Hero (Loki & Avengers)

By gillettenarry

385K 14.1K 7.9K

Cassidy Martin didn't ask for any of this, and she doesn't want it. Her powers came to her by an accident, a... More



14.5K 526 513
By gillettenarry

For the next few days, me and Tony take it easy and try to develop my skills more. I'm thrilled at how quickly I'm learning so far. I don't think I'm even close to having my powers under my complete control, or to unlocking their full potential, but I'm finding it easier to deal with every day.

Now I can even localize my invisibility and make only certain parts of my body go invisible. I can't hold it for long, but it still made me excited. I'm also getting stronger with my magnetic powers, and I'm learning that more things have bits of metal in them than I thought. I'll never have to walk across the room to grab the TV remote again.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Colonel James Rhodes, who Tony affectionately calls Rhodey. He's one of Tony's old friends who got hurt in some battle that Tony specifically told me to not ask about, but he's been doing physical therapy here for the past few months because of it. He's a very nice man, but I haven't seen much of him yet.

I met the Vision as well, which was a bizarre experience considering he floats. I felt drawn to him for some reason, especially to the beautiful yellow stone in his forehead. He seems kind as well, but Tony says he doesn't do much anymore. He mostly just mopes around or tries to help out Rhodey. I think something happened between them that nobody will tell me, but it's not my place to pry.

On this sunny morning, I wake up bright and early and get ready for the day before walking out to the main living room to try and hunt town Tony for today's itinerary.

"There you are, kid!" Tony claps when he sees me and stands from his spot on the sofa where he was fiddling with what looks like a robotic hand.

"Ready when you are, Tony." I tell him and he walks over to me.

"Alright, first let's stop by my lab and then we can head outside to-" Tony stops talking when we walk out of the living area of the compound and past the main entrance. "Oh god, here we go." He mumbles under his breath.

As he says this I notice a terrifying man standing in a long black trench coat with an eye patch.

"Tony, there you are. We need to talk." He says, and he isn't asking.

"Fury, not now. I'm a little bit busy with Cassidy here." Tony huffs in reply.

"Tony I don't think you understand our situation. We have an angry Thanos up in the sky plotting mass death and destruction, and you decide to take on a side project?" Fury, whoever he is, says while gesturing to me. My cheeks heat up. "No offense sweetheart, but unpredictability is not really comfortable for me right now." He adds.

I don't know if I'm more on edge about this intimidating man calling me out, or talking about somebody named Thanos up in the sky.

"Listen, Nick, I get it. I really do. I promise the big guy in the sky is at the top of my priorities list, and I can prove it, see?" Tony flicks his wrist and a holographic keyboard and screen appears in the middle of the room. He types something in and then throws out his hand, and a 3D blueprint of some kind of building appears.

 "This is what I like to call...uh, let's go with Fort Fury. I just had it built for the Tesseract, which is on its way to Earth as we speak, since Asgard is clearly of no use for guarding it. It will protect any stone we need to protect." Tony says, his voice getting lower as he says the last sentence. He perks up and adds, "And, I had Thor bring back a little surprise for you Nick."

"Tony, I don't know about this." Nick Fury grumbles, talking about me again I assume.

"She's just a kid Nick. I have it under control, okay? She needs us. She's newly enhanced and   needs training...the alternative is even more risky." Tony tells Nick in a hushed tone, although I still hear every word. I stare at my hands as I fiddle my fingers, wishing slightly that I could just go invisible right now.

"Fine. So long as all of this doesn't get in the way." Nick raises his eyebrow at Tony who nods and smiles.

"Scouts honor." Tony puts up his right hand and swears this, making Nick grin.

"Okay, I'm going to check out this fortress of yours, which we are not calling Fort Fury by the way." Nick tells Tony.

"FRIDAY, lead Nick over to compound A7." Tony says and out of nowhere holographic FRIDAY appears, and brings Fury out of the room and towards wherever this new compound is.

I stay very quiet for a few beats, and Tony does too. He breaks the silence first.

"Sorry about that Cassidy, you caught us at kind of a bad time. Universe in turmoil and all that jazz." He tries to lighten the mood.

"No I'm sorry. He was right I shouldn't be here." I quietly tell Tony, looking at my feet.

"What are you talking about?" Tony sounds concerned.

"I didn't sign up for this!" I exclaim, finally looking up at him. "Suddenly it's Tesseracts and evil aliens and the end of the world...all I wanted to do was maybe learn a few cool tricks and control this stuff enough not to kill anybody before I figure out how to get it out of me."

"You're absolutely right, and I'm sorry about all of that." Tony says calmly, and surprisingly with understanding. "Nick is, well, let's call it direct. He wasn't trying to suggest you didn't belong here, only that there's a lot of other things going on right now too."

"Tony look at me. Do I look like I belong here to you? Iron Man and Spiderman and a guy named Nick freaking Fury walk around these halls, not some random kid from Brooklyn." I reply, feeling panic and emotion trying to burst from within me that I suppress.

"Captain America was just some random kid from Brooklyn once too. We all come from somewhere." He tells me and I sigh.

"Captain America is super human. He was turned into a hero, being enhanced literally runs through his blood." I counter.

"Now it runs through yours too." Tony says. I try to argue, but I can't because he's technically right. "The only difference is unfortunately Cap had a choice. I really am sorry you didn't, but you need to put your fear aside for a second. I'll tell you anything you want to know about Thanos, and what a Tesseract is, and who that crazy guy with the eye patch was. But no matter what I tell you, none of it can hurt you here. We're all safe. Yes, there's a lot you don't know, but you won't learn any of it by leaving."

When he finishes his little speech I crack, and run into him for a long hug.

"Woah, I'm not much of an emotional hugger." He says, stumbling back a little bit.

"Sorry." I mumble and he laughs.

"Don't apologize kid, I'm the one with the emotional issues." He replies and I smile, finally releasing him.

"So who was that guy?" I ask.

"That was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury. His department basically runs the espionage and counter-terrorism programs for the government. He looks scary, but he's harmless. Unless he's trying to kill you." Tony says and then smirks at my terrified expression.

"Oh, great." I reply.

"He also happens to be the man who put together the Avengers, so I owe him a lot. He's kind of like our advisor, or manager; although, we've never been particularly good at being managed." Tony smiles and looks out the window, clearly lost in some memories I have no knowledge of.

A few minutes after this, as me and Tony are going over some footage from our last training session, Nick Fury walks back into the room.

"The security fortress looks good Tony, I approve." Nick says and Tony claps in approval, "Alright, I'll leave you to it then, as long as there are no more surprises."

"Nope, none for today. I can promise you that Nick." Tony says, walking over to Nick and placing a hand on his shoulder to lead him quickly towards the door.

Right before Tony hurries out the door, a loud thud sounds from behind us in the compound's backyard. Moments later, three figures walk into the room. I recognize them all immediately.

"Really?" Fury says with a raised eyebrow as a man in black and green leather waltzes into the room with a smirk. Loki of Asgard. I know his face from the news. And I know what he tried to do to my home a few years ago.

The other two men behind him are Thor and Bruce Banner, two people that I'd have to live under a rock not to recognize. They are part of the Avengers, after all. However, I only look at them briefly much to my surprise. I thought I would be starstruck by the sight of them. Instead, my gaze turns back to Loki, and my hands tense up.

I can feel the energy flowing through me from the emotions I'm feeling, and I'm incredibly angry at him for trying to destroy my city and my home, but I don't think that's what has my blood boiling with activity. I can't explain it, but somehow the stuff inside of me is...attracted to him. Magnetically, that is. It's like something about him or whatever he has with him has woken up my powers.

I'm snapped out of my hateful and curious gaze when Tony speaks again.

"Oh, Loki is coming back to Earth. Did I forget to mention that Nick?" Tony says, looking guilty and annoyed that he couldn't get Nick to leave before they arrived.

"I think you might have. Thor, Banner, it's great to see you both again. Loki...not so much." Nick says, glaring at Loki who smiles brightly in response.

"Always a pleasure, Director." Loki nods.

"Okay, let's hear it Tony. What is your big excuse for why am I going to have to eventually agree to this?" Fury says with his arms crossed, clearly knowing how Tony is by now.

"Actually, Bruce is a surprise but it's great to have you back, Doc. As for the other two, well..." Just as Tony trails off, Thor quickly moves and places two cuffs around both of Loki's hands, which were behind his back as Loki was standing. Loki isn't quick enough to avoid them, and he visibly sinks when he realizes what Thor has done.

"So you knew this entire time?" Loki smiles while admiring the silver bracelets on both of his hands.

"Well of course I knew. You wouldn't have come quietly if I said something though, would you?" Thor smiles, patting Loki on the back.

"Clever, brother." Loki replies.

"I learned from the best." Thor answers with a laugh, and from the way he looks at Loki I can tell that Loki is a deeply loved individual. Even when his own brother just handcuffed him, he still looks at him with adoration. That's something I never learned from watching the news.

"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Fury interrupts.

"Let me explain, Nick." Tony begins, "Asgard was clearly of no use protecting the Tesseract anymore. It wasn't strong enough, and the second Thanos even had an idea about its location he would have crushed them and taken it. So I built the fortress to protect it and keep it hidden for the time being, and since Loki was gallivanting around pretending to be Odin, we knew he would have access to the Tesseract and eventually take it. Which he did, and then he and Thor came here with it. FRIDAY, if you would have Mark 0 do the honors."

Just as he says this, an Iron Man suit comes flying into the room carrying a metal box. The bot reaches into Loki's bag and pulls out a small black box, which when he opens it reveals a glowing blue cube. This must be the Tesseract. My eyes widen, and my entire being begins to tingle. I gravitate towards the cube until Mark 0 shuts the lid of the metal box, sealing it inside. I blink, snapping myself out of my trance. That was odd.

"Oh, by the way Loki, I designed those cuffs just for you. If you leave this compound, or go into building A7, you will be vaporized instantly." Tony tells Loki with a smile.

"How fun." Loki replies.

"Genius, Tony. Couldn't have thought of a better idea myself." Dr. Banner adds with a smile, patting Tony on the shoulder. These two are clearly good friends, or at least they're the only ones smart enough to understand one another.

Suddenly, the room grows dark, as though something has passed in front of the sun. The ground rumbles momentarily as a massive aircraft lands in the backyard. It's enormous, and terrifying with no context.

"Tony!" Nick shouts in anger.

"I swear to God, Nick, this one is not me." Tony puts his hands up in defense.

"Actually, that will be my doing." Thor raises his hand. "Tony, I need a favor."

"And it had to involve ruining my new grass?" Tony asks.

"Seriously. I have news. Asgard is gone." Thor says and Tony shuts up to listen, "My sister, Hela, goddess of Death, was released after my father died. Loki and I were able to defeat her, but at great cost. Asgard, our home, has been destroyed. Our people have nowhere else to go. I was wondering if they could set up camp on this compound, Tony, until we can find another suitable home."

"Thor, buddy, we agreed to you and your brother, who is already a lot for me to take on. Now you drop an entire planet on my lawn! I don't know about this." Tony shakes his head, pacing back and forth as he thinks of the logistics and implications of this.

"Please, Tony, these are my people. We need you." Thor pleads.

"Come on, Tony. You know you won't turn all these people away." Banner adds.

Tony sighs, rubs his temples, and then snaps back into his usual self, "Okay, fine, but you're making me an Asgardian knight." He jokes, probably half serious, and Thor smiles.

"Thank you Stark, I owe you one." Thor tells him, patting his back.

"More like one million, but sure." Tony replies.

"What the hell is that thing!" Rhodey bursts into the room with his crutches and Vision follows silently behind.

"That is a ship full of Asgardians, Colonel." Thor says.

"Thor! Oh and Bruce! What a nice surprise. I had no idea you guys were dropping in. Loki is less of a nice surprise." Rhodey says and Tony laughs.

"Well Tony, I guess I'm glad I chose today to visit, because I have a feeling you wouldn't have willingly updated me on all of this if I weren't here." Fury adds.

"Probably true. But I would definitely have called you about Thor's haircut." Tony jokes, noting Thor's short hair.

I let out a laugh, because believe it or not I have come to enjoy Tony's dry humor, and suddenly all heads turn towards me.

"Oh, my apologies, I didn't even see you there. I am Thor, son of Odin." Thor walks over to me and smiles, extending a large hand for me to shake.

"It's incredible to meet you, I- uh, I'm Cassidy Martin." I fumble over my words as I look at the literal God in front of me.

"Hi, I'm Bruce. It's nice to meet you." Banner waves at me and I smile back at him, giving an awkward half wave and a small handshake.

"Cassidy Martin, meet Loki, God of trick or treating or whatever." Tony says, gesturing to the mostly quiet Loki who stands off to the side.

"God of mischief and trickery, actually. He gets pretty pissed if you get it wrong. He also happens to be my brother." Thor tells me as Loki walks over to me.

"Pleasure." He bows slightly and extends a hand. I don't take it.

"So you're the guy who destroyed my home city and tried to take over the planet?" I burst out in a moment of bravery, and Banner begins to snicker.

"That would be me." Loki nods, slightly taken aback by my directness.

I pause. I'm momentarily struck by his face up close. His eyes are green. A green I've never seen before. My anger subsides a little bit, and my lips almost upturn at the corners into a smile.

"Well, at least I got to miss my finals." I say, in a very bitter joke.

"Then I suppose I didn't fail completely." He smiles, extending a hand again. This time I hesitantly take it, shaking his hand.

A jolt of electricity shoots through me and warms my core, but I shake it off. It must be because he just had that Tesseract thing in his bag. Maybe my blood is just responding to some sort of magnetic charge he has leftover.

I let go of his hand quickly and step back to stand next to Tony. Loki makes me nervous already, but not in a completely bad way. He's interesting. And he's absolutely beautiful up close. But he's a God, so of course he is.

I can't help but hate him, or at least want to hate him, after meeting him. And I can't explain why.

After a few minutes of catching up and recounting exactly what happened on Asgard, Nick Fury tells everyone that he has to leave because he has a meeting with some important people that he won't tell us about.

"Banner, I'm counting on you for updates since I know Thor will forget accidentally and Tony will forget on purpose." Nick says on his way out and Banner nods with a half smile, finally leaving and shutting the door behind him.

"Well, now that he's gone we should be expecting more company in 3...2...1..." Tony says, and just as he expects, the back door opens and three more people walk in.

"Sorry about using the backdoor, we just really didn't want to deal with Fury today, especially considering we're on the run. Probably best if he doesn't know we're here." A man with light brown hair laughs and Thor smiles brightly.

"Trust me, I was expecting nothing less." Tony nods, and Thor runs up to this man, who I believe is Hawkeye, and gives him a hug.

"It's good to see you too, Thor." Hawkeye jokes.

Everyone in front of me begins to greet one another, and I take a few steps back, standing off to the side next to Loki of all people. I guess we're both outsiders today.

I recognize the other two as well. Black Widow and Scarlett Witch.

"Clint. I'm glad to see you're alright. Thank you for coming." Tony says. He extends a hand for Hawkeye, who I guess is named Clint, and Clint pauses but takes it. Something must have happened between Tony and these three. I can sense the tension.

"We're a team, Tony. Even the best teammates fight. We'll always have your back, even though it felt like you stabbed ours for awhile. You owe me one for getting me locked in jail, still." Clint says and Tony smiles, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"Yeah, that was not the outcome I anticipated. And I'm sorry, to all of you." Tony says.

"Don't sweat it too much, Tony. We've all made our fair share of mistakes. Some worse than others of course." Black Widow, who I think is named Natasha, smirks. She then turns to Banner, who looks like a deer in the headlights at the sight of her.

"Bruce. I thought you'd be a million miles away by now." She says with a light tone, yet I can sense pain in her face.

"I always find my way back here somehow. You know that Natasha." He replies.

"I didn't actually, but that's good to hear." She nods, looking away.

"Wanda, thank you for coming too. I really appreciate this, I know you didn't have to. Especially since I'm assuming you hate my guts, which is justified. I just want to say it...it killed me to see you like that in the cell. If I knew what was going to happen...I never would have- I would've..." Tony addresses Scarlett Witch, or Wanda, who was silent until now. He's at a loss of words, which is a rarity for Tony.

"I don't hate you Tony. Only your decisions. But I know you wouldn't have allowed that if you knew." She nods.

"Wanda...I'm so happy you're here. And safe." Vision speaks for the first time and all heads look to him.

"Thank you, Vision. It's been a long time." She says, and from the way they're looking at one another I can tell right away they care deeply for one another.

"May I ask where you've been? Where all of you have been?" Vision asks.

"We've been at my safe house, which is really just my home. Nobody has bothered us, I think Nick made sure of that." Clint says and Natasha nods.

"We're fugitives. It's not glamorous, but we've made due." She says, and Tony visibly shifts at the word fugitives. He's clearly guilty about something, and there was clearly a huge rift in the Avengers recently, but I have no idea what.

"Okay everyone," He moves the conversation forwards, "Now that we're all here, we have a lot to discuss. First of all, Loki is here, which is a problem on its own, and second-"

"Were you really going to start this reunion without me?" A voice sounds from behind everyone.

All heads turn.

It's Captain America.

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