Best Friends Forever Right..??

By inu_mike

1.2M 16.4K 3.7K

What really happened to Jessica? The once shy girl now turned lethal and cocky as some would say. 3 years wa... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 31
chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
chapter 39
Chapter 40
chaptert 41 incomplete read A/N
Last Chapter 42
Untitled Part 45 epilogue Idk if you can see it or not.

Chapter 20

24.4K 298 28
By inu_mike

(Chapter 21)

(Jesse POV)

I just finished putting my suit on, I was wearing the same one I had killed Chris in, it was the black suit with the blood red silk shirt and matching tie. I slid on my shoes and brushed what little hair had. I stared at myself noticing that I didn’t have my lip rings in, I don’t think I’ve put them in since that party thing with Hayley my holes were probably closed by now. I heard the door creak open from the room.

“Red, is that you,” I called out Claudia had ushered her off to get her ready, she didn’t want to go, but I walked her to the spare bedroom next door to me and I let Claudia take over from there. I fixed my time again and placed my beads in my pocket, I also put my guns in my jacket holster before walking out. Hayley was sitting on the bed in a black knee length strapless dress with a black cardigan she also had on off black tights and heels. I actually preferred if she didn’t wear heels I know she had a bruise on her leg so I know it wasn’t that comfortable.

“Good,” I stated walking into the room, she looked up at me making me nod in approval, as usual Claudia did a great job covering the bruises, her hair was down and straight with a little bend at the end her hair also covered the cut the side of her head. I squatted in front of her and lifted her hair I had to make sure Claudia wasn’t stupid enough to put make up on top of the cut.

“You look pretty,” I mumbled she nodded and thanked me quietly, I kissed her cheek.
“Remember we’ll sit in the back, I will have to view the body but Brook and Amy along with Claudia will stay with you in the back until I get back, after we go to my aunts then I have to go to my mothers, you’ll be able to go to sleep or stay in my room, or you could stay and listen to what my mom has to say, so you don’t have to worry,” she nodded as knock echoed through the room, I turned my head seeing Sherry sticking her head in.
“We’re ready, Blake is driving us, unless you want to drive,” I shook my head.

“I was going to take my car, let him drive you all,” she nodded I might have to Hayley back if she couldn’t handle it so it was best just to take my car just to be sure I could leave without everyone following along.

“Have men posted out by the cars, I don’t want any mishaps, I know they are going to be there,” Sherry nodded and left out, I knew the gang that Chris was apart of was going to be there no we didn’t usually have any shoots outs at funerals. We may be in gangs but we were always respectably that also went for other gangs to we respected the dead and the church.

“You ready,” I asked lifting her chin up, her eyes held fear and nervousness, I kissed her lightly.

“I’m right here,” I stood up holding out my hand she grasped it and let me pull her up. We walked down the hallway quietly until we reached the elevator Brook Amy and Sherry were already standing by waiting.
“Hey guys,” They all turned around smiling while I looked all of them over, their clothes reminded me of the pretty little liars.

“You all look nice,” I complimented Amy rolled her eyes before she reached out and fixed my tie.

“You never did fix your ties right,” I rolled my eyes, I checked my tie it was perfectly fine.

“Get in the elevator,” I pushed her hand away and shoved her gently into the elevator, I pulled Hayley in, keeping her close to me as she hid inside of herself. The elevator ride was long and silent. I guess they didn’t want to say anything with Hayley here. The doors finally slid open and we all walked out, Hayley moved closer to my side as we passed the gang members all of them were in black suits waiting for my orders.

“Follow behind me, Claudia will inform you of your task today,” they all nodded and mumbled a yes sir. I chuckled and put my arm around Hayley’s waist bringing her closer since it seemed like she was trying to press into me and away from the guys who were lined up on either side of us. We walked to the garage; Brook Sherry and Amy went to the truck while I took Hayley to my car. I hopped in, I would have to get the widows bullet proofed soon and I would have to put some supplies in the car just in case. I guess I could do that when we get back but I would have to wait for the glass and that would take a few days to install.

“You okay,” I asked Hayley as she buckled up, I could see a small wince when the strap went around her.
“Yes,” she mumbled I took hold of her hand and squeezed as I sped out the garage. I was lead followed by Claudia then Blake we had two motorcycles on the side of him and another truck behind him just in case. I really didn’t need protection, although the glass wasn’t bullet proof, my frame of the car was so, no bullet was getting through my doors just my windows. I frowned now that I think about it I should have gotten all of that done at the same time instead of waiting. My phone began to ring in my pocket, let go of Hayley’s hand and answered it knowing that it was my mom.
“Hey Mom and yes I’m on my way now,” I stated before she could start fussing with me about how I wasn’t at the viewing, I already knew I was running late I had my reasons.

“I know I’m a little late but I’ll be there in less than ten minutes,” I paused listening to her ramble on about how disrespectful it was.
“Oh please he’s dead I’m sure he’s not going magically leave the church,” I rolled my eyes at her audible gasp.
“I’ll see you when I see you,” I hung up the phone and shook my head while taking hold of Hayley’s hand again I could feel them shaking and I could feel the dampness against my palm. I held her hand the rest of the ride not commenting on her nervousness. I pulled up at the Church seeing that it was over crowded, I sighed so maybe I should have gotten here earlier, I drove around the area until I found two parking spaces, I pulled in quickly and watched Blake pull the truck in beside me.

“Calm down,” I mumbled turning to Hayley who was staring at the church in a panic. I turned her face towards me and spoke slowly and softly.
“Calm down, no one is out to get you and I’m here, I promise not to leave your side,” She nodded as I gently wiped her eyes, I kissed her forehead and smiled.
“Lets go,” I opened my door seeing Brook Sherry and Amy all standing behind my car, I slipped on my sunglasses and checked my gun although I didn’t like bringing guns in churches I had to take precautions.
“Hello lady’s” I smirked at them with a chuckle as they rolled their eyes, I walked over to the passenger side and opened the door.

“4 hours tops and we’ll be back home safely,” I stated while squatting down, I held out my hand watching her take it hesitantly, I grasped it in my hand and tugged her up.
“Alright everyone is good to go, Blake I want you and Claudia inside with me, and the others posted outside, I want five watching my car and the truck, I’m sure the other gang is here, but I’m almost positive they won’t cause any trouble,” I said he nodded and started calling people together, I nodded to the girls Brook had her eyebrow raised.
“What its called gang etiquette, yes we respect each other at certain times like funerals and in church we may be in a gang but we’re not complete animals,” I rolled my eyes as she blushed which in turn caused me to laugh because I never seen her blush before well I don’t think I have.

“Shut up,” I shrugged, I could feel Hayley starting to slow down, I sighed when we got to the entrance. The doors were already open.

“Hey breath,” I mumbled quietly to Hayley, I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her to my side her eyes shut as we walked through, we reached the chapel and were ushered in, I took my seat in the back despite the evil look my mom was giving me, I frowned at her as she waved for to come to the front but I shook my head and let the girls through to sit down, Hayley sat beside Brook and I sat on by the isle. I looked around spotting the other gang on the other side. Blake touched my shoulder and leaned

“Boss we have the perimeter secured,” I nodded signaling for them to stay in back, I could already see that other gang had one man stationed in the back, and one by the side door. I’m going to assume that’s where they came in at.
“Have someone watch the side door,” Blake pulled out his phone as the pastor started Preaching, I sat quietly and watched from the back as people gave their testimonies about how he was a good kid, I admit I did scoff at some of their statements but stopped when Brook reached over and hit me upside my head. I turned to her with a frown and she pointed forward.

“Jessica Smith do you have any parting words I understand that you and your cousin were close,” the pastor asked, I frowned and stood motioning for Brook to keep and eye on Hayley who seemed to be panicking. I walked to the front with a frown my mom was smiling at me but I only glared, her eyes seemed to widen as she realized what I had done. I think this made her break down
“Chris was Chris, I’m sure his last moments off his life was tragic and unforgettable, I’m sure he had a lot of regrets and was a little down over our last argument,” I smirked as everyone stared at me confused I looked around the church spotting Marcus the gang leader.
“I’m sure whoever did this to him had their reason, but I do regret that he is gone, I wanted to see him again just to talk and torture him some more,” I chuckled as the church laughed at my joke, I smiled.
“I really don’t have anything else to say, but thank you for letting me speak and I’m sorry for everyone’s lost I’m sure he’s somewhere looking up at us I mean down,” I smirked at Marcus before leaving the stage the piano started playing as everyone stood to view the body, my pulled me into the line crying, I rolled my eyes and took Xavier from her he laughed onto my tie with a smile. I kissed his cheek and looked into the coffin where Chris lied, they did a pretty good job cover the bullet to his head, I was kind of impressed I stop walking and stared down at him, he was in a classic black suit with a white shirt and tie. I reached into my pocket and pulled out my red rosary, I placed it in his hands and left heading straight to the back of the church. Claudia was blocking Hayley and Blake was beside Claudia keeping and eye on everyone. I nodded to Claudia and sat down with Xavier drooling quietly on my lap, I moved his bib and wiped his mouth quickly.

“Nice speech Boss,” Claudia said I chuckled and handed Xavier over to Brook who handed him to Sherry. He would be asleep soon, so she could handle him for a bit.

“Are you going to the burial,” I shook my head I was heading straight to my aunts.
“No, I’m heading to my Aunts then my mothers, I think I might spend the night there or I may come back late but I want protection detail around when I’m there,” he nodded just as Xavier started to fuss, I sighed and looked down the row, Sherry was trying to calm him down but it wasn’t working.
“Sherry hand him over,” she sighed in relief and passed him quickly over I reached over Hayley took him. I bounced him on lap calming him down, he stopped crying and yawned, I shook my head and put him against my shoulder, he nuzzled himself into my neck and slowly fell asleep. I looked at Hayley who was breathing in slowly as everyone stood up again, the casket was coming down the isle with 3 people on each side holding it. My father was one of the people walking down the aisle. I stood up and took hold of Hayley hand. My mom was walking down the aisle with my Aunt she also had Isabella in her arms.
“Brook take him for me don’t wake him up,” I asked politely she smiled and took Xavier,” I stepped partially out the aisle and stopped my mother, I slowly picked Isabella out her arms she also asleep which was a bonus.
“I’ll take them,” she nodded, and walked past, the church emptied out quickly as everyone went to their cars to go to the burial. I took out my keys as we stepped outside following the crowd into the parking lot.
“Alright, how is this going to work,” I mumbled the house was only a short drive away and I didn’t have the car seat I really didn’t want them in the car without their car seats.

“Jesse,” I turned around it was my cousin Cameron. She was in my dad’s truck.

“Here your mom told me to give you these the car seats” I looked at Greg and went inside the truck getting the car seats.

“Thanks you going to burial or going to our aunts first,” I asked she shrugged and looked in the mirror.
“I believe aunts I hate funerals and I know this sounds wrong but I didn’t like Chris,” I chuckled and opened my car door for Hayley who was beginning to lean on my, I’m assuming her legs were hurting. I helped her in and closed the door before opening the back door. Greg quickly installed the car seats.

“Brook,” She turned to me and walked over slowly.
“We’re heading to my aunts then my place, you can get some clothes for the res of the week,” she nodded but I saw something in her eyes.
“Do you know how long this is going to continue, I hate leaving my mom in the house by herself,” I sighed and placed Isabel in her car seat before taking Xavier out her hands.
“I’m sorry but I don’t know, you can stay the night tonight and spend time with her tomorrow too,” she sighed but agreed before she went into the truck. I shut my door and climbed in my car. I know I didn’t want to keep her away from her family but I had to for her own safety, trust me if there was any other way around it I would definitely let her stay. This is also why I didn’t want her involved she had a family well her mother who made it a point to call her everyday. I was a little different my mom didn’t call me everyday but she also knew I was safe with Sherry as for Hayley her parents didn’t give a rats ass about her. I stepped on my gas and sped to my aunts house.

(Brook POV)

The funeral was nice well not Jesse’s little speech although some may have found it funny I along with the gang knew exactly what was behind the jokes and that smirk.

“Here you go,” I looked up seeing some girl with short brown hair she was also in a regular suit. She held out a plate of food for me..
“Jesse told me to get it for you,” I nodded and thanked her quietly, Jesse nodded in confirmation, she was leaning against the wall while Hayley sat next to her quietly. I could tell she didn’t want to be here and that she wasn’t comfortable. We’ve been at her Aunts house for almost an hour and it was crowded. Sherry and Amy had disappeared somewhere leaving me with Jesse and Hayley. I walked over to Jesse and sat on the other side of her. I think she was surveying the room because she hasn’t moved from her position yet.

“You can eat it Brook,” I looked up seeing that she was still eying everyone, I looked back at my plate I actually wasn’t really hungry and I kind of had a thing about eating after people if I didn’t know who cooked I usually stayed away from it.
“I’m not that hungry,” she shifted against the wall, I glanced over at Hayley who was busy playing with her hands.

“You’re still picky about your food,” I blushed in embarrassment as she chuckled lightly and shook her head.
“I’m leaving soon, you want to ride with us or you going to wait for Sherry and Amy,” I looked around the room not finding Sherry or Amy.

“I’ll ride with you, I’m actually pretty tired,” she nodded and pulled out her phone I guess she was getting everyone together although the house was only down the block.

“Everyone is set, Sherry and Amy are actually back at the house, no doubt having sex,” I actually didn’t need to know that last part what they did on their spare time had nothing to do with me.
“Lets go then you can throw that away,” She pointed to the trashcan beside me, I slid the plate in as she took hold of Hayley’s hand and pulled her up. She put her arm around her shoulder and pushed through everyone to get out the house.

“You’re staying with your mom tonight,” She asked I nodded I’ve been away for too long I’m sure she misses me. We made I think Jesse’s mom covered for me telling her some reason why I wasn’t home and why Jesse or the others weren’t. I had a feeling I would have to tell her soon because Jesse looked like she was planning something for them plus how would I explain the protection detail that’s coming over to night. I would have Jesse’s people in my back yard walking around and they would have dogs well that’s what Blake told me on the ride here. We pulled into Jesse’s garage and got out. Right when we entered the house we could here Mike singing in the kitchen I think and Jesse’s parents arguing quietly in the living room.
“Tonight is going to be a mess,” Jesse mumbled under her breath, we all headed upstairs she walked me to the guest room and told me I could take a nap if I wanted to. I thanked her and she kissed my cheek before I closed the door, I could hear Amy and Sherry laughing and watching TV next door. I kicked my heels off and unzipped my dress while going through the dresser draw; I found a long t-shirt and slipped it on quickly before going to the bed. I lay down and fell peacefully asleep.

(Jesse POV)

 I moved out my bed and looked at Hayley who was sleeping. I think she’s doing better I called a therapist early today and I have an appointment for her Wednesday  right after lunch, I’m sure she wouldn’t be going to school. Now I just had to get her there hopefully she wouldn’t change her mind or have second thoughts about this. I pulled the covers over her and left out my room. I already knew my parents wanted to talk to me about Chris I was going to tell them the truth probably not about Hayley being rapped or anything but I would tell them that I was the one who killed him.

“Mom you wanted to talk,” I asked walking into the living room, I sat down on the couch in front of them they were both still in their funeral clothes, while I was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I stared at both of them my dad had a hard look on his face and my mom was still crying.

“Yes we did,” My father said I ignored him and looked at my mom, I didn’t want to deal with my dad right now.

“Its about Chris,” She started I nodded and waited.
“We wanted to tell both of you when you were eighteen that you two were siblings,” my eyebrows furrowed in I already figured that part out.
“Why wait and why the hell did you give him away,” I asked my father frowned at me and I rolled my eyes as my mother started crying again.

“Because we couldn’t handle all three of you at the time your father was out of a job, I couldn’t work because I was on bed rest, my sister volunteered and asked if she could have one of you, it was the hardest decision in my life but I knew he was better off with her and she always wanted a kid, I though it would be for a small period of time but the months turned into years by the time I saw him again both of you were only three and he thought that my sister was his mother, I didn’t want to tear him away from something he knew his whole life so we decided to tell both of when you both turned eighteen,” I nodded I guess I could take that answer although I found it stupid.

“You could have told me but its too late now,” my father stood up and I smirked at him.
“You killed him didn’t you,” He yelled I nodded like I said I wasn’t going to lie.
“Yeah I did kill him, he was apart of some other gang,” He started towards me and I pulled out my gun aiming for his head. He stopped immediately and my mom gasped, okay so maybe I was bluffing the only way I would kill my dad is if he fucked with me like Chris had other than that I would probably just beat him up.
“Watch it old man, I won’t hesitate to kill you too, anyways he killed my friend I had already warned him twice to keep away he didn’t listen, I didn’t like that I had to kill him but he messed with me first,”  I finished not going into details I put my gun down and kept an eye on my father as my mom sat there and sobbed.
“You’re ruining this family,” I rolled my eyes.
“This is your fault if we hadn’t moved to New York, this wouldn’t have happened, if you weren’t so worried about pointless stuff in New York then I wouldn’t be like this, but everything happens for a reason,” I stood up when his face turned ashen “I’m sorry that I had to kill Chris but I don’t regret doing it all,” I left out the room, listening to my moms cries. I ignored my father who told me to get out the house, I had to laugh at that no way I was leaving tonight.

“You killed him,” Mike asked I nodded and shrugged.
“He was a bastard and why didn’t you tell me he was my twin,” I asked with a frown he looked at me sheepishly and shrugged.
“I didn’t think that it mattered, plus I’m your brother not Chris, I never did like him he was too sneaky,” I laughed as he thought about it, Chris was a little sneaky and we never did get along, I think he knew he was giving away and he didn’t like that I got to stay with my real family.

“Keep surveillance on the house,” He nodded and looked at his watch.
“Yup, I’m installing more camera’s and I’m home all day, although I do need some money,” I rolled my eyes and walked passed him, I pay him every two weeks I don’t know what the hell he does with his money. I walked back to my room, I slid back into bed letting Hayley wrap her legs around my waist as she went into the crook of my neck.

“We’re staying go back to sleep,” she sighed into and slowly fell back to sleep, I moved a little and looked at her, I had washed the make up off her face before I had put her too bed. So her bruises were showing again but they would be gone soon well all of them except the one on her forehead by the stitches. I kissed the top of her head and put her back in my chest.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day, I had two meetings and my babies were coming so I had to make room for them too. I frowned a little just remembering something important that I personally didn’t want to remember.


Its a little short again, but vote and comment i would really apperciate it.

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