BAD WOLF in Civil War *sequel...

By BadwolfRed18

53.2K 1.1K 387

You all know how my origin story began, well now I'd like to tell you a second part to my tale. Not everythi... More

Chapter 1; Lagos
Chapter 2; The aftermath
Chapter 3; The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 4; Finding the Winter Soldier
Chapter 5; The Winter Soldier and Bad Wolf
Chapter 6; Preparing for war
Chapter 7; Team Cap vs. Team Ironman
Chapter 8; Siberian Confrontation
Chapter 9; Steve Rogers Bad Wolf, and Bucky Barnes vs. Tony Stark
Chapter 10; I am Mother Wolf Raksha
SONGFIC CHAPTER "Days in the Sun"
Character page
Chapter 11; Life in Wakanda
Chapter 12; Meeting Morowa
Chapter 14; Training with Morowa
Chapter 15; Bucky Bear and Wolfie together again
Chapter 16; The invasion
Chapter 17; A Mother's wrath
Chapter 18; I won't be weak
Chapter 19; The two outsiders
Chapter 20; So this is what love feels like
Chapter 21; Two wolves in love
Chapter 22; Ambush and Betrayal
Chapter 23; Bad Wolf is back
Chapter 24; Mother Raksha vs Kaa
Chapter 25; Finding my soulmate
Chapter 26; Rebuilding trust
Chapter 27 Songfic #2; A Happy Beginning
Ending Author's note
Songfic #3; Rewrite the stars
Infinity War *update*
*Final author's note*
New Book published!!!
Would anyone be interested in a......What If?

Chapter 13; Christmas in Wakanda

1.4K 32 22
By BadwolfRed18

*Author's note*

Okay guys I've decided that since I have so many chapters in mind to continue on with this story I'm gonna scrap them as bonus chapters and just make them into normal chapters cause you'll see what I'm talking about in a minute as the weeks go by and there will be more and more chapters to come but hopefully while I'm balancing the next semester of college I will get this done BEFORE Infinity War comes out so wish me luck on that :) Okay on another note this chapter is just mainly for the holiday season so I wish u all a Merry Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or whatever holiday you guys celebrate. Have a Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year hope 2018 is more kinder to us :) Also enjoy the two songs I have for you all.


It was that time of year again, well at least it was in America. It was Christmas time again. But unlike last year, this year my family is torn apart, kept away from each other and fallen apart. I wonder what Wanda and Steve were doing right now? As well as the rest of Team Cap. Sam, Clint even Scott.

I was sitting in my room cutting up some paper snowflakes and painting a Christmas tree to decorate my room a little bit in light of the Christmas season. I used tape and thumbtacks to stick the decorations all over my room and placed the painting of the Christmas tree in the corner of my room when I heard a knock at the door.

"Come in". The door soon opened to reveal my mother Morowa. "Hey mom".

"So this is what you've been doing all morning?" We both laughed then she said "Well this room is all festive and bright".

"Yeah just thought that even though I'm no longer in America, I'd bring a little thing from home for me while I'm here, plus I didn't want to intrude on your traditional Kwanzaa holiday preparations".

"Aww (y/n) you know we'd gladly accept you into our Kwanzaa festivities, I'll teach you everything you need to know about Kwanzaa".

"If you're sure about it?"

"I am. Plus if anyone else gives you a hard time I'll give them hell for not allowing my daughter to be a part of a family tradition". She stroked my head softly. I then took notice of a package she carried behind her back.

"What's that?"

"Oh I almost forgot, this arrived for you this morning". She handed me the box and when I looked at it, it was addressed to me but there was no return address. All it said was one word.


I shook it gently and could hear something shaking inside of it. As precaution, I sniffed it and my wolf senses didn't pick up any trace of gun residue so I knew it couldn't have been a bomb. So I decided to open it and inside of it was a DVD disk inside of a CD case. Morowa looked at me and she said.

"I'll leave you alone for a bit". She kissed my temple then left the room without another word shutting the door behind her.

I walked up to my DVD player and opened it up and put the disk in, closed it up then turned the TV on and put it on HTMI 2. I watched as the disk was being read on the player and soon it began to play.

Coming to view was a person I have not seen in over 6 months, my sister Wanda. I gasped and covered my hand with my mouth as tears filled my eyes.

"Hi (y/n). How are you doing? Are you safe? Of course you must be safe, Steve told me you were in the greatest of hands but you know me. Old Mama Bear always worrying" she laughed which made me laugh too as her voice continued, "As you can see from the background I'm no longer in the Raft prison, but unfortunately I can't tell you where I am now, just know that I am safe and that I'm doing okay. I wanted to make you this video just so you could hear my voice again and to let you know that it's okay. I understand your feelings for Bucky, you and he are more alike than you, me and Pietro were. There's no bitterness, I just wanted what was best for you and I hope you understand that".

"I do Mama Bear, I do". I choked out as I wiped the tears away and smiled happily.

"Also I wanted to tell you that even though we are worlds apart, I still love you and that I am always thinking and dreaming of you, my sestra. I hope you have a Merry Christmas and know that I am always with you in your heart, until we meet again". She then pressed her hand to her lips kissing it before reaching out to touch the screen.

I held out my hand and placed it over hers and the two of us stared at each other with tears in our eyes as Wanda said a final farewell before the screen turned black.

I sniffled and wiped away my tears as I took out the DVD and put it back in its case before holding it close to my heart as more tears kept spilling out. I had a feeling that Steve must've been behind it and I couldn't thank him enough for allowing me to see my sister after so long.

"Thank you Mama Bear, I love you too". I then placed the DVD in a special drawer in my dresser. The one place I knew where to find it and the one place I knew it would be kept safe.

Once it was put away, I took a few deep breaths and wiped my tears away with some tissues, I was finally calm and went back to finish decorating my room.

When my room was finally finished, I smiled and then left to go to the lab where I pulled out my secret project. As I was screwing in some parts, I then heard Bucky's voice call out for me.

"Shit" I muttered as I quickly put the project under a box and pulled out my blueprints of a new armor set that I've been working on.

"There you are I've been calling you for the past five minutes". Bucky's voice said as he got closer.

"Sorry Bucky-bear I guess I was just lost in my work here". I then felt him come over me looking down at the blueprints and he said.

"What's this?"

"Well if I'm gonna protect you and the rest of Wakanda then I need to protect myself better, make me more menacing while I'm in my wolf form but also adjust whenever I need to be human. These are just the blueprints I've been working on with Shuri". Bucky looked at the blueprints to see wolf armor that could fit over my wolf form then a scale drawing of me with the armor on in human form that was slightly different to the wolf armor.

"This looks fucking awesome".


"Yeah, look at my little Wolfie becoming a strong little warrior" Bucky cooed as he brought me close to him and playfully noogied my head.

"Gah! Bucky-bear stop!" I then freed myself from him as the two of us laughed.

"You two better not be roughhousing in my lab" Shuri's voice stated firmly.

"Sorry Shuri" we both stated.

"So, you're working on the armor without me Raksha?"

"I only wanted to see the blueprints again to make sure I want it exactly as I envisioned it you know I'd never start fully working on it without you. Plus you're the only person who knows how to work with Vibranium".

"Damn right I am now that I've got some free time, why don't we get to work on it?"

"Sounds good with me, so Bucky if you don't mind...."

"I know when I'm not needed, I'll just be out in the training grounds maybe challenge Morowa to a rematch".

"Please Bucky-bear she easily kicks your ass every single time". I mocked him.

"Way to hurt my pride Wolfie" we both smiled at each other then he brought me into a one-armed hug before kissing the top of my head before finally leaving the lab. As soon as he was gone, I took a groan of relief and said.

"Finally I thought he'd never leave". I put the blueprints away and took the box off my secret project and grabbed the screwdrivers and the magnifying glass.

"So this is what you were working on?" Stated Shuri.

"Yeah it's something for Bucky, since he hasn't had a Christmas in over 70 years, and since we're the only two Americans here I thought.....I'd give him something special for his first Christmas in over 70 years. To let him know how much I care for him".

"I see, but you'll still be joining us for Kwanzaa right?"

"Yeah Morowa invited me and she said and this is her words 'that I'll give them hell for not allowing my daughter to be a part of a family tradition'" Shuri and I laughed softly then she said.

"So what is it exactly?"

"Well I'm almost done with it, let me just tweak some wires and circuits here then I'll test it out for you". She nodded then watched me in complete silence as I continued to finish my secret project.

After about an hour later, I stated.

"There done, now let's see if I did this right". I then pressed a button and soon the top portion opened revealing a wolf with a full moon coming out and soon the wolf began running as the instrumental version of "Once Upon a December". I smiled and raised my hands up in the air in success. "It's alive!"

"A music box?"

"Yeah just a little thing for Bucky. I used to make musical instruments like flutes and drums back when I was a kid in my village so I just youtubed on how to make a music box. Took me three tries to get it right but I finally managed to get the circuits and wiring right with this one after asking Morowa for some advice".

"I must admit this is beautiful and you handcrafted the entire thing?"

"Yep the entire thing handcrafted and decorated".

"When will you give it to him?"

"I'm thinking either Christmas Eve or Christmas day I haven't really chosen a date yet".

"I'm sure you will, now then why don't we really get to work on your suit?" I nodded then Shuri and I took out the blueprints and we began brainstorming on how to start the suit.

*Time skip to Christmas Eve*

Finally the big day came, I was currently wrapping Bucky's Christmas gift up and after it was nice and wrapped up, I wrote a little note for him to read once I gave it to him. I took a sigh and said to myself.

"Oh I hope he likes it". I then decided that before giving him the gift, I should go and find him because I already had the day planned ahead of us, hopefully he'll join in. I soon found him at the gym going at a punching bag pretty hard. "Ohh man thank god I chose the right side. I would not wanna tangle with you Bucky-bear". He smiled and turned towards me and said.

"Well I know I wouldn't have to beat you with hard punches or swift kicks".

"Oh really?" I teased to him.

"Really all I would need to do is get close enough to give you a belly rub!" He then captured me in his arms and proceeded to attack me with tickles. I squirmed and tried to free myself as I laughed.

"No fair.....Bucky-bear!"

"Just admit it Wolfie you love this" he dragged out the love on it talking to me like I was a dog who loved belly scratches.

"In yohohohour dreams flyboy!" He then stopped but kept me in his arms allowing me to catch my breath. "Steve was right, you are a jerk".

"And you're adorable my little Wolfie" he nuzzled into my neck then kissed my cheek. "So what are you doing down here interrupting my workout session?"

"Well I came to ask you if you knew what today was". I got out of his arms and he looked at me confused.

"Isn't it Monday?"

"Well yes but the actual date". He remained silent for a moment before replying.

"I give up what is today Wolfie?" I then pulled out my miniature calendar pad and showed him that today was December 24th. "Are....are you serious?"

"Yeah. Listen Buck, I know you haven't had a Christmas in over 70 years ever since.....well you know. And I totally understand if you don't want to celebrate it but I was kinda hoping that since I've got no one to really share the holiday with, if you'll join me for some Christmas festivities". He was silent for a moment before he said.

"I used to always love Christmas, was my favorite time of the year. But when the war came it—I didn't really think much of it. I don't know if I remember any of the old traditions I used to do with my ma and Becky".

"I can reteach you, plus I can teach you what my parents and I did with our tribe. Again it's up to you if you want to do it, I won't force you because you're in control here. My feelings won't be hurt if you don't want to do this". Bucky placed his hand on my shoulder and he said.

"I don't want you to be alone on Christmas, that's the one thing I remember that my ma drilled into me. No one should be alone on Christmas. Of course I'll join you, but you'll have to catch me up on what you do on Christmas these days".

"I got some ideas come on old timer" I laughed at my last statement before shrieking as Bucky proceeded to chase me around the gym.

We were currently in the kitchen making some Christmas cookies well at least trying to at least. Having a former Hydra assassin and a wolf baking Christmas cookies will not go down without the two of them being covered in flour and cookie dough from fighting over who got to lick the spoon first.

Once they were done, Bucky took the Christmas tree one and I took the reindeer one and we touched them together in cheers like you would cling glasses together at a fancy dinner party before each taking a bite of our cookies and moaning in pleasure.

"We did good there kid".

"Yeah we did gramps". Bucky then bopped my nose with flour making me gasp and him laugh. I then took a handful of flour and flicked it in his face making him stop and me laugh and soon after that we proceeded to have ourselves a FW2 (Flour War 2).

After cleaning the kitchen up so that T'Challa and the kitchen staff wouldn't get mad with us, we were up in my room and as Bucky sat down on my bed while I turned down the temperature to get into the Christmas weather mood.

"You painted and decorated all of this yourself Wolfie?"

"Yeah just because I didn't want to bother the others with their Kwanzaa tradition preparation by invading their traditions with mine".

"You're so cute (y/n) always thinking of others before yourself. But not that I don't like the tree cause it's beautifully painted, it just—doesn't feel right".

"Well they don't really sell Christmas trees in Africa Bucky".

"We'll see about that, come with me". He then took my wrist and the two of us left outside and ventured into the jungle.

Eventually we found ourselves a decent sized tree that even though it wasn't a full on Christmas tree, it felt like Christmas to us. Bucky then using his super soldier strength, pulled the tree right out of its roots and we both carried it back to my room.

When we got back, Bucky and I proceeded to decorate the tree with some of the decorations that I had up around my room. After folding and decorating a beautiful star, Bucky lifted me up onto his shoulders and I put the star on top of the tree. After putting me down, he pulled me to his side and said.

"Now that's a Christmas tree".

"Yeah, thanks for doing this with me Bucky-bear".

"Anytime Wolfie". He kissed my forehead and held me close to him as we stared at our beautiful tree.

As the sun was starting to set, I had Christmas music playing over my stereo and I secretly played with the box that was hiding under my bed that held Bucky's present.

"I gotta say, this has been the best Christmas I've ever had in years".

"Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, the one time I've actually almost felt like the old Bucky. Thank you (y/n)". I smiled then I decided to just go for it. I took the present out and held it out to him. "What's this?"

"Well it''s a present for you".

"Aww Wolfie but I didn't get you anything heck I forgot that it was Christmas".

"I don't need anything, all I care and need is your happiness". Bucky smiled at me and took his present out of my hands and first shook it but didn't hear much rattling in it so he proceeded to open it. Once the wrapping paper was torn off, he opened the box to reveal my music box as well as the letter I had put inside it.

He looked at me in shock as he took the music box out as well as the letter and I told him.

"Read the letter first".

"'To my big brother Bucky-bear. May all your dreams and happiness come to you each and every day. And may your new life be filled with music. And know that I will always be there for you till the end of the line. Forever your sister (y/n) aka Wolfie'".

"Open the box". Bucky then took the music box in his hand and slowly opened it and it soon revealed the full moon, the running wolf and it began to play the song.

"Oh my......"

"It took my three tries to finally get the mechanics together but the entire thing was handmade as well as the carvings. I wanted to get you something special for your first Christmas in a long time".

"You—made this?"

"Yeah, again not an expert with mechanics but I did use to make flutes and drums back at my tribe so I kinda just used that to kinda help me with this, along with Morowa teaching me how to do the wiring. Do—do you like it?"

"Like it? (Y/n) I love it. This is the most precious gift anyone has ever given me, thank you". He immediately took me in his arms and I could hear him beginning to cry.

I held onto his tightly as I rubbed his back and stroked my hand through his soft hair.

"I'm glad you liked it Bucky. I thought you would hate it".

"Hate it? (Y/n) there are many things I think about your gift but hate is not one of them. You gave me something very special and I will treasure it and your love forever". He said as he looked down at me and cupped my cheek in his hand. "Merry Christmas my Wolfie".

"Merry Christmas my Bucky-bear". He kissed my forehead and for the rest of the night, we spent Christmas Eve snuggled up together under the Christmas tree.

Bucky bear held me close to his chest with his metal arm wrapped around me protectively and laying underneath his normal human hand was his music box.

*3rd Person POV*

(Y/n)'s door slowly opened to reveal Morowa coming in to check in on her adoptive daughter and her brother and when she saw the two of them cuddled together by the tree like two kids waiting for Santa to come, she couldn't help but feel a flutter in her chest.

She silently walked up towards them and took the blanket from the bed and covered them both up with it. She then stroked (y/n)'s head motherly and leaned in and kissed her temple before whispering.

"Merry Christmas my little one". She then turned to her bag and pulled out two perfectly wrapped Christmas presents and placed them under the tree and silently walked out of the room and closed the door behind her.

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