Escape the Arena (100th Hunge...

By alexamalcom

413 26 21

Peeta Mellark didn't swallow the berries, so Katniss Everdeen died in the arena. 26 years has passed, and the... More

Chapter One: The Announcement
Chapter Two: The First Reaping's
Chapter Four: Tribute Arrival & Parade
Chapter Five: Tribute Training
Chapter Six: The Private Sessions Part One
Chapter Seven: The Private Sessions Part Two
Chapter Eight: The Training Scores
Chapter Nine: The Interviews
Chapter Ten: Beginning of the First Games
Chapter Eleven: Day One
Chapter Twelve: Day Two
Chapter Thirteen: Day Three
Chapter Fourteen: Capitol Quarter Quell Update
Chapter Fifteen: Day One
Chapter Sixteen: Day Two
Chapter Seventeen: Day Three

Chapter Three: Capitol Quarter Quell Update

50 3 0
By alexamalcom

(Jennifer William's (Capitol Reporter) P.O.V)
I smile at the cameras, and say "So there you have it Andrew, our first twenty-four tributes for the year! At the moment, they are rapidly approaching us in the Capitol via trains, and I have to say, I'm excited, are you Andrew?"
"Yeah!" Andrew beams, "The parades are in two days, so you better get your hair ready and go shopping for your clothes, this is going to a parade to remember!"

"Now, let's look at the statistics for our first tributes, in District One, we have the lovely duo, Velvet Amboni and Jace Niklace! These two both volunteered for these games. Velvet is sixteen, and Jace Niklace is seventeen, with an age of thirty-three all up!" I say, introducing the District One tributes.
"In District Two, we have Alana Jalisi and Slate Medoff! These two both volunteered as well, though Alana did so that her sister could mock her around the house. Talk about confidence! Anyway, Alana is fifteen, and Slate is seventeen, giving these two an age of thirty-two altogether!" Andrew tells us.
"For District Three, we have a mayor's daughter, Electrica Yashar, and Plugga Frey! Neither of these two volunteered. Electrica is twelve, and Plugga is thirteen, so we have here a very young pair, with an age of twenty-five all up!" I then talk about the District Three tributes with pride.
"At District Four now, we have Ariella Sherril and Finbar Metz! Again, both of these two volunteered, Ariella rather rapidly if you ask me! Ariella is eighteen, the oldest so far, and Finbar is sixteen, giving these two the oldest pairing so far at thirty-four!" Andrew introduces the District Four tributes.
"And now, onto our lovers in District Five, Vida Amenta and Isaac Scales! Isaac tried to volunteer for Vida when she was reaped, but it ended badly for him, with both him and Vida going in. This is another young pair, both being twelve, making them the youngest pair so far at a mere twenty-four all up!" I say.
"In District Six, we have Daphnie Scorno and Kye Lenz! Like District Three, neither of these two volunteered for the games. These two are also a young pair, Daphnie being fourteen, and Kye being thirteen, making these two only three years older than the youngest pair, as they are twenty-seven altogether!" Andrew exclaims.
"Reaching District Seven," I say. "We have Jeanne Vigil and Clive Normandi! Clive volunteered at the last moment to protect his brother, whereas Jeanne was just a normal reapling. This district has one of the older pairings, with Jeanne being eighteen and Clive being fifteen, giving them a combined age of thirty-three, like District One!" I remarked.
"District Eight holds the two Chelsea Walling and Darning Elles! Again, neither of these these two volunteered. Both Chelsea and Darning are fifteen, which gives them an altogether age of thirty!" Andrew starts to talk a little louder.
"Andrew, can you be quiet please?" I ask. "Thankyou, in District Nine, we have Alice Overwood, and William Kend - uh - Kenderedededing? Who cares? Like many Districts before them, these two didn't volunteer. Alice is eighteen, and Will is sixteen, giving these two a total age of thirty-four! It looks like the ages aren't going to get higher than that!"
"For District Ten, we have Daisy Kerem, and Nick Aberth. These two also didn't volunteer. Daisy is thirteen, and Nick is sixteen, giving these two a total age of twenty-nine." Andrew says, trying to contain his excitement.
"District Eleven held host to the first ever midnight reaping, and gave us the wonderful Mahogany Tipster and Shaw Yepper. These two didn't volunteer either. Mahogany is eighteen, and Shaw is twelve, giving us the most age-contrasting district in the first two games, at thirty years old all up" I say before taking a sip of water, watching as Andrew announces the tributes for the final district.
"And finally, we have the District Twelve tributes, Kaitlyn Natale and Ash Coralby. And, for the first time in what seems like forever, we have a tribute from an outer district related to a victor! Yep, Kaitlyn Natale is daughter of Peeta Mellark, as well as being the neice of the deceased Katniss Everdeen. As we all remember, Peeta Mellark won the 74th Hunger Games by taking too long to swallow some poisonous berries in a suicide pact with his sister-in-law. Moving onto ages, Kaitlyn is fourteen, and Ash is seventeen, giving them a combined age of thirty-one." Andrew finishes.

"Yeah," Andrew says. "Jennifer, what do you think of there only being twelve people in each games? Do you think it will be harder? Easier?"
"Umm" I say. "I'd say that it would be easier because only a third of them have to die, and a lot will die at the blood-bath, like say seven kids are killed in it, there is only one other person left who needs to die. Though, it will be harder to form alliances, because you will have no one in your district with you. It may as well be just the three careers, Jace, Slate and Finbar winning the boys one, and Velvet, Alana and Ariella winning the girls' games, along with one other random individual in each."

"Well," I then say. "That's all we have time for tonight. See you in two days time for the Arrival of the Tributes and the Tributes Parade! Jennifer Williams,"
"And Andrew Manretto," adds Andrew.
"Signing out!"

A.N: I'm writing reaaaaaally fast at the the moment because I just wanna get to the games hehe :s. The good thing about writing this book is that it's not necessarily for the reads and votes, but it's going to help me get back into writing, and hopefully I can then switch back to original fiction!

But, if I do have any readers, I'd love for you to tell me who your favourite and least favourite tributes are! If you do comment, you could persuade me to keep them alive or not ;)

Also I'm probably gonna have an uploading schedule where it's every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (but since Australia is in the future I guess it'd be Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday for people in places like America)

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