I Miss You, Asshole.

By SocialButterfly21

294K 3.8K 498

Meet Hazel. She's a naive, teen-aged girl starting off at a new school during senior year, you've all been to... More

I Miss You Asshole.
I Miss You Asshole. - The Beginning.
I Miss You Asshole. - Mixed Personalities.
I Miss You Asshole. - First Day.
I Miss You Asshole. - Making Friends.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Pixi Sticks.
I Miss You, Asshole. - What Would You Do For Ben & Jerry's?
I Miss You Asshole. - Sleepovers & Hugs.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Saturdays.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Walmart.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Awkward Moments.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Jocelyn.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Hidden Pleasure.
I Miss You, Asshole. - In Too Deep.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Other Plans.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Happy Birthday!
I Miss You, Asshole. - Changed Perspective.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Realization.
I Miss You, Asshole. - School Days.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Truly Quinn.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Daily Dosage.
I Miss You, Asshole. - New Years.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Resolutions.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Old Strangers.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Mother of Pie.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Family Dinners.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Quinn.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Senior Prom.
I Miss You, Asshole. - Last Day.

I Miss You, Asshole. - Belly Piercings.

8.3K 111 11
By SocialButterfly21

You know what this is! (; And please, pay attention or you'll be lost.


For the past few weeks, Logan and I became inseparable. By time November rolled around, we were familiar with each other. 

I knew his dad divorced their mother when he was five, and now lives in Canada with his wife. His mom worked a lot at a diner, trying to scrape some money up for her kids.

Logan knew where I used to live, why I moved, and became super close with my brothers. Now, he came over more often.

I never met his mom since she worked so much and vice versa. My mom worked at Home Depot and didn't come home because she went on secret dates with a mystery person.

I'm still covering for her under the radar of Carly.

Anyway, it's a Friday afternoon. Logan invited me over and I happily applied.

His house was quiet for the day so we're in his room. Jocelyn has an interview for a college admission.

"Do you like it?"

My hazel eyes swept across Logan's room.

Unlike most boy rooms, his walls weren't covered in band posters. There were song lyrics he wrote in his sloppy hand writing. There were two mattresses piled against a corner, two windows, and had a dingy smell to it.

I was used to it. I don't mind it.

"You finally put your dirty clothes in a hamper." I smile up at him knowingly.

"Yep," Logan grinned broadly, his fingers tightening around my waist. "I'm learning to wash, too."

The fact that he did this all for me, filled me with genuine love for him. My heart took over as I laced my fingers around his neck, hoisted myself to where my legs are wrapped around his torso, and kissed him passionately.

Logan loves it when I do things on impulse.

I kiss him with all my might, all the love and compassion put into the kiss. Logan kissed back eagerly and laid us on his bed.

The feel of Logan's lips on mine was very familiar. I loved kissing him. And he got every chance he could to kiss.

Kissing was our thing.

I felt my shirt slowly rise. I break away from the kiss to take a breather. Logan hovers over me, breathing heavily as well.

"...what time is?"

Logan glanced at the digital clock on his night stand, "Three, why?"

"No reason." I tug at his shirt, and we're kissing again.

Logan's soft fingers reach my shirt again and tug it off. We break contact as he slips it off. My arms flare with goose bumps do to the cold in Logan's freezer house.

His fingers brushes all over my stomach, making me moan.

He stops for a minute and stares.

"What?" I stare at my flat stomach. It was pretty impressive. I admire my stomach.

Logan slowly said, "If you're gonna be my girlfriend, you're gonna need a belly ring."

Frowning, I retort, "Why do I need to be proved worthy by getting an insignificant little belly ring?"

He smirked wickedly.

"It doesn't," He replied smoothly. "You'll just look really hot with one." I blushed almost instantly.

And that's how I find myself in the car with Logan, on our way to get a belly ring. I honestly don't see the point, but whatever...?

"Are you afraid?" Logan asked, putting Ashley to a stop in a parking lot.

"No," I replied nervously.

The shop was really creepy. There were windows, but they were tinted. There wasn't a store name to it at all. The shutters were a creepy black and so were the rough wooded walls.

"Then come on."

The inside is even creepier. As soon as you walk in, the display of piercings blinds you. A creepy looking woman with a black cloak on is standing there, staring us down with her dark eyes.

"Hello." Logan cheers.

She pauses with her mouth open, "...hi." She finally replies with a Russian accent.

I shift awkwardly under the woman's gaze while Logan looks carefully at each of them.

"Which one do you want?"

"Um, I dunno...I don't see any I want...really," I said briskly. I was admiring the nice day outside, while we're engulfed by black wallpaper and fluorescent lights.

"How 'bout this one?" the lady behind the counter pointed at a tiny pyramid that had, obviously, been used.

"Which one do you want?" Logan repeated his green eyes boring into my hazel ones.

Well, there was only one way we were leaving. "This one," I hurriedly pointed out a tiny, bejeweled pink butterfly

He grinned, pleased with my decision. "We'll take it."

On our way out, the register girl asked, "Are you sure you can put that on yourself?"

"Trust me," Logan called over his shoulder. "I can do this."

When we were safely in the car, I turn to Logan. Worry filled my eyes. "Please tell me you absolutely know how to do this."

Logan smiled reassuringly with a pat to my thigh. "No worries, it used to be my job to give people piercings when I was sixteen."

"And not one failed?"

"Not one."

I sigh in relief. "Okay."

"Okay." Logan started the car and drove off.

"Okay," Logan said. "Maybe one failed..."

"Logan!" I hit his chest. "Take me to a professional!"

"Just kidding, babe," Logan laughed. "You're so gullible."

I pouted, "Am not."

"And cute."

I blushed. "Oh stop..."

"Really," Logan smiled at me.

I smiled back. "Thanks."

"Just kidding!"

I roll my eyes in annoyance. I shift my whole body to the window, prop my feet on the seat, and stare at the passing trees.

"Just kidding about kidding," Logan said after a minute of silence, "sheesh."

I turn on the radio. Panic! At The Disco interrupted whatever else Logan had to say.

Oh, well imagine, as I'm pacing the pews in a church corridor

And I can't help but to hear...

No, I can't help but to hear an exchanging of words...

"What a beautiful wedding," what a beautiful wedding says a bridesmaid to a waiter...

Oh yes but what shame, what a shame the poor groom's bride is a...


My anger immediately melts. Panic! At The Disco has that affect on me, especially my favorite song that is now playing - I Write Sins Not Tragedies.

Thank the Gods for supplying this God named Logan with the CD.

I chime in, "Haven't you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?" No!

It's much better to face these kinds of things with a sense of...

"Do you like this song?" Logan asked, clearly amused.

"Fuck yes!" I shout over the music and bang my head to the beat.

Suddenly, the music stopped during the drum solo. I gasp in annoyance.

"Why'd you do that?" I whine.

I looked up to meet Logan's shocked face - even though he's looking at the road. He pulls over and turns to me with an incredulous look.

"Y-you just cursed!"

"Yeah...and?" I scrunched up my nose.

"After all these months of you scolding me about cursing, you finally do it and it's okay."

I shrug, "Nothing last forever."

To my pleasure, he turns back up the music and plays the song again. "They sure don't." He mutters.

Oh, well imagine...

As we get out Ashley and head back upstairs to his room, my stomach begins to fill with jumping spiders. I was so nervous about getting my stomach infected or something going wrong I don't notice Logan is nudging me.



Logan grins wildly. "Let's get this show on the road!"

I sat on his unmade bed nervously. I was practically shaking.

"Don't be a wimp." Logan told me as he slide the butterfly out of its plastic hostage. He also grabs a scary looking needle that it going to stab my skin.

"I-I'm not a w-wimp." I stutter.

"Babe." His warm hands clasp in my shaking, clammy ones. I calm down a bit.

I meet his gaze and gulp.

"It's gonna be alright. It'll only hurt a little."

"How little?"

"Like a little pinch for two seconds."

I relax even more. "Okay." I nod.

"That's the spirit." Logan kisses me swiftly before disappearing into his bathroom with the needle.

"What do you have to do?" I ask.

"Gotta clean it off so you won't get any infections." He poked his head out with a smile. "Also I need some gloves."

I smiled, glad he was taking this seriously and with extra care.

My heart races once again when he's all ready. He fumbles with the butterfly and orders me to lift me shirt.

I lift it up high enough for him to have room. Logan bites his lip and stares at my fingers.

"Actually, just take off your shirt."

I roll my eyes with a smile. "Perv," I said when he grinned at my black bra.

He shrugs, "Can't help it."

"You need to concentrate on doing this right, not my boobies." I said seriously.

He laughs. "Trust me babe, you're boobies give me motivation."

I don't question his motive; instead shut my eyes tight as his plastic fingers brush against my stomach.

"You're not allergic to latex, right?"

"What?" Oh, the gloves. "Oh, no."

Logan takes his time doing whatever while I have my eyes shut tight. I open them when I realize he's not doing anything. He's staring at my breast.

"Babe, c'mon!" I sigh loudly.

"Sorry." He smiles sheepishly. "But you have to lay on your back."

"You could've said that hour ago." I mutter under my breath. I comply, feeling more comfortable and more nervous now more than ever.

"Just a pinch," He reminded me.

And it really was. When the needle first pricked my stomach, I whined in slight pain. Logan quickly took care of this by stroking my finger tips with his free hand.

I relax as it only took a minute.

When I reopen my eyes, my belly feels kind of weighted. But it didn't hurt at all.

"How do you feel?" Logan asked.

"Like a baby pinched my stomach." I giggle.

"It hurts?" He scrunches up his forehead in confusion.

"No, I feel fine."

"Oh." He smiles. "They do say if you have a flat stomach, you hardly feel it."

"That I do." I poke the skin next to my piercing.

"And," I add. "I've never met a baby who pinches hard, or pinches at all for that matter."

"I have." Logan interjects. "Remember Jocelyn's friend Cameron?"

I remember fondly of the bubbly blond who was over my house one day with Jocelyn, Logan, and me.

"She has baby, Tristan." Logan said. "I babysit him sometimes."

"I bet he's adorable." I smile.

"He has his mom's blue eyes."

Cameron's eyes are a pretty ocean blue which meant Tristan's eyes were just as big and bright.

"We should babysit him together one day." I suggest, rubbing my stomach.

"How about tomorrow?" Logan asked, putting his needle in a drawer and throwing his gloves in the trash. "Cameron has to work so she's bringing him over here."

I gasp in excitement. "You think she would let me?"

"Cameron loves you." Logan smiles reassuringly. "Of course she will!"

"Whoot!" I throw my hands in the air in a mini-victory dance.

The cool breeze chilled me to the bone and reminded me I didn't have my shirt on. "Can I put this back on?" I grab for my tank top and sweatshirt.

"NO!" Logan replies too quickly, slapping my hand away. "I mean." He blushes. "You're shirt might infect your piercing."

"Sure." I smirk. "But I'll leave it off for you."

"Yes." Logan whispers under his breath.

"Heard that."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

Soon, we're locked in tickle fight. I have no idea why Logan's interest in tickling me is so strong. Every time we got into a little squabble, his fingers found my tickle spot - my stomach.

"Lo-Logan st-st-stop!" I scream in between giggles.

His feathery fingers scuttled all over my stomach. It was like having a billion feathers brush against my stomach all at once.

"What's the magic word?"

I snorted in between laughs. "P-please?"

I let out a huge breath of relief when his fingers left my stomach. "Babe, you could kill me with your powers." I puff.


I was spelling tickle - tiggle. How dumb can I get @ 2 in the morning? I know...staying up to 2 in the morning, drinking WAY too much water and refusing to go pee. Yesh, be jealous of my awesome summer vacation.

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