
Od daddyclessia

261K 5.7K 4.1K

A chance encounter at Lauren's work place is all that's needed to thrust her into a world she denied herself... Více

chapter 1 - Miss 'Legs For Days'
Chapter 2 - Own me
chapter 3 - Kind hearted
Chapter 4: The next step
Chapter 5: My person
Chapter 6: The past
Chapter 7: Earn it
Chapter 8: Gravity
Chapter 9: Eclipse
Chapter 10: Coincidences and Trust
Chapter 11: Unconditionally
Chapter 12: Mine
Chapter 14: Higher
Chapter 15: Cherish
Chapter 16: Gold
Chapter 17: Fire, meet Gasoline.
Chapter 18: Destined
Chapter 19: Beginnings
Chapter 20: Red
Chapter 21: Healing
Chapter 22: Something New

Chapter 13: Energy

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Od daddyclessia

"Lo, you're gonna be fine"

Camila places her hands softly at Lauren's shoulders, rubbing reassuringly as her girlfriend stresses and wears the carpet out from her pacing. She kisses lightly at her forehead, sighing when Lauren goes to stress talk again. It's been twenty minutes of Camila telling Lauren to sit, kissing her, running her fingers through her hair, anything to get her to stop stressing.

But Lauren Jauregui apparently can be the epitome of stress when she wants to be.

"Yeah but-"


"Just hear me out Camz. What if my new boss doesn't like me and somehow on the way there I get in a freak accident and break my arm then I won't be able to work and I'll get fired from my dream job and then I'll be homeless and-"

"Oh my god"

"And then-"


Camila's hard tone makes Lauren take a breath, finally stopping in her pacing as Camila smirks knowingly.

"Eveythings gonna be okay, yeah? Your boss will love you, because you're you. You're loveable and dorky, like a Labrador puppy"

Lauren pouts. "Hey"

But Camila continues on, ignoring Lauren's cute frown as she takes her hands in hers. "And you're not gonna get into a freak accident and lose your job, okay?"

Lauren smiles lightly, because Camila's so caring and wonderful she wonders how she ever got so lucky. So she relents, sighing and nodding. "Okay"

Camila nods with a triumphant smile, kissing Lauren on the cheek and making her smile. "Good. Now go knock em dead. I'll be home by eight the latest, and yes, I'm cooking dinner for us both because you deserve it"

Lauren almost melts at Camila's words, watching how she grabs her blazer, handbag and files; struggling with all she holds as the younger woman giggles at her girlfriend. "Need a little help?"

Camila huffs, putting her handbag strap higher on her shoulder as she balances it all. "Nope. I'm a grown woman. I've got this"

Lauren raises her hands, relenting and laughing slightly as Camila struggles with opening the front door, but ultimately unhatches it and sends a little wave and air kiss.

"Bye love!"

Lauren leans her elbow on the kitchen table, chin in her palm, and smiles. "See ya!"

Maybe today won't be so bad.


"Miss Kordei, I thought I said to have the witness's testimony on my desk by 9 am sharp"

Camila doesn't look up from her papers as her assistant runs into her office, heels clacking across the marble flooring as she breathlessly apologises. Camila simply fixes her glasses on the bridge of her nose, flicking pages as she licks the pad of her thumb.

"I'm so sorry Mam, traffic was crazy and the witness was hesitant to even submit it and-"

Camila closes her eyes, stress building to the forefront of her head like a pressurised shaken can of coke. Fuck her head hurts, migraines are her biggest downfall when cases like this overwhelm her. She rubs her temple with her free hand, and instead of taking it out on the poor girl in front of her (Camila learnt from her past snapping session) she sighs and wordlessly holds her hand out, palm up and gesturing to Normani to hand them to her.

"It's fine. Sorry for being the reincarnation of Miranda Priesly this morning it's just-"

Normani chuckles lightly, shrugging as she holds her notepad to her chest. "Really, it's cool. I get it. Abuse cases are really hard, not only for the victims, but the people representing them too"

Camila smiles lightly, for the first time that morning since kissing Lauren goodbye, and takes her glasses off. Standing up in her chair as Normani widens her eyes a bit. She's never seen the Camila Cabello smile before. Does she even have the muscles to do it?

"Your first names Normani right?"

Normani nods, a little shocked at how well, nice Camila can be. "Yes Mam"

"How do you feel about brunch? On me"

Camila smiles, hopefully, and fuck it Normani thinks. She needs friends in this workplace, who better than the woman who runs it?


"Oh my god you did not"

Camila laughs behind her coffee cup, crossing her legs and shaking her head. "I did! It was so bad, Lauren wouldn't let me live it down"

Normani chuckles along with her, the older woman is so nice and welcoming, so opposite to what Normani had it in her mind to be. It's refreshing, and new, to be proved wrong about someone elses personality.

She also notices how bright and happy Camila gets when this 'Lauren' girl is bought up, so with their newfound friendship, Normani tests the waters.

"Lauren huh?"

Camila bites her lip, trying to hide the blinding smile that threatens to spill over.

"She's my girlfriend. Honestly so beautiful you'd think Aphrodite and Eva Longoria had a lovechild together"

Normani laughs, not even phased at the girlfriend thing. She had an inkling, Camila gives off the biggest gay vibes if she's being honest. And it's also really nice to see her boss, once so intimidating and scary gush about her girlfriend. It's cute, and it makes Normani think about her own love life as she finishes off her coffee.

"Since you're so well versed in gay relationships-" Camila chuckles as Normani continues. "I think I'm in love with my best friend"

Camila raises an eyebrow, watching how Normani blushes. "What? She's know. Perfect."

The words have Camila's eyes softening, leaning on her forearms on the table as she gets invested. "Well, lets start at the basics. What's her name?"

Normani bites her lip, smiling just thinking of her. "Dinah Jane"

(Camila then chokes on her next sip of hot coffee)

Normani looks on worriedly, patting her bosses back as Camila clears her throat with flushed cheeks. "Uh, you okay?"

Camila nods, sputtering out in shock as she waves Normani off, more interested on the fact of: "You don't mean Dinah Jane Hansen, do you?"

Normani nods confusedly, looking to Camila with a small frown. "Yeah, I do. Why? Oh my god, she isn't like, an ex of yours, is she?"

Camila then laughs, because oh my god, could you imagine? And quickly goes to quell Normani's worries.

"Oh my god, no. She's my girlfriend's best friend"

Then it's Normani's turn to open her mouth in shock, laughing at everything falling into place. This is so....weird.

"That means, oh my fucking god, that means you're the Camila that Lauren can't stop talking about every time I see her? And that means it was your party I got drunk at to celebrate Lauren's new job?"

Camila mimics Normani's shocked expression, laughing along together at the coincidence. Today is going a completely different direction to what Camila thought it would be like.

"I was so drunk I don't even remember you being there. Did we meet?"

Normani frowns, thinking back as she bites her lip, saying almost sheepishly. "I think? I was sorta focused on Dinah dancing"

Camila lets a laugh out, shaking her head as she reaches for a napkin to clean the coffee she practically spat onto the table. "Hey, I can't talk. I was watching Laur the whole time"

Normani looks fondly to Camila's expression, leaning on her arms and stirring her tea around with a spoon; saying idly. "You really love her, don't you?"

And Camila bites her lip, scrunching up the napkin and letting her face split into a smile. One she rarely lets out amongst strangers, let alone a colleague. But Normani's different, and this feels like the start of a beautiful friendship.

"Yeah. She...she means everything to me"

Normani's face softens, and she almost swoons at how devote Camila looks.

"God, I wish I had that type of love"

The words make Camila frown, resting her hand on top of the younger woman's and squeezing once. "Hey, you'll find somebody who loves you so much you'll forget what it was like before them. You'll forget what it was like without love. Trust me I-"

Camila suddenly stops, throat bobbing, as she withdraws her hand. Normani frowns at her expression, then watches how Camila shakes her head brightening, like she pulled herself from a memory.

"You'll find that love, I promise you"

The words have Normani smiling, almost forgetting how Camila seemed to be trapped in her own mind for a sliver of a moment. It was like she knew that feeling, the feeling of thinking no one loves you. It makes Normani wonder what the woman across from her has been through, wondering how she became to be who she is.

Instead of delving into a topic neither are prepared to talk about, Normani tells Camila about how once, in highschool, Lauren was dissecting a frog and burst a blood vessel in it's stomach instead of cutting around it – leaving the poor then seventeen year old covered in blood. Normani tells it fondly, laughing when Camila snorts behind her hand at her clutz of a girlfriend.

And everything's okay, the sun filters against the café's floors, and Normani forgets all about the streak of darkness that fell from Camila Cabello moments before. It's snuffed out, it's consumed by the way Camila lights up when she says Lauren's name.


"Babe!? I'm home!"

Camila shoulders through the front door of their apartment, readjusting all the bags she carries and dumping them with a relieved sigh on the kitchen counter. She goes to take out everything for dinner, she was a little later than she thought from work, the case she's working becoming increasingly more strenuous and stressful.

When she doesn't get her usually reply from Lauren, she frowns as she turns the stove on; yelling out once more.

"Lo? I'm back!"

She hears a distant "Fuck!" and the tell tale sounds of a lot of things falling to the floor and breaking. Or being thrown? Camila's instantly on high alert, turning the stove off and rushing to their bedroom; where the sound carried from.

"Lauren? Baby are you-"

She opens her bedroom door, and can't help letting out a laugh at what greets her.

Because there, in the middle of the room, is her girlfriend sitting cross legged. Surrounded by a disassembled type of furniture, hair in a messy bun with one of Camila's shirts dangling off her figure. If Camila wasn't so confused by the image, Lauren in nothing but underwear and her shirt would be a massive turn on.

"Uh love? Everything okay in here?"

Lauren doesn't even look up, trying to fit two pieces of wood together that look vaguely like a drawer. When that doesn't work, Lauren groans, throwing them in front of her and sighing in defeat.

"I'm a graphic designer and art graduate but this fucking IKEA set of drawers is defeating me. It's a wooden drawer Camz! Why is it so haaaard"

Lauren whines the last part out, drawing her words out making Camila fondly chuckle as she comes around to sit behind her girlfriend. Taking her in her arms and humming as Lauren just falls back into her, watching how the younger woman just sighs in pleasure when Camila immediately lets her hand trail under Lauren's shirt, rubbing softly at her stomach.

She swears she hears Lauren purr at the touch. God, she's such a softie.

"Baby, what is it even for? We have plenty of drawers in the living room"

Camila keeps her soft touches constant, but at the question, Lauren freezes; her stomach tigthtening in nervousness. "Uh, just- ran out of room in my art room"

Camila raises an eyebrow disbelievingly. "Your "art room" is the entire guest bedroom honey. No way you ran out of room there"

Lauren bites her lip, looking up at the older woman with her puppy dog eyes, trying to distract her. "I needed more space for brushes?"

Camila shakes her head, laughing softly. "Lo, you're not fooling me. Come on, what are they for? They're just drawers"

Lauren sighs, relenting. Pushing off Camila and turning fully towards her. "Close your eyes"

Camila looks to Lauren with a deadpan look, making Lauren smile. "I swear it's not another frog I found outside"

"Good, because I nearly kicked you out for that. Who brings a frog inside, it's meant to be outdoors!"

Lauren grumbles as she gets up, walking to their cupboard and rifling through boxes at the bottom of it.

"They're cute and squishy Camz"

Camila leans back on her palms, watching Lauren curiously from her position and admiring the view of her girlfriend's ass she gets from there; smiling to herself and biting her lip. "So are you, but I don't pick you up and shove you in people's faces"

She doesn't have to see Lauren's face to know she caused an eyeroll, and just when Camila was about to comment on how the thin fabric of Lauren's panties was making her have sinful thoughts of what she'd do to the younger woman, her girlfriend grabs the box with a triumphant "Gotcha!" that has Camila shaken out of her staring contest.

When Lauren turns though, she's suddenly shy. Biting her lip and playing with the corners of the fancy looking box. "Okay now that I have it I..."

Lauren trails off, cheeks burning red as Camila sits up again and pats the spot in front of her with a small supportive smile. Lauren looks up, taking comfort in the look as she slides the box over, crawling to the spot and sitting on her knees; suddenly withdrawn and nervous as she plays with her fingers.

(Lauren crawling to her and obeying her unspoken command have Camila wanting to take her right then and there on their carpeted bedroom floor - but she notices how nervous Lauren looks, and instead pulls her closer until Lauren straddles her. Tilting her chin up with her finger and lightly kissing her.)

"You can talk to me princess. What's in the box, hm?"

Lauren relaxes once Camila touches her, reaching for the velvet covered package and nervously biting her lip. Camila uses her thumb to release her lip from her teeth, rubbing it softly and smiling.

"Baby don't be nervous. You know I'd never judge you"

With that, with Camila's soft and raspy voice Lauren gains the confidence to just take the lid off. Rushing to explain it's contents as she watches how Camila's eyes widen, her mouth parted slightly.

"I just really want to try it and I love and trust you so much that I thought, you know, there's no one else I'd rather do it with and I kinda...well I definitely have fantasised about it but I never had the confidence to ask you because I didn't think you'd want to try and-"

Camila looks up to her rambling girlfriend, and Lauren nearly gasps at the arousal in her eyes.

"Angel? Take a breath"

Lauren does just that, feeling how Camila's hands at her waist rub calming circles down onto her hipbone. To her navel, then splaying her hand out onto her stomach; Lauren's favourite place to be touched.

It's encouraging Lauren's light grinding in response to her touches. She lets her forehead rest against Camila's, closing her eyes and whimpering slightly as the older woman brings her closer down onto her. Whispering against Lauren's lips.

"I didn't know my sweet innocent princess was so naughty"

Her fingers come down to play with the top of Lauren's panties, gliding under the waistband of them and making Lauren breathless.

"I just, I had a dream last night."

Camila raises an eyebrow, her other hand coming around Lauren to palm at her ass; kneading the flesh and making the other girl moan. "You did baby?"

Lauren nods, hands coming around Camila's neck for support as her thighs tighten against her sides from how she straddles her. Fisting the back of Camila's long tresses.

"Do you want to know what happened in it?"

Camila lets the waist band of Lauren's silk underwear go, trailing her short fingernails up Lauren's stomach, scratching ever so lightly at her breasts; making Lauren close her eyes as she moans softly.

"Of course baby. Did I fuck you with it?"

Lauren groans at the words, panting as Camila ducks her head and kisses along her throat, nibbling at her jawline and smiling against her skin when Lauren nods quickly.

"You felt so good Camz, you filled me up so good"

At that, Camila can't contain herself. She growls into Lauren's neck and picks up the box and it's contents, nails digging further into the flesh she massages making Lauren gasp.

"When I get back, I want you on the bed. All fours. Blindfold on. Naked and ready. Okay babygirl?"

Lauren nods, because that's all she can manage, scrambling up and melting into the kiss Camila presses against her lips as she leaves the room momentarily, into the bathroom, leaving Lauren breathless and on a high she's never felt before.

This feels like a step for them, like something new and exciting and it sends a rush through Lauren, a feeling that's so intense she doesn't know how to word it.

To Lauren, it feels unexplainable.

To Lauren, it feels like an energy. Like Camila was her light, setting her aflame.


A/N me, a month later: oops?

sorry for late update! but next chap will be smut filled and yeah u guessed it, laurens got a thing for sex toys, specifically, camila using them. ( i mean who wouldnt? hfjds) 

also if any of you couldnt tell, it's a strap on. and for those who couldnt figure it out, how are you reading this fic????

nah jk i wanted it to be implied but not said, not until the next chap where they actually use it. 

anyways, hope yall enjoyed! til next time my lovelies xxx

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