2p Hetalia X Reader Their Wor...

By America4life02

29.7K 641 249

(Readers) 2p is free and loose. In a attept to stop her, (Reader) sends her to the 2ps world. how will she ge... More

Meeting the 2p Allies
Meeting the 2p Axis
Crap! Part 1
Captured!? Part 2
Sick.....Part 3
Thanks Xiao Part 4
The Light!!....Part 6
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend Part 7
Caught Red Handed Part 8
Monster......Part 9
Trapped...Part 10
Home Sweet Home Part 11
The Chase
season 2!!!!!!
Q&A Announcement

Axis Part 5

1.6K 45 25
By America4life02

Its been a week since I started to stay in 2p F.A.C.E house. It sure as heck wasn't a dull time. I finally got rid of that stupid cold and my stress had lessened quite a lot. I was starting to actually like being in their world.

I woke up in the mornings early and would go on little walks. After being sick I didn't do much of anything. I wanted to keep my body fit and alert enough so if I ever had a run in with my 2p again, I would be able to hold my own. It was usually when every one was asleep and they didn't know I went on these little walks.

today I was going to go on a run. I started to jog down the side walk. I felt a present following me. I looked back with out turning my head to see who it was. Crap. It was Matt and Allen. They must be following me today. I smiled and picked up the speed.

The two men forgot about being stealthy and darted right for me. I made a sharp turn into some woods and started to run on a slim and narrow path I had found a few days ago. I pushed back a tree branch and smiled when I heard a little grunt. Jumping over tree roots that were sticking out of the ground I soon made it to the other side of the trail. I dashed to the house and sat on the porch, waiting for the two slow pokes that were behind me.

Matt and Allen came into view. They were a tired huffing mess. I smiled sweetly at them as they stopped in front of the house. They both looked at me puzzled.

"D***, You can run fast doll." Al said between breaths.

"Were did you learn to run like that?" Matt asked as he wiped a little sweat from his forehead. I smiled wider.

"I learned the secrets of a running Italian named Italy." I said as I stretched my arms. They both looked at me weirdly.

"I'm just joking, The Germany in my world lets me get in on his training every know and then and I love to move." I said with a sheepish smile.

"Anyways, why are you running this early in the morning?" Allen asked as he still tried to regain his breath.

"Like the early work out, why were you following me lik stalkers?" I asked as I crossed my arms and started at them accusingly.

"We were just wondering were you were going." Matt said as he popped a squat beside me. Allen fell face first into the grass of the lawn.

"Is that a sign saying I'm better at running then Allen?" I asked with a mischivouse smirk. Allen stiffened as he heard that. Matt smirked.

"Yep, he's just a dumb sissy that lost to a girl."Matt said. That got Allen standing and he pointed at me.

"You. me. Racing. Now!" Allen yelled. I smiled. I loved a good challenge, to bad it was from Allen.

"Fine, Matts the onw who will tell us who wins." I said. Matt nodded and watched from the porch steps.

Allen and I lined up on the side walk ready to run.

~~~~(Matts POV)~~~~

I watched as they both bolted off as (Name) said go. It wasn't even five mimiutes till (Name) got back. She smiled cheerfully as she walked over as sat down beside me.

"Were you pass him?" I asked. She stifled a snicker and looked at me with proud (E?C).

"Just around the corner, maybe he should go to the gym, or at least eat some sort of meat." She said as she laughed. I smiled. She was a interesting character. She was a independent person who took s*** from no one. She was smart and was very fast on her feet, literaly.

"The dumb a** probably never saw you pass him." I said. I smirked at the thought of it. Allen would be whinning about it all week.

"Yeah, I crossed to the other side of the street in a atemped for him not to see it. He probably thinks I'm right behind him still." She giggled and smiled like a little child that just set a prank. I smirked. It was kinda fun having her around. She knew when to be quiet and she knew when to be wild. I liked the combination. I smiled at her, but looked at the sound of feet running.

Allen finaly came to view with a cocky grin. I smirked, he must not see (name) who was sitting on the other side of me. When he came to a stop he spun around to look at me with a smirk on his face. His smirk fell to a frown when he saw the smirk on (Names) Face.

"Took ya long enough." She said as she crossed her arms and leaned back, she wasn't even breathing heavily when she got back. Allen was sweating and huffing deep breaths.

"H-how did you...." Allen had fallen silent. It was the greatest sound I had ever heard in my entire life.

"I ran faster, anyhow I am hungry. Matt, wanna make a girl some pancakes after her little win." She gloated. I smirked at her and stood up.

"Yep. It would be my pleasure." I messed around as I held me arm out for her to take. She giggled and grabbed my arm.

~~~~(Time skip)~~~~

~~~~(Readers POV)~~~~

After eating I decided to go back to the café to get some work I missed done. I talked to them about it and with a lot of convincing, I got them to agree. I smiled at I saw the café and walked faster. I entered and was glomped into a big hug. I smiled at Toby who was looking up at me with worried and scared eyes.

"I was worried about you! What they do to you?" She asked. I smiled at her and ruffled her hair.

"I'm fine. I got away from them with out a bruise. I was ambushed by some one else so no need to worry about them. I was able to get away and they won't be messing with you anytime soon." I said. She looked into my eyes as if trying to fin a lie, then reluncticly nodded and let me go.

"There you are! We need you on serving tables today! Its been busy, busy! We have had new guest come in and they have been coming in every day! So go get your suit on and get to work!" My boss said. I nodded and headed to the changing room to slip on my suit.

I walked out and was quickly put to work. I smiled to a couple who were leaving the café and collected me sweet and glorious tip from them.

Table after table I served and helped. It finally passed lunch hour and the last guest left. We all sighed and plopped down at the tall chairs to catch our breaths. We heard a little ding and ne of the waitresses greeted them After getting the order for their drinks, to my luck she called me over to show them to their table. I huffed and stood up. I walked over and smiled at the guest. My eyes widened and I screamed on the inside.

"This will be your waiter for this evening. (Boy name)." She introduced. I looked into the piercing magenta eyes of 2p Italy. Next to him was 2p Germany and Japan.

"Pleasure, I will be your waiter to day, please follow me to your table." I said as I bowed to the three men. I grabbed the menus and started to walk to their table. I kept a strait and calm face, but on the inside I was a screaming and panicked mess.

"Please have a seat sirs. I will be right back with your drinks." I said as I walked over to the counter were the drinks were already set out. It was beer, wine, and a hot tea. I walked back and started to place them down infront of the.

"We are having three other people come over later." Japan said as he skimmed through the menu. I nodded and pulled out my note pad and pen.

"Okay sir, have you dicided what you would like to eat this evening." I asked. Italy smirked at me with a mistivouse glint.

"(1.)Vorrei che la alfredo spezie con un po 'di pomodori sulla parte superiore, con pollo alla griglia." Italy said in Italian. He was trying to mess with me! If I was any normal waiter, I would have been completely lost. I smirked slightly to my self and wrote down the order. Germany smirked and opened his mouth.

"(2.)Schweinebraten  mit Kümmel mit einer Seitenlänge von Gebackene Kartoffeln mit Quark." Germany said as the corners of his mouth moved up to form a cocky smirk.

"(3.)豆腐浅利なしSakamushiと味噌汁" Japan said as he set the menu down and looked at me. I wrote down his order and walked away while listening to them laugh quietly.

~~~~(2P Italy's POV)~~~~

I watched at the waiter walked away. He didn't look as confused as I thought he would, but what are the chances that that guy knew what we were saying. I laughed quietly.

"Poor Dummkopf. He probably didn't want to embraces himself." Lutz said as he took a drink of his beer. I scoffed and sipped my wine.

"He sure acted weird though, must have been caught off guard when we spoke a different language." Kuro said as he watched the kid talk to some one behind the counter. He smiled and nodded. I raised a eye brow in confusion.

That smirk is some how familiar. Where have I seen it before? Ahhh... Its going to bother me now.

"Dose that ragazzo look familiar?" I asked my subordinates. They looked at the boy and examined him. I swear I saw that victorious smirk before. Wait. How do I know that it is victorious? I was starting to open  my mouth to call to the boy, but some one came and ruined me day.

"Ciao Fratello~! You miss me, right?" Asked my annoying brother Flavio. Next to him was Andres and trotting behind them was Gillen, Lutz good for nothing brother. (I know, he wasn't in the Meeting story. I am said to admit that I had forgotten about him, please refer from writing comments on my little mess up....)

"Took you idiota's long enough to get here." I mutter as I crossed my arms.

"The traffic was awful! I was about to die with all the un fabulous waiting." Flavio said as he sat on  the other side of the table.

"Here are your drinks sirs." the boy came back with three drinks. He set a white wine in front of Flavio, Water in front of Gillen, and a Spanish alcohol in front of Andres. He placed some menus in front of them. "Call out to me when your ready to order." He said and left. I started at him, but was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a giggle. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Flavio.

"Why do you have your eyes n him like you want to divoure him? I didn't think you went that way." Flavio teased. I gritted my teeth and showed one of my throwing knifes from under the table. That made him shut that stupid mouth of his.

"He just seems familiar. Nothing more." I grunted and hid my knife once again. Flavio visably relaxed and sighed in relief.

"You think? Know that you mention it, those (E/C) are some how familiar." Flavio said as he stared at the boy.

"Yeah, any how. Lets continue out business." I said as I leaned forward.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

~~~~(Readers POV)~~~~

I already got 2pRomano, Spain, and who I am going to assume is the Prussia of this world orders. I never saw the 2p of Prussia so I was staring at him quite a bit. He seemed more quiet, less cocky, depressing, and more calmer than my Prussia. He had on a long white cloak and had long white hair that was pulled back into a pony tail. His eyes were still red but held a little bit of blue to them. He had a few scars in visable places and seemed to refer from talking.

I finaly got their order and walked over with two big trays. Romano, Spain, and Gillen were polite enough to give me their order to were any of the other maids could understand. I placed their plates in front of them first and set one of the big trays out of the way. I smiled as I placed Luciano's, Lutz, and Kuro's order on the table. The smirks they had on their face was wiped away and I mentally high fived my self.

"This is the right order?" Luciano said as he examined the plate. I smiled sweetly.

"What? Is there something wrong? This was your order, right?" I asked with a smile.

"Y-yes. No nothing is wrong, but how?" Kuro asked as he looked at me puzzled. I scoffed.

"I speak those language's. You should be more considerate to the people who take their time to serve you and help you. It is very rude to do that to some one. Lucky for the other maids you got me." In lectured. They looked at me with wide eyes.

"What happened know?" Flavio asked. I looked over and smiled at him.

"Oh, nothing. Anyhow Call if you need anything." I said as I walked away. I smiled as I felt a great feeling of pride.

~~~~(Time Skip)~~~~

I walked out the front doors of the café. It was pretty late and I was starting to walk back home. As I was passing the ally way I first got in a fight with Allen and Matt, a pair of arms reached out. I ducked and started to run. I heard some Italian and German cursing.

'Crap! Did they wait for me!?' I thought as I ran away from the 2p Axis.




.............To be continued.....

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