CHAPTER 4: Phone Call #3- Rogers

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Steve Rogers was simply helping his daughter train when the phone rang. He picked it up.

"Cap, this is Director Hill. We need your help."

The Captain nodded. "What seems to be the issue ma'am?"


"I thought we got rid of them."

"You thought wrong, Mr. Rogers. Will you help us defeat them?", Maria asked.

"I don't trust S.H.E.I.L.D. that much anymore. I won't interfere. Plus, I'm busy now. I have a family to take care of.", Steve explained. His daughter turned to look at him.

"What about your girl? She could help."

He froze. How dare she try and put his Hailey Rogers in danger.

"Ma'am, this is my daughter we're talking about. There is no way I would let her do that. She has a life to live, and I don't care how desperate you may be, she will not be with your forces anytime soon. Goodnight, ma'am." He disconnected and she looked over at him.

"Dad, who was that?"

"Nobody you should be concerned with."

"Why did they call?"

"They need help."

"Why not help them?"

"The enemy is too strong. C'mon, your mother has probably made dinner by now.", he said as he cleaned up the equipment. She sighed.

"Whatever you say, Dad."

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