Run away, little blue (TMNT)

By jackxmarktrash

33K 1K 314

The teenage mutant ninja turtles are smart, amazing and dedicated ninja, who always come out on top- "Then ho... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
First day on the job,
The Talk
'~,Totally Original Chapter Name,~'
'--,What do we do?,--'
Where did they all go??

Chapter four

1.7K 60 8
By jackxmarktrash

This chapter was made on December 17th, 2017. It has been rewritten since November 17th, 2020. I am now a more capable writer who wishes to rewrite their previous work. Some details might change, old fans will notice, so some comments may not make sense.

You may notice the writing style change next chapter - I may have not gotten to that chapter yet, and am working on it currently. Sorry about that!

Notes for this chapter - This again, was also a hard chapter to write. I'm not the most experiences with fight scenes - granted, I'm a lot better then I was before *vivid flashback of this chapter's previous look; 'Raph was hit square in the chest, and fell backwards'.* Ugh.


They'd eventually realized with a sickening feeling that Leonardo has disobeyed the rule their father had set years ago, upon them going out for the first time ever. Never go topside by yourself. Even if you witness someone in need of saving, you never go topside to help them. There were too many opportunities of an ambush, or running into something much more concerning. Mostly, everyone stuck to this rule, sticking to the shadows of the sewers for their daily walks and jogs unless they were patrolling. Raphael was the usual one to break this rule, but he'd only done it to a certain extent. They had no clue why Leonardo had gone up - but they were certain that he was not in the right frame of mind to help anyone anyway. Even himself. Not to mention now, having to retrieve their brother from the roofs above, their brother had left them with no weapons. Trust Leonardo to make finding him harder then ever.

The oldest growled, reaching a hand down to grasp onto Donnie's hand, taking him and Mikey, who was clasped to Donnie's side, up onto the building's roof. With a thump they landed, and Raph let them catch their breath. It was one of the taller buildings in the city; if you climbed it, you could see for miles upon miles. Not to mention they'd been trekking around for a good hour now. "Don." He said simply, watching as the purple-banded brother took out a small item from his belt, clicking it open to reveal night-vision goggles.

Placing them on, the smartest brother glanced around the remaining land they hadn't covered yet, zooming in on certain parts that perhaps, they would find their brother sitting or walking along.

"Where the fuck is he?" Raph snarled, hands clenched tight. This wasn't funny now, nor was it routine. They'd scowered almost the whole damn city and yet he was no-where to be seen.

"Maybe the beach." Mikey suggested from his position a top one of the beams, looking down at them before tilting a head to look in the direction of the waves, inaudible from where they were. "We haven't checked the docks yet."

"Guys." Donnie's voice spiked, fear coursing through it. He lowered the goggles, throwing them to the side. "Watch ou-"

A loud smash brought them all to their knees, Mikey falling from his beam, landing with a small 'oof!'. The building shook, and Donnie leapt backwards, face ablaze with fury that Raphael, who caught sight of him, had never seen before.

Raph busied himself by scrambling up, hands instantly going for his Sais, only to discover he'd left them behind - '"We don't need them - like I said, he's probably in the sewers. I think we can handle a few mice, Don."' "Shit!" He groaned, bawling his hands up and staring right in the direction of the crumbling building wall, eyes wide and body ready to fight.

"Raph no!" The purple-banded brother cried out, trying to run towards him. There was a large cut on his face, running down his cheek. The oldest's stomach churned. "We need to go!"

Mikey fearfully grabbed a hold of Raphael's left arm, whimpering slightly. At a quick glance, he didn't look hurt, only confused and scared. "Raphie." He whispered, pointing a finger before them. "Look."

He looked up just as Donnie tackled them to the ground, the turtles narrowly avoiding a electricity-powered capturing device. "Shredder..?" The words left Raph's mouth without him realizing. His muscles tensed, and he shook Donnie off of him, clambering up swiftly to step over his brothers. "What do you want!"

"No, I think what you mean is what do you want." The Shredder laughed, the voice rumbling through his helmet as he also took a few challenging steps forward. "Oh Raphael, ever the rage. You never see what is right in front of you."

Something was thrown down at him, and he gasped. It was Leonardo's katana, broken, either so he couldn't use it against the Shredder now or because it was shattered during his brother's fight with their father's killer. "What. Did. You. Do."

"The same thing I'm going to do to you!" Shredder began running toward, blades stretched out. Raphael kicked the katana to the side, hearing it fall under the railing and into the city below. He gulped, also charging forward with an equal pace. They met in the middle of the rooftop, and in an instant, Raph realized his anger would not win him this battle today. If Leonardo had not won, neither would they.

A metal hand hit his chest hard, and he flew back, his body flying over the building's safety mechanisms and smashing into the advertisement screening on a nearby building, his shell connecting with a sickening thud, and he saw nothing.

"That was too easy."

"Raph!" Mikey screamed out for his older brother, eyes wide, completely focused in on his brother, begging all the gods to see him moving, to hear his voice shout out in the cold nights air 'I'm fine dumbass!'. But there was nothing, and he let out a terrified sob.

"That's two down." Shredder said quietly, almost as if he didn't want the turtles to hear him. "Two to go."

Mikey swung around just in time to watch as an injection embedded into his skin, swiftly emptying its contents into his bloodstream. "D-Don? He has Leo..." He whispered, falling to his knees quickly, his body not responding to his command. His mouth was squeezed shut, almost as if something was holding it shut, all that escaped was a desperate cry.

"I know, Mike-" Donnie whizzed around the roof, planting himself in front of his younger brother, teeth bared. "I know."

"And what are you going to do?" The man laughed, a loud, chortling sound that made the brothers' ears ring. "I saved the weakest for last!"

The Shredder was fast approaching, and with no way to grab both of his brothers and get the shell out of there, Donnie knew his only solution was to fight. His eyes searched the rooftop, looking for something, anything, that could be used to save his life.

But he turned up empty handed. It didn't matter anyway, Shredder's fist connected with his face just as he admitted defeat. Dazed, he fell down, slumped partly over Mikey, who was still aware of his surroundings, crying out for his brother worriedly. "Don't worry, turtle." The man picked him up by the front of his shell, throwing him across the roof so he landed against a beam, the metal bending ever so slightly. "I'll put you in your place - where all animals go, you disgusting turtle-freaks."

Donnie's swelling eyes widened, and he scrambled to get up, to do something - but the fist came down onto Donnie's head before he could do much more.

He was out like a light before he could utter a word. 

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