The Princess and Her Giant

By Baileyschatz

19.3K 320 94

A princess ends up in the hands of her nations enemy, Prince Jason. What will become of her? More

Found out


4.1K 65 2
By Baileyschatz


My face presses against something cold and wet. I open my eyes and am shocked by the view of an open beach. Then my memory comes back. The giant ship, a broken mast, and cold water. I roll over and groan. My muscles ache and I pant from the small effort. I gaze up at the orange tinged sky. Sunset or sunrise I do not know. I let my eyes close again but then a scream tears them open. I force my self up and watch in horror as a sight unfolds in front of my eyes.

A giant stands a little ways down the beach. It holds a large jar with who I recognize as the captain of the sunken ship inside. It's his screams that I hear but mine now also fill the air. The Giant's face suddenly turns toward me and a pair of pale blue eyes look me over.
"Sam, there's another one over there." His voice is as loud as a thunderclap and is quickly followed by what feels like an earth quake.
I turn just in time to see a giant hand swoop down and wrap itself around me. I scream again and struggle but it's no use. The second giant slips my wriggling body into another glass jar. I watch helplessly as the giant slowly lifts me to its face and I recognize this one as a girl. She must be no more than 5 years old. I realize in horror the situation I have gotten stuck in. I am now in the hands of our kingdoms greatest enemy and I, the princess am now in great danger should they discover who I am. I watch the girls deep brown eyes look me up and down pausing on my face. A look of recognition suddenly crosses her face and my stomach knots in fear.
"Nick, this ones a girl!" she looks at who I assume is her brother.
"A girl?"
"Yes nick a girl!"
I feel the jar being pulled out of the girls hand and lifted to the boys face. He looks at me and a sickening smile crosses his face.
"We must show her to Jason!" His voice is laced with excitement.
Sam as her brother called her, takes me back. "Lets go!"
They break of in a sprint along a rocky path. I bounce around in the jar. My small body smacking into the thick glass sides.

I watch in utter terror as I am carried through a large castle door and into a hot kitchen. Several cooks part as the children race through. Another door way passes along with a long hallway, a dining room, a drawing room, until we finally stop in front of a large door. Nick raps his knuckles on the dark wood and slowly opens the door when there is no answer.
"Jason?" Sam calls quietly.
The jar I am trapped in is set on a desk where I can get a good view of the room.

A enormous fourposter bed is set against the wall near an elegant window. Across from the bed is the desk I am set atop of and squarely in front of the bed is a marble fireplace with a crackling blaze burning merrily inside of it. The room would feel inviting if it wasn't for the size of everything and for the fact that I was a prisoner.

The loud creak of a door startled me and I turn to see a giant over twice the size of Nick enter the room. He has dark brown hair, chocolate brown eyes, and a slight smile on his face as he looks at his two siblings.
"What are you two doing here?"
"We brought you something Jason."
Jason chuckles. "And what is this "something" Nick?"
Nick turns to the desk and bumps it causing my jar to teeter on the edge till a sickening falling feeling occurs. I fall forward and feel my head hit against the side of the jar. Then everything goes black.


I watch as the small glass jar falls off my desk. I launch myself forward and catch it before it hits the floor. A small figure slips out and lays in my palm. I gaze at her for a moment then turn to my siblings.
"You caught a girl?"
Sam smiles proudly. "Yeah along with these other three humans."
They lift another larger jar and inside are three young men dressed in sailing garb. I smile and gaze at the men's terrified faces.
"It seems like you had a productive day but now it's time for bed so get on with you." They smile and run out the door leaving me with the small human girl. I slowly walk over to my bed and gently set her on my pillow. I walk over to my window and gaze out at the quickly settling night. The water reflects the darkening sky and I breath a sigh at the beauty of it all. I close the curtains and slip into bed, carful not to disturb the small human. I blow out the candle and gaze at her small form that is lighted in the orange glow from the fire. I lay my hand on top of her and fall asleep.

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