
By all-nighter-writer

6.1K 157 40

The incident with Loki is over, but ever since then, trouble has been brewing in the dark. Just when the worl... More

CHAPTER 1: A World In Danger
CHAPTER 2: Phone Call #1- Stark
CHAPTER 3: Phone Call #2- Banner
CHAPTER 4: Phone Call #3- Rogers
CHAPTER 5: Phone Call #4- Barton
CHAPTER 6: Phone Call #5- Foster
CHAPTER 7: Phone Call #6- Romanoff
CHAPTER 8: Phone Call #7- Lewis
CHAPTER 9: Heil Hydra
CHAPTER 10: Science Bros (Sort Of)
CHAPTER 11: Does this Suit Make My Butt Look Big?
CHAPTER 12: Colorblind Archers and Rock N' Roll
CHAPTER 13: Parental Figures Come Home
CHAPTER 14: Shields Are Not Sleds
CHAPTER 16: Aftermath
CHAPTER 17: New Relationships Boom
CHAPTER 18: Even More Relationships!

CHAPTER 15: Where Are Your Heroes Now?

215 5 5
By all-nighter-writer

S.H.E.I.L.D. was busy tracking down Hydra when they attacked. First the capital, now New Mexico. Maria Hill was driving to the base when it exploded. There were anonymous people dressed in black who dissapeared away from the damage. Hill jumped out of the car and went to examine the damage. The Hydra symbol was burned into the ground. Stepping over the glowing embers of the former base, the director saw Agent Variano lying on the ground with an odd object in his hand. 

"Heil... Hydra...", he muttered before dying on the burning ground. Maria Hill took the strange object and decided it would be best for the scientists to examine it. She summoned a helicopter and soon she was off to New York. 

After heading over to Stark Tower, she entered and walked to the lab where Bruce was working. She put the object on the table and he looked at her skeptically and with a sigh, took the object.

"What is it?", he asked her.

"I don't know, that's why I want a report on it soon.", she said and left the lab before he could protest.

"Just because I messed my DNA up doesn't mean I'm good with unidentifyable objects.", Bruce stressed.


"What is it?", Drew asked.

"I don't know!", Stella said as she poked it.

"Don't poke it, idiot!" Astrid slapped away her hand.

"What do you know about stuff like this?"

"Uhh.... Not much."

"Ha! Then shut up." Stella pushed Astrid away. Hailey picked up the object, then put it back down.

"I don't think it's safe.", she said. Then Lexie got a stick and started poking it.

"Seriously?", Jamie said. Berwald came up.

"My friends! Let me try something!" He raised his mace and was about to smash it when all of the kids stopped his arm.

"NO!", they all shouted. He pouted. 

"Berwald, that wouldn't help, that's why we told you no.", Stella calmed him. He nodded. Suddenly the item started beeping. "Damn it." They all backed into a corner as it made a small explosion. Drew pushed up his glasses and went to it, but Stella went first, not allowing him to hurt himself. There was a small note with it. Astrid came out and read it.

"Dear Avengers, your plan is foiled. You are too weak to overcome Hydra. Just know, when one head gets cut off, two more take its place.", she read. The group looked at each other nervously. 

"Suit up." Hailey's voice quavered. The parents came down. 

"Go somewhere safe. Hydra is plotting.", Berwald said. Loki and Thor nodded, and the parents got transported to Asgard. It was safest there for them. Suddenly, an explosion sounded from the street. The kiddies went to get suited up and exited Stark Tower. There were two helicarriers with the Hydra symbol on them. Stella reached for Drew's hand and he took hers, clasping it tight. Astrid and Berwald hugged quickly while Jamie and Lexie shared a warm embrace. They gathered in a group.

"Jamie, Astrid and I take the one on the left. Stella, Lexie, and Berwald take the other one. Drew, take their guns and rip them out.", Hailey commanded. Drew nodded and before he could transform, Stella took his arm and pulled him in for a kiss. She pulled away after a minute.

"If we don't survive, just know I love you.", she said. He nodded once again and walked away, transforming into a great green behemoth. With a roar, he was off to protect the citizens. Stella flew up Berwald and Lexie to the carrier and the others were tossed on to the other carrier by the Drew-Hulk. The kiddies immeadeately set off to work on them, they knew there would be a lot of hardships.


The parents were given seperate rooms in the palace, but decided to meet in Loki's common room. Bruce was pacing back and forth and Tony was trying to get insight on what was happening on Midgard. Darcy sat there, worrying her unborn child would never get to see his big sister. Loki was worrying the same thing. Betty was crying from the fear of her baby boy dying in battle. Steve was praying to whatever god there was to make sure Hailey survived. He didn't think he could handle losing someone else so close to him after his wife died. Sure, it was for the US army, but the day he got the news she was dead was the worst day of his life. He just couldn't take much more death. Darcy squeezed Loki's hand and they whisked out of the room, where the equipment was to help her give birth. Astrid was hard enough, Loki didn't want to know how hard the next one would be. The somber group barely noticed they were gone, for they were too caught up in their own thoughts.


Hacking a Hydra vessle was easier than Stella expected. It was almost too simple. After she unlocked the door to the hull of the ship, they all ran in, demolishing Hydra forces along the way. The soldiers just kept coming. Berwald realized they were just trying to tire them out, and with a bolt of lightning, knocked out all the forces in the room. The group ran along, trying to get to the bridge of the ship. Suddenly, the Winter Soldier was in their way. Great, just what they needed. A brainwashed mercenary with a powerful metal arm. He shot at them, and a bullet grazed Lexie's shoulder. With a beam out of her suit, Stella slowed him down a bit. This gave Berwald the time to electrocute him, particularly his metal arm, and Lexie to shoot him with a new kind of arrow: a morphine arrow. He lay there on the ground, and suddenly, the group was knocked out by tasers.

When they awoke, they were being kept in the main room of the ship by magnetic cuffs magnetised to the ground. A man with a scar running down his face smiled sadistically at them.

"Hello, children! Welcome to Hydra's main ship, the Levethian.", he said. His voice was scratchy, like he smoked too much. The children glared at him. Berwald tried to break out of his cuffs, but they were too strong even for him. The strange man laughed. "Oh, little demigod, even you are no match for the cuffs!"

"Um, hey, Scar, whatever your name is--"

"Kris Doneitillo."

"Kris. Could you tell your creepy co-workers to stop tearing apart my suit?", Stella asked. He smirked.

"Oh, they could do much worse. And not to your suit, but to you." He snapped his fingers and the men went over to her and started to come creepily close to her, pinning her down on the ground. She writhed and they began to put their hands all over her. She screamed out lound and writhed more. Lexie and Berwald watched with sickened facial expressions.

"Stop! Stella already has someone!", Lexie screamed. The men stopped and she slumped down on the wall, her breathing labored.

"Oh, this one?" The screen showed Drew-Hulk, roaring and imprisoned. Stella's eyes filled with rage and she glared at Kris. He snapped his fingers once again, and scary looking weapons were aimed at them. "Now, where to start? Oh yes, the knives."


Hailey and Astrid ran as fast as they could, quickly knocking out the whole entire crew of the helicarrier. It was tiny and not well managed. The group had control of the ship and jumping to the other one once they got close enough, seeing Drew-Hulk imprisoned. He smiled once he saw them, he still had a mind. Jamie freed him and a screen popped up. It showed Stella being pinned down by men and Drew-Hulk roared in anger, crashing into the main room. The rest shrugged and followed him.


I'll try and write the next chapter as soon as possible!


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