from him, when he grabbed me and kissed me senseless, sliding my arms around his neck I opened myself up to him and met his kiss with the same ferocity. When we pulled back we were both breathing heavily.

“Swim with me.” I said again and Ethan looked at the water behind me and he seemed a bit… scared.

“I can’t.” He said on a sigh.

“Come on, we’ll stay in the shallows. I promise. I’ll even teach you how to swim.” I smiled encouragingly at him. Everybody needs to know how to swim, you never know when you’ll need it.

“I don’t know Ducky-“

“Please Ethan, I promise we’ll stay in the shallows.” He gave the water another terrified glance and looked at me and nodded,

“We stay in the shallows. The water goes no further than my hips okay.” I smiled at him and said, “Okay, I promise no further than that.” I walked into the water where the water met my waist and waited for him as he looked a little worriedly at the water.

Then he started to strip out of his clothes until he was only in his black boxer brief’s, and let me tell you… Mmm… yum, it was everything I hoped and more. Let’s just say he was soooo hot that he’s able to fog up a mirror and cause a worldwide heat wave.

Suppressing an enormous urge to stare and sigh as he made his way into the water.

He was ripped with a capitol RRRRR baby, and his muscles were so defined, everything about his body was perfect from his muscled thighs to his six pack stomach, even his back was drool worthy. As he stepped into the water with me his stomach muscles rippled and his body tensed as he came into contact with the water.

He took a few deep breaths and stepped further into the water, and slowly he reached me. I reached out and took his hand in mine, pulling him closer to me and I noticed he was so tense that it was like holding onto a log and he kept looking around the water, especially down to where our feet where, like some swamp creature was about to jump out and swallow us whole any second now.

Was he scared of the water? Is that why he didn’t want to swim? What happened to you Ethan?

“Are you okay Ethan?”

“I’m fine… I-I need to … I need to get out. I’m sorry Violet but I can’t do this. I have to get out.” He said, looking at me pleadingly and I nodded. It was obvious he was terrified of the water.

I held onto his hand and pulled him out with me, as soon as we were out of the water he relaxed, breathing a sigh of relieve.

I quickly put my clothes back on and watched as Ethan put his clothes back on. Then we made our way back to the car all the while i snuck fugitive glances at him. It was so at odds with his charater, he came off as this bad ass hotty and he was actually afraid of something like water. What happened to him to make him fear water of all things? We drove in silence and as we neared the town,  my stomach growled and I looked over to Ethan hoping he didn’t hear that, but of course he did as he smiled and asked, “Hungry?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe.”

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