Huxelrebe: Armitage Hux x Rea...

By DreamDuo

4.4K 175 94

Is this a story about grapes? Who knows. More

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Part 1

1.4K 38 28
By DreamDuo

Let me just say I'm not sorry for writing this piece, nor am I proud of it either. I just happen to have come across a word containing 'hux' and thought "hey no one else is doing this, I'll make a fucking fan fiction about it". Please, do not continue reading this as it will certainly be a waste of time for you as it has certainly been a waste of time for me writing it. With that said, I hope you enjoy this fanfiction.

(the beautiful pic of this good boy you see above is from this amazing DA Artist: )

(Huxelrebe are German white wine grapes.)

Our story begins with...


As a royal messenger, you are obliged to take whatever his Highness of Takodana wishes to give to the First Order. In this case, it was an item all of Takodana prized over.

In the past, your planet had been riddled with crime for years, until the Order showed up. They brought prosperity and as well as fear to the planet; installing a new government with rules that put people back in their places. This foreign regime turned out to be a miracle in disguise, so much so that the reigning monarch wished to show them his gratitude in the form of a gift.

Now, being the newest of the royal staff, such a task like this involving diplomacy was more likely to be given to a more seasoned member. But funnily enough his majesty requested you to deliver his gift; perhaps it was because of your family's long history of trust and allegiance to the throne that made choose you.

This was indeed a task requiring great responsibility, yet the simple task made you tingle with excitement and anxiety. This was a new experience for you, as you have never left the atmosphere of your planet to deliver to the gargantuan power-hungry First Order.


Your royal carrier ship landed in the bay area aboard the gigantic starship called the Finalizer. You noticed how vastly spacious the bay was, almost 6 or 7 times as large as the one on Takodana. You stared in complete awe before snapping back to reality, exiting out of your shuttle with the royal assistance droids pushing the large crate behind.

Looking around you saw a group of army personnel off to the side, standing by awaiting your arrival with the gift. You took a deep breath before you approached and greeted them,

"Thank you for allowing us on to your carrier. I am a messenger of his Highness of Takodana and I have brought to you a gift his majesty hopes you will enjoy."

You bowed your head in respect... to whoever you were talking to.

A man stepped forward and spoke, "I am honored to receive such a thoughtful gift from Takodana, really this is quite a surprise."

This must be the officer the men down on the takeoff platform told you were to greet, and judging by how he looked it must be him. His ginger hair and sharp looking uniform were just like they described, General Hux.

"I'm sure this gift will be to your liking General." again you bowed your head to him and went to straight to the crate. The General following just a few steps behind you with his soldiers.

As you opened the crate you could feel the general's gaze on you, making you tense up a bit. Hopefully, he would appreciate this "order of grapes...".

You took out a cluster and held it in the air for the group to see. Taking out one of the notes a scribe had given you to read, you read aloud the following, "From the planet Takodana, his excellency sends you his finest wine grapes, planted in the richest soil and watered with greatest of care. May our new formed alliance flourish in the years to come."

The general looked at the grapes with a quizzical look, the soldiers around him shuffled uncomfortably, probably chuckling under their helmets. Your cheeks blushed from embarrassment, what a daft idea for his highness to send grapes to an army? Of course, they wouldn't take it, there is no use for fruit nor alcohol on a military vesicle.

He scoffed shaking his head in disgust, before muttering something under his breath.

"Grapes? Well, that is a surprise."

He strode up to you with his hands behind his back. He looked quite disappointed with what he saw, kriff why were you even in this? This was starting to go downhill.

"Messenger, I think we need to clear up on what is acceptable to give to the Order... You see Takodana is on thin ice with us since it still inhabits resistance safe houses. Our alliance will not mean anything unless your government can show us what they're willing to do for the Order. And Grapes?" The general ominously stopped right in front of you, "Grapes are no exception."

his mouth curled into a smirk as he slightly eyed you,
"Tell your highness to keep his grapes, if he wants to appease me he should have sent for something delectable."

It was hard to tell what he wanted from Takodana, obviously, it wasn't fruit for fermentation. You placed the grapes back down and bowed your head respectfully to the general, "I will make sure to tell his highness of your displeasure general". He looked impressed by your answer, maybe a bit too impressed by how he was eyeing you.

It's funny to think that for a general named Hux, wouldn't he have liked a food with his name in it? Huxelrebe grapes were Takodana's specialty, grown and made into the finest wines the galaxy ever tasted. The Order seemed like the kind who would enjoy a bottle or two, but seeing the politically heated situation you are in, it doesn't seem to be the case.

Perhaps the general would care for something more materialistic, though you couldn't think of anything his highness could give from a planet best known for everything organic.

You prepared the crate for re-entering adjusting the contents so none of it got crushed on your way back. The general stepped back a little so you could do your job. He was still observing you, perhaps he thought you were resistance scum; who knows what he was thinking, his presence was making you anxious. Just as you shift the last basket of grapes your breathing fell shallow. A gloved hand rested on the brim of the crate, just as you were about to close it.

He was so close to you it made your breath hitch. You could see his face clearly, something about it was eerily beautiful the way his shallow cheeks complemented his blue-tinted eyes, plain and fair lips, and slicked back ginger hair. You tried your best to remain calm as his presence loomed over you. He ran his hand over the edge of the crate admiring your cool exterior.

"It's amusing, seeing someone like you, ever existing on such a backward planet." You looked up at him, taken aback by his crude statement. His eyes met yours, studying you very carefully. He was trying to catch you out.
"So why waste your time with a trivial ruler?"

You didn't respond, which made him all the more questionable towards you.

He looked down into the crate and pulled a bunch of grapes out. He broke a piece off and ate it, it sounded crisp as he chewed the fruit.
"If you ask me you could be a great asset to us; you're resourceful, respectful, quick on your feet."
The general looked you down stopping briefly at your legs as he popped another grape into his mouth.

You, on the other hand, were just about done with this conversation, why would you join an army that clearly seemed to not have their priorities up.
You brushed your hair back, your gaze was still on him, carefully studying him. To be honest, you couldn't tell what he was up to, he looked too calm and comfortable. Maybe he wants something from you perhaps an answer?

The general spoke to you again,"You know these are surprisingly sweet..."

"Sir Tadokana Huxelrebe grapes are naturally sweet for fermentation purposes. No other fruit can make a wine perfect for a night out." You say.

"Is that you saying that or did you memorize that off of a note sheet?" General Hux chuckled.

Well, this was something, maybe he was flirting with you? You stood up straight matching how the general was, you tried to calm down despite how the general thought you were already. You sheepishly grin at him, which you saw made him smile too.

"You know what? I'll keep the grapes, this time. But I expect something more useful from his highness, maybe some reliable personnel."

He popped another grape into his mouth and winked at you before turning on his heel. He left his personnel to do the heavy lifting as he strode away into the distance.

You wondered if he was like this to all the girl messengers, who knows? But he was definitely not someone you'd ever to meet again.


After that little encounter with the general, you couldn't help but feel a bit fuzzy inside. Whatever it was it wasn't helping you concentrate on your task.

You were in one of the palace hallways on your way to see the king. That message the general told you about gifts was something his Highness needed to hear. The First Order doesn't joke around when it comes to diplomatic decisions. The halls were not as vacant as they usually were, which meant something was going on. You continued down the hall only to overhear gossiping servants occupying the room nearby.

"I just heard there was a huge order of grapes from an unknown buyer..."

"...Really? How much do you think this guy bought?"

"I heard this doof bought a whole fleet of em."

A whole fleet. No... What?

You continued to listen in,

"Well, I just overheard one of the scribes say that a certain general, I think is that Armitage Hux fellow, bought a large supply for the Order. Such an odd thing Isn't it? that an infamous general buying a large number of wine grapes, and for what?"

All the servants started talking at once.

General Hux? Hang on, did he really do that? You started thinking, was this for real?, why would he do that? Just then a man in regal robes came up to you, "Are you the messenger who was sent to deliver his highness's gift?"

You nodded slowly, who was this man?

"I applaud thee, messenger! Never has Takodana received such a boost in its economics, you've done a great service!"

"With all due respect sir, I think there's been some kind of misunderstanding. I've just delivered the king's gift and nothing more."

"But you have made us wealthy beyond comparison, my dear. That is a great gift you have given to us, a miracle!"

The strange man walked away giddily bowing and thanking you.

...What have you done?

(Hello to everyone who has made it to the end, thank you for reading. Honestly, this was such a horrible idea I wish it could shrivel up and die, but I guess it should still live since it's one of a kind. I mean come on, no one makes stories about grapes, p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶c̶a̶u̶s̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶i̶r̶ ̶a̶s̶s̶ . haheAhhh, just kidding (<<;).

If you want to read more, sorry, I wasn't planning to make another... (<_<;) However, I am willing to if enough people demand it, so please comment or message me and I'll probably get another one out ;) )

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