2p Hetalia X Reader Their Wor...

By America4life02

29.5K 641 249

(Readers) 2p is free and loose. In a attept to stop her, (Reader) sends her to the 2ps world. how will she ge... More

Meeting the 2p Allies
Meeting the 2p Axis
Crap! Part 1
Captured!? Part 2
Sick.....Part 3
Thanks Xiao Part 4
Axis Part 5
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend Part 7
Caught Red Handed Part 8
Monster......Part 9
Trapped...Part 10
Home Sweet Home Part 11
The Chase
season 2!!!!!!
Q&A Announcement

The Light!!....Part 6

1.5K 47 16
By America4life02

I was running away with only the street lights showing my path. Throwing knifes whizzed past me and hit signs and other objects. Luckily the place seemed desolate and abandoned so mo stand byers were hurt in the process. I turned a sharp turn down the street that lead to the house.

'Wait! If I go to the house, they will know were I live! I have to lose them some were.' I thought as I ran past the house. I ran down my walking path and jumped onto the trail I lost Matt and Allen earlier that day. I jumped over bushes, branches, holes, and roots that stuck from the ground. I some how dodged all the throwing knifes that threatened to hit its target. ME!

I grabbed the same branch and let it go. As I did I heard a painful grunt. I smirked. Bulls eye! I ran faster but as we gat further and further into the area, it started to get darker. I soon lost sight of the trail. As I was running I stepped into a hole. A sharp pain ran up my leg and all the way up my spine. I groaned as I fell to the ground. I heard the sound of twigs and leaves being crushed under feet. I looked around and caught site of a bush that was next to me. I rolled under it and laid on my stomach.

I saw the shapes of three pair of feet. A katana was lowered and pointed at my face. I quietly gulped as I felt a cold sweat run down my neck.

"We're did that little piece of S*** ragazzo go?" I heard Luciano growl as he looked around.

"Must of gotten away." Lutz said as he scanned the area. I flinched as I saw a pair of feet face me.

"I am having a since of dejavo. Dose this since of technique remind you of some one we night know. He spoke our languages, and it would have to almost be fluently if he was to know what we said. The way he lead us to an unfamiliar place with out getting hit by Luciano's knife's. He also seemed to have lost us. Tell me dose that sound familiar to anyone, if not I'll give you a hint. That boy, was a girl." Kuro said as he placed his katana back in its sheath. I felt my body relax and sighed quietly.

"Ragazza?.....No. You think he was (Name)? That makes since know! he knew what we were saying cause she had to go through all that training and lessons in her world, but how did she get here and haven't notice till now?" Luciano said as he tapped his knife to his chin with the dull side.

'Probably cause you are stupid retards that don't think twice. Its true, I did use the same technique, I need to learn some other tactics. Crap.' I thought as I mentally face palmed.

"If she is in this world, then we need the Allies hel-!" Lutz stopped as he barely dodged the knife that was now in the tree, hilt deep. He looked at Luciano who had a shocked expression as well.

"It wasn't me!" He shouted.

"Heh, pitiful. If you were as good as they say, you would have sensed me earlier." A female voice said with amusement laced with it. My breath hitched.

"Who said that!" Kuro yelled as he pulled out his katana once again.

"Good question, who could I be?" The voice taunted. I felt a shiver run up my spine.

"Stop fooling around with us and come out." Luciano said in a menacing voice. This earned a laugh from the voice.

"Aww~ what's wrong? Do you not want to play? Well, fine." The voice said as I heard something land on the ground.

I looked at the sound and saw a pair of knee high boots. (2P Name).

"Who are you?" Kuro asked as he pointed it at her. She smirked and laughed that cold laugh that made my blood run cold. Was I scared? No. Scared. It was not something I was suppose to have. It is what all that training was for. I was taught not to fear bugs, heights, people, killing. I was a raised weapon. Put through bad, hard, conditions, some worse then the last. Yet, a felling I knew was their, anticipation, nervous, and the thing I couldn't be, fear.

"Who are you frauling?" Lutz asked as he held up his fists.

"Well, I am the shadows, I am the second Mirror." She said as she smiled wider.

"Second mirror... Your!" Luciano was about to continue, but dodged a knife.

"That's right Italian, I am (c/N) also known as (2p Name)." She said in a dark voice. I gripped at the dirt, praying that she would not notice me.

"H-How?" Kuro asked as he stared at the girl in disbelieve.

"My 1p dropped the stone, Hah! She is a fool. She used all her power to stop you, but she dropped the stone! She sent me to this world, but after that she was also pulled into her own trap. Speaking of which, (Name) you want to come out?" My 2p called. I gritted my teeth and held my breath.

"What?" They all said at the same time. My 2p frowned and looked around as if she was trying to sense me. I used me magic to block my presence and hoped that it would work.

"Seems she left the area. Well ta ta! See you in h***!" My 2p said as she disappeared into the shadows. I dropped my head to the ground and huffed out my relief.

"What was that?" Luciano said as he looked at the spot my 2p once stood.

"We need to tell the Allies." Kuro said. They started to run off. After I lost their forms I sighed and relaxed. I laid there for a while till I finally decided to get up.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

I walked into the house while trying not to fall to the ground and pass out. I was about to go to the stairs that was on the other side of the living room entrance. I looked over and hurried back to the side I came from. I peeked in to see the Axis had came. All of them were their, Allies and Axis.

Oliver caught a glimpse of me and a spark of panic flew through his eyes.

"Oliver, are you listening to me!" Luciano snapped. He was pulled out of his trance and looked at Luciano with a smile as if nothing was wrong.

"Oh! Of course. This is a important matter. So, you saw (C/N) the one we been trying to get for a while?" Oliver asked as if he was hearing this for the first time.

"Yes, but the 1p is also in this world. We need to keep a closer eye out for her. Who knows how long she has been in this world." Kuro said as he crossed his arms.

"OMG! I can't believe she is actually here! We had to go through all that work for nothing when that girl did it all for us! Like LOL!" Flavio said as he bragged about it. I glared and tiptoes behind him with a book raised above my head. I saw the allies eyes widen and sighed loudly. Flavio looked back and I jumped up to hide on the ceiling. Flavio shrugged and looked back to the conversation.

"So, you know what to do." Luciano said as he stood up. I was back in the hall way and hiding behind the doorway to the kitchen.

I heard the door shut as all of them left. I sighed as Oliver gave me the all clear.

"What was that!?" Matt yelled at me. I scratched the back of my head as I tried to put out the flame Flavio and my 2p started.

"Sorry, Got carried away there." I muttered as I looked down with a dangerous glint in my eyes.

"What 'appened? 'ow did you get caught?" Françoise asked. I crossed my arms and looked at them.

"They came to the café today and in my luck, I had to serve them ungrateful snobs. The ordered their meals in a different language and tried to slip me up. I of course know what they were saying and decided to teach them a little lessen and show off. I got the right order and after they were at a lose for words, I might have lectured them in a public place. When I was leaving work today they tried to catch me, but lost me in the woods. I was close to them and listened to them. They realized I used the same strategy I did when we first met and but all the info together. My 2p made a appearance and was looking for me. I used my magic to cloak myself, but it is taking a little toll on my body. My magic has been getting weaker and weaker and I assume that it has to do with being in this world for so long." I said as I sat on the couch while catching my breath.

"They must have been something to get you tired like this." Matt said as he looked at my tired form.

"Yeah, well....It was close, too close." I said as I rolled my head back and closed my eyes to rest a bit.

"Your clothes are destroyed!" Oliver exclaimed. I stiffened.

"Yeah, well that is what happens when cloth and a bush really like each other." I mumbled as I pulled on the end of my (F/C) hoodie.

"Now that I think about it, your always wearing the same clothes." Allen said as he put on his best thinking face.

"Yeah, now that you mention it. Are you wearing those over and over!?" Oliver exclaimed. I didn't answer. I closed my eyes and stretched.

"Whats for dinner?" I asked as I tried to avoid the question.

"She has!" Xiao said as he pointed at me.

"How did I miss this!?" Oliver exclaimed. I gritted my teeth in frustration.

"What do you expect from me!? I came here with nothing! I got this hoodie for fifty cents!" I yelled as I stood from my spot on the couch.

"How do you smell so good then?" Allen asked as he sniffed me. I punched him on the head.

"I was them when I shower." I huffed.

"Well, that just wont do." Oliver huffed. His eyes glimmered with a new found intrest. I gulped and jumped over the couch and was goint to make a rune for the door. Viktor got a firm grip on me.

"Come on!" I yelled.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

"You look cute!" Oliver squelled. I glared at him.

"You look weird." All and Matt said at the same time.

"You look like a doll!" Xiao said as he crossed his arms.

"Not your style." Françoise commented.

"Bad." Victor said as he stared at me.

"I will not be wearing this." I said as I glared at Oliver. It didn't have any effect on him and it seemed he didn't hear me.

"You are such a cutie pie!" Oliver said as he hugged my bright form.

I was in a bright blue dress with a poufy bottom that ended at the knees. I had pink socks that ended at the knees and in my hair was a pink ribbon. All in all, I looked like a flipping doll!!

"I have some old clothes that might fit you. You are not walking around the house in that." Matt said as he walked up the stairs.

"You know, I might to. This is just to much...doll on you, doll" Allen said as he followed Matt. I mentally thanked them.

"Thank god. Its better you wear what ever you get from them any ways. The point is to look like a boy sprinkles for brains." Xiao said as he glared at Oliver.

'Yeah, wait, wear did he even get the dress from, erase that, why did he even have a dress?' I thought as I pondered on the thought.

"Got ya some clothes, We set them on your bed. We will go shopping some point to get you clothes that fit better, for know, deal with those. Now go change, Your blinding me." Matt said as he covered his eyes, with his glasses on.

"Thank you both very much. I like you Ollie, but I feel like these clothes have no appeal on me." I mutter as I pat his head and walk up the stairs. I stopped at the top when I heard voices talk again.

"How are we going to fix this? We were suppose to do this with out the Axis knowing." Viktor said. I hugged the wall and listened.

"It doesn't matter, we need her. She is very cutial to this job. Even if the Axis know, the don't suspect us. We will just motify the plane and continue." I heard Olivers voice. He was more then seriouse. I looked down and huffed out a breath.

I walked into the room that I was using. A pial of clothes sat their. I grabbed the sweat pants and a white tank top and walked to the bathroom on the other side of the hallway. I took a well needed shower and put the clothes on. I walked down the stairs to see every one in the living room. Oliver was in the kitchen cooking. I sat in the arm chair and watched a hockey game that was on the screen.

I felt eyes on me and looked over at Allen and Matt who were staring at me. They both had a hint of pink on their cheeks.

"What's up with you two?" I asked.

~~~~(Matts POV)~~~~

She was wearing my tank top. It was weird. It looked quite good on her. It was slightly baggy, but that only added to the charm. Seeing a girl in my clothes made a weird feeling build up in me.

~~~~(Allen's POV)~~~~

She was wearing my sweat pants. She looked freaking hot in them. I had a weird feeling after seeing a hot chick like (Name) in my clothes. Crap!

~~~~(Your POV)~~~~

I gave both boys a questioning gaze as blood started to flow out of their noses.

"Okay. I think I'm just going to go see if Oliver needs my help so- Yeah!" I said as I left the room.

"Gezz those two are weird some times' I thought as I walked into the kitchen.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

After eating I went up to my room and laid down on the bed. I sighed as all the exhausted flooded my body. I closed my eyes, but opened them as the bed shifted. I felt the mattress sink and a hot breath hit my skin. I opened my eyes and met a pair of glowing brown ones.

"MATT!!" I yelled.

~~~~(Françoise's POV)~~~~

I was sitting in the living room reading a book until a voice broke threw my thoughts.

"MATT!!!" A voice yelled. We all jumped and Matt was already up the stairs. We all followed and stopped at the scene in front of us.

Matt bear, Kumakuro was on top of the small form of (Name). It was rubbing its head on her like he adored her. Matts face had a stupid look on it. He went to take a step closer to her, but Kumakuro growled and shielded (Name) away from our view.

"What the H*** is wrong with you pet." I asked as I stared at Matt with a bored expression.

"H-He's never done something like this! He's only done that to me!" Matt said as he looked at the scene in shock.

"W-well, can you get him off! He's fluffy and all, but he is heavy as a freaking bolder!" (Name) said from under the white fluff.

"Poppet!" Oliver yelped as he went to take a step, but was stopped by the bear on top of her.

"Help! I--I s-see the light!" (Name) wheezed from under the bear.

"Don't go to it doll!" Allen yelled as he hesitantly looked at the bear that bared its teeth.

"Kumakuro! Got down!" Matt snapped at the bear, still nothing.

'Better handle this myself.' I thought as I stepped forward.

"Get down." I said. I glared at the bear. It whimpered and climbed of the bed with its tail between its legs.

"H-how?" Matt asked as he looked at he shocked.

I shrugged and lit a cigar.

"She's out cold, but still alive." Oliver breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kuma is sleeping out side in the shed to night." I said as I walked out. Matt opened his mouth to object, but I glared back at him which made him shut up.




.........To be continued.......

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