Walking Wet Dream

By sweetsnowy

1.1M 29.1K 1.7K

An ordinary girl falls for an extraordinary soldier. More

From Hangover to Emergency Room
Pizza & Thank You
Oreo Pie
First Times
Gage and Jesse
Boys vs. Girls
The Fire
No Sympathy
Not Worth It?
Truce? Eye-opener?
It's Gone, All Gone
Dinner Night
Sexual History Lane
Morning After
The Dinner Party After
Blueberry Muffins
"I Love You"
You're what?
The Guys Know
Spaghetti, Cookies & Family

"Walking Wet Dream" or "Almost"

112K 1.5K 277
By sweetsnowy

Staring at the photos on the side table Jessica saw a fairly recent one of a marine, a very hot marine. Her eyes widened even as her stomach dipped. Rolling her eyes at the response her body gave she turned yelling toward her friend who happened to be in the kitchen. "Hey Marty, whose the 'walking wet dream' in dress blues?"

Marty burst out laughing even as someone cleared their throat directly behind her, a very male someone. "Most people just call me Gage."

Every ounce of color fled her face as she turned to see the mirror image of the guy in the photo. Followed quickly by a sudden rush of color as he reached out to shake her hand.

"Um I, I am foot in mouth, but most people call me Jesse."

His smile grew wide. "Pleased to meet you. So how do you know Marty?"

"We have friends in common."

"That's nice," he said quietly.

Marty came in the living room with a glass of tea for her, "Here I thought you might need this," she offered obviously laughing at Jesse's moment of candor. "Jesse this is my cousin Gage. Gage this is my friend Jesse."

"We've met," said Gage with a twinkle in his eye.

"So you have," Marty said smartly. "Is everyone hungry? Dinner is almost done."

"I'm starved," Gage said in a pathetic little voice.

Laughing she patted his back, "You're always starving. I'm going to take out a second mortgage just to pay the grocery bill."

He laughed good naturedly before heading toward the kitchen.

Marty grinned at Jess pointing to the corner of her mouth saying, "You have a bit of drool, right there, did you know," then turned her laughter floating back to Jesse?

Closing her eyes while groaning at the image she knew would be indelibly printed on her mind those of a six foot four dark haired, golden skinned God, with the palest blue eyes she'd ever seen. Jesse knew that she probably was drooling. Releasing a sigh she followed Marty.

They sat around the table talking until a timer went off, then Marty got up to take the enchiladas from the oven. On the table was chips and salsa that they had been nibbling on while waiting.

Jesse watched as Marty scurried around the kitchen. Marty was such a sweet person, she adored her. Everyone did really. Marty was charming, everything about her elegant even in jeans and a tee shirt. There was just something about her that drew others.

Jesse on the other hand was, well to be perfectly honest, not much to look at. She wasn't a dog or anything, but she didn't stand out either. You could say she was ordinary, but in a comfortable sense. She put everyone at ease and the minute she smiled your heart melted. She didn't make friends easily but when she did she kept them, which is why she and Marty clicked so well. Marty was a beautiful person, but had in the past been burned by shallow people. She learned to be cautious and keep others at arm's length until she got to know their character. Once she did however she became the most wonderful friend anyone could want. It didn't hurt that she was an amazing cook and liked to test dishes on those friends. Today Jesse was her taste tester for this new enchilada casserole and loving every minute of it.

Grinning Jesse looked over at Gage while taking a drink of tea. "With Marty as family I'm surprised you're not fat."

He chuckled giving her a mega watt smile. "I'm very careful around her cooking. My sergeant would ream me a new one if I didn't make the cut."

Jesse nodded eventually she got up to help her friend. Sitting there flirting with someone out of her league seemed foolish. She was fully aware that she wasn't the kind of girl that would capture his interest. She was tall, but not willowy, decent to look at, but not beautiful, her skin wasn't porcelain nor was it tan in short she was what she considered, 'almost'. Although she came close to being many things she never quite achieved the bar that was set.

Helping gather things and setting them on the table she chatted with Marty. They joked and teased one another until ready to take their seats. Marty took her hand and then took Gages, as they bowed their heads to say grace.

It was a short simple prayer of thanks for good food and good friends that ended with amen dig in.

Sipping her tea Jesse grinned at her friend, "Marty this is amazing." Taking another bite she closed her eyes moaning a bit in happiness.

"Orgasm aisle five," Marty chanted absently. It was a private joke of theirs that guaranteed a laugh. Unfortunately it turned Jesse three shades of red and sent her into a coughing fit when she glanced at Gage, who smirked in response.

He laughed while patting her back. "You ok."

Nodding Jesse looked up with watery eyes, "Just had something spicy lodged in my throat."

All the air left Gages lungs at that particular visual. His eyes widened and he licked his lips.

Marty burst out laughing. "Get your mind out of the gutter marine."

Jesse, turned red again, biting her lip.

"Uh sorry," Gage whispered while leaning in.

Shrugging she released a breath. "No, it's ok. I've been to the gutter a time or two."

"Hmmm." He growled playfully.

Jesse laughed knowing he couldn't possibly be flirting with her for real. He was just being playful. They continued to enjoy the meal interspersed with very little conversation since it was too heavenly to actually pause long enough to say anything worth while.

Eventually though they had all eaten their fill and Marty began to clear the dishes. Jesse excused herself from Gages side to help with the dishes a short time later, why covet something you could never have, it was a waste of time, besides Marty needed her more than Gage did.

The girls giggled and talked and even blew bubbles on each other as they played in the kitchen.

Gage remained sitting at the table watching, wondering why he was so curious about this girl. He supposed it was because all of Marty's girlfriends tended to flirt with him, some were so forward he worried for his virtue. So what made this girl different? The walking wet dream comment certainly had his attention, and yet she didn't seem to pursue him even though it was obvious she was interested. He shrugged, maybe she was dating someone, but then again Marty had said that she was single, no that couldn't be it. Odd.

They cleaned up and in no time were sitting out on the patio. Marty had opened a bottle of wine and given Jesse a glass.

"I love red wine, don't you?"

Jesse grinned taking the glass, "It always makes me feel warm and cuddly."

They sat drinking and giggling for a while when Marty went to give Jesse a refill.

Shaking her head she smiled, "No, I have to drive home tonight."

Marty laughed. "Have another and spend the night."

Tilting her head feeling completely relaxed she nodded. "If you insist."

"I do," she said firmly. "Drink up girl you're gonna be here a while."

They both sat there giggling like school girls talking about work and the week they had.

It was growing late when Gage peeked outside to see them both grinning stupidly sloppy drunk with two empty bottles of wine beside them.

"Wow, what's gotten into you two?"

"Wine," Marty chirped.

"Do I need to lock up the liquor cabinet young lady?"

Nodding she giggled. "Probably."

"Since I don't relish the idea of nursing you back to health, why don't you both stop while you're ahead? Come on it's bed time now.

Marty giggled, "So, is Jesse sleeping with you or me?"

Gasping in surprise Jesse shouted, "I can't go to bed with a wet dream."

Both Gage and his cousin burst out laughing.

Stumbling toward her friend she pulled on Marty's arm, moving her a half an inch from Gage, before attempting a drunk whisper, "He's too good looking to want an 'almost'. Not that I wouldn't want to, but look at him," they both turned their gazes on Gage. "Now look at me." Suddenly sesame street popped into her head and she started to sing, "One of these things is not like the other..."

Marty released a sigh. She knew about Jesse's insecurities and because he was standing right next to them and their overly loud conversation Gage now new about them as well. Fortunately she was too drunk to realize what she'd done.

"Come along girls let's get you both in bed."

"Thanks Gage," Marty said stumbling into the house holding Jesse's hand while giggling a bit.

"Kick off your shoes and climb in," he said in a deep authoritative voice, watching to make sure they did what they were told.

Marty's bed was filled with deep fluffy pillows that you could just sink into. And the girls fell into them with a new round of giggles.

"Good night Marty," he said quietly shutting off the light.

The girls hadn't heard him but were quieting down and eventually drifted off to sleep a short time later. Releasing a breath he wondered about Jesse and whether she might be right. He'd always dated women that were, he supposed, equal to him in the looks department. Shrugging he scratched his head, maybe you just can't control who you're attracted to. Gage went back to the living room relaxing on the sofa while channel surfing.

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