Losers Club | IT Imagines

By wukindly

75.3K 1.3K 327

Just some cute Losers Club x reader because I adore them. [REQUESTS ARE CLOSED] More

Eddie Kaspbrak | The Loser Who Became Lover
Bill Denbrough | Halloween Night
Richie Tozier | Halloween Tradition
Stanley Uris | Love and Birds
Stanley Uris | Falling For You
Bill Denbrough | Attention Is Needed
Ben Hanscom | Notes and That Wow Feeling
Eddie Kaspbrak | Neighbor To The Rescue
Richie Tozier | Stuck Together
Stanley Uris | Quarry Drama
Bill Denbrough | When You Don't Know What's Real
Eddie Kaspbrak | The Best Friend Anyone Could Ask For
Bill Denbrough | Through Your Eyes
Bill Denbrough | The Awakening
Having a summer fling with Richie Tozier would include
Bill Denbrough | The Blanket Fort
Richie Tozier | Paying Attention to You
Richie Tozier | Under The Mistletoe
Richie Tozier | He's Home
Bill Denbrough | The Second Fight
Spending Valentine's Day with Richie Tozier would include
Dating a modern Beverly Marsh in high school would include
Richie Tozier | Soulmates
Stanley Uris | Tell You a Secret
Richie Tozier | The Arcade
Stanley Uris | Comfort
Richie Tozier | The Ice Cream Parlor
Bill Denbrough | Play and Tease

Stanley Uris | Yearbook Confession

8.4K 105 24
By wukindly

English isn't my first language, so please excuse any mistakes.

Characters: Stanley/fem!reader. Richie is mentioned.

(H/C) stand for "Hair color"/(B/N) stand for "Boy's name".

Word Count: 1434 words.

It was the last day of school. Everyone was feeling eager for the end of the classes, just waiting for their summer to start. Everyone but Stanley Uris. Stan, unlike the others, has been a mess since the day before. The reason? He was determined to talk to (Y/N) (Y/L/N).

It wasn't like talking to (Y/N) was something new to him, they actually talked to each other almost every day. They had some classes together and always sat next to each other, making it possible for them to complain about the teacher, about the class or just talk during their time there. It also made it possible for Stan to develop a crush on the (H/C) girl. And that's exactly what he wanted to talk to her about when classes ended.

If it were up to him, he'd have waited to have that conversation sometime during the summer - but during one of their conversations, (Y/N) told him that her parents would send her to her uncle's house as soon as she got home on the last day of school. That day. He got a bit upset - for he wouldn't see her all summer - but when she told him that, he wasn't even thinking about telling her about his feelings so he wasn't in such a hurry at the time.

That idea only popped into his head after his friends suggested he should do it before the summer started - because, according to Richie, if Stan didn't make the intentions he had with her clear, she could end up "finding older, more interesting guys than him" during her trip. Stan tried to ignore that thought but he failed.

That's exactly why he'd spent all day thinking of ways to make it clear he had feelings for her and at what moment he should do it - since he hadn't had any classes with her that day. Then he remembered the good old yearbook. Everyone was signing each other's today and would be a great excuse to go talk to her.

And that took him to that moment. Stan was walking nervously through the hallways, his yearbook in his hand as he searched for (Y/N) among the people walking around. The last bell had rung a few minutes ago, announcing the end of classes, so the hallway was crowded, making it difficult for the boy to look for her.

What would he do when he found her? Would he just ask her to sign his yearbook? Wouldn't it be a little weird for him to have crossed the whole school just to ask her to sign an idiot yearbook? Well, she didn't exactly need to know that.

Stan's mind was so lost in his thoughts and his eyes so focused on the crowd that he jumped a little when he felt a hand touch his shoulder, causing him to turn and face the person he was looking for. (Y/N).

"Hey Stan." she had a bright smile on her face, as usual. "I've been looking for you everywhere but with this crowd I almost lose myself, right?" she chuckled.

That made him give a little smile back to her. "What were you looking for me for?"

"Oh yeah, since I'm going to spend the whole summer out of town, I figure it would be nice if my closest friends signed my yearbook so I could remember you guys there." only at that moment he noticed that she held the book in her hands. "Do you want to sign it?" she held it out to him.

Stan quickly took it from her hand. He looked a bit confused at how he would sign now, having one yearbook in each of his hands. (Y/N) laughed at that, taking his yearbook in her hands. "Can I sign it?"

"Please do." she smiled at him, opening the front page of the book.

That was the moment he remembered the big dick Richie had drawn there - claiming to be "the exact representation" of his. Stan didn't know what to do or say when he saw her eyes widening. Oh please don't let her think it was Stan who had drawn it.

"Well" she turned the page, a laugh coming from her mouth. "It was Tozier, wasn't it?"

Stan felt slightly relieved that she hadn't even thought he'd written it. He chuckled. "Yeah, it was him."

"That boy." (Y/N) shook her head, beginning to write something in his yearbook.

Stan opened her book, seeing that the first pages were full of nice messages from her many other friends. He picked up his pen when he found a blank space to write, but stopped. Oh, he hadn't planned that, he had no idea what to write her. He'd just gone there to ask her out.

Oh yeah, he still had to do that too. A sudden nervousness passed through his body. He still hadn't figured out how to make the moment of his confession not awkward. And then the idea hit him. The perfect non-awkward way to do that. Stan could just write down what he planned to say to her there. It would save him a lot of embarrassment.

He smiled to himself at the clever idea, ready to write when one of the messages there caught his attention.

"Hey (Y/N), my girl, you're amazing! I hope you have a fun summer, love, even if you're going to be without me :( I'll miss you everyday! ~ (B/N)"

Oh, Stan knew very well who (B/N) was, all (Y/N)'s friends knew. In fact, if you had ever heard of (Y/N) you had certainly heard of (B/N). The two were attached at the hip, Stan always saw them walking down the hallways together, always so touchy with each other.

He always tried to shake off the thoughts of jealousy, trying to convince himself they were just friends as (Y/N) always said. It was useless, though, his mind always insisted on telling him that (B/N) liked her - and that "love" was a confirmation for him. He frowned a bit - if (Y//N) really liked someone else, Stan had no chance at all. He tapped the end of his pen in the blank space, deciding what to do. He took a deep breath before writing.

"It was nice to meet you this year, you're good person to talk to and a good friend. Have a great summer. ~ Stan"

Stan read and reread his message, frowning a bit at how lame it was. He forgot to mention how gentle and funny (Y/N) was and how truly gorgeous he thought she was. A throat clearing made Stan look up, seeing that the girl had his yearbook closed in her hands and was waiting to get hers.

He was about to close it but she grabbed it open - wanting to see what he wrote - as she returned his. (Y/N) quickly read it, a smile appearing on her face as she looked back to him. Stan missed the quick look of disappointment that passed through her eyes.

"Yeah, it was really nice to meet you this year, Stan." she closed the book in her hands. "So... I'll come back in the last week of the summer, just so you know."

Oh, so she'd be back by the end of the summer. That was good, the boy smile at her. (Y/N) smiled back before taking a glance at the yearbook in his hands. "See you around, Stan."

"See you, (Y/N)."

Stan watched her go, smiling to himself as she turned to look at him one last time, giving him a small wave that was quickly returned. He watched her until she disappeared into the crowd.

He just stopped looking at all those people moving around when he remembered the yearbook in his hand, the curiosity to see what she wrote finally hitting him. Stan opened the book, searching for the girl's delicate handwriting. And when he found it, he couldn't help but be surprised. His eyes widened slightly as his heart began to beat faster, a goofy smile appearing on his lips as he read the message without believing what was written.

"You're a nice guy with a damn good hair. I'm really happy to have you sitting next to me this year and having the chance to become your friend!! Though... It's my wish for us to be something more. I hope that during the summer you can think about the possibility of going out on a date with me when I return, but no pressure :) Have lots of fun! ~ (Y/N)".

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