
By kingnonymous

3.4K 201 82

I never thought I could see the bright side of life anymore, that was, until I met him. After breaking up wit... More

šŸā€¢prologue - sunsets & cloudsā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢one - Edward guyā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢two - getting to know youā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢three - he's engagedā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢four - Mr. Strawberry Shortcakeā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢five - broken trustā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢six - party & a kissā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢seven - meeting Mr.Collinsā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢eight - love & death bedā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢nine - the dysfunctional familyā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢ten - dad ā¤ā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢eleven - do I love him?ā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢twelve - dark pastā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢fourteen - a weddingā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢fifteen - about Camilaā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢sixteen - a proposalā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢seventeen - knocked upā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢final - soon to be parentsā€¢šŸ
šŸā€¢epilogue - his & hersā€¢šŸ

šŸā€¢thirteen - a invitationā€¢šŸ

129 8 4
By kingnonymous

I groaned as I woke up, my head feeling dizzy as my lips dry. Looking over to my clock, I groaned and got up. Getting dressed, I tried my my best to go to work. How did I even got home, though? Starting the car, I drove to my workplace as I walked into my office. "Amy." I called as she walked in, looking at me. I heard her chuckle, "Did you party last night or something?" she asked.

"Don't know - don't remember. Can you make me coffee or something?" I asked as she laughed.
"Yeah, sure. I'll give you some of my pastries too."

As she walked in, I smell the drink before looking at her. "Peppermint tea cures hangovers. Eat up, someone wants to meet you at noon for a wedding plan or some shit, I heard."

"Alright, alright." I said as I finished the drink before eating the food Amy gave me. "You look like shit." she commented.

"Thanks." I said as she chuckled, "C'mon, go shower in the bathroom and we'll dress you up in something nicer in the dressing room."

"I don't want to-"

"Chloe Moley, you literally look like a zombie. Just listen to me. C'mon." she said as she pulled me up.

Making my way towards the toilet, we had our own shower there just in case someone works overnight. Undressing, I took a long shower before drying myself, wearing my undergarments. Covering myself with my towel, I watch as Amy picked a dress for me. "Can we actually wear that?" I asked.

"It's been here for years. Plus, it'll fit you."

It was just a normal black sleeveless top with a long black and white skirt to match. "Alright then." I said as I got dress. Amy dried my hair as she combed it. "There's no need to style it. Now, wear your make up. I have something to do." she told as she left. Sighing to myself, I did my make up before walking back to my office.

Turning my laptop on, I sighed as I received another project.

I watch as Amy came in. "So .., the person who came for the wedding thingy came early.. " she told as I looked at her. "Yeah, sure. Just call them in." I told her as she looked reluctant. "Y'all can come in." she said as I watch two people walk in.

Are you kidding me?

"Hi, Chloe." he said as he made that smirk that I really hated.

"HI, Jonas. Aria." I forced a smile as I told them to sit.

Be professional.

They sat in front of me. "Well, the reason isn't because we need your service but actually, I'd like to invite you to our wedding." he said as I looked at him. Aria smiled as she handed me an invitation card. "It's in Santa Barbara. I really hope you can come." she said as I smiled back.

"I'll check my schedule." I said as I placed the invitation card aside. "Thanks for inviting me." I thanked as they got up, leaving as I walked out with them. Aria looked back at me as she held my hand. "I really want you as my bridesmaid." she smiled as I smiled back. "I really don't know if I can attend your wedding." I told as she gave me a small smile.

"Alright then. But do promise me you'll do everything it takes you to come." she said as I chuckled.
"I'll try my best."

Waving them goodbye, I bot my bottom lip as I went beck to office to read the invitation card given. "They're getting married." I whispered as I breathed out. The wedding is two weeks away, which means I didn't have to worry about anything.

"Stay positive." I whispered. "He isn't worth it." I told myself. Going back to my laptop, I tried to focus on my work, only to know that I couldn't. Feeling messed up, I went to my phone and called Edward. Waiting for him to answer, it went to the voicemail. Cursing, I got up early only to get a call. Looking at the caller, it was Leah. Blinking for a few times, I answered the call.

"Hello?" I asked as I heard her sob on other line.
"Are you alright?" I asked, getting a little bit worried.
"A-Are you busy?" she sobbed as I gulped.
"N-No, but I'm at my workplace, you can come over if you want to." I said as I heard another sob.
"Chloe, I-I can't get up." she said as I got up, "I'll be right over."

Walking out of my office, I looked at Amy. "I have an emergency - I'll try to come back as fast as I can, I'm really sorry." I told as I ran outside towards my car. Turning the engine on, I drove towards Leah's house. Parking in front of her apartment, I went towards her house as I knocked on the door.

Hearing no answer, I turned the doorknob only to find it wasn't locked. Pushing the door open, I walked in to find Leah crying on her couch. She looked up, her eyes were red and swollen.

"Chlo ..."

Closing the door, I walked towards her. Sitting down beside her, I wanted a explanation. As she calmed down, she looked at me. "R-Remember that guy - Bruce?" she asked as I nod my head. She sobbed before clearing her throat. "We dated. I actually fell for him, and you know what happened?" she asked as I raised my brow. "He made a girl pregnant."

I went silent. Looking at her, I didn't have anything else to say. "A-And he's going to marry her." she told as she buried her face in her palms, sobbing. "I actually fell for him! I'm such an idiot." she cried as I bit my bottom lip.

"You're not an idiot." I told as I held her hand. "Honestly, you're not - you know, I get you. We're girls, we trust men easily. Especially when we've been logging for love. That's not idiotic, that's just normal." I told as I chuckled.

"Jonas is getting married too, you know?" I told as she cried.
"That guy is a loser, you should be forgetting about him already!" she told as I chuckled.

"Well, so is that Bruce guy. Total loser, you'll get over him soon." I motivated as she wiped her tears.

"Honestly, it'll be hard for me to move on-"

Her phone rang as I looked at the caller.


Raising my brow, I can recall him as her ex-boyfriend. "That's a sign," I joked as she made a dry laugh, answering the call. "Hello?" she answered as she bit her bottom lip. "Y-Yeah, I'm alright. Can I get back to you later?" she asked as I heard answer from him. Ending the call, she looked at me.

"Thanks for coming, Chlo." she smiled as she sniffed.

"Honestly, I'm an awful friend - inviting you to parties even though you hate parties. It's just that .., well I love seeing you happy and you've down for a long time. I'm glad Edward could make you happy, since I failed in doing that." she chuckled as I smiled. "You didn't fail." I insisted.

"Now, c'mon, go freshen up and rest. I have to go back to work." I got up as she hugged me.

"Again, thanks. I'll see yo around." she said as we broke the hug. Waving her goodbye, I left her house for my workplace.


"Chloe, please come to my office, I need to have a word with you." I heard my boss say as I got up. Walking towards her office, she smiled as I sat down in front her. "You need anything?" I asked as she nod her head. "Well .., there's something I need to talk to you about." she smiled.

"I've been planning to open up a branch in Georgia and well, I want you to handle it for me." she said as I looked at her, surprised. "Me?" I asked as she nod her head. "Yes, you."

I gulped as I became speechless. "Uh, that's nice of you but - why me? I mean that not in an offending way but yeah, why me?" I chuckled to myself. She laughed along, "Well, you're hardworking, kind, gentle. Everything I want in a staff of mine." she said as her eyes were on me.

"Do consider this offer."


"How are Edward and you doing?" she blurted, making me chuckle.
"We're okay. We're just busy, but we're okay."

Amy didn't look impressed, "It's been three days, he hasn't shown up for any lunch time - have you guys even talk to each other?"


"We're just, busy, Amy. I'll call him up later." I made a soft smile.
"Alright then~"

Finishing my work, it was closing time. "Goodnight, Amy."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow."
Gathering my stuff, I walked out of the store and went towards my car. Getting in, I started the engine an drove home.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything wrong with not communicating with your boyfriend. Sometimes, you just need some time too. Plus, both of us are busy people, I'm still thinking about the offer by my boss gave me and I guess I have to talk to Edward about it too.

Parking my car at a parking lot, I reached for my phone and called Edward.

"Edward," I smiled, "Let's meet." I said as I waited for a respond.

I heard him chuckle on the line, "Sure, babe. Where?"

"Somewhere quiet. Remember the place you brought me to during Toby's party?"

"Of course I do. Do you want to meet up there?"

"Yeah, sure. If that's alright with you."

"I'm alright with anything, babe. So, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Alright, see you." I said as I hung up, driving my way there. I was near to there place, making me arrive quick.

Exiting my car, I changed from my heels to my flats and brought a mat with me since I didn't want to mess up my skirt. Walking up there, I waited for Edward by watching the sun goes down.

"Babe." someone called as I turned over, seeing Edward smiling at me.

He was in his work attire - a suit, his tie and his hair was neat. He took off his tie, started to pull his sleeves up and messed his hair up, making it messy. "I miss you." he said as I smiled, him pecking my cheek.

"I miss you too," I said as I pulled my knees up, looking at him.

"So, there's a few things I want to tell you." I said.
"Me too," he told as I looked at him. "You go first."

"Well," he smiled. "I found your mum." he said as he looked at me.

"And you're right, she remarried and she's in Georgia." he added. Smiling at him, I held his hand.

"My boss wants to open another branch in Georgia, and she wants me to manage it." I said as Edward looked at me. "Means, you're moving away?"

"I-I'm not sure if I want it."

"No! Just, take it, it's hard to get promoted like that." he said, smiling. "You should go, I wouldn't mind." he pulled me closer. "This means I have to cherish all he time I have with you now." he said as he pecked my forehead, making me smile.

I gulped, the thing I wanted to tell him next is stuck on my throat.
"A-And Jonas is getting married." I blurted. "He invited me. It's in Santa Barbara."

"I thought you're over him-"

"I'm not going for him, Edward." I said. "I'm doing this for Aria."

He bit his bottom lip and with a sigh, he looked at me. "Alright then. I'll go with you." he said as he ruffled my hair, making me smile.

"When is it?"
"It's a week away, maybe we can stay a little loner? Just you and I?" I said, snuggling to him closer. He chuckled as he nod his head. "I don't mind."

Holding my hand, he moved his nose on my cheek. "So, let's head for dinner." he said as I nod my head. "Your dad?" I asked.

"He's having dinner with a client today." he said, making me nod.

Getting into our own cars, I followed Edward as he took me to this noodle restaurant.

"You know," he said. "On that bastards wedding day, I'll hold you so tight so that he'll know what he missed." he said as he pecked my lips.

"Or, I think he already knows."


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