Matches | √

By moonpilots

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They burned too fast and too bright to last. Copyright © 2018 by moonpilots. All rights reserved. More

Aesthetics + Playlist
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Francesca's Story
A Tangled Fate Series


14.4K 541 208
By moonpilots

sparks | emit sparks of fire or electricity

• • •


"I CAN'T BELIEVE you're here," I say, still shocked to see Brooklyn at a college party in Illinois when he's supposed to be at school in Florida.

My eyes can't help but take in every piece of him. Almost as if I can't believe he's real. I take in his curly brown hair, bright chocolate eyes, perfect lips, and warm cheeks. I let my eyes trail over every piece of the boy who has shown me unwavering love and friendship.

We text and talk as much as we can, but being in different states miles and miles away and on different schedules means we don't always align. Sometimes we go days without talking. I hate those days.

He opens his mouth to speak but cheering erupts from the corner of the room as the game of flip cup draws to an end. The music rises from the speakers as it pours out louder and louder.

Brooklyn leans forward so I can hear him even through the loud party that surrounds us. "Can we go somewhere and talk?" he questions and my skin tingles at the way his warm breath hits my cheek.

I pause as I turn towards my roommate Teegan. Her eyes are bouncing between Brooklyn and me with curious wonder. "I'm here with my roommate—" I start motioning to my silver haired friend beside me.

But she cuts me off. "You're fine," she tells me with a knowing grin spreading across her lips. "Go," she tells me with a raised eyebrow and I already know I'm going to have to answer a million and one questions tonight back in our room.

"Tee, are you sure?" I ask not wanting to leave her all alone at the party.

She nods eagerly as she leans in and cups a hand to whisper in my ear. "He's cute," she tells me proudly before pulling back. "And the girls from across the hall just got here so I can go hang out with them," she tells me with a quick tilt of her head drawing my attention to the few girls we met on orientation day.

I had already been living on campus for a couple months with a few other students involved in the program before the rest of the freshman class showed up. I enjoyed getting to know the campus without it being overflowed with students, but I was beginning to grow lonely so I'm thankful for Teegan and the friends we are already starting to make.

"Really?" I double check not wanting her to feel like I'm abandoning her.

She waves me off. "Have fun," she says taking a few steps away with her drink clasped in her hand. "And I want all the details," she sings with a laugh.

I roll my eyes but can't help the flush that coats my cheeks when I turn my gaze to Brooklyn. Is it possible he's gotten even hotter? "I'll text you," I tell her before my teeth sink into my bottom lip.

Teegan winks before she turns and walks towards our new friends from across the hall.

I flicker my eyes to Brooklyn's and let out a pent up sigh. "Okay, lets go talk," I tell him and he lifts his hand to lace his fingers through mine before tugging me towards the staircase. He doesn't say a word. Just pulls me along to some unknown destination.

He leads me towards the end of the hallway until he turns and we see another door. He opens it right away and nerves weave through me as he takes me up another set of stairs that lead to an attic that's converted to a bedroom.

"I don't think we should be up here," I tell him looking around to make sure no one is around.

His lips stretch into a smile. "It's my friend's room," he explains casually. "Don't worry. You'll love this," he tells me with a confident gleam in his eyes before he pulls on my hand until we are on the other side of the room.

Brooklyn releases my hand and steps forward to open the window letting a rush of wind hit us. He leans forward as he looks around and then he looks up and his smile grows before twisting to look at me.

"Come on," he directs with a tilt of his head.

I walk forward and lean my upper body out of the window to look down and see the backyard and all the people on the deck. String lights hang above them as people stand around drinking, talking, and smoking.

My gaze then falls to the ladder right next to the window. My eyes widen at the sight of it and I know instantly what he has in mind. Brooklyn broke both his arms within a year span when we were children because of his need to constantly climb trees and eventually his roof.

He loved being as close to the sky as possible.

"Seriously?" I ask with both nerves and excitement spiraling through my veins.

"The view is amazing," he tells me as if he needs to convince me any further. He's here. Brooklyn is here in Illinois at a college party with me, and he's smiling and touching me and at this moment I would follow him anywhere.

I narrow my eyes playfully but with a breathy laugh I nod in agreement. The ladder is short and I can see the roof just a few feet above us. It wouldn't take much and I also know Brooklyn would never put me in danger.

"You first," he tells me. He always used to make me climb in front of him even as a kid. Even as reckless children he wanted to protect me and my heart beats wildly at the memories. The memories that flood me every time I hear his voice or see his smile over FaceTime. But I also ache to create new memories with him.

And it seems as if he wants to do the same tonight.

I use the window as leverage as Brooklyn helps me reach out of the window and secure my grip on the ladder. I tug on it once and feel how sturdy it is and my nerves lessen. His strong and assured hands lift to my waist, his grip tight letting me know he won't let me fall. My heart flutters and my stomach flips at the action and I have to suppress the sigh that wants to fall from between my lips.

His touch instantly makes me feel safe. His touch sends me into overdrive and causes my entire body to flush with the need for more.

With a single breath I push from the soles of my feet and shift my body forward so I'm completely on the ladder. I take myself up the few bars until I'm lifting myself onto the flat side of the roof. It's a small space. Perfect enough just for us, but as I turn a gasp lodges in my throat at the view.

The house we are at sits outside of campus at the edge of the city. The midnight sky is the perfect backdrop for the bright lights spanning ahead of me. The city looks alive with its glass skyscrapers and glowing street lights. Red and white lights illuminate the pavement from car headlights as they drive up and down the busy highways.

"Good right?" Brooklyn's deep voice comes from behind me.

I can't look away. "Good?" I laugh. "More like amazing," I tell him as my eyes take it all in.

I've spent the last couple months in this city, but most of the time was spent on campus not really getting to know my new home. But now as I look upon the bustling city my bones buzz with the need to explore. I grew up in a small town, but now I want more.

My eyes catch on Brooklyn who has now stepped forward to stand right beside me. He's close as our shoulders brush and his knuckles drag against mine making my body heat.

Before I can stop myself I reach out and grab onto his calloused hand. The feel of his warm hand in mine settles everything within me. I feel at home almost as if we are back in Easton on the beach staring at the waves and not on a roof in a vibrant city.

"What are you doing here?" I ask though my eyes stay trained forward. I don't want to get my hopes up, but I can't lie and say they aren't already there. I'm thankful Brooklyn gave me time because jumping into a relationship after Asher wouldn't have been good for me. But now, now I want Brooklyn.

"When I started applying for colleges my first choice was Northwestern. They have an amazing music program, but I was waitlisted," he begins and I catch myself holding my breath waiting for the words I didn't realize I was dying to hear. Northwestern's campus is only a half hour away from mine. "So I set my sights on Miami, it was close and less expensive anyways. But then I got an email from Northwestern."

My body flips to look at him. "If you aren't telling me what I think you are I'm going to be so mad," I tell him with narrowed eyes. He better not be getting my hopes up because I will be crushed.

He laughs and it causes goosebumps to break out all over my skin. "A spot opened up and I accepted immediately," he says taking a step closer to me.

Tears of happiness instantly form and I can't stop the smile from consuming my face. "You're staying?" I ask as if my mind needs absolute confirmation.

"I moved into my dorm last week," he barely gets out before I jump at him.

My arms slide around his neck and pull him in until I'm giving him the biggest hug. His arms circle my waist as he holds me close. I drop my forehead to his shoulder as I drag my fingers over the mess of curls at the nape of his neck.

"I've missed you so much," I whisper as my body relaxes into his soft touch. His hands fall some until his fingers are grazing the bare skin between the bottom of my shirt and the top of my jeans. "More than you've missed me," I tease.

"Not sure that's possible," he says playfully before tugging me in even closer as if we aren't already pieced together perfectly like a puzzle.

Brooklyn pulls back slightly so I'm forced to lift my head. Our lips are inches apart as his eyes drop to them, and I can see the hunger clear as day in his darkened gaze. He raises one hand from my hip to my face so that his fingers are caressing the delicate skin of my cheek. My head tilts falling into his touch as he looks upon me as if I'm the most beautiful girl he's ever seen.

I've always thought I was invisible. A nobody who blended into the crowd and was easily overlooked.

But to Brooklyn I am visible.

Always have been, because he's always seen me.

"Is it finally one day?" I ask breathlessly as he leans forward until our noses are brushing.

He cracks a small smile as his head tilts until his lips are barely brushing against mine. So close, yet not fully giving me everything I need. Everything I've been dying to have for months.

"Yeah, it is," he tells me quietly into the dark night. "Can I kiss you Maeleigh?" he asks and everything stills before I melt.

I once was with a boy who never asked if he could kiss me. He always took and I thought it was enough. I thought I could continue to give and survive without receiving anything in return.

But that relationship like a match faded as soon as the flame died.

Now with the boy who always stood by my side and made me feel strong asking to kiss me I've never felt more desired or wanted.

My skin tingles and my fingers itch to fall into his hair and drag him closer.

"Always," I reply but the word only just escapes before his lips crash into mine.

Brooklyn's lips ignite a spark deep within me. The glittering sparks grow and grow until they burst like fireworks on the fourth of July. They light up my midnight sky and I swear in this moment I feel infinite. It's unexpected and breathtaking and bright and brilliant.

I slide my hands into his hair and drag him closer until we are consuming each other. His touch is strong and confident and easy. We fall into each other with no hesitation as if the moon and stars above had written it in the sky.

He takes my breath away and gives me life at all once. I don't feel like I'm burning, I feel like I'm glowing under his touch. His kiss brightens everything around me even with my eyes closed until I'm trembling under his perfect touch.

Brooklyn breaks the kiss but doesn't pull away from me. He holds me close as he places a delicate kiss to my jaw and a shiver trails down my spine.

My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath before I lift my head. I let it fall back on my shoulders to stare up at the sky above us. To take in all its glory.

"You were right," I tell him as my eyes study the full moon above us. The darkness of night and the bright moon along with it I always associated with my nights with Asher. I never liked the night sky much anymore because of that. But one kiss from Brooklyn under the bright moon and he has erased all the bad memories and replaced them with a moment so perfect I want to cry.

He's slowly but surely helped to heal the burns in my heart and let me know I can move forward from my past.

He's made the sparkling stars and the vast moon beautiful once again.

"About what?" he questions as his hands lift to cup my face and bring my attention back to his handsome face.

It's as if he can't stop touching me as his thumb trails over my bottom lip, and honestly I don't ever want him to stop. Literally ever.

"One kiss and I'm done," I say repeating the words he told me on the beach after graduation. The words where he said it would only take one kiss and it would be over for him. He would want every piece of me after that. To say the feeling is mutual is putting it lightly. I never want to stop learning and growing with him.

I never want to stop loving him.

Then his lips meet mine and I don't drown or burn.

I thrive.

Author's Note :

Wow! I can't believe we are finally here! I started this book two years ago and I am beyond thankful for every single person who has read, voted, and commented on this story and stuck with me along the way!

This story was never meant to be a love story in the typical sense. Asher was never going to be her end game because the relationship was beyond toxic and completely manipulative. But I wrote him in a way that would make you all fall for him. Though I am really happy that some of you saw the red flags early on and hated him.

So many books out there (published and on wattpad) romanticize these toxic relationships that are absolutely terrible and I wanted to write a story where the female mc falls for it but also grows from it and realizes she deserves better. While I love Brooks this story was also never about him. It was always about Maeleigh and her growth.

I hope you all can learn something or take something away from this story. It was amazing to write Maeleigh's journey and I can't wait to share Francesca's next.

Forever thankful for all of your support ♥︎

PS please stop asking if Asher is going to get his own story. No he is not. But he will be in Francesca's story so please stop asking! Thanks!

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