CHAPTER 11: Does this Suit Make My Butt Look Big?

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Alexandra and Stella were trying on their battle gear. Stella looked at her reflection in the mirror before turning to the side.

"Lexie?", she asked.


"Does this Mark 44 suit make my butt look big? Answer seriously, girl.", she looked over at her.

"No, it doesn't make your butt look big. Does mine make my boobs look good?", Lexie turned towards Stella.

"If I were lesbian I would be staring. Your boobs look fine."

"Good.", she sighed. Then, Astrid walked in, decked out in Asgardian armor. Stella assumed a poetic stance.

"Doth father know you weareth his drapes?", she said. Astrid glared at her.

"This looks better than your petty clothing choice.", she sniffed, putting on her helmet. It was exactly like Loki's. Okay, that was it. Stella couldn't help but laugh. So did Lexie. "What? I look better than you two!" She stalked out of the room and transported to her bedroom. With a huff, she plopped down on the bed. Her ego had taken another hit. This time, it was more painful. That tiny crack spread.

      Back in the common room, Stella and Lexie were still laughing.

"I can't do it!", Lexie gasped, "The outfits are just too ridiculous!" Stella nodded and laughed too, clapping like a seal. Then Hailey walked in, obviously not comfortable in a skintight suit. She looked like the American flag in human form.

"Oh say can you see, by the dawns early light~!", Stella sang. Hailey looked down.

"Shut up, Stell.", Hailey muttered. Stella laughed. She couldn't take any of their outfits seriously. Then Berwald walked in. Oh god, too many Asgardian outfits in one day. They were so ridiculous! Hailey stifled a laugh.                                                                        

"Hello my friends! Your armor seems quite weak, if I do say so myself.", he boomed. Berwald didn't know just how loud he was. "Mine, on the other hand is as durable as my mace!", he held up his weapon.

"It looks like you jumped out of a mythology book.", Alexandra said.

"Or Shakespeare in the park.", Stella muttered. Berwald simply laughed.

"Silly Midgardians! You amuse me with your ineptitude to know fashion!", he ruffled their hair before going to practice with the simulations. Stella grimaced. How dare he ruin her gorgeous hair. She got it from her father. Lexie's ginger hair was a mess. She had gotten it dyed and the blonde roots were showing. She quickly hid them.

         Then there was a crash and a boom and a roar. Oh, no. Drew's experiment exploded. That got him angry. Jesus, they didn't need a giant green behemoth on the loose while their parents were gone on a trip to negotiate terms and conditions of their rooms on the helicarrier. Stella sighed and picked up a shirt and pants, heading down the stairs. No one was stopping her.


All Drew wanted to do was make something actually work. But this time, after 5 weeks of failure after failure, he came so close. Until it exploded in his face. That broke the final string keeping him from going green. Stella ran down the stairs.

"Drew! Stop!" He turned and roared, about to charge her. She approached him. "I realize your experiment broke but that's science. It takes time to find a solution. The Drew-Hulk wrung his hands as if he was saying, "But I came so close!". He grunted and sunk to the ground. She came up close to his face. "Drew. Come back. Now.", she demanded. Slowly, the green giant transformed back into Drew.

"Sorry about that.", he muttered. She smiled.

"It's fine.", she said, handing him the clothes. He took them gratefully and she traveled back up the stairs. He changed and examined the lab. He hadn't broken everything, so that was good. After getting a somewhat clean area he tried again. It still didn't work. He decided it was best to to upstairs and get tea before working again. Stella had prepared him chai tea and easy-mac. Oh well, it was the thought that counted. Plus, easy-mac was just really friggin' good.


I love easy-mac. Vote, read, etc. You know the drill!


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