Retrouvaille [2] Scott McCall

By TeenWolfHuman

94.6K 1.9K 298

Retrouvaille (n.) the joy of meeting or finding someone again after a long separation; rediscovery. Luna is... More

Chapter 1: Surprises in Mexico
Chapter 2: Reunion
Chapter 3: 117
Chapter 4: Muted
Chapter 5: The Benefactor
Chapter 6: I.E.D.
Chapter 8: Weaponized
Chapter 9: Time of Death
Chapter Ten: Perishable
Chapter 11: Monstrous
Chapter 12: A Promise to the Dead
Chapter 13: Smoke and Mirrors
Chapter 14: Creatures of the Night
Chapter 15: Parasomnia
Chapter 16: Dreamcatchers
Chapter 17: Condition Terminal
Chapter 18: A Novel Approach
Chapter 19: Required Reading
Chapter 20: Strange Frequencies
Chapter 21: Ouroboros
Chapter 22: Lies of Omission
Chapter 23: Status Asthmatics
Chapter 24: The Last Chimera

Chapter 7: Orphaned

4.3K 104 27
By TeenWolfHuman


The Coach was shooting the lacrosse team away as many wanted to go and get their things from the locker room but they couldn't enter as it was now a crime scene.

"I'm sorry but you can all get your gear tomorrow," he told them. "If anyone sees Garrett, you are to notify the police immediately. Then tell him that he's off the damn team. Got it?" The team nodded their heads. "Now move out. Let the police do their jobs!" he said to them before they all started to head on out.

Liam was standing off to the side, his gear all taken off, and he was watching as Scott was talking to his father.

"Are you sure that you're feeling okay? If there is any part of you that is feeling sore than you should have the EMT's take a look," Rafael said to Scott in concern. 

But Scott shook his head. "Really dad, I told you, I'm okay. See?" he said lifting his neck out so that his father could have a better look. Rafael saw that there wasn't even any swelling. He then sighed. "I should've been here. I said I would be at the games." 

"Well, this was just a pre-season scrimmage. I didn't even tell you about it." "But his dad just shook his head. "But I promised your mom I'd be around more so she could pick up some double shifts at the hospital. I should've been there." 

Scott could see that his dad was genuinely sad about not being there tonight for him. He gave his father a soft look. "You're here now." 

Just then, Violet was being escorted out of the locker room area, in handcuffs, by Deputy Parrish and the Sheriff. Violet turned around and noticed the name tag on him. The one that read Parrish. She recognized it.

"Jordan Parrish?" she asked him. But the deputy just looked at her with a hard expression on his face. "Deputy Parrish," he told her as he kept moving her forward, passed Scott and his father.

Rafael looked over at the Sheriff who was making his way over to them. He then noticed the evidence bag in the Sheriff's hand. "Sheriff, what is that? Is that the weapon?" "Yeah. It's a thermal cut wire." "Parrish, hold up," Rafael called out to the deputy. 

At that, the two of them then moved over to catch up to Parrish and Violet as Scott stayed behind. When he was alone, Liam made his way over to him. Scott then noticed that there was someone else that he hadn't seen since the police kicked her out of the locker room.

"Where's Luna?" he asked him.

"Right here," she said making Scott and Liam turn around. Luna made her way over to them and immediately gave Scott a quick hug before turning to Liam.

"How's your arm? Does it feel any better?" Luna questioned the freshman. A smile tugged on Scott's lips as he watched Luna look Liam over. "My arm feels better." "Good. I'm sorry for breaking it earlier but it was the only way to start the healing process and I felt so bad-" 

Scott placed his hands on Luna's shoulders, "Breathe, Luna." Luna nodded and stopped rambling and turned to look at him. "Sorry about that." Scott chuckled, "It's okay." 

The two smiled but stopped when Liam cleared his throat as they remembered the situation they were in. "Oh, before I forget, Kira took off."

Scott's eyes widened, "What?" "Stiles sent her a copy of the part of the Deadpool that Lydia cracked." said Liam. "Her's mom's on it," Scott realized. "Everyone's on it," Liam told him.

Scott shook his head. "You're not." "Not yet. There's still another third, right?" he asked nervously. 

Scott then moved to listen in on his father and the others and Luna and Liam turned to do the same.

"A thermal cut wire. Very unusual weapon Violet," Rafael said to her. "Now, we've got a file at the bureau on something similar, used in over a dozen murders."

But Violet calmly shook her head and narrowed her eyes. "I don't know what you're talking about. I just go to school here." 

Rafael narrowed his own eyes back at her, in interrogation. "Maybe we should call your parents," he said, not skipping a beat. "Oh, that's right, you don't have any parents. That's why they call you The Orphans."

Rafael looked over at Parrish, "Take her to the station." "Yes sir," he said before he yanked on her arm and pulled her away. "We need to find her boyfriend, Garrett."

Sheriff Stilinski walked over to Coach. "Coach, I'm gonna need both their locker numbers. And someone find me a set of bolt cutters," he said.

Scott and Luna headed for Garrett's locker in the boy's locker room while the Sheriff and Coach were busy with his and Violet's lockers in the halls. Liam was keeping a lookout at the door as Scott showed Luna, Garrett's locker. Luna pulled the lock open with her strength.

"I think someone's coming," Liam hissed over at them. "Hurry."

Luna took the lock out and then opened the door as Scott began to look inside. He spotted a duffel back at the bottom and crutched down to it and began to open it. Luna knelt down next to him and together, their eyes' widened at what was inside.

"Find anything?" Liam called out to them.

Luna opened her mouth but Scott placed his hand over it and shook his head at her. Luna's eyebrows furrowed, wondering why Scott just did that. 

Scott looked back at the stacks of hundred-dollar bills that stood out to him in the dim light. Scott swallowed and looked out. "No," he called out. "Nothing."


Melissa was looking in the blackened fridge as she was on the phone with the power company. "I know that I'm a month late." She froze as she heard them correct her on the other line. "Three months? Are you sure it's three months?" She sighed as she heard them verify it. "Okay, I understand. But, if you could just turn the power back on, even for a few hours, it would be really great. I have a refrigerator full of food that's going to go bad. Obviously I don't have the money right now to run out a replace 300 dollars worth of groceries," she tried to joke.

Scott and Luna were sitting in his room, listening to everything Melissa was saying. How she was trying to joke and bargain with the power company to give them some electricity. 

Scott looked down to see the bag that was filled with thousands of dollars that he had taken from Garrett's locker. He didn't know why he did it or even why he lied to Liam about finding it. 

Luna took his hand into hers and rubbed her thumb over his knuckles as she leaned her head on his shoulder to comfort him. Scott kissed the top of her head, grateful that she was here for him in this moment.

After a few minutes, Luna looked up as Scott stared down at her. "Obviously, I don't understand what it is like to be in this situation, but maybe you should talk to someone who does."

Scott looked down and knew who she was talking about. He took his phone out and dialed one of the numbers he knew by heart...his best friend, Stiles.


The next day, Scott and Luna were holding hands as they walked down the hallway, discussing about the deadpool when Mason, Liam's friend, ran up to them and started talking fast as he told them what happened this morning and how he couldn't find Liam.

Which brought them to Coach Finstock, who was sipping some medicine as Scott, Luna and Mason were standing at the doorway to his office. They were asking him if he had seen Liam.

The man coughed as he finished drinking from the bottle. "Sorry guys, Liam skipped my class. Maybe he's sick, like me," he mumbled before he went to take another sip.

Mason turned to Scott and Luna. "Liam didn't look sick on our run." Scott was checking his phone. "He's not getting back to any of my texts." "Mine either," said Mason. "Here," Luna said taking her phone out. "I'm going to try calling him again."

The three left Coach's office and made their way down the hallway. "Look, don't worry about Liam. Luna and I will find him. But text us if you see him."

Mason nodded slowly at him. "Yeah, alright." He then turned to head into the sea of students leaving their classrooms.

As for Scott and Luna, they were starting to get worried. It didn't sound like Liam to just up and disappear like this. Luna's phone rang and she saw that she was getting a call from Liam. 

"Who is it?" Scott asked her. "It's Liam," she told him before quickly answering it. "Liam?"

"Sounds like you already know the answer to that, Luna." Luna stiffened. It was Garrett. "Where is he?" she asked him. "Come on, like I'm actually going to tell you and Scott that," Garrett said to her mockingly. "Scott's not here with me." "Don't lie to me. I know he's listening in right now."

Luna glanced at Scott as he looked shocked that Garrett knew that's what he was doing at the moment. 

Scott took the phone out of Luna's hand before moving to try and talk somewhere more private. Luna followed, wanting to hear the conversation. "I'll give you the money," Scott told him.

"Yeah, you will. But that's not going to get you Liam back. You're going to have to put in more effort than that." "What do you want?" "I want the money and Violet, or you never see Liam again. Come and meet with me, alone. That means without any of your friends, especially your girlfriend."

Garrett hung up and Scott gave Luna her phone back before heading off. 

"Scott, wait!" 

Scott stopped and turned around as Luna walked up to him. "You're not actually going to meet with an assassin alone, are you?" "It's what Garrett wants." "I don't care! I will not let you go alone." 

"Luna," Scott took her hands into his. "If we want Liam back, we have to follow Garrett's instructions." Luna sighed before looking back up into Scott's eyes.

"Just, please be careful."

Scott brought Luna close to him and hugged her. Luna wrapped her arms around him and breathed in his scent. Scott kissed the top of her head.

Scott pulled away and placed his hands on his girlfriend's cheek as they stared into each other's eyes once again. "I will get Liam back." 

Luna nodded and Scott lowered his hands down and took off to meet with Garrett. Luna watched him walk away before heading off in the other direction with a plan forming in her head.


After locating Mason and making her tell him which trail he and Liam were running this morning, she found herself on the same trail moments later.

She found traces of Liam and Mason's scents at the start of the trail from their run and quickly walked it, letting her eyes take in the scenery to see if there was any clues for her. She suddenly stopped when she detected the smell of blood. She followed it until she found a spot of dried blood on the ground.

Luna sniffed around and quickly found Liam's scent was mixed in with someone's else. 


There was also a faint smell of wolfsbane drifting through the air. And...fear. The scent was quite strong. She went over to where it seemed the strongest and found that there were dragging tracks. There were also some lines of blood leading away from them to, what she could make out, fresh car tire tracks. 

Luna then broke into a run as she tried to track Liam down. 


"Help me! Somebody help me! Please!" 

Liam was moving around the small space, knee high in water, trying to find some way to climb out. After Garrett had stabbed him, he had thrown him into his car and then drove away. Liam found he was barely able to move and put up little fight against him when Garrett finally stopped the car in some part of the preserve and pulled him out. 

Garrett went and threw Liam into an old well and taunted him. Told him that Liam could scream all he wanted but no one could hear him this far in the woods. He then amusingly warned him to not panic or his heart rate would increase which would pump the poison through his system faster. 

Liam wasn't following that advice. He was panicking and very much so. And he was in pain. He looked down at where Garrett had stabbed him and saw that the wound wasn't healing in the slightest bit. When Garrett said he poisoned him, he wasn't joking. 

Liam didn't know what to do. He was bleeding, in some cold well, waiting to slowly die. He tried calling out for help a couple of times but it had amounted to nothing. He lost track how long he had been there. From what he could make out from the top, the sun was starting to go down. 

Surely, one of the others must've noticed he was missing and gone out to look for him. Mason, he knew his friend would've panicked, he would've gone and started asking around for him. 

Liam just hoped that Scott, Luna or the others stumbled on it.


Luna was trekking into the woods, following the dim scent trail of Liam's blood. Since he had been taken in a car, the scent was being covered through layers of scents and it was taking quite a bit of time and effort to keep following it. 

Night had already fallen and the light from a half moon was shining down to dimly illuminate the woods but Luna could see everything around her well enough.

Suddenly, Luna heard a click and she heard it come from her right. Her instincts kicked in and she leapt away to see that there was a bolted arrow sticking in the ground where her foot had just been. 

She exhaled in relief but there was a flash and she found herself covering her eyes. She opened them to see that the bolt had exploded. Her eyes widened when her ears picked up the click again and she broke into a run. She heard another whoosh travel through the air and saw an arrow get stuck in the ground just behind her which then exploded a second later like before.

Luna realized that someone was trying to kill her. 

Nearby, there was a man who was was reloading his crossbow and fired another bolt at the girl. She was running and leaping on ahead, as fast as she could and missed getting hit by the arrows.

The man scowled as his arrows missed her yet again. He went to reload his crossbow again. He looked up but huffed as he saw that she was gone. 

There went his chance at 250k. 


Luna could see the light from the latest explosion to her left. She slowed her pace down and went to lean on a tree to catch her breath. 

Luna's ears perked up as she heard a small howl sound through the air. "Liam!" she gasped. Luna then broke away from the tree and headed off.


Liam was trying to climb up the well by grabbing and pushing himself on every loose stone he could grab on. It seemed like he was doing good but when he was halfway up the well, he started to come across loose gripping rocks and he slipped and fell all the way back into the water.

Liam got so frustrated that he went and punched a nearby wall. He managed to crack it but his hand hurt like hell. As he looked at his hand, he saw that his blood had streaks of yellow in it. He could make out a faint scent that he guessed was wolfsbane. The same that Garrett had no doubt used on Brett. It was keeping him from tapping into his healing.

He couldn't help but then back to when Scott showed him the boathouse window that he had broken through. He had pointed out that all the cuts and scrapes he got had healed and Liam thought that was one good thing of being a werewolf now.

Scott had told him that while it may be good for him, it may be bad for someone else and he had to get a grip on himself. Liam told him that he'd been trying for years to do just that. He explained that his stepfather told him that people like him deal in one or two ways: Either they hurt themselves or they hurt someone else. Liam took a deep breath and he then started to try and climb again. Slowly and steady.

As he climbed, he paused as he looked up at the moon. He grit his teeth as he then took a deep breath. His eyes flashed gold as he let out a hard howl out. After he did, he just stood there and panted as he felt his muscles slag a bit again. He just stayed there for a few minutes and thought that it hand't worked. 

He started climbing again but felt himself slowly losing his grip. Once again, he slipped and he braced himself for the impact of the harsh cold water, but it never came as he felt a hand grab his.

Liam opened his eyes and looked up. He let out a sigh of relief as he saw Luna looking down at him. Using her strength, she quickly pulled Liam out of the well.

Once he was out, Liam didn't hesitate as he wrapped his arms around Luna. Luna pulled Liam closer and could feel how cold he was since he was shivering violently. 

"You're okay," she said in a soft tone. "Liam, you're okay." 

The two sat there, hugging, until a noise drew their attention. Luna tensed up, fearing that it was an assassin but let out a sigh of relief once she saw Chris Argent's car.

Chris and Scott got out of the car. Scott immediately ran over to Luna and Liam and brought them all into a tight hug. Once they pulled away, Scott and Luna helped Liam up as they carried him off into the car so that they could get him some help.


"Put him on the table," Deaton told Scott and Luna. They stomped over with Liam whose arms was over their shoulders as he was being walked over to it. "Whoa, easy," he said as Liam nearly toppled over when he tried to lay himself on it.

Luna then turned to Deaton. "You can help him, right?" Luna asked as Liam's breathing started to sag a bit. 

Deaton slapped his gloves on as he moved to give Liam's wound a look and checked Liam's eyes with a light. "Yes, I believe so. The poison doesn't seem to have started seeping into his heart or lungs yet. It's a good thing you kept him from straining himself further. If Liam kept his blood pumping any more, he could've made the poison spread through his system faster." He then looked down at Liam's face. "This is going to hurt a bit." He then pulled out a scalpel.

Liam's eyes widened. "What?" 

"Hey," Luna said as she went and put her hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. Just relax." "Hold him down," Deaton told them. Scott and Luna moved to hold Liam's shoulders. "This will hurt a bit," Deaton warned him. Liam grit his teeth. "Just do it."

Deaton then started to cut into Liam and he sucked in air through his clenched teeth. Scott and Luna held him down and kept him from fidgeting as Deaton kept cutting into his chest. 

As Deaton cut, a small cloud of yellow mist spewed out of Liam. Deaton then removed the scalpel and the mist soon began to dissipate. Liam then stopped fidgeting and his muscles relaxed. Scott and Luna then loosened their grip as Liam started to breath a little deeply. 

"Alright. All he needs is just some rest." "Good," Luna said when she heard the back door open and soon saw Chris Argent walk in. "He okay?" he asked as soon as he spotted Liam lying on the table.

"Yeah, he's fine, just needs some rest." Luna said as she watched as Liam shut his eyes and started to rest up. Scott kept his eyes on Liam as he rested. "I don't want to keep watching people die."

Luna looked up at Scott and figured something must have gone down with him and Garrett. Argent let a tired breath out. "I'm not sure you have much of a choice." But Scott's face hardened a bit. "Maybe I do." "That's a lot of a burden to carry, Scott," said Deaton. 

Scott shook his head. "I don't care. No one else dies. We are going to save them. Everyone, all the people on that Deadpool. It doesn't matter if they're Wendigos, werewolves or whatever. I'm going to save everyone." 

[Published 12/10/17]

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