A New Beginning (Elijah x Ele...

By Ashlelena

44.8K 1K 58

In this story, the sacrifice ritual happens in season 3, resulting in all of the originals dead except Elijah... More

Post Reception
Finally Away
The Surprise Destination
The Dream
Returning to Mystic Falls
Sleeping In
Wake Up Call
Silent Decisions
Months Later
An Unexpected Visit
Family Renuion
The Plan
The Birth
Adjusting to New Ways
Forgiveness and Weaknesses
Update on Sequel

Meeting Konner

1.5K 44 2
By Ashlelena

Elijah's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I awoke, feeling the life coming back to my gray body. I remembered that I was daggered and took in my surroundings to find that I was sitting in the passenger seat of a car with Kol in the seat next to me.

"About time you woke up,it's nearly 7 in the afternoon," Kol said sarcastically as he twirled the dagger around in his fingers.

I glared at Kol and spat through my teeth, "Kol, why did you take me? I made a deal with Klaus and now I have broken it!"

I was furious knowing that Klaus would sure enough come looking for us once he knew we were gone. Sure, I wanted to get away from Klaus, but not like this. I then took in my surroundings finding that we were parked in front of a small, two-storied house.

I also noticed that there was another car beside us that looked exactly like Rebekah's car that she had acquired back in Mystic Falls. Where were we?

My thoughts were interrupted by Kol, "Elijah, I think it's time we went inside. There are...some people you will want to see."

My heart desired that it was Elena, but I knew better; he would not take me to her. I then wondered who he was speaking of. We both got out of the car and Kol walked in front of me as I cautiously walked behind.

He and I both approached the door of the house and he paused before opening the door, " You asked me why I took you away from Klaus and brought you here. Well, here is why."

What did he mean? Kol entered the house and went to the left into a room. I slowly walked into the house and shut the door gently. Like Kol, I then walked to my left and into a room to find Rebekah, Finn, Kol, and a woman I have never met before, all smiling at me.

Before I could say anything, I heard a small, short cry behind me. I turned around to find Elena smiling with a child in her arms. My child. He looked less than a day old.

  "Elijah," Elena's angelic voice filled my ears.

She remembered me. My eyes watered as I quickly ran over to Elena pulling Elena and our child into a tight hug, never wanting to let them go.

I then heard everyone else leave the room and go upstairs; I knew I had a lot of thanking to do after this was over. When we finally pulled apart, my lips crashed onto Elena's. I began to realize how much I've missed her touch. Our kiss was quickly interrupted by a tiny hand touching my neck.

I laughed as I looked down at my son in Elena's arms, "May I hold him?" I asked my wife.

"Of course, he is yours too after all," Elena replied putting him into my arms.

I smiled as I saw that he had inherited Elena's eyes.

I looked back up to Elena, who was smiling at me with watery eyes, "What is his name?"

Her beautiful smile grew wider, "Nathaniel Konner Mikaelson...Konner."

A tear ran down my cheek as I heard my son's name that we both had admired before all the chaos occurred.

I bent down to his little head and placed a kiss upon his soft forehead.

Then right before my eyes, a blurry figure flashed right inside the house and behind Elena, and snapped her neck.

"NO!" I screamed and dropped to the floor as my Elena now lied dead at my feet. In shock, I looked up at Elena's killer to find one angry Klaus.


I almost cried my eyes out writing this.This was literally the hardest and saddest chapter to write. I know I keep crushing happy moments, but that is how Elijah and Elena's lives are, things just keep happening. No worries though, this isn't the end of Elena :) By the way, I was thinking about doing a sequel to this story. It would be about Elena and Elijah's life years later with their son. What do you guys think?

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