707, You Are Not An Error

By HaleStormWriter

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This is a MysticMessenger fanfic about 707 there will be spoilers from the game (all routes) and my own littl... More

Welcom To The RFA
Every 2.35 seconds
Camera Talk
Messing With Some Fokes
One Step Closer To Family
Two Steps Closer To Family
Three Steps Closer To Family
What's Going On?!


1 0 0
By HaleStormWriter

I was sitting in a room...alone...with the guy I liked and yet I felt lonely...he was so distant...wouldn't even talk to me unless he was being rude....he would say some sweet things but they would sound mean like if he was worried about me...I was nice that he was worried but he made me feel bad about it just by the tone of his voice....I had to stay positive to keep him positive...positivity brings positivity...right?

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom

Jumin: Hello, MC

Jumin: is everything okay?

Me: yes everything is fine, thanks to Seven
Positivity I had to be positive

Jumin: that's good, I'm glad that you two are alright

Jumin: so I was thinking

Jumin: Seven should reveal the address and I could send some security guards

Jumin: they would sight a secrecy contract. No one would know what they know

Me: you would have to ask Seven on that one

707 has entered the chatroom

Me: speaking of the devil

707: hay

Me: hi

Jumin: you two are in the same room and your in the chatroom together

Me: yeah

707: I read what you said Jumin

Me: what do you think about it Seven

707: I don't think we should reveal the address yet

707: not until I feel it's really unsafe

707: I've completely changed the algorithm of the special security system

Jumin: so you've tighten security?

707: yes

Jumin: I've been meaning to ask

Jumin: what is the special security system?

707: the special security system.....

707: is something that can get rid of the intruder and burn all the information at once

707: it's a bomb

Jumin: your joking


707: Rika requested it herself to protect the information and V agreed

Jumin: I can't believe you

707: that's how important the previous guest information was.....so much that even we couldn't handle it...

Jumin: The bomb won't just get rid of the intruder and the information.....

Jumin: I can get rid of everything inside even innocent people in there, no?

707: you're right

Jumin: Rika made the decision to implant a device that could take out lives? Just to protect information?

707: Rika... Rika just wanted to use it as a threat

Jumin: that's not something the Rika I know would do.

Jumin: I can't believe I didn't hear about this

707: jumin....

Jumin: you know that you and MC are at risk right now

707: trust me it won't go off

Jumin: everything is over once that bomb goes off

Jumin: what does trust have to do with any of this?!

707: I will never let the bomb go off

Jumin: how can you be so sure?

707: since we're more save by being in danger...

Jumin: if you're talking about a defense strategy, it sounds very irresponsible

707: that was Rika's plan

Jumin: my body guards will be useless then

Jumin: I can't believe Rika chose to be such an idiot

707: I understand how shocked you are

707: But you know What's important right now.

707: what's important is that everyone knows this now

707: and that MC won't be in danger even if something happens to me later on...

Jumin: let me call you right now

707: oh...

707: sorry jumin

707: the guy came to fix our glass, so I have to go

707: MC, will you quit the messenger and come with me?

707 has left the chatroom

Jumin: I can't believe this.

Jumin: a bomb for a security...?

Jumin: what the hell was Rika thinking?

Me: I'm so sorry jumin but I think I have to go. I'll talk with Seven about this

Jumin: MC.....Call me if you need my help.

Jumin: It may be to late once you call...

Jumin: But please be careful.

Jumin Han has left the chatroom

That day I was the most scared I have ever been in my life. I sat in the bed and put the sheets over my head like a scared child because I didn't know what else to do I've never been in a situation that I couldn't do anything about. I had zero control of my life, like me living and breathing, it was in Seven's hands now, but he was there with me that gave me a little comfort. I want to trust him. I'm scared to leave my bed and walk around, I'm having a hard time just getting my knees away from my chest. I wanted to cry but I just couldn't because I didn't want Seven to think I was upset or scared I needed to be strong, but I felt so alone. I felt so helpless. I just wanted Seven to hold me and tell me everything is okay. I just wanted to be back in my bed, in my house with my stuff. I just wanted to be home and far away from this place but I was stuck there and I couldn't leave but I needed to be strong or nothing will get done and I needed to cheer Seven on to give him courage so that maybe just maybe I could get him back to the Seven he is

The man that came to fix the window was taking to Seven, Seven handed him cash and I sat there twiddling my thumbs...not know what to do or what to say. The man walked out.

"Do you know how your brother broke the window?" I asked with a regret about asking
I shouldn't have asked that....why am I so dumb

"No I don't....let not talk about him...I shouldn't have brought it up before"

"It's okay I shouldn't have asked....you going to go back to working?"

"Yes.....try not to bother me and again I'm so sorry about getting you involved with this.....once this is all over and you are safe I'm going to disappear off the face of the earth" He says as he puts his headphones on

"Please don't say that....The members would miss you.....I would miss you"
Why? He doesn't care about you...you adding the "I would miss you" means nothing to him

"You shouldn't....I'm not bringing anymore people into my life we see how well that went today.."

"Seven please..."

"What did I say about that?"

"Oh my god....I'm sorry...I'll try not to do it again..."

"Ugh....your strange you know that? I have to work don't bother me"

"Okay....You go this Seven" I say with a big smile

"Thanks" He says with zero emotion and turning his back to me

"Don't bother me" I said mockingly

I sat on that bed for hours or I walked around the apartment just looking for something to do. I sat on the bed making faces at Seven as he worked with his back towards me. I would make popping noises with my lips. Anything to keep myself from going insane.... I couldn't do anything to stop me from bashing my phone against my face waiting for someone to enter the chatroom

Yoosung has entered the chatroom


Yoosung: How can this be happening?!

Yoosung: MC....IM SO WORRIED

Yoosung: and I'm so sorry

Yoosung: you were there preparing for the party to help our organization...

Yoosung so you were with the bomb all along

Yoosung: I can't believe Rika requested it

Me: I really can't believe it

Yoosung: Me Neither!!

Yoosung: I can't believe it!

Yoosung: it's so unlike her....

Yoosung: to ask for a bomb that could hurt lives!!

Yoosung: I've been encouraging myself thinking about her

Yoosung: and now I find out that she asked for a bomb in her apartment?

Yoosung: why are we just finding out about this!?


Yoosung: WHAT WAS V THINKING?!?!?!?

Yoosung: is Seven taking good care of you?

Me: yes he's been really sweet
Liar liar

Yoosung: that's good at least...I trust Seven

Yoosung: I'm going to go play LOLOL

Yoosung: hopefully I'll get luck and get something really good

Me: cheer up Yoosung. You won't get lucky with a sad face!

Yoosung: thank you it must have been really hard for you to say that right now T-T

Yoosung: if I get lucky, I'll give all my luck to you.

Yoosung: I'll cheer up and come back later!

Yoosung has left the chatroom

And again I was left alone...with Seven kind of and my own mind. I made scenarios of what Seven would be like if we weren't in this situation....I tried so hard to make him talk to me


"I'm working" he said coldly

"Okay...sorry....I believe in you!" I would say with the most positive tone I could manage
He doesn't care....he doesn't want you! What are you not understanding?!

I pushed all negativity away as best I could....I needed to stay positive....for him....for everyone

Jumin Han has entered the chatroom

Jumin: why isn't Seven taking any of my calls?

Me: he's been really busy...I'll tell him to call you

Jumin: thank you but I'll just talk to him later

Jumin: since he'll come here at least

Jumin: it's definitely shocking that the security system is a bomb

Jumin: But thanks to my small efforts, I would like to point out there's one good thing in this horrible situation

Me: are you talking about Yoosung?

Jumin: yes! Yoosung had a major life revelation thanks to me.

Jumin: didn't he say he would start volunteering and string goals again?

Jumin: family is indeed a great gift!

Jaehee has entered the chatroom

Me: Hello jaehee!

Jaehee: MC, Hello

Jumin: assistant Kang

Jumin: Hello

Jaehee: Mr. Han....

Jumin: ?

Jaehee: I'm amazed that you managed to talk about only good news in such a devastating situation

Jumin: is that a compliment?

Jaehee: you seemed extremely concerned earlier so I was worried, but I suppose I won't have to

Zen has entered the chatroom

Zen: *angry emoji*

Zen: the special security system....

Zen: IS A BOMB?!

Zen: WTF!!!!

Jaehee: Hello

Jaehee: I had to stop work because I was so shocked...

Zen: Does it  make sense to implant a bomb in a building with people inside?!

Jaehee: usually no

Zen: YEAH!!

Zen: *angry emoji*

Zen: no wonder Seven ran over there that fast

Zen: I can't believe MC was alone in a house with a bomb!!

Zen: if the system got hacked or something, the bomb could go off!!

Jaehee: I can't even imagine such a horrible thing

Me: don't worry...I trust Seven will do his best and solve this with our help

Zen: it's nice to trust him,

Zen: but the bomb itself is super dangerous!

Jaehee: I can't help but admire how calm MC is right now

Zen: I get that your a nice person,

Zen: but you shouldn't be shielding him just because you like him

Zen: it's a fact that he's been keeping a secret that directly involves your safety!!!

Jumin: Zen Is overly excited right now

Zen: don't analyze me!! Of course I'm mad!!


Zen: Seven agreed to have her stay in the apartment even when he knew there was a bomb there!

Zen: and V knew about it!

Zen: seriously, do they have a conscience?!

Me: Zen I'm not shielding him..... yeah Seven was wrong for not telling you guys but pointing it out every fucking second isn't going to fix or help anything!
That want calm shit! That's showing that I'm not okay...god damn it

Zen: oh...

Jumin: are you okay MC?

Me: yes I'm fine...I didn't mean to sound so rude....I deeply apologize

Jaehee: no need...your right

Jaehee: were not helping by complaining about what he did and didn't do

Jumin: yes. Nothing will change by you getting angry

Zen: -_-

Jaehee: this situation does call for a lot of anger though

Jumin: this is a waste of my time

Jumin: it's more effective to suppress our emotions, save our energy,

Jumin: and search for what we can do.

Zen: yeah yeah, you save all the energy you want

Zen: what can I expect from a guy who tells me to suppress all my emotions

Zen: UGH!!

Me: Zen....please calm down

Jaehee: Zen....

Zen: jaehee aren't you mad about this?!

Jaehee: a persons life is on the line here, so I am trying to be carful with my words

Zen: oh...

Zen: Jumin Han....learn from your assistant.

Jumin: I don't need to

Jumin: I know what works for me.

Zen: well what works for you doesn't work for everyone else!!

Jumin: that is true but it's better to try and succeed then not try and fail

Zen: that does not work with suppressing emotions!!!

Me: can we all just please calm down?

Zen: sorry....we are definitely not helping

Jumin: yes us getting mad can't be helping her psyche

Me: my psyche is fine....I just hate when you guys fight

Jumin: sorry...assistant Kang?

Jaehee: Yes?

Jumin: we will be waiting for Vs call

Jaehee: yes Mr. Han

Jumin: bye MC please stay safe...for us

Jumin Han has left the chatroom

Zen: I'm sorry MC

Jaehee: goodbye you to be safe MC

Jaehee has left the chatroom


Me: it's okay zen

Zen: your very sweet MC....I'm going to go...to avoid this awkwardness lol

Me: lol okay bye Zen

Zen: bye

Zen has left the chatroom

Once again left alone with Seven. I decided I wanted to talk to someone so I went to the hall and called Jumin

The phone rings....I Wait

"MC? Hello."

"Hello jumin"

"What's with the call?"

"Can I rant? You don't have to answer or really listen..."

"I mean absolutely....you let me, I shall let you"

Thank you...Umm where do I start?"

"Are you okay?"

"To be honest....No I'm not....Jumin can you please give me some of your courage....just a little?"


"I'm sorry.....I'm trying so hard to stay positive for you guys and Seven but I'm just so scared.... and Seven is definitely not helping..." I was cut off by getting a call from Seven

"Could you stay on hold for a second?"


"Thank you" I put jumin on hold and answered Seven

"Yes Seven?"

"Why are you in the hall? I didn't even know you left"

"I was just on the phone that's all...I didn't want to bother you"

"Okay....that's nice but come back inside"

"Let me finish my call and I'll come back inside"


He hung up

"Jumin you still there?"


"I have to go back inside"

"Okay, does this mean our conversation is coming to a close?"

"*deep breath out* yup"

"Please take care MC....I want to love you in another life but not yet okay?"

"Okay Jumin" I let out a light laughter and so does he



He hangs up

I walk back inside to see Seven staring at the door and then quickly looks away back to his laptop. I could tell he at least cared a little bit. I think he was so rude was because he was trying to get me to hate him so that if he decided to disappear that I wouldn't miss him. I didn't let myself falter.... I was doing this for him

Zen has entered the chatroom


Me: yes why?

Zen: I just put two and two together!

Zen: your a girl and he's a guy

Me: yes

Zen: and your in an apartment together

Me: yes

Zen: alone...

Me: Zen?

Zen: Seven wouldn't do that

Zen: he's has nothing but pure intentions

Me: Zen is your mind getting pervy again?

Zen: No...Maybe

Zen: if anything happens call me

Me: what do you mean?

Zen: Men are wolves MC

Me: omg Zen, if what I think your think is right, then that's more of a reason not to tell you lol

Zen: don't say that!

Me: that won't happen...okay?

Zen: right Seven is a good boy.....

Zen: but also to my knowledge he has never had a girlfriend

Zen: omg he'll be like a horny teenager!

Me: omg Zen Stop!

Zen: I'm sorry I'm worried about you....

Zen: I Cherish you deeply and I want noting to go weird between you and Seven

Me: everything will be fine calm down zen

Me: I'm going to go take a shower

Zen: okay your right...I should calm down

Zen: Wait! Your taking a shower?!

Me: yes Zen I'm taking a shower

Zen: but what if you walks in on you?!?

Me: he won't

Zen: he might on purpose!

Me: Zen just because it's something you would do doesn't mean every guy would..

Zen: didn't need to be rude missy

Me: it's true

Zen: I would never!

Zen: I am a gentleman!

Me: a gentleman who would love to see a real girl naked

Zen: I mean if she was okay with it


Me: mmmhhhmm I bet

Zen: Stop

Me: you just need to calm down

Zen: your right I'm sorry

Zen: but really if anything happens call me!

Me: okay bye Zen lol

Zen: okay bye

Zen has left the chatroom

I went in the shower and I remembered I didn't bring a towel....god damn it...maybe Seven could help....in an obviously non inappropriate way

"Seven!" I called through the slight opening of the door

"Seven!" I called again. I had my phone in the bathroom so I called him

He picked up

"What is it?"

"Umm I don't mean to bother you but I seem to have forgotten a towel

"Okay I'll get you one.....just wait a second" I wait and then I hear a knock on the door. I open it a little bit, Seven took down and then quickly to the ceiling

"Like the view?" I ask in a sassy and sexy tone. He could only see my cleavage but that was enough for him to look

"Umm What? Here's your towel...don't forget it next time" He says with a crack. He was trying to stay stern but boobs broke that shield. I dry off and get dress into my pajamas, which is just a baggy t-shirt an underwear, I crawl into bed



"You gonna go to bed soon?"

"Probably not"

"Could you?" I ask. He pauses for a second

"No, why is the light of the laptop bothering you?" He asks in a sweet tone

"No, it's just I want you to get some rest..."

"I'll get some sleep when I really need it"


"I'll think about it"

"Okay...you got this Seven...I believe in you" I say as I pull the covers over my shoulders and try to sleep....I got a call

"Hello?" I say in a whisper

"Hay sorry it's Zen"

"Zen why are you calling?"

"I was checking to see if everything was okay"

"Yes everything is fine...I'm trying to sleep"

"I'm sorry I'll hang up now"

"Okay goodnight Zen.....thank you for worrying"

"Goodnight MC....didn't mean to bother you...kinda" I lightly laugh and so does he

He hung up

I look behind me to see Seven is sleeping with his back against the wall and his arms crossed. I get up quietly and grab a blanket, I put the blanket on him and put a pillow behind his head. I crawl back in bed and try to fall asleep

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