2p Hetalia X Reader Their Wor...

By America4life02

29.7K 641 249

(Readers) 2p is free and loose. In a attept to stop her, (Reader) sends her to the 2ps world. how will she ge... More

Meeting the 2p Allies
Meeting the 2p Axis
Crap! Part 1
Captured!? Part 2
Sick.....Part 3
Thanks Xiao Part 4
Axis Part 5
The Light!!....Part 6
Caught Red Handed Part 8
Monster......Part 9
Trapped...Part 10
Home Sweet Home Part 11
The Chase
season 2!!!!!!
Q&A Announcement

The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend Part 7

1.4K 35 8
By America4life02

~~~~(Luciano's POC)~~~~

Its been about a month since we ran into both 1P and 2P (C/N). Any lead on her was all just a dead end trail of mysteries. I was walking around town homering to get some of my anger maintained. With all that was going on, I have been beyond stress. As I was walking a familiar hair color caught my eye. I smiled to my self as I followed the small form.

She turned into a street that was abandoned and into a dark ally at the end of it. I followed the girl with a smile. A brick wall blocked the path to the other sided. A dead end.

"Good, you followed me." The voice said. I smiled as I watched her turn. I had to admit, she was more.....seductive, then her other part, but was not as charming and beautiful in my eyes.

"Well, you kind of stick out like a sour thumb in such a dull crowd. You know, your a hard person to find." Luciano said as he smiled at the girl. She flashed him a seductive smirk as she slipped the jacket she had on. Her (2P F/C) short tank top came to view than all the skin from the bottom of her breast to her jeans that ended at her waist.

"That's what I was going for mister Italy. I have to say, your reputation proceeds you. I've only been here a short time and I already hear stories about how you a the most ruthless person on the axis." (2P Name) said as she crossed her arms. A amused smirk found its way to my lips.

"Heh, I try to more then what those pitiful rumors say, but whatever. Now that I am getting the chance to actually talk to you, we need you to-!" I was cut off by a snort then a laugh. I looked at her with shocked eyes.

"I already told your Allies friends, I have no intention in helping you. I have my own planes and to be frank, you are nothing I should be concerned about. I could take you out with just my pinky." She said. She raised her hand up and twirled her pinky. I felt pressure on my chest and it was starting to get hard to breath.

"What the H***." I wheezed out as I fell to my knees.

~~~~(Readers POV)~~~~

I was walking back to the house with the groceries in my hands. I was humming happily to myself as I walked. I stopped when I heard a voice wheeze out "What the h***."

I looked into the ally that I had yet to past. I sucked in a hard breath as I saw the seen unfold in front of me.

"You 2ps amuse me, thinking you have a chance to beat the 1ps. I have big plans for the future. Your Allies are already helping my 1p, I will get rid of you before you can join them. You know, you are very handsome, maybe I'll keep your head and put it on my mantel. You will get to see how I rule the world and cut you and all you other countries down, including the 1ps." My 2p said as she smirked at the choking Italian. I gritted my teeth and set my bags down. I reached for the pocket knife Matt had given me and threw it. It barley got her, but it slashed her cheek. She dropped the spell and stood there with a shocked expression. She turned to look at me with a glare. The cut on her cheek started to drip with crimson liquid.

"Of course your here at this time you little b****!" She snapped at me. I came charging at her but she jumped out of the way. I was just trying to get to the half unconscious Italian on the ground. Checking his pulse I confirm he is alive. I heave his heavy and I mean Heavy body off the ground and onto my back, just as (2P name) Threw a fire ball at us. I bolted out the alleyway and down the street with Luciano mumbling things into the cloth on my back.

I heard the whizzing of knifes as they flew past us and missed by just a little. A knife nicked me on my leg, but kept running.

'Why am I saving him! He. Wants. Me. Dead!.....Haaaaa~ Its no use, I'm to good of a flipping person!' I ranted on about how stupid I was for doing this as I ran from the sharp tips of knifes.

I could hear her catching up to me as I started to slow down. Luciano's wait was starting to drag me down. Realizing I couldn't run like this for much longer, I ran into a ally way. I set The unconscious Italian down and leaned him against the wall.

I stood up with a sigh. I looked at the end at the figure at the end of the ally. She was playing with a knife.

"Its going to be hard to fight. Your still weak from our last encounter." My 2p mocked me. I smiled at her with a smug look.

"I heal fast. I will not be defeated this time you have my word." I said as I pulled out my (Weapon). She smiled and charged at me with a smile.

I blocked her attack as she tried to stab me. I gripped her wrist and flowed some energy into her, She stood and shook as she tried to shake off the energy. I jumped up and round house kicked her in the head. She stumbled back, but regained her balance. She threw knifes at me with a enraged shriek. I attempted to dodge, but on jabbed into my shoulder. I hissed in pain as the old wound was once again pierced by the metal blade.

'She knows where I am more weaker!' I thought as I pulled the blade out.

I flipped out of the way just in time to dodge a fire ball that would have hit its target. ME!

I held the knife tight in my hand as I raised it up. I threw it, but she dodged it. I grunted as I felt a hit to my stomach. She had some how made her way in front of me. I blinked several times as I started into the piercing eyes of my 2p. I moaned as I lifted my body off the ground.

"Fool. With you in this state, you will be easy to kill, than no one will stand in my way!!" She yelled as she charged at me. I was ready to counter it but I heard the clinking of metal. I blinked several times as I saw two men in front of me. Lutz and Kuro.

Kuro had his katana out, knocking the blade out of my 2ps hands. She stumbled back and looked at the two new men with confused gaze.

Lutz had had his fist up ready to attack and Kuro had his Katana out ready to cut down his opponent.

'When did they get here!?' I thought as I stared at the two puzzled.

"Heh, I might not be as smart as her, but I can tell that if I continue, that I will lose. Heh, see you around!" I watched as my 2P ran out of the alleyway and was gone. Both men turned to their leader who was starting to stir.

"What happened to him." The German asked as he checked Luciano's pulse.

"She used a spell on him. I got him out just before she actually seceded in killing him." I said.

"The ragaza is telling the truth. I want answer-!" When Luciano opened his eyes the I was gone. While they were distracted I ran off.

"The boys aren't going to like this." I said to myself as I ran back to pick up the forgotten bags of food and ingredients.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

I was glad that no one was home when I walked into the house. I was covered in my blood and my clothes were destroyed and needed to be thrown away. I winced as I placed the bags on the table. I walked up the stairs to the bath room. I got a pair of clothes and went in the bath room. I set my stuff down. I took in my conditions in the mirror. I had a bruise on my arm and my hair was a mess. sighing I went to lift my shirt. I winced as I pulled the shirt over my head. I looked at my (S/T). I had a bruise on my stomach and the gash in my shoulder was deep. I would have to stich it.

I grabbed the disinfectant and a cotton ball. Grabbing a needle and some stich string from the first aid kit, I started to stitch the wound again. I hissed in pain as the needle pierced my skin. Yelped and whined as I closed the wound. After being done, I set the needle down and with a shaky breath, covered the wound with water proof medical wrap. After cleaning the mess, I got in the shower and got dressed.

I looked in the mirror. I looked and felt exhausted. With out putting up the food or even waiting for the others I wobbled over to my room and collapsed in the bed. No sooner into hitting the mattress, I was out like a light.



...........To be Continued......

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