fool • j. jungkook

By yoorai

5.4K 343 332

I don't think fake relationship is outdated - a jungkook fanfiction More

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By yoorai


          Jang Mi-so had never been in love for real, like really, really in love. Having a small crush on somehow who have no idea she existed, well that's how she lives her so-called love life. Love isn't her priority as she only focus on her studies and to live a good life without feeling sad. Ever since she turns 13, she hates every sad moment in her eyes, she hates every sad endings in movies. She wishes that happy would always be on everyone's side.

"Jang Mi-so"

The aforementioned girl snaps to reality and turns her head to her back, which where the sound comes from. There stood Jaehyun, who probably had waited to use the vending machine since only-god-knows-how-long.

"Oh sorry" she steps aside to let him use it. "Are you done? You've been staring at the machine for quite some times without buying anything.  Are you short in small changes? I have some" he asks while pulling out some coins from his wallet. Quickly, she refuses it nicely, "No I'm good. I suddenly have second thought about it. You can use the machine"

"Okay then" he smiles and inserts his coin before pressing what he wants. After bending down to take his drink, he shots her another question, "Anything wrong?"

Once again, Mi-so looks like she finally back to her reality for the second time, she spaces out for second and finally opens her mouth, "Do you know where Jungkook is?"

"I thought he's with you?"

Mi-so scratches the back of her neck, smiling awkwardly, "He went before me"

"Sorry Mi-so. I have no idea where he is" Jaehyun answers "I have to go now. Jaebum wants to see me". She smiles and bids him goodbye before walking towards the rooftop.

Pushing the door open, she steps in and looks on her left, unknowingly a smile appears on her face. She hastens her steps and lay down beside Jungkook, who is also laying down while having his eyes shut.

"You weren't here when I came earlier" she says while closing her eyes and sigh, enjoying the sunlight with a gush of wind passing through them swiftly

Jungkook sighs as he also has a smile on his face afterwards, "You're looking for me?" he asks, doesnt even bother to spare her a glance.

"It's just, we go to recess together these past weeks" she answers, mentally praises herself for managing to find an answer.

The guy snorts and shifts his position to his side, laying on his right shoulder to face her who still facing up to the sky while closing her eyes. His eyes flutter open and the first thing that comes into his sight is her flawless side profile. Jungkook just realised how round her nose is and her long eyelashes. He just notices this small details on her face only now and somewhat feels bad.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" she asks this time, still has no clue that he's staring at her.

"The view is too pretty. I can't find any words to say nor to ask" he answers, almost laughing at his cringe-self "Open your eyes Mi-so. The sky is so blue today"

Slowly, she opens her eyes and before she can shift her gaze towards him, he already changes his position to face the sky as well. Mi-so smiles and even though he isn't fully look at her, he still can sense that she's smiling widely.

"It really is pretty" she compliments the sky.

"Yeah" he brings his right hand under his head and continues to stare the sky with a smile "It is".


Instead of going back home straight, they stopped by at the Han River which is quite a distance from the neighborhood but they went anyway. Sitting side by side, both are enjoying their ice cream by the river.

"Ice cream tastes so good" Mi-so says to break the ice "It tastes better with this kind of view". "I know" Jungkook agrees and continues to enjoy the ice cream. Once he's down, he wipes the corner of his mouth and puts the ice cream wrapper aside before facing her, "Is your fever finally gone?"

Mi-so also done eating her ice cream, she too wipes her mouth and brushes the dirt on her hands with a tissue before answering, "I feel much better than the past few days". He smiles and faces to the front again, "That's good to hear".

"Good?" she repeats and earns a nod from him when she turns her head towards him. "It's good to hear you're feeling much better than yesterday" he says. She flashes him another a rather weak smile while silently fidgeting with her fingers, "Thank you for saying that. At least I know someone actually really cares about my health"

"I've told you, health is much more important than everything in this world, even if you compare health and wealth, you should definitely choose health Mi-so"

The girl scoffs before closing her eyes when the wind gushing towards them, she enjoys for breeze so much, "I wish I took care my health properly even from little. I hate the fact that i have to suffer this everytime and have to hide the pain by myself"

"Yeah, fever can be such a bad illness" he says "Don't worry, you'll be fine"

"I hope so" she sighs.

The silence takes over those two again as they both are mesmerising by the river and the orange–purplish sky as its almost noon. The wind makes it even better for them to enjoy the sight silently.

Then, Jungkook shifts his position to sit facing her, bringing up his knees to hug them, he asks the girl ahead him, "What do you want to do after graduate?".

It's her turn to face him. She crosses her legs and reaches out for her backpack to put on top of her legs, "To live a good life" she answers making him to scoff "I mean, real thing Mi-so, your career". "Oh" she laughs, almost sounds like faking it but that's okay, that's just how she laughs and Jungkook sometimes finds it cute, "I love filming. Probably joining a film major. How about you?"

"You can call me a clingy boyfriend" he emphasizes as he playfully arches his eyebrows "But me too, I want to do filming. There's something with filming that I like"

"Oh really? What is it?" she asks, wanting to know more.

He scoots closer to her, almost closing the gaps between them. Mi-so who sits right in front of him, back off slightly as she feels the feelings she has yesterday. Jungkook chuckles upon seeing her reaction, he softly reaches out for her hands to stop her from moving, "I won't do anything" he hisses "I just wanted to show you this" the guy takes out his phone from his backpack and shows a video to her.

Mi-so has her eyes on him then to his hands that are still holding hers even after he takes out his phone. Her heartbeat is incredibly fast. She then looks at his phone when a beat to an upbeat song plays. Seems like an edited is playing, showing Jungkook and his other friend having fun.

"Jimin hyung and I went to Busan last holiday so me being myself, recorded everything I saw" he says. 

She is impress on how smooth the transitions are and how neat the video is. She smiles and giggles throughout the video because of his and Jimin's silly acts. Once the video ends, he asks, "How was it?". "It's good! It looks like you've been in this field for long time. Teach me!" she beams excitedly while smiling widely.

He laughs, "Sure, sure!" he then sighs and keeps back his phone in his backpack "I haven't told you yet why I like filming. Do you still want to hear it?"

"of course I want to" she smiles "I want to hear your another brilliant words"

Jungkook can't deny everything since last week. Everything about her somehow makes him feel happy. Starting from how her eyes form two upside down crimson moons, a small dimple on her right cheek and how wide her lips can be when it stretches into a smile. Her rounded, tinted pink cheeks make her to look even more fresh and pretty than she already is.

The river flow and his heartbeat are the only thing he can hear for now.

He starts off with a smile to wash off his adoration for her, "I love arts, I appreciate arts and perhaps, you do too?"

"Yes I am" she nods.

Chuckling, he continues, "Some people only think that arts are the pieces that an artist draw, when the reality is, everything that surrounds you is an art. An art that was created to live up the world even more. Asides from taking pictures to store it in your smartphone or any devices you have like we always do, I will forever prefer to shoot a video of those arts around me instead". Jungkook stops for awhile to take a breath while Mi-so shifting into an even more comfortable position and locks her eyes with the guy ahead her.

He then continues, "Moving pictures are much more lively than static ones. Capturing moving pictures are much more better. It's like, if you ever get bored or wanted to go back to the happy moment you've had back then, you can always view it again. I mean, pictures are decent too but human's memories aren't that good" the guy then suddenly clasps both of his hand together, making the girl to startle by it, "So, do you understand it?"

She props her chin with her palm, closes her eyes and opens it again while nodding, agreeing to each words that come out from his mouth. Mi-so then sits up straight again, locking their eyes together, "Do you ever have this thought in giving up your life after knowing it won't work like you want to?"

He hums, taken aback by her sudden question, "Well, I never thought of that before. Is something bothering you?".

"Nothing" she shakes her head and smiles "Just wondering, because, I've had that feelings before but now" the girl heaves a sigh and inhales the fresh ari "I'm starting to think that everything happens with reasons. Maybe it's better for me to shake the feelings off rather than letting them ruin my day, true?"

"True!" he smiles "Glad you've gotten positive with your life".

"Yeah, me too. Jungkook" she calls his name and earns his attention right away "Can you teach me how to appreciate arts, in your way"

"Jeon Jungkook can do anything. Let the pro show you how to do it" he says cockily while pulling out his phone again from his backpack, making Mi-so to scoff. "Sit closer" he adds while patting beside him after he faces towards the river.

"First, you have to think about the content. Let say, I'm just in love with the scenery and I want it to be forever in my memories" he says as he brings his camera up to the sky. Mi-so who settled beside him, watches whatever he's doing silently. Her eyes never leave his hands from the start where he shoots a flock of bird flying; going back home, then moves to the sky and the river. Slowly and carefully, he moves his phone towards her and stops right in front. He smiles behind the device as the confusion on her face appear again.

He begins when the furrows on her face gotten worse, "It's just the other way to appreciate art" he focuses on her, only her as the main subject in the screen.

Seems like the sparks between them are endless. Their heartbeat beat in unison with each others, though it's impossible to hear, she is very sure that her heart beats this time because of him and his as well, because of her.



guys, i think I've read too much novels and watch too much movies, trust me, I'm not this cringe–ie ✖✖

also, just a reminder that next chapters onwards are...sigh

anyways, have a nice day ahead people <3

( I don't even know whomst is my bias anymore )

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