The Devil's Tear

By antheias

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"Once the mirror is reunited with the tear, The Devil will ascend once again." In a mirror, the spirit of a d... More

Chapter 1- Prologue
Chapter 2- Sleeping Beauty
Chapter 3- Peculiar
Chapter 4- Convinced
Chapter 5- The Tale of the Devil
Chapter 6- An Unknown Figure
Chapter 7- An Unexpected Savior
Chapter 8- Revelation
Chapter 9- Goodbye
Chapter 10- Periwinkle Sky
Chapter 11- Confusion
Chapter 12- Arising Mysteries
Chapter 13- Vesta's Conclusion
Chapter 14- Exedras
Chapter 15- Living Dead
Chapter 16- Another Trick
Chapter 17- End
Chapter 18- Exposed
Chapter 19- A Mother's Sacrifice
Chapter 20- A New Mission
Chapter 21- Madness
Chapter 22- Capture
Chapter 23- Hopeful Reunion
Chapter 24- Wrong Destination
Chapter 25- The Dragon King
Chapter 26- Established Lemare
Chapter 27- Risky Tactics
Chapter 28- Ariadne Ellery
Chapter 29- Interruption
Chapter 30- Obligation
Chapter 31- Failed
Chapter 32- Disasters
Chapter 33- Warnings
Chapter 34- Ixeldra
Chapter 35- Rescue
Chapter 36- Intent
Chapter 37- The Deadly Duo and The Exedras Twins
Chapter 38- Past Sacrifices
Chapter 39- Live
Chapter 40- Persevere
Chapter 41- War I
Chapter 42- Conditions
Chapter 43- Clarified Plans
Chapter 44- Uncovered
Chapter 45- Reunion
Chapter 46- Losse Armont
Chapter 47- Gathering
Chapter 48- Game
Chapter 49- Identity
Chapter 50- The Queen Returns
Chapter 51- The Queen's Entrance
Chapter 52- Extraction
Chapter 53- Colourless Flower
Chapter 54- Extent
Chapter 55- Of Love and Hope
Chapter 56- Procession
Chapter 57- War II
Chapter 58- Reawakening of a King
Chapter 60 (final)- Forevermore

Chapter 59- Sacrifices

864 12 6
By antheias

                In under a moment, the focus had shifted directly to the pillars of light that rose from each sacrifice’s star. Vesta stood, taken aback by what had just passed. “What h-have you done?” It was Demetri who turned his head towards the dumbfounded, silver-haired queen, smiling with fondness. “Saved your life, Your Majesty.”

                A harrowing look settled upon Vesta’s features as she broke into sobs. Demetri continued to watch her, his smile unchanging.

                Cornelia released a plaintive breath, the depths of her eyes boundless with remorse. “I understand.” With that, she proceeded beside Xerxes.

                Artemis, Allegra, and Demetri had willingly accepted to become sacrifices in place of the three royalties Vesta, Xerxes and herself. Cornelia comprehended their motivation well, though she couldn’t say she was satisfied. Those three had already lost their lives, and were only grasping onto a fabricated life with much difficulty and sorrow, each in a dead vessel. Only their souls had remained intact after being raised by Arisa. In essence, only souls were necessary for the Devil’s sealing.

                 They had been given a chance at dying a second time, and protecting Tytania for as long as eternity lasted.         

                  And they had grasped it.

                “No!”  Rosy finally mustered her strength, tears escaping relentlessly down her cheeks. “No! Artemis! Artemis!” She thrashed wildly against Arisa’s firm hold, her face beetroot red from shock and anguish. Arisa wrapped her arms around her daughter’s torso. “Calm down, Rosy.” The words had little effect, and the young girl continued to flail about.

                “Artemis!” Rosy called out when Artemis gave her a wistful smile. “Why? No! Come back!”

                Arisa buried her face in her daughter’s shoulder, hugging her close. “Ssh.”

                Shards of realisation and comprehension traced Rosy’s distressed mind, and her arms fell limply to her sides. With a bent head, she wept quietly, evident with the continual dripping of tears onto the fiery floor. She did not move for several moments, not even to breathe. In a sudden instant, she nodded with firmness and determination, lifting her gaze and meeting Artemis’s pained one, clouded with the light emerging from where she stood.

                A smile appeared on Euphrosyne’s face. It was a smile of acceptance. “I love you all.” To this, Artemis, Allegra and Demetri returned the gesture, each stricken with the sorrow behind Rosy’s skin.

Xerxes cleared his throat, “The sealing will be complete in moments.”

                “We leave this kingdom in your hands.”  Queen Beatrice spoke, her figure vanishing slowly with her sister’s, who remained silent with shut eyelids.

                “Take care,” Allegra whispered inaudibly, but Losse heard it nonetheless. “I love you, Losse. I always did.” He smirked, running a hand through his hair. His eyes pricked with tears, but for Allegra, he would smile until she could no longer see him.

                Alexei Isaura’s face was pale and imperturbable. His attention was pinpointed directly upon Artemis Delara. A flicker of surprise passed over his features when the reversal began. The black hair Artemis possessed after death changed colour from its tips, travelling upwards while releasing shards of black paper-like substance floating away and dissipating before reaching the ground.  

                His heart clenched. The ritual was returning the original state of her body and features: the red hair and breathtaking, enthusiastic, and buoyant green eyes he adored so much. When he glanced at Demetri and Allegra, they had also regained their respective colours.

                Light pink, the flow of blood, coloured their cheeks, granting a false sense of happiness.

                Artemis grinned at him, her emerald green eyes full of youthful vivacity and love. Her bright red hair embraced her figure, and gradually, she began to degenerate.

                He clenched his fists, raising his voice. If he would not do it then, the chance would be missed forever. “I love you, Artemis.”  Artemis chuckled, a blurred sound that was melodious to his ears, like the rippling of water in a still lake.

                Her reply came only to his ears in a faded whisper. “I love you too.”

                Xerxes and Cornelia held hands, facing the star with five dissolving figures. Behind them stood Alexei and Losse, shoulder by shoulder, their attention upon the five. A silent Ariadne Ellery watched the procession with a blank smile, thinking of her brother. She wondered quietly if she should have stepped forward, but was promptly snapped out of her thoughts by a pat on her shoulder. She blinked, cocking her head to the side. Farther away, Cytheria and Marklen knelt to the sacrifices. Cytheria cried to herself over her former love’s loss. Alexei would never have Artemis.

                “Don’t think that way,” Losse whispered, a generous smile curving his lips. “You’re stuck with me, Ariadne.”

                “Of course, Master,” she grinned for the first time since her brother’s unfortunate demise. Losse and she had both lost the ones they held dearest- they shared a bond which was everlasting. Her chest pricked. The pain would never numb for either of them, but they would ease it for one another.

                “Goodbye!” Rosy’s tiny voice pierced the atmosphere, emitting positive warmth into every soul, almost making the Underworld’s heat unnoticeable. “We love you!”

                The individual pillars converged into one, carrying each sacrifice towards a central point that hovered above the still form of the supernatural being. A mark of stars appeared upon the ground where He lay, and just for a moment, Rosy wondered if she had imagined the amused twinkle in His red eyes- a twinkle of mirth.

                A monotonous drone sounded in their ears, signalling a resolution while they watched His body being lifted and engulfed with white light.

                It was finally over.


File 21: Year 191 (end) - 192, Dresnern Century.

                21- I

The Bahamut was extracted from Ciceron Isaura’s son, Elite Alexei Isaura.

                21- V


                21- X

                A storm will pass, unbeknownst to the immense Tytanian people. Though the facts shall remain hidden from the day the heroes succeed, their legacy will be everlasting in Tytania’s earth and skies. The participants are as such:

                Vesta Nyel – Queen

                Alexei Isaura – Former vessel of the mighty Bahamut

                Artemis Delara – Outlawed, former criminal 

                Demetri Lyte – Highest Mage, Noble

                Allegra Lyte – Noble

                Arisa Rains – One of two remaining of necromantic blood

                Irma Tahryn – Tahryn child, early ageing

                Losse Armont – One of two remaining of necromantic blood

                Cytheria Terre – Her Majesty Queen Vesta’s trusted knight and lady

                Marklen Serte – Her Majesty Queen Vesta’s trusted knight

                Ariadne Ellery – One of two of elite Ellery bloodline

                Oakser Ellery – One of two of elite Ellery bloodline

                Cornelia Uney – Former Queen, returned

                Xerxes Ruere – His Majesty the King (Former), returned

                Beatrice Exedras – Former Queen, first royal dynasty, returned

                Fortuna Exedras – Former Queen, first royal dynasty, returned

                Euphrosyne Rains – Vessel of the Devil’s Tear

                May these souls be forever known for that which will pass: a journey to His abode and the defeaters of Him, the Devil.  

                Though the journey has not begun of this moment, I, Demetri Lyte, am in full certainty that those listed above will be triumphant.

Record by:

Demetri Lyte

For these are the last words I write,


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