Linstead: Undercover Mission

By chicagopdbabes

96.5K 1.3K 232

Your favorite Detectives take their Undercover skills to Hawaii! Jay and Erin have to portray as newlyweds, w... More

Two Weeks With You
Playing The Part
Not As Beautiful As You
It's The Beginning
He Could Finally Sleep Peacefully
You Were Gone in the Blink of an Eye
She Begged for Him not to Leave Her Side
Whatever You Want, We Will Make It Happen
It Would Become An Everday Tradition
She Needs You
Slowly, it was all Returning to Normal
You Are My Miracle
Our Love is Invincible
Cheers to Milestones
I Am the Dreamer and You Are My Dream
Nature is Even Better Than it Seems
I Am a Better Person Because of You
The Gifts Love Can Give You
These Are The Days We Live For
And So The Adventure Begins
It's Been Too Long, My Dear
When I Met You, Everything Changed.
We Rise By Lifting Others
I Have Loved You Since Day One
The Past Can Be Our Worst Demon
Thankful For The Family We Have
One Minute You Were Here and Now You're Gone
Our Family is a Circle of Strength
The Best Gift is Family Wrapped In Love
A Grand Adventure is About to Begin
The Year's Shadow
Sunday Mornings
Dreams Do Come True
Today Was Long Overdue
The Presents Life Gives You
Living A Two Sided Life
Life Can Go Two Ways
We All Have Our Own Coping Mechanisms

In The End, You'll Always Be Here

1.9K 34 2
By chicagopdbabes

Hey y'all! So sorry for the long break. I'll explain it in the end! Thank you all for the well wishes. I'm slowly healing. And guys.

We hit 1,000 on my instagram! My mind is blown and I'm beyond thankful. Thank you guys!

I hope you all are ready for some Linstead smut because it snuck in here.

"Baby, this will be fun." Jay promised.

Jay and Erin had been in the car for an hour, on the way to Jaxton's basketball tournament in Moline. It was snowing lightly, but it was suppose to pick up within the next hour.

Erin shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, it'll be fun to get away for a few nights." It was a Thursday. But it was suppose to snow four to six inches overnight, so the team decided it would be best to leave a night early.

Jay shook his head. Erin had been quiet since she and Jaxton got home. "Are you sure you're okay?"


"Erin." Jay began. She was restless in her sleep, and she didn't laugh often. "You're not okay. If you were, then you'd be laughing and demanding to drive. You've been quiet the whole way up."

"Jay," Erin looked out the window off into the snow. She didn't want to talk about this. She didn't want to talk about how she almost lost her son.

"Erin, I'm not going to argue with you about this. I want you to go see Dr. Gorelik." Jay looked at his fiancé.

"Jay," Erin rose her voice. "I. Don't. Need. To. Go." She rolled her eyes. "I'm fine. I'm alive. Jax is alive. We are all fine."

"You see Erin," His blood was boiling. Why did she always try to be so strong? "I love you, you know that. I'm your partner, best friend, fiancé, the father of our kid, and I'm your support system. That's what I'm here for. And I'm not going to let you shut me out. I love you too much for that baby."

Erin couldn't stop the hot tears falling from her lashes. Her body shivered when she leaned her head against the cold window, quickly pulling back. "I'm sorry."

Jay's heart broke seeing his fiancé broken. "Sorry for what? You have nothing to be sorry for." He rested his free hand on her shoulder.

"For being a screwup. For almost getting Jax killed. I'm a terrible mom and fiancé. I can't even handle a teenager, let alone a baby in the future." She threw her head in her hands.

"Baby, stop." Jay pulled the car over, quickly coming to her side. "You are amazing." He kissed her temple, wiping her tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "Erin, you are the best girl I could ask for. And Jaxton is the luckiest kid on the earth having you as his mother. You're not a screwup. And it's not your fault Charlie found you both, okay? Everyone loves you so much."

Erin buried her head into his chest, gripping onto his T-shirt. "I'm sorry." She sobbed.

Jay wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight. "It's okay, I'm here."

"Jax and I almost died." A whole week of fear and emotions came tumbling out of Erin.

"I know, baby. But hey, you're okay. You're alive. We are all alive. Jaxton is alive. It's all okay. He can't hurt us anymore." Jay soothed.

Erin's body started trembling as she dug her head deep into her fiancé's shoulder. "Why did he do it?"

Jay didn't know what to say. He didn't know why Charlie would do it. Fear? Payback? Revenge? Just for the fun of it? Satisfactory? "I don't know." He sighed, running his hands through her hair. "But He is gone. He will never be able to hurt you again. None of us."

"I don't know." She shook her head. "I don't want to go see him."

"You need too and you will. Even if I have to tie you to the chair in his office and make you sit there, you're going. You need to. Just one visit." Jay begged. She needed to go.

"Fine." She rolled her eyes. She didn't need to go. "Can we eat now?"


Erin and Jay arrived at their hotel room and laid on the bed. "Did you still want to go out with Craig and Julie tonight?"

Erin yawned and curled into Jay's chest. "Yeah.   Just.. let's... just take a nap."

Jay smiled, lifting his arm up. "Okay. I'll let them know. I'll go down to their room and I want to see Jax. You get some sleep." He pressed his lips against her forehead. 

Jay got up and laid the blanket over her. "Do you wanna go Christmas shopping later?"

She nodded and whispered a "Sure." And nodded off.

He smiled, closing the door behind him and walking down the hall to Craig and Julie's room.

"Jay!" Julie smiled as she opened it. "Come on in, Craig is in the bathroom and he'll be out in a minute."

He nodded and walked into the room, taking a seat at one of the chairs. Julie sat across from him and handed him a water. "How are you?"

"We are doing okay." Jay smiled.

"How's Erin and Jaxton? He wasn't at school Monday and Carson said someone kidnapped them?" Craig came through the room silently taking a seat next to Julie.

"They're, shaken up. Charlie Pugliese , He was Erin's abuser back in the day. Long story. He came back for her and basically kidnapped the both of them and tortured her in front of Jaxton." Julie and Craig's eyes widened.


"That's insane."

Jay shook his head. "I know it is. We just, we have to get through it. Just like her kidnapping on the ship, we will get through it. We just bought a house and we have a wedding in a month. I just hope she can pull through again." He didn't want Erin to fall down the deep hole again.

"She will. She seems like a strong girl." Craig smiled encouragingly.

"Yeah, that she is. Everything has been so chaotic lately. One thing after another. You know, what if we order take in and play Cards Against Humanity? We're both kid free and I think Er brought it."

Julie and Craig looked at each other and both nodded. "That'd be nice. We don't have much time with our friends. Carson has definitely kept us busy."

"Yeah, we get it. Er and I used to have all the time in the world before Jax, but here we are." Before they adopted Jaxton, they went to work and went home. Now, here they were at a basketball tournament. They were parents.

"I bet. But it's nice you have Jaxton. He's such a nice boy." Julie smiled.

"Erin and I are blessed for Jaxton. She loves being a mom. It took a while, but for a long time she didn't think she'd be mom or even wife material. It took me a long time to get that across to her. But I finally did, and she's been more than great." Jay shook his head. The many conversations between him and Erin played through his mind.

"I don't get how people do that." Erin sighed looking over to Jay, who was stuffing his face of popcorn.

"Do what?" Jay asked, looking over to the TV screen, that was playing Home Alone.

"Parenting and marriage. I don't know how she does that." Erin shook her head looking at Kevin's mom on screen.

Jay bit back a laugh, taking a look at his partner. "That'll be you in five years."

"No it won't. I'm not getting married or having kids." She blandly said, glancing at her partner's face.

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not getting married or having kids. I'm not that material." She rolled her eyes.

Don't let him in.

Don't put your walls down.

Don't do it, Erin.

"Why?" He shot back. She would be perfect material.

"Halstead, I don't want to talk about it." She could feel the tears burning the rims of her hazel eyes.

"Erin," Jay raised his voice. "Don't play the last name shit with me. We've been partners for eleven months and have been through hell and back." He pulled her closer to her, where their knees were touching.

Erin looked over at the Christmas tree, shaking her head. "I'll end up like Bunny and I'm not going to allow a child to go through what I did." She was destined to be like Bunny.

"Erin." Jay could feel his blood boil. "Stop saying that. You are a damn good partner and person. I don't want you to ever think that. You're and never will be anything like her." Jay knew to an extent what happened between the two and Erin's childhood, but he never pushed it.

Erin's heart cracked open and any walls that were up were now crumbled to the ground. "That case today. It was scary. Seeing that those parents run off and give their kids to some person. Jay, I couldn't handle it." She sniffled, not looking at her partner.

Jay felt his heart break for the broken girl in front of him. This wasn't the first time she has broken down in front of him, but Jay was still getting used to the vulnerable side of his sassy partner. "Er," He pulled her into his arms and sat her on his lap, letting her cry. "It's okay. It's over."

"It... makes.. no... sense." She said in between strangled sobs into his chest.

Jay tightened his grip on her, holing her close. His hand caressed her back and his other hand was cradling her head, running his fingers through her messy hair. "I know it doesn't. I know. There is nothing we can do to change it, we put the parents away and the kids are safe now. That's all we can do."

Her body was still shaking as Jay held her. "Look at me, Er."

She lifted her head and expected Jay to laugh at her or show a sign of disappointment, but she only saw support. And love, but she wouldn't admit it. The pads of his thumbs wiped away the tears that had fallen from pain. He smiled down at her. Even looking vulnerable he still knew she was gorgeous. "I know we are still working on opening up to each other, but listen. We've been through close calls, undercover ops, stakeouts, interrogations, everything. You know how much you mean to me and you need to know I'm not going anywhere. I'm your partner and I always will be. I'm not going anywhere, Er. We did all that we could for the kids, and we brought them justice. Just open up to me. Please."

Erin nodded and buried her head into his chest, clenching onto his shirt, scared if she let go she would loose him. And she never wanted that.

"She is definitely a good mother. You guys just planning to stay with Jaxton?" She asked.

"After we get married we'd like to start trying. Our house has four bedrooms, so we'd like to have another kid. She is great with them. If something ever happens to Intelligence, she would do a unit that deals with children. She has a connection with them." She and Jay had a fallback plan if something happened to IU, or if Voight was to retire.

"She'd be good with that. In IU, what exactly do you do? We know a little, just from work, but not much." Craig asked.

"We do everything. High priority cases. Kidnappings, assaults, undercover, narcs, gambling, theft, weapons, just to name a few. We do everything that there is a crime on basically."


"Erin, let's go." Jay knocked on the bathroom door as it opened.

"I'm coming." She walked passed Jay in jeans and a T-shirt. "You ready now?"

"You're not wearing shoes?" Jay asked, looking her over.

"Jay, it's down the hallway. I think I'll be fine." She laughed opening the door with the the game in one hand and her phone in the other.

Jay walked next to her, shaking his head. "This is a hotel."

"Yeah, one we paid over a hundred dollars for. A night! They can kiss my ass." She knocked on the door.

Jay rolled his eyes as Julie opened the door and motioned them to come in. "Craig ordered pizza that should be here soon and we have beer." She gestured over to the mini fridge.

"Erin, how are you doing?" She hugged Erin, looking at her.

"I'm doing good. Hoping everything will stay normal. But we will be busy with a wedding to plan and moving into a house all in a month." She laughed.

Jay smiled at the interaction his fiancé was having with a friend outside of work. Craig came up next to him, handing him a beer. "They're going to be talking all night." He laughed.

"You got that right." Jay smiled. "To our girls." They clinked beers.

"To our girls, indeed." Craig sipped his beer. "If you need help with moving, let us know. We can help transport stuff, pack or unpack, whatever you need."

"Thanks. We will take you up on that. Jaxton has seen some pictures of it and says it's by you guys." Jay glanced at his fiancé who was still talking to Julie.

"Really? You live out on Columbus? We are at four hundred Country Lane."

"We're forty one hundred. The house is the one with a pool and the long ass driveway."

"I know where you are talking about. You're about ten houses away from us. That'll be nice for the boys. It's a great neighborhood with great people."

Two hours and thirty Cards Against Humanity Cards later, the two couples were still going at it. Pizza was on the counter and now that the beer was gone, it was now water.

Jay held up the black card, beginning to read it.
"I got 99 problems but _____ ain't one."

They all looked around at each other before surveying the best card they had. Erin smirked, laying down a card guaranteed to get a reaction from her fiancé.

Jay noticed her smirk and only wondered what his fiancé was up to. He picked up the three cards and started reading them off.

"I got 99 problems but Viagra ain't one.

I got 99 problems but Wifely Duties ain't one.

I got 99 problems but a defective condom ain't one."

Jay laughed at all three and looked around the table trying to pin point who was who's. All three of them had grins plastered on their faces, Julie and Craig smirking at each other.

"All of these are killing me. You guys are too good at this." He took a bite of pizza. Jay looked down, puzzled at the cards. "Who said defective condoms?"

"That was me!" Craig shot up from his seat laughing. "I'll take that." He said, taking the card from Jay. "And I'm at ten. So I win."

Erin rolled her eyes. "I'll kick your ass next time, Craig."

Everyone laughed, seeing Erin loose. She was sure she'd win the game, and told everyone that. But she had nine cards.

"Game on, Erin. But it's.." Craig looked over at the clock. "God, I'm old. It's nine. I say we retire for the night and do it again tomorrow."

They all nodded and picked up the game. "Sounds good." Jay collected the rest of the cards before following Erin to the door. "Thanks for having us. Beer and food is on us tomorrow. See you at ten."

"Bye! It was fun!" Julie smiled, closing the door behind Jay and Erin.

Erin and Jay walked down the hall to their room. "I can't believe you didn't pick my card for the last one... mine was good." Erin pretended to pout.

Jay stopped them in front of their door. "What was your card?"

"Wifely duties." She smiled.

Jay ran his hand over her cheek. "Because, Wifely duties aren't your problem tonight... tonight I am going to do my husbandly duties." He smirked.

Erin's eyes darkened. "You aren't my husband, though...." She paused. "But... what did you have in mind?" She knew she had an idea.

"Well..." he ran his hand up and down her shoulder. "I know how much you loved that night I had complete control, so I figured we could do a take two. And besides, tonight is game night, so I figured we could play a round or two." He tilted his head and grinned.

Erin felt her breathe hitch. "Okay." She murmured as Jay and her stumbled into their room, closing the door behind them.

Jay walked her over to the bed, laying her down on the mattress before stepping back and drinking in her beauty. He grazed his lips over her nose, kissing it lightly before running his hands down her shirt. Jay's hands snaked underneath the green material, massaging her hips. Erin arched them, silently begging him. He lifted her shirt over her head, and Erin raised her hands to allow him to slip it over her head. Jay's eyes darkened when the new skin was revealed to him.

Her black bra pushed her breasts up, the mounds slightly popping out of her bra. Jay ran his tongue along the revealed skin and Erin moaned, bringing her arms to his neck.

He unclasped her bra, dropping it to the floor and walked across the room to his bag. Erin could see the metal dangling in the moonlight and a wave of excitement rushed through her body. Jay smiled seeing her heated cheeks and handcuffed her hands to the hotel bed post. "I'm fulfilling your fantasy again, Erin. You need to be a good girl for me." He kissed her lips and she could feel a rush of liquid pool between her thighs.

Erin struggled against the handcuffs, twisting and turning. Jay straddled her hips, rocking into her pelvis over and over. Erin cried out and raised her hips, dying to be with him.

His tongue snaked out of his mouth and he nibbled the shell of her ear, whispering his love to her. He trailed kisses down her neck, passed her breasts, pressing a firm kiss on her stomach. He moved his lips back up to her breasts, taking one of the mounds into his mouth. Erin gasped and arched her back towards him. Jay's tongue swirled around her nipple and he bit into it. Erin cried out from intense pleasure and felt the throbbing need in her center.

Jay gave her other breast the same attention, taking as much of the creamy white skin into his mouth as possible. "Please... Jay... please!" Erin whispered. She could feel herself on the edge.

"Shhhh, baby girl." Jay soothed, running his tongue in between her breasts. He kissed each one, his hand pinching the other.

"Jay! Now." Erin yelled.

Jay pinched the rosy bud, twisting it. "Did you really just tell me what to do? Do you not remember you need to be a good girl." His thumb flicked open her jeans and her pulled them down her mile long legs, throwing them across the hotel room. Jay tied her feet to the bed post, Erin now completely helpless.

He dropped his face to her center, smelling her arousal. He ran his tongue along her panties, vaguely tasting her arousal. Erin felt her body shudder and she raised her hips.

"Erin, behave!" Jay scolded. He pushed them back down. He ripped her panties off of her, Erin groaning in protest. He dropped his head to her center, his tongue running along her drenched folds.

"Jay... don't... please.. please." She couldn't take much more teasing.

Jay smiled against her, pushing his tongue through her drenched folds. He held her hips down as he plunged into her over and over, tasting her cavern.

Erin cried out, silently begging him to stop. His teeth nipped at the bundle of nerves and she screamed his name. Her first orgasm overtook her body, and she lost all control. "Jay, don't.. stop!" She begged, panting. Jay drank from her, his tongue still plunging into her heated deaths. He kissed her folds, returning his lips to her mouth. She could still faintly taste herself on his lips. Their kisses were frantic and she raised her hips to his, but Jay pushed them back down.

He sucked on the sensitive skin of her neck, Erin moaning in response. He himself was beginning to have a growing need, but tonight was about Erin, and he wanted her to beg. Jay bit into her neck softly and Erin gasped.

"Are you going to fuck me now?" She asked.

Jay shook his head, moving his lips back to her breasts, biting into the rosy bud. "I told you not to talk." He sucked on it, soothing the pain he created. His hand was playing with her center, his fingers pushing into the apex of her drenched thighs. Erin moaned, a mixture of ultimate pleasure and pain.

Jay pushed his hips into hers, his jean covered groin aching with pain. Erin gasped, pulling against her restraints. She tugged against them and turned, trying to break free. He sat back on her and watched Erin, her skin flushed and her eyes clenched shut. Her hair was fanned against the pillow and a thin slate of sweat covered her body as she panted lightly.

Jay supported himself on one hand as he reached down and pushed his pants and boxers over his hips, his cock springing free against Erin's stomach.

Erin sighed on relief. The sound of Jay's pants hitting the carpet was heaven and the feeling of his groin against her was even better. "Is this what you want?" Jay asked huskily, his tip teasing her folds.

Erin nodded. "Please." She groaned, struggling on the bed.

Jay pushed himself up before driving into her deep. Erin screamed his name, loud enough the whole floor could probably hear her. Jay pumped in and out of her moist cavern, while his thumb played with her clit. "Jay." She quivered under his touch.

Jay grunted, still thrusting into her drenched core. He knew they were both pushing on the edge. He felt her walls swallow him, and her body began to shake violently. "Jay..." She whispered, breathing heavily.

"Let it all out, baby girl." Jay held down her hips, thrusting one more time before he pulsed inside of her. They both groaned and began to kiss lightly, peppering each other's face with light kisses.

He dug his head into the crook of her neck. The feeling of her wrapped around him made him feel complete and almost brought tears to his eyes.

Jay slumped against her, and uncuffed Erin, her arms instantly wrapping around Jay's neck. "God, I love you." She whispered as her fingers played with his hair.

"I love you too, Er. I'm so excited to see what next year brings." He whispered, looking down at his fiancé.

Erin smiled, looking at her ring sparkling in the moonlight. "Me too, Jay." They both knew next year would bring lots of memories, surprises, and milestones in their life.

Jay pulled the blankets to cover their naked forms, and Erin snuggled next to him. "Night, Jay. I love you."

"I love you too, Er." He kissed her forehead.

Boomshakalaka. Another chapter. I hope you guys liked it. Sorry I had to take a week break. With my surgery they still wanted me to go to school for finals, so that added more stress. And, I'll have a surprise this weekend for this book.

Please review!

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