Firecracker ➝ Daryl Dixon

Bởi restlesslovee

684K 23.5K 7.6K

Book One. Complete. Arden was a fighter, or as Daryl liked to call her- a firecracker. But when Arden's bro... Xem Thêm

Prologue: Found
Chapter 1: Saved
Chapter 2: Panic
Chapter 3: Questions
Chapter 4: Empty
Chapter 5: Help
Chapter 6: Foolish
Chapter 7: Darkness
Chapter 8: Insanity
Chapter 9: Wound
Chapter 10: Letter
Chapter 11: Captivated
Chapter 12: Strangers
Chapter 13: Threat
Chapter 14: Realization
Chapter 16: Demon
Chapter 17: Mistake
Chapter 18: Promise
Chapter 19: Leaving
Chapter 20: Horror
Chapter 21: Together
Chapter 22: Menace
Chapter 23: Devil
Chapter 24: Partnership
Chapter 25: Taken
Chapter 26: Run
Chapter 27: Monsters
Chapter 28: Hopeless
Chapter 29: Farewell

Chapter 15: Inevitable

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Bởi restlesslovee

The smell of cooked venison wafted through the prison.  A warm meal to comfort the growling stomach and cold soul.  Winter had never been Arden’s favorite time of year but winter in the zombie apocalypse was a million times worse than winter back in Colorado.  At least back in Colorado there was stuff to do in the winter, now all Arden could do was sit, sleep, eat and then repeat the process.  Rick had severely limited the supply runs because of the frigid weather.  He stated that the group had enough supplies to make it through with only one run every week rather than the almost daily runs they were making in the fall. 

Arden walked down the stairs, preparing herself for the inevitable.  Today, to the surprise of everyone, Arden decided not to go on the run.  Most smiled and beamed because they thought maybe Arden was moving on.  Maybe her obsession with finding Matt was dwindling but that wasn’t the case.  Arden couldn’t go on the run because this time, unlike the past two weeks, Daryl was going and being around Daryl nowadays was extraordinarily difficult.

Entering the makeshift kitchen and dining room Arden was already feeling uncomfortable.  She scanned the room and sure enough there he was, back to her standing next to Carol and engaging her in conversation.  Jealousy rose like a roaring monster and Arden couldn’t suppress the glare she sent at the back of Carol’s head.  “Arden!”  The calling of her name caused Daryl to turn around.  The simple action of him looking at her had Arden’s skin quivering and eyes averting.  She mentally cursed at herself because what was this?  Middle school?  Hell if Arden could survive the end of the world she figured she could survive a stupid little crush.  Her eyes glanced back up, catching Daryl’s and wow okay maybe surviving the apocalypse would be easier than dealing with the butterflies in her stomach.

“Firecracka’!”  Glenn shouted and Arden rolled her eyes.  Firecracker was already bad enough but trying to make it, as Glenn called it ‘gangsta’ by replacing the ‘er’ with an ‘a’ made the nickname a million times worse.

“Don’t call me that,” Arden said for the millionth time, but Glenn just chuckled and scooted closer to Maggie to make room for Arden at their table, or as Arden referred to it- The Greene Table.  The entirety of the Greene family sat at the round metal table with the addition of Glenn and Judith who happily cooed in Beth’s lap.

“Hey gorgeous,” Hank placed a hand on Arden’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze, “How ya feelin?”

It was the same question Hank asked every time he saw Arden and every time the answer was the same.  “Fine.”  The response, although simple, made Hank chuckle and nod his head approvingly.

“Talia and I signed up to go on the next run, should we put yer name down too?”

Arden shrugged and sat down in between Beth and Glenn.  As soon as Arden was seated Beth handed over Judith who momentarily whined before accepting the change of hands.  “Who else is going?”  Arden looked down at the beautiful baby girl and then up to the girl’s father who was keeping a careful eye on them.  Rick still didn’t trust Arden with Judith even though Arden spent much of her free time with the precious baby girl and her blonde caretaker.

“Hey,” Talia sprinted up behind Hank, a plate in one hand and a piece of meat in the other, “Why didn’t you go on the run today?”

Arden swore that the whole room quieted down in anticipation for her answer.  She contemplated saying that she felt ill but then Rick would swoop in and snatch Judith from  her arms because god forbid Arden pass on an illness to the baby.  So instead Arden settled for a shrug and a change of subject.  “Hey Maggie, can you get me a plate?”

“Yeah sure,” the oldest Greene smiled and walked over towards where Carol and Daryl still stood cooking up meat and talking about who knows what. 

“We were all really surprised that you didn’t go on the run today,” Leave it to Glenn to not know when to let a topic die.  Arden bounced Judith on her knee and began humming an unknown tune because she really didn’t want to talk about it.

“Daryl was really surprised,” Beth whispered and gave Arden a knowing look.  That blonde girl was smarter than anyone really gave her credit for and Arden hated it.  Beth already loved questioning Arden about Daryl and recently her plight had been to get Arden to stop ignoring Daryl to which Arden replied that she hadn’t been ignoring him she’d just been busy.

Truth be told Arden had been ignoring the male because each time she saw him a flurry of feelings rose up in her stomach and Arden had no clue how to handle it.  She hadn’t had a school girl crush in years, ever since the incident.  Arden’s nose scrunched thinking about what had triggered her lack of romantic interest and she shook her head to replace the thought.  “I’ll go next week,” Arden muttered and looked up at Hank and Talia who were both still hovering around the table, “Put my name down for next week.”

“Great!”  Hank beamed and gave Arden’s shoulder another squeeze, “Who knows,” he whispered, leaning in to Arden, “Maybe we’ll find Matt huh?”

 “Yeah,” Arden breathed, “Maybe.” 

Hank and Talia walked off leaving Arden alone with the constant chatter and a ringing in her ears.  Maggie delivered the plate of meat with a grin and whispered something about how Daryl gave her the best looking pieces.  Arden snorted in response because what was Maggie hinting at?  That in redneck culture when a man likes a woman he gives her the best piece of venison?  Arden was pretty sure Daryl barely liked her and in fact his interactions with her were rooted in pity.

Though out the meal Arden continually looked behind her to spot Daryl who stood near the table Rick, Carl, and Carol occupied.  She wanted to shout at him to just sit down and eat but she could barely look at him let alone speak to him.  The whole situation was driving her insane because a few weeks ago Arden felt perfectly comfortable around Daryl and now each glance left her in puddle of emotion.

One by one the occupants of the room got up and left but Arden didn’t notice until she felt Judith being lifted from her arms.  Brown eyes glanced around the room to see that only her, Rick, and Daryl were left and with wide, horrified eyes Arden watched Rick wash his plate and leave.  The air instantly became stuffy and Arden felt very warm despite it being nearly freezing in this room made of concrete.  Quickly Arden stood up and attempted to grab her plate, but instead she knocked the dinner ware to the ground where it clanged and sent pieces of uneaten meat flying,

“Fuck,” Arden hissed and knelt down to clean up her mess.

“Watch yer mouth.”

Just his voice made Arden’s stomach twist and spine tingle.  She wanted to reply but her throat dried up and her mind refused to think of anything witty to say so she stayed silent.  “You ignorin me now?”  Daryl questioned as Arden stood up and made her way to their makeshift sink.

“No,” Arden squeaked and tightly shut her eyes because wow the least she could do was not sound like a mouse when speaking to him.

 “Why didn’t ya go on the run today?”

“Didn’t want to,” Arden cleared her throat and looked over to Daryl whose eyes were challenging her statement, “What?”

“Nothin,” Daryl shrugged and walked towards Arden who stood frozen.  Daryl began rinsing off his plate and his shoulder bumped into Arden and that simple action made Arden’s heart rate sky rocket and her palms become sweaty.  “You been actin funny.”

“What?”  Arden tucked her hair behind her ear.

Daryl shrugged, “Just been actin funny is all. All squirrelly and ya didn’t go on the run today.”

Arden rolled her eyes, “Can people stop trying to find some hidden meaning in me not going on the run today?  For heaven’s sake I just didn’t want to go and I’m not squirrelly or whatever you called me okay?”

Daryl eyed Arden for a moment and the female had to stare down at the concrete because matching his gaze was just too much right now.  But with each inhale Arden breathed in Daryl’s scent, musk and forest pine mixed with sweat and it was making her head spin and he really needed to back up.  Arden placed her hands on Daryl’s chest and wanted to shove him backwards but she couldn’t.  Instead she heard Daryl’s breathe hitch and she wondered why.  Wondered why the simple action of her placing her hands on his chest would cause him to tense up and then Arden made the worst mistake.  She looked up.  She looked up into those dusty blue eyes that squinted down at her and she noticed the slight part in his lips and how easily her lips would fit with his like two puzzle pieces and an urge built up inside of her.  It began at her toes, tingled its way up her shaking legs, ignited in the pit of her stomach, traveled up her spine and exploded as with tippy toes and shaky hands she pressed her lips to his.

Daryl didn’t move.  No reciprocation and Arden’s whole face lit up and with all of her might she shoved Daryl away from her.  “Shit, fuck, oh my fucking god-“ the stream of curse words kept spewing from Arden’s mouth and once again she shoved Daryl and smacked his chest and she was so furious at herself for letting her emotions take control and she was angry that Daryl just stood there.  That even now he was silent and even once his back was against the wall Arden kept pushing him because she didn’t know what else to do.  And then things went silent and in a swift motion Daryl grabbed her shoulders and switched places with her so her back was pressed against the wall and his lips were pressed against hers.

Arden’s attempt had been sweet, gentle, innocent, much different than the ravenous way Daryl’s lips molded with hers and his fumbling hands grabbed her hips and lifted her.  Arden wrapped her legs around his waist and tried to breathe but Daryl just wouldn’t back off.  It was like an attack, an uncoordinated, passionate, fiery assault and when Arden moaned into the kiss Daryl grunted and pushed Arden hard against the wall and her back ached and her whole body was shaking and then the sound of shattered glass caused their lips to part and Arden’s feet to meet the ground and Daryl stumbled backwards.

“S-sorry I just um I, I had to w-wash this and, I’m oh I- I’m sorry,” Carol continued stuttering out her apologies and bent down to pick up the glass shards.  Arden inhaled deeply and without a word calmly stepped over the broken shards and left the room with swollen lips and shaky limbs and all she could feel was Dary's hands pressing into her hips and his mouth breathing into hers and for the first time since Matt went missing she felt alive and it both excited and terrified her.


Darkness surrounded the pair as they ran through the forest.  The groan of a walker, a grunt as the axe rose over the man’s head and slammed down into the decayed skull, and finally a last breath and a thud when the dead creature fell to the frozen earth.  A wicked winter breeze blew past them, reminding them how quickly the seasons can change.  Breaths came out as puffs of white steam and both were beginning to grow weary but they had to keep running.  They had to get there and back before the sun rose.

The outline of a rundown wooden cabin came into their line of sight.  The female sped up, her heart racing, head pounding, and how desperately she needed to reach that door which she had helped secure.  Hands fumbled with the keys, so many keys, but it was necessary and once the locks all clicked the door creaked open.  Green eyes wildly flicked to the corner of the one room cabin and a smile came to her face.    There he was, lying in the fetal position, face covered in dirt, ankles bloodied and bruised from attempting to slip out of the chains.  Slowly, ever so slowly, she walked towards him and the creaking of the floor boards caused his slumber to be broken.  She cursed for she loved watching him sleep but at least now she could peer into those heavenly brown eyes.  “Matt,” the blonde whispered, “We’re back.”


Author's Note:  SO!?  A lot happened in this chapter and what did you think!?  Just for clarification the last part is not a dream or flashback or anything but I can't tell you exactly what's going on- you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out!



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