Loving A Monster (Van Helsing)

By WildPuppy11

32.6K 762 44

She's unnatural, she's a freak but does she care, no. Shade has a secret that binds her to prince Velkan Vale... More

One || Beginning Of The End
Two || Shade The Great Hunter
Three || Mission Transylvania
Five || Little Village
Six || Inexperienced Werewolf
Seven || Run Free
Eight || Come Back To Me
Nine || I Promised
Ten || Still Need You
Eleven || I Didn't Do It For You
Twelve || Inner Turmoil
Thirteen || The Cure
Fourteen || Biting Cold
Fifteen || A Final Farewell

Four || Invisible Nightmares

2.4K 73 5
By WildPuppy11

Shade opened her eyes with a gasp, looking around fearfully, noticing that she was In a forest.

"Van Helsing!" She called, her voice echoing off of the trees as it bounced around the empty, never ending woods.

She shakily walked through the woods, using the light of the cloud covers sun to find her way to a small clearing. A man was tied to a post, he seemed to be looking forward like he was looking at someone or something. Shade lifted her foot to walk towards the man and help him but something stopped her.

"Dracula unleashed you for a reason." The man seemed to growl and Shade began to wonder if he was talking to her.

Shade yelped and jumped back as a blue-ish werewolf leapt out of the undergrowth and toward the man. The man freed his hands before climbing to the top of the post where he proceeded to jump up and grab a hook that hung from a rope. Shade watched as men ran from the trees, pulling a lever that made the rope holding the man lift into the air causing the werewolf to jump up to try and grab him. Suddenly a girl appears which makes the wolf jump down, ground beneath the werewolf collapsed and it fell into a cage that the people must have put for the werewolf.

"Pull me up!" The man on the top shouted as the cage started to lift.

"It's stuck!" A man shouted back.

A gasp left Shade as the cage slammed into the man on the rope and he dropped his gun.

Shade ran forward and over to the gun, leaning down to grab it but it just went through her hand.

"What the hell." Shade whispered to herself as she examined her hand.

"No, Anna, it will kill you." Shade heard a man say and looked towards the voice, seeing a man hold the girl she had seen before which she now knew was Anna. That meant the man on the rope was Velkan.

"That's my brother out there." Anna exclaimed and ran towards the cage.

"Cut the rope! Cut it now!" Velkan shouted but the men were still having trouble with the lever. Shade tried to pick up the gun again but it still went through her hand.

"Velkan!" Anna yelled as she stopped to look around for Velkan's gun.

"My gun! Find my gun!" Velkan ordered but the other men seemed to be more busy since the werewolf had started to slam itself into the cage walls, making it rock and creak.

"Find Velkan's gun. It had to be silver bullets." Anna said, going ignored by the man.

"Hurry!" A shout said, it sounded like Velkan but Shade's vision was beckoning blurry and her hearing was fuzzy. She dropped to her knees and watched as Anna spotted the gun. Anna ran over and picked it up but it was too late, the werewolf had managed to break out of the cage. Shade gasped as the werewolf spotted Anna.

"Anna, look out!" Shade shouted along with Velkan.

Shade stood in front of Anna, lifting her hand as a light flooded to her palm. Her veins felt on fire as her eyes turned black and the tight grew until it became a ball of flames. The werewolf jumped towards Anna but Shade let the ball go and it sent the werewolf fly backwards. Everyone stopped and looked around and Shade finally realised that they couldn't see her.

"Run!" Velkan screamed at Anna as the werewolf came bounding through the trees with a snarl. Anna turned and ran through the trees, towards a cliff that Shade could smell had a river at the bottom.

"No, no, no, they aren't allowed ta die." Shade muttered to herself and ran after the werewolf and Anna. Shade moved the branches out of the way as she ran as fast as she could, using the skills she had learnt over the years to get in front of the werewolf. Shade stood in front of Anna who was trapped at the very edge of the cliff. The yellow eyes of the werewolf met with Shade's even though it couldn't see her and Shade was sent in an agonising swirl of colours as she went back to the day her parents died and those eyes were what accompanied the fangs that tore her parents to shreds.

A loud thud reached her ears, making her turn around and see that Velkan had appeared and pushed Anna out of the way but sadly it was too late. Velkan fired the gun at the werewolf who leapt at him but it's body collided with Velkan's and Shade's making all three fall over the edge of the cliff and into the water below. A scream threatened to escape Shade's mouth but when she opened her mouth, water filled her lungs. The river was pulling her down, drowning her as the need for air became greater. Darkness clouded her vision, her body becoming cold and limp as the river pulled her to its depths.

Shade woke with a scream, desperately reaching for something to hold onto so she didn't go back to the river.

"Shh, shh, it's ok." A voice whispered in her ear as someone pulled her into a hug. Shade buried her head in the persons chest, crying as she clung to them, knowing by scent that it was Van Helsing.

"Your safe Shade, no ones going to hurt you while I'm here." Van Helsing whispered which made the young girl relax slightly. Van Halsing had always come to her when she had nightmares, he could hear her screaming from down the fall and he'd run to her side in an instant. A soft whimper let Shade as she went over the dream again, feeling Van Helsing tighten his arms around her and pulled her closer to him. He lay down with Shade in his arms, stroking her hair as he waited for her to fall back to sleep.

"Velkan." A voice whispered to Shade.

"God....help us." It whispered again and Shade knew that it was Anna, mourning her brothers death. But those words were the last one she heard before the comforting darkness of sleep overtook her.

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