I'm The Girl Next Door |TRILO...

By BellaLoveLola

274K 12.7K 4.3K


1 ° New Time
2 ° Almost
3 ° Birth of a Family
4 ° Us
5 ° I Broke Us
6 ° Trust
7 ° Mines
8 ° You Owe Me
9 ° Sorry
10 ° Together
11 ° At your Best
12 ° Warned
13 ° Pitty
14 ° Drama
15 ° For You
16 ° Surprise
17 ° Times Fly
18 ° Me & You
19 ° Crazy
20 ° Troubles
21 ° You
22 ° Dirty
23 ° Time
24 ° Sorry
25 ° Loyalty
26 ° That
27 ° Stand
28 • Fire
29 • Closing In
30 • Heaven
31 ° Lesson
32 ° I Dont Think
33 ° Why
34 ° Your Turn
35° Crazy
36 ° Amazing
37 ° Game
38 ° Hurt
39 ° This
40 ° Here
41 ° Bed-Stuy
42 ° Real Love
43 ° insomnia
44 ° Brotherly Love
45 ° Google
46 ° You Fucked
47 ° Love Me
48 ° The One
49 ° Talk
51° You
52 ° Close
53 ° Dez
54 ° Question
55 ° Eve
56 ° Christmas
57 ° Who Knows
58 • Businesses
59 • Physical
60 • Lonely
61 • Time
62 • Up
63 • Ready
64 • Time
65 • Us
66 • Terrible
67 • Stupid
68 • You
69 • Liar
70 • Times Up
71° Bullshit
72 ° Up
73 ° BOLO
74 ° Change
75 ° Beginning

50 ° Family

2.7K 136 53
By BellaLoveLola


I tired, I did everything I could for her. I knew she never wanted this with us. She picked a fight Iver a paper, that she didn't even let me explain what I meant. And I meant the same thing I told Jennifer. Why am I always the bad person.

I walked in the backyard and it was just Jason with Cha Cha . I just started crying

"Man come here" Jason said coming over to me

"She said she should have never married me, and i-i just slammed her and chocked her and was grabbing her wrist and she thought I was gonna rape her , how, why would I do that to her, I loved her like I nothing I've ever felt in my heart man!" I said

"Damn, man it's alright you know how y'all get....." I cut him off

"I just thought idk why I just thought giving her some head would relax her, like always but she started screaming crying and, she thought I was gonna rape her Jason!" I cried to him

"I'm sure she don't...."

"You didn't see the way she was looking at me, like I'm some kind of monster! I , I what am I going to do with out her!" I asked

"Y'all gone be alright! Man both of you are crazy for each other and y'all both know that, y'all need to talk and talk I mean talk. Not say sorry and have sex I mean have a fucking conversation with each other, go on vacation, go out alone, get some air together, and stop hitting each other, man, you know your pops wouldn't stand for none of this shit baby girl!" He said

"Man, I know " I wiped my face

"What time is it?" I asked taking Cha Cha

"It's 2" he said

"Ugh, okay mom is going to be here" I stood up

"You okay?" He asked

"No, I'm not jason I've never seen her cry like that , and I made her cry!" I said walking inside

"Y'all just need to cool down for right now" he said

"Yeah" I went in the living room to see everyone but ash! Her mom looked so sad, and I felt so bad for making her daughter feel like this.

I just sat down with Cha Cha, Lola and Sunni started to play with Cha Cha

Ding ding dong

"I'll get it" andrea said to me, she got up

"ANDREA" I smiled at hearing my mom voice

"KAY" Andrea said

They have become so close, just for their daughters to fall apart.

"Where are the girls at!" My mom asked her

"Huh?" My mom asked, I came out into the foyer

"Hi mija" my mom said

I didn't even see who else was around nor did I care, I'm not a hugger, and I hugged my mother so tight she knew something was wrong

"Mija what's wrong?" She asked as I didn't let her go

"They got in to it, pretty bad, I already spoke to ash" Andrea whispered to my mom

"Kristina?" My mom looked down at me And I had tears in my eyes

"Andrea, we'll be right back, the other should be here in like thirty minutes or so!" My mom said walking with me to the dining room

"Sit down Mariel, what's going on" she said and I just started balling my eyes out

"Oh, mi, es tan malo" (is it that bad?)" She asked I nodded my head

I just spilled my guts out to her, I've never talk to my mom like this.

"I just don't know how she hate me so much!"

"Mina she does not hate you, and we all know that even y'all daughter knows how much y'all love her, y'all should be the first to know that about each other!" She said

"Y'all need to learn how to communicate with one another, because this isn't good for y'all or that child that's going to grow up in this house and see y'all hitting and yell at each other!" She said

"I have never loved someone so much that I wanted to leave!".

"That means you don't wanna leave your just mad and we all have loved someone so much we couldn't think right! But at some point you have to talk, and I mean talk Kristina Cortez, if you aren't pig headed like your father, senor ayudame ( lord help me)" she laughed

"I know" I wiped my face

"Just give each other some space okay, just both of y'all relax for a little while!" She said

"Yes ma'am" she hugged me again

Ding dong

"Come on I'm pretty sure that's boo and peaches crazy self" she held my hand, my left hand at that

I didn't even tell her I took my ring off, she squoze my hand so damn bad.

"You didn't?" She said, I didn't even look at her

"Chica que se que no? Perdiste la cabeza?" (Girl I know you did not? Did you lose your mind?")

"You hear me talking to you!" She asked


"Don't you ever take that ring off your finger unless you are one hundred percent ready to leave the mother of your child do you hear me?"

"Yes, mom that hurts" she let go of my hand

She so damn strong, then she just started talking crazy in Spanish I just tuned her out. I'm not even fake being happy I just can't.

I just went and opened the door.

"Hola, chica" aunt boo said hugging me

"Hey Tia" I said I was happy I just couldn't ash and what happened out my mind

"Dang ma could have helped with yo bags dead ass heavy" peaches came through the door

"Wassup nigga" I said helping her with the bags and behind her I see Jessie and some light skin chick, the fuck

"Man this is your crib I know damn well you ain't just got no club!" Peaches joked

"Man shut yo ass up!" I said sitting her bags down

"So I brought Jessie and her annoying ass bff" peaches wined

"It's cool I guess" this just gone piss ash off more I said

"Hey Kris!" Jessie waved

"Wassup, let me get yo bags" I said

"Kris this is Emmy, and Emmy this is Kris, the one I was telling you about on the plane" Jessie said

"She is cuter in person" Emmy said shaking my hand

"Thanks, glad y'all came, I'll show yall to the living room" I put they bags down

"Son, this isn't now living room, this is our place back home, whatever you selling nigga let me in" peaches said making me laugh

"I'm not selling nothing man!" I said

"Man, Tia she lying, Jason I know you know!" She said

"Peaches yo crazy self needs to relax" Jason said

"And who are you?" Peaches sat next to Lola

" I am Lola, Kris and Ash friend" Lola laughed

"So ash where is this ash?" Boo pointed to Sunni

"Oh no, I'm her cousin" Sunni smiled

"Ash is......" Andrea was cut off by dime loud ass coming in

"BABY WE HOME" dime yelled

"Dime shut the hell up" sky said

Everyone was laughing, I didn't even notice Cha Cha wasn't down here.

"Don't hate shit I only came to see if peaches fine ass still straight as fuck" dime said

She don't even know that we all can hear her

"Ouch don't hit me" dime said

"Hurry and take your damn shoes off!" Sky said, walking in

"Hey y'all" sky said

"Oh chica she is beautiful"  boo grabbed her and hugged her

"Oh uh thanks you, dime you hear that!" Sky said

"Whatever!" Dime came in

"Don't worry cause I'll always have Andrea!" Dime winked at ash mom, we Al just laughed

"Ash your beautiful!" Peaches said

"Hold up what? I'm sky" she said sitting down next to Sunni

"Right that's my wife what kinda foolry y'all got!" Dime said trying to hurt her arm around Andrea

"I'm sorry y'all ash is, upstairs" I said getting up

"I'll go get her" my mom said getting up

"So....who are yall three!" Dime asked

"Wait I thought you said peaches was coming?" Dime asked

"Well I'm Jessie" dime eyes got big

"Ohhh damn, dammmmm" dime said

"Dime?" Sky said

"Haha, I'm Emmy Jessie's best friend" Emmy said smiling

"I'm peaches" peaches said cheesing

"Wassup bro! Wait who's peaches?" Dime asked

"Nigga me" peaches stood up

"So much has changed, Jessie not ugly, and peaches likes.....so I've always had a chance peaches is what you saying to me....shit!" Sky threw her wallet at dime

Everyone busted out laughing. I just sat there nervous to see Ash it's been about two hours. I missed her so much already. I feel like shit.

"Look who I got" my mom walked in with Cha Cha and Ash holding ash hand

Ash was rubbing her face like she was sleeping. Cha Cha had on her favorite princess dress, and Ash had on some sweats and my sweater that said do or die with her hair in a curly bun. She didn't even look at me!

"Ma ma" Cha Cha said and everyone said their ohhs and ahhs

"This is Ash y'all" my mom said

"Was.... Hi" she smiled

"Such a gorgeous girl!" Boo said

"Tiny, but very very maravilloso" boo said

"This is aunt boo" my mom said to ash

"That's peaches, Kris cousin"

"Wassup bra" peaches said to ash

"Waddup" ash said

"And these two ladies are just some old friends, Jessie and Emmy!" Ash said hey and the replied

"Actually Tia Kris don't know Emmy" peaches said

"You mind yours" boo said

"Give me this thing here" boo reached for Cha Cha

"Lord have, she is beautiful, look at these eyes" boo said

Everyone was just chatting and getting to know everyone else. And blah blah ash was still standing there.

"Have a seat baby" Andrea said , she looked around and only a spot next to me was open

"Umm that's okay mom I'm going to go get some umm air, I kinda don't feel good, I'll be right back" she walked out the living room

Dime and sky looked at each other then at me. I got up and walked out the living room patio sliding window door

"So why you ain't tell me about peaches" dime said as she closed the siding door behind her

"Cause I wanted to see your face nigga that's why!" I laughed

"Yeah I see how you do!" She laughed

"So you doing okay, with the video out and getting jumped by them little niggas?" She asked

"Yeah man I'll be iight, nothing I can't handle in the world right!" I joked

"Yeah and losing ash isn't one of em!" She said

"What you mean?" I laughed

"Spill it, cause sky went to go talk to her!"

"Yeah, I know I don't think we gone make it!" I said

I told dime what happened. And she couldn't believe her ears.

"Look everyone knows that y'all get crazy, we knows this, we also know how deep y'all love for each other is! Do you know how many girls I've seen you with? And you treated not none of them like this! You love ash to death. But we also knows that y'all don't know how to communicate with each other. It's simple Kris just open your mouth and she'll open hers." Dime said

"I know everyone keeps saying that!"

"Well majority rules my nigga, and stop fucking grabbing on her" dime said bring tears to my eyes

"Man I know I just i-its j......."

"Aye y'all......you iight son?" Peaches asked

"Yeah, I'm iight I'll be in there in a few minutes!" I said wiping my face

"Look Kris y'all gone be good no matter what! Come on bro" dime said

"So ash and Kris? How long y'all been married?" Emmy asked

"Three years in January" we said in unison

"That's cute, are y'all going on a anniversary trip?" Peaches asked

Neither one of us said anything, I just smiled And shurged

"Mm" Emmy said

I'm just sitting here, chatting with Jessie.

"What made you move all the way to Tampa?" She asked

"After my pops and bro got killed I needed to leave, grow up ya know!" I said

"Yeah I have always wanted to move to Orlando my self, but you know how us new Yorkers are dead ass heavy in they city" she joked yeah

"That's cool, it's iight down here, I'm making a living!" I said

"Yeah peaches told me that you had a club Mad Mx after your pops, now that's wassup" she said

"He'd be proud of his daughter out here taxing niggas and shit" she joked making me laugh

I looked over at Ash, just staring into the blank tv. I started to feel my leg get wet

"Umm Kris you thigh, like look at your sweats!" Jessie said putting a napkin on my thigh

"You on your period?" She whispered

"Girl no I got hurt And had some stitches!" I laughed

"You probably pop some, it happened to peaches" she said

"I'll help you" she offered

"Oh nawl I got it thanks!" I said, I limped out the living room

I felt someone's hand on my waist and I looked it's ash. She didn't even look at me still. She helped me to the room and left back out. I don't know how to do stitches, how i fix this shit!

I just washed my leg off and just, laid in the bed! I don't even care who is here no more! I feel my anxiety just come on and I got under the covers and just wished I was not here breathing at all.

"Kris?" I was almost sleep, when I heard my mom calling me

"Yes ma?" I sat up

"We going to go to dinner, you coming so get dressed" she said

"Mom please..." She yanj d the blanket off me

"If your wife can go, then your ass can to!" She said walking out

"Okay fine" I got up and just threw on anything to wear

I hate this feeling at dinner she just kept looking at me and I kept looking at her, but neither one of us spoke to each other at all.

"Ash your ring is beautiful!" Emmy said touching it

"Thank you, Its special ya know" she said

"I hope to find some one as fine and sweet as Kris is and not mess shit up!" She said

"Yeah, Kris is huh!" Ash said looking at me as I pretended not to listen

"Yeah she's got it going on" Emmy said, I don't like her already

"You gone eat son?" Peaches said

"I'm not really hungry, I'll take it home though!" I said

"You sure you alright, you can talk to me bro?" Peaches said

"Me and wifey got into a pretty bad fight and we both said and did some shit that we shouldn't have" I admit to her

"Aww man I'm sorry, I knew something was off, but I didn't wanna say, but basically three years more than anyone I know well besides ya mom's and mines, but people our age, they don't care about that it's either money or sex, you lucky to have love man for real" she said

"Man look at you sounding all adult and shit" I joked

"Well I mean....." She popped her collar

"I really never loved someone so much until her you know" I said

"Yeah ash seems like a good girl man, I'm happy for you y'all gone be alright" peaches said

"I hope so" I said looking at her

"Ohh ash you think you can teach me how you do your foundation?" Emmy asked

"Emmy why are you being so weird? Your make is always on point!" Jessie added

"Yeah but look at Ash's" she said, is she trying to be funny or what

"Sorry ma, ion do makeup" ash said


"Yes, girl" ash laughed

"Her skin is naturally flawless" sky said annoyed with Emmy

"Well I was only asking women to women" Emmy said to sky

"Aye family, I got a weird question!" Peaches asked

"Wassup?" I said

So who is Dez?"

"Haha what?"

"Dime was talking about some girl named Dez, she's was saying she's is y'all other half and shit? What that mean!" I'm glad peaches kinda slow

"Man dime you got a big ass mouth!" I yelled to her

"I been minding my business" she winked

"What time are we leaving mom?" Ash asked

"I don't know baby, you okay?" She asked she just nodded

"Mrs Andrea?" Dime said

"Where is Ashlan?" Dime asked

"He is in New Orleans, for a conference, why sweetie?"

"Just making sure he won't be there when I come over and stuff, you know watch moves and cuddle" dime joked

"Baby get your friend!" Andrea said to ash but she just got up and walked outside

"What is wrong with her?" Boo asked

"She's not feeling good! "Andrea and my mom says in unison

"Are poor chica" boo said

"I'll go see if she's okay!" I got up

When I washed outside I seen her standing by my car. She didn't even drive here with me she drove with with my mom her mom and boo and Cha Cha. As I walked to the car, I unlocked in just in case she wanted to get in, and she just looked at me and wiped her face and kept standing there.

I went and stood next to her, not saying nothing, I just heard her sniffing and it made my eyes water because I knew she was crying.

"Ash can, Cha Cha come with us, Leah gonna come over?" Sunni asked

"Uh-uh yeah, make sure, umm her bag is in Kay's trunk" ash said

"Thank..are you okay?" Sunni started to walk over

"Yeah just go ,get her out the cold it's kinda chilly" ash said wiping her nose

I opened the door for her, and she just opened up the backdoor and got in. I closed the door and got in the driver seat and just drove. I waited for Jessie, peaches and Emmy to come out so we can go. When they got to the car, ash still sat in the back!


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