Would You Rather Remember?

By Demonic_Dragon123

56.8K 1.6K 838

Sequel to Atem X Reader ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ ⚫ After 5000 years of floating around the dark, (name) has seen a mysterious do... More

Awake and Reincarnation
Happy Hmong New Years
I Think...
Deal Pt. 1
Deal Pt. 2
A Problem


2K 55 49
By Demonic_Dragon123

(Yami and Yugi are going to have separate bodies!!!)

The snow has fallen slowly to the ground covering the sidewalks, trees, and buildings. The cars that drove on the road prevented the snow to touch the roads. One's breath could be seen as they walked on the sidewalk.

(H/c) hair was bouncing as a female walked swiftly past alleys and buildings placing her mittened hand on her face trying to keep the warmth she had while she held a small box in her other hand. Her (f/c) fleece jacket and (2f/c) scarf was not enough to keep her warm through the snowy day. As a familiar store came up she let out a smile of relief making her pace into a jog while being careful so she didn't slip and fall. She knocked  on the door twice wishing the temperature would miraculously rise. Soon the door was open revealing a happy little Yugi "hey (name)! Glad you could make it!" Yugi's little smile melted (name)'s heart (unlike me. I don't have a heart ;;).

Yugi had let (name) inside seeing how red her nose was from her continuous sniffing from her runny nose. (Name) was greeted by the cheerful faces of the others that resided within the shop. The shouting and laughter filled (name)'s ears as she looked around seeing Joey and Tristan arm wrestling while others cheered one or the other. 

Tea was chasing Duke around while throwing Christmas cookies at him. (Name) giggled feeling better seeing how positive the atmosphere was. Before taking another step (name) looked at Yugi "is Yami here?" She asked looking around not seeing her ancient lover. Yugi gave off a cute little chuckle pointing up the stairs "he might still be wrapping his present. He wanted it to be for you" Yugi smiled a bright and innocent smile. A smile had crawled onto (name)'s features as she look towards the stairs asking if she could go see if Yami was done. Yugi, being the cutie he is, nodded his head with a hum and (name) went up the stairs seeing the wooden door that held a silver knob. 

With a twist, (name) opened the door seeing a tall figure from behind as he stood up with a proud smile "finally!" He said "I'm done! I hope she likes the gift I got her" "I'm sure I will" Yami jumped from the unexpected voice as he turned round making amethyst eyes meet (e/c) ones. Yami smiled widely going up to (name) crushing her in a hug bigger than the sea. (Name) giggled and Yami chuckled, both happy to see each other even though it's been a day or so. Yugi smiled at the soft sight making his way back downstairs where everyone else minded their own business in the activity they were doing. 

Yami wouldn't let (name) go claiming that he wanted to say in their position just a little longer. (Name) didn't disagree since she also wanted to stay in their hugging position. Yami noticed the box in (name)'s hand giving off a sly grin "who's that for? Me?" He questioned but (name) shook her head saying "wrong. It's for Joey" in a joking voice. Yami pouted as he pushed (name) into the bed hugging her smaller frame "no~ it's for me isn't it?~" (name) giggled seeing Yami's adorable pouting face. 

(Name) turned her head away jokingly "nope!" Yami decided on an attack as a smug look appeared on his face for a second "hmph! Good thing I got my gift for Tea then!" (Name)'s chest tightened regardless of the fact that she already knew the gift was for her. With a pout (name) turned around and hugged Yami's muscular frame "NOO!~ I know the gift is for me~" Yami puffed out his cheek turning his head away humming a "nope."

A silence filled the room and almost immediately they both laughed in amusement. Their atmosphere was bright and so were their smiles "I love you" they both say simultaneously laughing again. They were​ such an adorable couple that even Seto would smile when he saw them hugging or laughing at the most smallest of things.

Yami had let go of (name) but his smile still remained. (Name) and Yami sat up just enjoying each others' presence "(name),  after I get my memories back do you want to get married here before we go back?" Yami asked shocking (name) as tears started to puddle up in her eyes. But the tears weren't some of mourn or rage. They were tears of joy.

A big and bright af smile appeared on (name)'s face "of course!" She said with excitement. Yami's smile became wider and he hugged (name) tightly as their body warmth warmed each other. Soon they had let go of each other not wanting to seem like they were doing something else. Yami got up first then (name) as they make their way out of Yugi's room and all the way downstairs where there was a commotion going about.


A familiar blonde head shouted with his Brooklyn accent.


Said a familiar brunette as he yanked on the cookie.

Yami sweat dropped while (name) sighed facepalming herself "these idiots" she said softly to where only Yami heard her as he chuckled. Tea saw the couple feeling a bit jealous but she knew that (name) was Yami's ancient Egyptian lover and that he was destined to be with for the rest of his life. While Joey and Tristan continued to fight over a cookie, Duke swiftly took it shoving it in his mouth "HEY!" Joey and Tristan shouted chasing after Duke with rage.


Everyone turned to see Mokuba and Seto "glad you could make it Kaiba" Yugi smiled and Seto just grunted "sorry about my brother. I dragged him from his work so he's gonna be grumpy" Mokuba apologized with a bow. Yugi nodded his head saying everything was alright and that he shouldn't worry too much. Seto decided to sit away from the chaos so he sat at the couch Yami and (name) sat on "hello Kaiba. Thank you for coming, Yugi wanted everyone together for Christmas" Yami smiled but Seto just let out another grunt before replying "I'm not doing this for Yugi. I'm doing this for Mokuba" Seto sighed. (Name) smiled at how Seto showed his love for his younger brother.

While the chaotic scene unfolded the door opened letting the cold air from outside in. Some snow had got in as well making some people shiver from the cold air. With a wide smile, Yugi's grandpa held a large bag "welcome back grandpa!" Yugi smiled brightly. Yugi's grandpa placed the bag on the ground telling the teens and younger one to gather around. Everyone was curious about what he could have brought.

The first to receive a gift was Yugi. He was given new puzzles and games that had very complicated concepts.

Yami was given different Egyptian written letters​ from long ago, an Egyptian outfit, and some money.

Joey, Tristan, and Duke had each gotten a shirt that had the words of 'Idiot Warning' in bold red letters.

Everyone laughed at the trios' shirts causing each one of them to earn an irk mark (💢) "AYE! HUSH UP!" Joey shouted angrily. Tristan and Duke nodded their heads with an agreeing hum. Seto grinned looking at Joey "it would be better you got a dog costume wouldn't it?" Seto chuckled getting a glare from Joey "SHUT IT KAIBA!" Joey shouted angrily.

Next to open their gift was (name). She was given a banana onesie along with an Japanese to Egyptian dictionary, and a notebook.

Tea got a new stereo and dance booklet.

Mokuba had got a dinosaur onesie, a new camera, and a new picture frame.

Seto got an angry sleeping mask and a new wallet.

Everyone was satisfied with their gift from Yugi's grandfather as they thanked him with appreciation. Then everyone exchanged their own gifts. Secretly, Joey went around whispering something in the ears of everyone except (name) and Yami "I'll go find one" Yugi smiled walking off with Joey, Tristan, and Duke. While Tea went to go get some string, and everyone else acted normal not wanting to give anything away.

Yami had approached (name) with a slight pinkish hue on his cheeks "here's your gift (name)" Yami spoke. (Name) smiled at him brightly handing him his gift "and here's yours" she smiled. Simultaneously, Yami and (name) opened their gift excited to see what they had gotten for each other. Yami smiled widely seeing how he was given a picture book with pictures of him, his friends, and her "thank you Ife" Yami spoke. Next was (name) as she opened hers carefully gasping at the gift that was a hair pin. The same hairpin he gave her in ancient Egypt "I found it in an antique shop and instantly thought of you" Yami rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

(Name) hugged Yami tightly with small trails of tears in her eyes. "I love it" she breathed out. Yami hugged back "and I love you" Yami responded with a soft voice. Suddenly the sound of cheering was heard surprising the two "HEY YOU TWO! COME OVER HERE FOR A BIT!" Joey chuckled with a hint of a sly feeling that came off undetected between the couple. The two hurried over to Joey and the others who had stood at the doorway to the kitchen with innocent grins that secretly held mischief.

"What is it Joey?"

Yami asked holding hands with (name), who had looked at the others with a questioning gaze. Joey chuckled "come a bit closer so I don't have to talk so loud" and the naive couple did as told getting a burst of laughter from everyone else "what is it?" (Name) asked feeling even more confused. Everyone looked up causing the two Egyptians to look up as well seeing a- that's right- Mistletoe. 

Yami and (name) looked at each other confused "what's it for...?" Yami asked looking at the mysterious object once again "it's a mistletoe! When two people stand under it they have to kiss!" Tristan answered with a huge grin. The couple blushed a dark red as realization smacked them in the face 'aw shit' they both thought simultaneously while groaning a groan of agony. 

Everyone laughed at the Egyptians "...might as well give them what they want" Yami spoke with a deep sigh. (Name) looked at him with a surprised expression "we are?" She asked. Yami held both her wrists turning her body in his direction "now stay still" Yami instructed. Yami's face grew closer by each second as his warm breath contacted (name)'s warm and soft skin making shivers go down her spine. While Yami came closer, (name) could feel herself getting lost in Yami's gorgeous amethyst orbs that had always brought her to a daze. 

Unexpectedly, Yami pressed his soft and warm lips onto (name)'s surprising her slightly. (Name) exhaled a breath she had kept in and eased into the lip to lip contact. The flash of picture taking was seen with the sounds of cameras clicking "that's goin' in the picture book!" Duke grinned a mischievous grin. (Name)'s face flushed red but Yami only made the kiss deeper causing more uproar from everyone else.


"Seto, what's Pornhub?"



Yami broke the kiss feeling (name) shake with laughter "what is it?" Yami asked with giggling lover "nothing!" (Name) smiled. Yami heard a crashing of a vase behind him.








(Name) giggled from the nonsense. Yami's expression softened with amusement before he too laughed at the nonsense.

"Merry Christmas (name)."

"Merry Christmas Yami!"


Almost 2000 words! 

Well, Happy Christmas Eve guys! 

If you don't celebrate Christmas then Happy Holidays!

Here's your early gift from me and I hope you enjoy. 

{A speech from le author}

As our year together unfolds to an end I am proud to say that I am excited to see what awaits us for our new year. You and I have been through troubles and pleasures but that doesn't change the fact that I will wish for your happiness everyday! I thank you for sticking with me from my Atem X Reader story to this new one. I am truly happy when you guys read the chapters i have published for you! Remember that I love you guys and that I wish for you to be happy! Happy Holidays!

                                                                                                -Demonic Dragon

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