A Secretary's Job

By SpiderFlower

203K 6.5K 656

*ManxMan* [This story involves acts between males. If this is not your cup of tea so to say than you are mor... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

27.6K 918 115
By SpiderFlower

Stop! Please! No! I wanted to yell as he closed the door, but the tape on my mouth restricted me. NO! I flung myself at the only exist away from what was going to go down behind it, when his arms wound around my waist holding me back.

I trashed around, my heart accelerating at a dangerous speed. "Sage!" No, please no, I begged endlessly as my captor chortled in my ear. I sobbed as the room on the other side started to make promiscuous noises. 

"Sage! Wake up now!" a sonorous tone barked out. I don't know what it was about it but it soothed me to the point that it cleared my mind and relaxed my body, taking me away from everything that had broken me.

"That's right gorgeous, just like that, relax," that soothing voice spoke. I leaned my face onto a hand on my cheek. I knew this touch. I had craved it from the first time I had the privilege to feel it on my naked flesh.

He gathered me into his arms and I found myself scooting closer to him as he sat me on his lap, firmly pressed to his chest, my head resting under his chin my face turned so that my cheek rested on his shoulder. I should have been on pins and needles with our current position but after my nightmare this was nothing to be scared of. I was taking strength from the comfort he was giving me.

We stayed in silence, both of us in our own thoughts. The sound of his heart beat steadily became my favorite sound in the world as it cleared the last remaining shred of images from my mind. My head was clear and my thoughts were all on this glorious man and what has been going on for the past few weeks.

It was clear to me that he felt something for me. He wasn't like that bastard. As much as I knew that they were different I had to fully understand that so that I can finally look past all the pain and fear. This amazing man didn’t have reasons to lie to me. Didn't need me as his own personal bank. 

I was slowly coming to terms with this but I was still scared. Why was this glorious man so keen on having me? How long would it be before he tired of me?  Betrayal was something that I couldn't handle. And something told me that I wouldn't recover from something like that happening from this man.

No, I had fallen for my Scrumptious/Drop Dead Gorgeous Boss without even realizing it and it was scaring the living shit out of me, but with every fiber of who I was, I wanted him in every way. I wanted the love that he claimed to have for me. I wanted to return it wholly. Wanted to finally live my life for myself, unafraid of anything and be with him. I wanted everything he could give me. I loved him. So simple yet so damn hard.

I took a deep slow breath. I had sworn that I would get over my past and I knew that this amazing man was more than willing to help me if I let him in. I shifted my position on his lap and it wasn't until I saw the look on his face that I noticed the posture I placed myself in. "I love this color on you," he whispered, tracing his fingers on my burning cheek up to my ears as his other hand ran up my leg, that had wrapped around his waist.

I shuttered, biting my lip to keep from moaning. I placed my hand on his chest and pushed but he moved his hand to my hips stopping me from getting too far. I let out a shaking breath but I kept a firm hand on his chest. Distance was the only way I could think around him. To close and I’d strip out of my clothes and offer myself as some Thanksgiving dinner like the floozy I was.

Damn its getting hot in here.

He gave my chin a gentle tug so that I looked at him. Slowing I opened my eyes with some probing from him and I was staring right back into his gaze. The only other time I ever met his eyes was earlier this morning when he had forced me and I all but lost it. I had tried once to look into his cerulean colored eyes but this strange feeling overpowered my body causing me to lose control. I don't know how I manage not to orgasm on the spot or faint from the rush of blood from my head to my lower organ. But I had managed and since then I hadn't risked it.

When all I wanted him to do was gaze into my eyes as I tell him I love him. As he lavishes my body, owns it, make it his, and claim me through and through until my body, heart, and soul was all his. It was such a fierce emotion for me to have for a man I barely knew about other than his profession. I'll always remember the day it happened. It was a couple months ago at a meeting and I had been on edge knowing I'd spend a whole evening in the same room with him. I'd had almost gotten his gaze on me before he got distracted by an associate.

"Beautiful what are you thinking about?" Mr. Amoux asked bring me out of my thoughts. Making me conscious of my breathing which was coming out in short gasp at the heat building up in me.

I blushed. I couldn't move away, he had me trapped in his massive arms. Breathing normally was beyond me at this point. "I want you," I manage to gasp. My eyes dropped to his lips when he gasped. "But please don't hurt me." I heard myself say. I winced at my own desperation, the pain that I couldn't let go of no matter how much I wanted to. My eyes widen in shock when I heard him growl. Why does that turn me on so much? I should be freaking out at how animalistic it sounds. This was not a normal reaction.

"Stop that," he roared. "Stop looking as if I'm actually capable of such an absurd act!"

I snapped my eyes back to his. I heard the pain in his voice. Reaching up I cupped his cheek. "Mr.-" I stopped when he gave a low growl. "Ah James?" I bit my lip from chuckling when he smiled contently at me. How strange I felt like I knew why he was growling, he seemed so much like Boots. I smiled, how cute though. "You were right earlier I want you but like others I have a past. One that I want to rid myself of, so that I'm no longer bound by them. But I'm scared. This hold y- " I was cut off as he flung me backwards with him on top.

"Listen, I'm only going to say this once because afterwards I'm going to show you on a daily basis how much I want you in my life and how I'll never let go. You never have to be scared of me leaving. I want you. No one has ever brought these feeling out of me. You have made me act out like a total fool to get you to take notice of me. Just the thought of you gets me acting like some teenager. I’ve lost count of the amount of times you have gotten me ridiculously hard. And those dates! I can't handle you going on those absurd dates. Having those men look at you as if you could be theirs, when you are mine. Drives me insane. You can run and hide and keep things from me but know this, I will chase, find you and rip away that insecurity until you see that I'm here to love you wholly and realize that I'm not going anywhere until death rips me from your side. Even then know that my soul will wait for you on the other side. I've fallen for you. The strength that you don't seem to notice. That stubborn attitude that solidifies your resolve. Your dedication to your work. And I can't wait to know you all the way through to what makes you, you, because be assured that I'll love all of you unconditionally.”

I was rendered speechless as he all but declared this. Looking at his with my mouth opening and closing as I tried to form words most have been a sight to behold. The corner of his lips turned up into a smirk as if he knew how it had affected me. I bit my lip nervously. My mind was processing his every word and it wasn't healthy for my heart. He wasn’t healthy for my heart. His words did affect me, they shot right through that stupid wall I covered myself with and lashed on to my soul and I knew it was far from ever letting go.

"You don't need to say anything. Your body is telling me everything," he purred in my ear, "It seems if I just take my time, and with a clear head I can read you perfectly."

I gulped. "J-Ja-James what happens next?" 

"We can take it slow. We can start with getting to know one another better?" he suggested.

"I like that," I whispered. "Um can you get off." I was seriously self conscious about the hard on I was rubbing against him. I mentally threw my arms up, how do I not notice these things!

"Mmm, yeah no. I like our position," he replied rubbing his nose on my cheek. My eyes widen when I became conscious of his own erection. How had I only been conscious of own? There's something wrong with me. "You smell divine." 

"This is slow?" He stopped. What is wrong with you Sage!? He's particularly grinding his delicious manhood on you and you make him stop?! That's it! I'm officially diagnosing myself as mentally impaired.

"Sorry about that." He pulled back but dragged me with him. We were back to me sitting on his lap so I was less hard on myself for my lack of intelligence. I hummed at the feel of his warm chest. "Your scent drives me insane."

"It does?"

"Oh you deviant little thing, you have no idea." I just nodded clueless. Nonetheless his words made me blush even harder. Soon silence fell on us.

"So work? You know documents, meetings, and yeah stuff." Oh gosh I'm rambling.

He chuckled, "You're right. Hmm if only I had a sexy little secretary to cancel them?"

I laughed shaking my head. "I don't think so. I'm not going to be responsible for you slacking off," I said scooting of him quickly. Just as I stood, a vicious growl grumbles from behind me and faster then I stood I was back on his lap his arms wrapped tightly around me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He barked. Like the little floozy I was I shivered and this time I moaned loud and hard. I was seated right on top of his bulging hard on and my last shred of sense left me as I grinded my ass on him. 

He hissed in my ear before he took my lope in his teeth and started to nibble on it. "Mmm." I reached up and gripped at his hair. "More." I don't know where it was coming from but I took the new found confidence and rode it as I nudge his face towards me.

There was no hesitation or fear as I kissed him. The kiss was anything but hesitate as he dominated it. But I cared close to none. I loved it. He was sucking and biting my lip and it wasn't until I felt his hand on my naked flesh that caused me to gasp that he invaded my mouth and soon enough I was coming in my pants at how wonderfully exotic he tasted.

“You came,” he whispered. 

I nodded panting not even embarrassed by it. I didn’t have the strength to be even from the fact that I had come from a kiss. Damn his kisses were hot and I got a hint of apple I think, but either way he tasted like sexy sweetness and dear lord you fucking existed because I was on cloud nine with angels singing and everything. In the back of my mind I knew I didn't make sense but who would give a shit with a man like this on top of them.

I don't know how I got shirtless but I was and once again I was on my back, our kiss never having been broken. My floozy little self was more than content with that. His lips left my mouth far too soon and I should have gotten my senses back but who in the fucking world was I fooling? He kissed my exposed chest and his hot mouth descended on my hard pebbled nipples, taking his sweet time on them.

I trashed around my fingers tangled in his hair as I pushed him lower, wanting to feel the heat of his mouth on me. I whimpered when he shook my hands off and buried his head in the crook of my neck instead. But I wasn't complaining since I was moaning like some wanton floozy when he started to suck on the sensitive skin on my neck and palm my groin at the same fucking time! I gripped at his shoulders, he wasn't close enough!

I turned to give him more access when I noticed my shirt on the small table. My mine didn't process my shredded shirt so I just turned to look at him with a hooded gaze. Blinking away the hazy I gasped at what I saw. I was looking directly into a pair of bright light clear blue eyes and I wondered if all this lust was causing brain damage.

 ...Eyes didn't glow like that.

"James?" Slowly I reached up to touch them but in a flash he was on the other side of the room. I slowly sat up disorientated. "J-James?"

He snapped his head up. I blink trying to clear the rest of the haze out of them somehow. I have to be seeing wrong. There was no way that I was seeing right. Nope. Wrong. Mistake. I was not seeing a pair of furry ears and enlarged teeth. Lust causes brain damage. Yup that was it. No way was I seeing claws.

I rubbed my eyes and looked back at him. He was moving and seeming to be getting agitated. And as much as his emotions were getting to me somehow, I was fixed on the fact that with every turn and move those things followed.


It must have been the tone of my voice that snapped him out of whatever trance he was in because he looked at me and the scared look in his eyes had me getting up and walking to him. Gosh I never knew I had a screw loose in my head. I should be running and screaming my lungs off. Hmm then again I was never normal. I hope you're happy with how you raised your son with your uncanny tendencies, I reprimand my dear mother in heaven.

"James?" I held my hands out in caution as if I was dealing with a hurt animal, and in a way I think I was.

"Stop, stay where you are." He stepped back trying to block my view of his ears and teeth with his hands.

I shook my head. He eyed me confused. "You don't have to be scared of frightening me."

"Anything but rejection please," he pleaded, desperation clear in his voice. I bit my lip from the pain that ached itself in my chest. “I can’t lose you because of this Sage, please.” I stepped forward and slowly took his hand into mine and brought it up to my cheek, clear of the facts that he had claws. "Don't push yourself. I can sense that you're scared."

I nodded. "I am but not because of what you think. I'm scared of not knowing what you may be," I whispered.

"I'm a Weredog."

I pursed my lips and nodded resisting the urge to roll my eyes. "Yeah that explains it." Right as if it's that simple.

He gave me a gentle smile. "How about we get to that plan of ours on getting to know each other before you had the smart idea of seducing me," he inquired. I would have thought he was mad until I noticed the smirk of his on full display. At least he wasn’t panicking.

I pouted. "Seems like someone's panic mood is over and down with." I yelped when he picked me up and took us back to the sofa where he sat and placed me on his lap facing him. He gave me a once over and nodded to himself.

"Perfect." I raised a brow at him and waited for him to start despite the arch behind my zipper. It may be uncomfortable but this needed to be explain. I may have a background story on how I can’t trust others but it was more than obvious that his topped mine and I couldn’t let him off something like this. We need to discuss things first before we went further. Hopefully he explains himself fast...

"Where should I start?" His voice sounded strain. No doubt in the same position I was in. 

"The beginning is always a good start." I presumed as I played with his ears to distracted myself as he found where he wanted to start. So soft!

He leaned in and pecked my lips catching me by surprise. "Haha very funny." I shrugged and waited patiently. He seemed fine with me playing with his ears. Hmm wonder if he can pop a tail. Oh! What if he has one out already? I suppressed a childish squeal. We're having a serious conversation here. I can focus on that later. Put your adoration for wolfs away. Later, later I can touch them. Focus time.

James seemed nerves as he contemplated his next words. Taking a deep breath I had to strain to hear him. When I kept asking him to repeat himself I had to smack him to stop whispering and use his voice and when he did I was rendered speechless. 

"C-co-come again?"

"I'm Boots."

"Right that's what I thought I heard."


I held up my hand to silence him. "Give me a few to take this information in," Pfft more like decades!

"Sage I-"

"Show me." 

"Maybe another time." He seemed nerves. He fucking should be!

I shook my head. "Now James."

He sighed and got up to which I follow for some crazy reason. He was going to change into some beast and I willingly follow! I mentally sigh, I give up on myself.

I watched transfixed and worried on how his bones disgustedly popped and dislocated out of place. His clothes vanished and fur ascended. He started to look less like a man and more like a wolf and the rational part of me was screaming to be scared when the equally rational part of me told me that he would never hurt me and was transfixed on what was happening.

Boots, I mean James, damn that's weird to think, rubbed his muzzle on my thigh and that must have been it for me because my knees gave out. Right before I gave the office floor a good smooch a pair of arms wound around me.

I gawked at him and the wheels in my now fried mine somehow started to slowly move. "Y-y-you and I- I y-you-"

He winced. "I'm sorry."

I nodded, ahuh right…My brain slowly processing what this meant. My conversation with Boots...I stared at him, yeah I'm going to have to empty today's schedule for this was going to be a long conversation.


A/N: Okay I had meant to write Sages past in the last chapter but I didn't and while typing this chapter I changed things around. Though there was a glimpse! No good? Yeah just going to hide if it isn't. Hopefully I did't disappoint.

(づ-̩̩̩-̩̩̩_-̩̩̩-̩̩̩)づ Now go on while I find a corner to cry in from how long I took to update because of my laziness and how the next chapter is the last.

(The next chapter is marked private :| not by me but wattpad *sigghhhh* if you can't read it you'll have to follow than unfollow when you're done)


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