One Fell Swoop { A Banana Bus...

By DivinityIn-Motion

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It is the 100th annual Hunger Games, and for this Quarter Quell only boys are entered into the reaping. Craig... More

Chapter One - Reaped
Chapter Two - The Train
Chapter Three - Welcome To The Capitol
Chapter Five - Alliances
Chapter Six - Bridges Built and Burned
Chapter Seven - Assessments
Chapter Eight - Scores
Chapter Nine - Interviews
Chapter Ten - Before the Games Begin
Chapter Eleven - The Bloodbath
Chapter Twelve - Surviving The First Day
Chapter Thirteen - Exit Light, Enter Night
Chapter Fourteen - Of Monsters And Men
Chapter Fifteen - The Night Comes Down
Chapter Sixteen - Star Crossed Lovers
The Ending and Notes

Chapter Four - Parade

70 4 0
By DivinityIn-Motion

Jon was in heaven, that was the only explanation as to why Evan was dressed the way he was. He was dressed in a fiery red, form fitting jumpsuit, matching Jonathan's own jumpsuit. Evan had sequins sprawling across his  muscular shoulders and toned torso. He had little, clear gems glued down his temple and cheekbone, trying to imitate the shine of a jewel. Jonathan had similar gems but on the opposite side of his face. Evan's jet black hair had been tinged with red and swept upwards out of his chocolate eyes.

Evan was staring back at Jonathan with a familiar ferocity that matched his outfit.

"If you look at the crowds like how you are looking at me right now, you'll be a fan favourite in no time," Jonathan smiled, his cheeks hurting from the closest shave he's ever had.

"So, we're supposed to be rubies? How do you think it turned out?" Evan asked gesturing to his body and swaying his hips a bit. Jon tried to calm himself down as he nodded.

"It turned out stunning, the crowds won't be able to look away from you," their mentor, Blake, replied, slow clapping as he approached.

"Also, like Jon said, give the crowd a dashing smile and you'll have them wrapped around your finger in no time at all," Blake finished. Jon and Evan eyed each other once more, grinning as they did so. They approached their chariot and could hear the screams of the crowd from the stadium. The black horses were all getting restless, standing still but neighing and looking about. Blake escorted Evan and Jonathan over to the first chariot, swirling metal designs with a sleek, golden finish.

"Just remember boys, hold onto the chariot somewhere, and smile and wave. The closed off tributes are never crowd favourites. I'll see you once the ceremony is over." Blake strutted away as fast as he could with his fake leg. The rest of the tributes began to pour into the preparation room. Only a small outing was visible in the room, and that was the track to the arena, where the announcers will celebrate the different districts and read out the costumes they were wearing. Jonathan didn't dare look back at the other tributes, he hadn't seen them yet and he didn't want to be intimidated just before making a true first impression to the Capitol.

"Hey Evan?" Jonathan asked, turning to face the taller man.

"Yeah Jon?" Evan replied, facing Jonathan too. Jonathan took a step backwards in the chariot as Evan took a step forwards. Jonathan's hips met the wooden and metal sides, but Evan kept moving forward until he was planted firmly in between Jonathan's legs. Evan tilted his head down so they were sharing the same air. Jonathan took a deep breath, not looking away.

"Good luck out there, don't lose your cool. I'm right beside you," Jon reassured. Evan faltered and stepped backwards. He regained his composure and smiled.

"You too Jon, we should hold hands for the crowd," Evan suggested. Before responding Jon grasped Evan's large hand in his own, running his thumb over the other's knuckles. Jonathan felt himself flush as Evan grinned. They faced the front as they felt the chariot begin to move slowly. Jon gulped. This is his moment.

Bryce took a breath of fresh air once he reached the chariot room. Being examined and poked and prodded by three strangers for hours upon hours was not how Bryce planned his day would go. None of this is how Bryce planned his day to go. The stylists had said that Bryce was too pretty for a game this brutal, he would be better in the Capitol working as a model. They said it was a shame he was entering, because he was either going to die or come out mentally deranged.

His district partner was skittish, Bryce didn't want to stay around John for any longer than he had to. John looked like the type of guy to accidentally twitch over a trigger and kill his ally. Definitely not who Bryce wanted to team up with.

John was already waiting in the District 5 chariot, but other people were still loitering. Bryce took the opportunity to seek out other tributes strengths and weaknesses. He's always been good at analysis, especially analysing certain traits and flaws, which will give Bryce a leg up for what he lacks in the physical department.

Bryce spotted the two tributes from District 7. Both were stocky and tall, one was caucasian and the other was a darker tone. They seemed to be quietly conversing with each other, not making too much of a ruckus and boasted about their abilities. Maybe Bryce should speak to them tomorrow in training, they would be a good combination of allies. Those two could be the brawn of the team while Bryce worked on strategy and acquiring necessities to live.

All of a sudden Bryce felt this strange, niggling sensation tingle up his spine, like someone was...watching him. Bryce perked up and his head swivelled around the room before falling on the perpetrator. The man was dressed in flowing blue robes, embedded with shining pearls and netting, looking like Poseidon. He was tall and muscular, a handsome man certainly, complete with stormy grey eyes, thick brown hair, a tan complexion, and plump, pink lips.

The name Ryan Ohm flashed in Bryce's mind, the tribute from District 4. Why would he be staring at Bryce? Just as Bryce thought this, Ryan ever so subtly winked at Bryce, running his eyes up and down Bryce's frame. Bryce blushed furiously and dropped his gaze to the stone floor. He looked back up, praying that Ryan had gone, but he was still grinning at Bryce like he was a piece of meat.

"Bryce! Hurry up," John called. Thanks to John's interruption, Bryce had an excuse to get out of Ryan's sights. Ryan's stormy eyes followed Bryce to his chariot, and looked away when he had to board his own.

Why would Bryce attract the attention of one of the career tributes? Yes, Ryan was intimidating, but if Bryce got on his good side, he too would make a good ally. Career tributes were almost always the favourites, if Bryce were associated with one of them, maybe the favouritism would rub off on him as well. Ryan Ohm was a man who could win, and he was Bryce's top option to stay afloat.


"Ladies and gentlemen it gives me great pleasure to announce this year's tributes! Give them a hand as they come out!" Lui spotted the first chariot begin to move out into the arena, every other chariot soon following behind. Arlan was shaking slightly next to him.

"Don't be nervous Arlan, nothing can go wrong here, just enjoy yourself for the time being," Lui said to his District 12 partner. Arlan tried to calm himself with the time they had left, being from District 12 meant they were going to be last at everything. Instead of listening to Arlan's chattering teeth, Lui tuned into the announcer describing the various costumes.

"Up first we have District 1, the district of luxury, and they look very luxurious dressed as rubies. We have Evan Fong on the left and Jonathan Smith on the right, they appear to be holding hands. It's been reported that they're childhood friends."

"Following shortly behind are the District 2 tributes, Anthony Chilled and Steven Ze. On the shorter side compared to last years District 2 tributes, but they look magnificent in their hand crafted warrior costumes, complete with the circle shields slung over their backs."

"Up next is District 3 with Tyler Wilde and Craig Thompson, wearing shining silver robes, imitating the wave of electricity through technology. Tyler Wilde has quickly become a crowd favourite because of his large physique and charming smile, similar to District 1's Evan Fong."

"Emerging now is District 4, with two volunteers David Nogla and Ryan Ohm. They are wearing blue shimmering robes with pearls threaded through their hair, a very stylish choice." When Lui saw David Nogla displayed on the screen he felt something shift inside of him, something align. That's the one, the one Lui has to befriend. There's something about his puppy dog eyes and windswept black hair strewn with pearls that drew Lui in. Lui barely knew Arlan, and so fat he seemed like a weak link, David was from one of the career districts so he could at least push Lui in the right direction.

"And now we see District 5 with Bryce McQuaid and John Kryoz dressed as atoms, clad in black and covered with glitter and sequins, I believe those are supposed to be electrons. Right after them is District 6, Ryan Smitty and Adam Montoya. Dressed as what appears to be wheels, the district is the head of transportation after all."

"Now we see District 7, Luke Patterson and Mark Johnson dressed as traditional lumberjacks with plaid shirts and woollen hats. District 8 with Cody Racing and Max Gassy dressed in layers of patchwork fabrics. District 9 is coming out now with Anthony Panda and Scotty Seven as farmers, very stylish farmers might I add."

"District 10 with Brian Hanby and Brock Snuckel, many are believing this has been the best District 10 combination of tributes in years, we'll wait and see folks. They are dressed as cowboys, very nice. District 11 has Marcel Work and Jay Blue wrapped in a grass style toga with the best sandals I have ever seen from District 11."

Lui and Arlan finally reached the opening and being engulfed by the light and the applause. They pair start waving, Arlan's tremors have gone down considerably.

"And last but not least we have District 12, clad in mining gear, the trade mark of District 12." Lui and Arlan approached the rest of the chariots in front of the president as the announcers began to wind down.

"I must say, my personal favourite outfits are the rubies, the electricity beam and the waves. Pure genius styling."

Lui didn't want to listen to the president, he was a cruel man for allowing these games to commence. All he was saying was that training was about to start and he wished the tributes good luck, closing the night.

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