You're annoying [Katsuki X Re...

By ima_damnqueen

61.1K 1.9K 3.6K

"I hate you but I can't stop thinking about you. Its really fucking annoying. You're annoying" he says still... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 4 -continued-

chapter 3

9.4K 468 1.1K
By ima_damnqueen

It's been a month since the exams and I'm still waiting for my acceptance letter. What if I didn't make it? No, I should be in. I got a decent amount of points so I should be fine. Maybe I should go check the mail to see if I have it.

I grab my jacket and walk out to my mail box. I open it to find a letter from UA. Well, here's the moment of truth.

~small time skip~

I'm officially a UA student. All Might not only got to record the acceptance letters he's also gonna be a teacher.

Katsuki's POV


“IM COMING DAMNIT!” I yell back. I go down stairs to my mom and snatch the letter out of her hands. I already know I got in I am the best after all. But I wonder what I placed. I walk back to my room and open it.

A hologram of All Might appears saying how I'm a student now blah blah blah.

“I'm sure you want to know what you placed young Bakugou” the hologram says.

“No shit” I say to myself.

“You tied first place with (y/n). Both with 75 attack points and 20 rescue points”


“Watch your fucking language!” My mom yells.

“I'm fucking sorry” I say back. All Might tells me that school starts next week then goes away. I roll my eyes. How did I tie with her? Damn nerd. I'm interrupted from my thoughts when my mom walks in.

“I heard you tied with (y/n)” she says with an evil smirk on her face. “When did she come back?”

“I don't know and I don't care” I say crossing my arms.

“You guys were cute when you played together as kids. I think now you guys would make a cute couple” she states.

My face heats up. Me with her? I'd rather die. I think. She did get cute over the years. FUCKING THOUGHTS. “IT'S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!”

“Anything is possible”

“Whatever, get out of my room” I say. She smiles and walks out closing my door. Is that old hag crazy? I would never date (y/n) and being tied with her makes me hate her more.

~time skip first day of school ~

Your Pov

I'm looking at myself in the mirror. The uniform doesn't really suit me but I suppose it's fine. My phone vibrates in my pocket so I take it out to see who I got a text from. Its Izuku.

“Hey (y/n) do you wanna walk to school together?”

“Yes, it would make the first day a lot less awkward”

I smile and put my phone back in my pocket. We would always walk together. I guess some things never change. I walk out the door then lock it. The sun is out with a few clouds surrounding it. Today could be a good day. I put in headphones then make my way to Izuku's house. That's 5 minutes away so i either have time for two short songs or one 5 minute song. I pick the 5 minute one.

As I'm walking I see a mom and her daughter walk out if a brightly colored candy shop. The same one I used to go to with my mom. They were both smiling and probably thinking nothing can happen to ruin this. Seeing this drops my mood. My mom used to take me there every Friday when I was little.

I sigh heavily. My heart feels like it's been ripped out. Maybe the day will get better.

I get to Izuku's house then take out my headphones. I knock on the door as soon as the green haired boy opens it. His face lights up when he sees me. I couldn't help but smile back as he closed the door.

“I'm guessing you're ready to go?” I ask.

“Mhm, I'm really excited but also really nervous” he says with enthusiasm as we walk to the school.

I chuckle. “So am I, you know I tied first with Kacchan?”

“Yes! You know he's gonna probably try to beat you up” he tells me.

“Nah, he'll just yell at me”

“Yelling leads to beating” he tells me.


“Okay, I bet you five dollars that he'll try”

“Deal” I say then shake his hand.

We get to UA and see most of the same faces we saw last month. It seems all nice and peaceful for now.

“(Y/N)!” there goes the peacefulness.

“Get ready to lose the bet” Izuku whispers to me then walks away as Katsuki comes to me.

“Oh hey Kacchan thanks for saving me a month ago” I run my fingers through my hair turning it white then smirking at him. He grabs my collar pulling me up to his face.

“How did you tie with ME in first place? I thought you were quirkless?!” He growls.

“I have my ways, also could you not but beat the shit out of me I kinda made a bet with Izuku”

“Fuck you”

“Oh you probably would” I say then give a cocky smile. His face turns red from anger or embarrassment. I couldn't tell. The angered blonde drops me then walks away cursing under his breath. Looks like I win the bet.

I look around for Izuku to tell him he lost. I find his mop of green hair. He's with that girl we saved during the exam. I walk over to them then look at Izuku.

“Guess who owes me five dollars?” I say.

“Well I'm glad you didn't get hurt but now you're hurting my wallet” he says handing my a 5. I take it and put it in my pocket. “Oh this Uraraka” he introduces her.

“Hi you must be (y/n) right? The other person that saved me?” She asks.

“Yep that's me”

“Thank you so much, both of you” she says in a cheerie voice.

“It's what heroes do” Izuku says.

“Hey you guys are in class 1A right?” The bubbly girl asks.

“Yes” we both said. She grins and chuckles. She has a really happy personality. Something I'm not really used to but it should be fun.

~time skip~

We're sitting in class waiting for the teacher to show up. I'm sitting behind Izuku by the windows. I start day dreaming and space out. We hear the door click open and turn our attention to it. A man shows up in a yellow sleeping bag with long messy black hair.

“Okay I'm Aizawa. Everyone get your PE clothes on and meet at the PE grounds outside” he announces as he steps out of his sleeping bag. He's in all black making him look kind of like a villain. Every one looks confused. Weren't we supposed to be doing orientation?

“Um excuse me, I thought everyone goes to orientation?” Some pink girl asks.

“Only if you want to waste your time now go get dressed”

~time skip~

We are all outside and basically in the same outfits. I like this better than the school uniform. Skirts never looked good on me anyway.

Aizawa explains what we'd be doing; throw a baseball, run 50 meters, sideways jump, and others. He also explains that if anyone fails they will get expelled. People start to murmur and worry. I know I'll do fine though. Izuku should be fine too even if he gets hurt using his quirk. Then again if he uses it for the run then he'd be immobilized. He might not be fine after all.

We start with the 50-meter test. The first pair up is some boy with  blue-black hair and glasses against a frog girl. Iida is the boys name and frog girl prefers to be called Tsu. (I don't remember who went against who and their times) They get to the starting line and when it starts it's almost immediately over. Iida's time is 3.3 seconds while Tsu's is 4.1. Iida has engines in his calves to make him go hella fast and Tsu can do everything a frog can do. Both of their quirks are incredible.

“Okay, next is (l/n) and Kirishima" Aizawa says. I take a deep breath then go up to the line. Next to me is a boy with spiky red hair with a grin on his face.

'He's kinda cute' I think to myself.

“Oh hey you're pretty cute. Let's say after I win this you'll go in a date with me?” The red hedgehog asks still grinning. He has sharp teeth so maybe he's more of a shark?

I smile and chuckle a little. “Only if you win”


“Okay go” the teacher says. Kirishima bolts in front of me but I teleport to the finish line.

“(L/n) 1.6 seconds Kirishima 5.2 seconds” the machine says. I look back at Kirishima. He has a slightly disappointed look on his face.

“Well damn looks like I don't get that date”

I chuckle. “Sorry maybe next time”.

I feel a pair of eyes burning into my soul. It's probably Kacchan. I look in its direction to see two crimson eyes glaring at me. Awe he's kinda cute when he's pissed off. Oh wait he's always pissed. I stick my tongue out at him to piss him off more then go to Izuku. He looks like a nervous wreck.

I place my hand on his shoulder. “You okay?” I ask.

“Oh y-yeah I'm peachy” he says nervously.

“You'll do fine kid” I smile at him. He smiles back and calms down a little.

He went next with Kacchan. He used his blasts to beat Izuku with a finished time of 4.3. Izuku finished with 7.4.

~time skip~

I had to hold back on some of the tests. I don't want to be too good just yet. Now we're throwing a baseball with our quirks. Kacchan is the first to go up. Aizawa explains you can do whatever you want as long as you stay in the circle.

“DIE!” he yells as he blasts the ball out if his hand. I can't help but chuckle.

“705.2 meters” Aizawa says. Katsuki is really powerful, I can't help but admire it sometimes.

Uraraka is next. She stands in the circle and makes it float. She gets infinity which is really impressive. She comes over to me and smiles.

“That was pretty good I don't think anyone could beat that” I say. I could beat it.

“Thanks I think it's the only thing I was good at” she scratches the back of her head. “You did really well on the other tests”

“Thanks” I smile back at her. Izuku walks into the pitching circle still looking nervous. He should use his quirk on this last test at least he won't fuck up his legs. He takes a breath and throws the ball but it only goes 40 meters. Izuku has a very surprised/ scared look.

“I took away your quirk” Aizawa says staring at him. Shit he must be Eraserhead. “What makes you think you could be a hero? You did poorly on the tests and the entrance exam not to mention you hurt yourself. Now try again” he blinks and gives him the ball.

I'm stunned at what he said but he is right. If he wants to be a hero he needs to control his quirk.

Izuku throws the ball again this time it goes 707.4 meters. Finally, he used his quirk. His hand seems to be okay but his finger looks like shit. He must've focused it all in his finger.Izuku walks over to us and looks at me. I smile at him.

“You did good. Is your finger okay?” I ask.

“It's kind of broken” he chuckles nervously.

“Oh, I can heal it” I say.

"Y-you can?"

“Mhm let me see” I say and gently hold his broken finger. I focus on the broken bone and basically tell the body to speed up the process while using some of my stamina. It heals almost immediately. Izuku and Uraraka look at me with surprised looks as I let go of his hand.

“(Y/n) you seem to have a lot of quirks how is that possible?” Izuku asks.

“Heh, well I don't know”

“(L/n) you're up” Aizawa says grabbing my attention. I go up to the circle with the ball in my hand. I know if I throw it using all my arm strength it would at least go 1000 meters. Let's not get too cocky yet. I'll do what Izuku done. I pull back to throw it then as I'm about to let go I put all of my strength in my pointer finger. It flies 709.6 meters. I walk back to Izuku and Uraraka.

“I'm glad these tests are almost over” I say.

“Easy for you to say you did good on all the tests. I'm gonna get expelled” Izuku says. I almost forgot about that.

After everyone got done with the last test Aizawa put up the scores. I was in second place, Katsuki in fourth, and Izuku dead last.


“Oh no one's getting expelled go change back into your clothes” Aizawa says plainly. Izuku let's out a sigh of relief hearing this. I smile then follow the other girls to the locker room to change.

After I change back into the uniform to walk out of the locker room and into the hallway. The hallway is empty which is weird because I figured someone would be out here. There're footsteps coming behind me so I turn around to see a very pissed off fireball. Oh boy.

He grabs my arms and pins me against the wall. It knocks my head into it as well. Needless to say it hurt pretty bad.

“Well damn Kacchan if you're gonna pin me down you could've taken me out first” I say smirking at him.

“Shut the fuck up! How have you been better than me all day?! How the fuck did you get all these quirks? Have you and Deku been lying about it this whole time?!” He growls at me. Now that I think about it, I was slightly better than him in all the tests. It was unintentional though.

“Like I fucking said before, I have my ways and no we did not lie to you dip shit” I say.

“I hope you fucking kill yourself!” He yells at me.

“I've already tried and it didn't fucking work!” I yell back. Oops. I  shouldn't have said that. Katsuki's eyes widen with a hint of guilt, pain, and regret.

He lets go of me. “W-what?”

“Nothing..forget it”. I start to walk away but he grabs me again.

“No tell me”

“Why the fuck do you suddenly care? Dammit Katsuki just fuck off” I say as tears prick my eyes and my voice cracks. He has a concerned look on his face like he wants to say something but I walk away before he gets the chance.

I walk out of UA with tears streaming down my cheeks. This day has been complete shit. I can't wait to get home and just curl up in bed. I could just teleport there. I teleport to my room and get under the covers. I'll just sleep the whole day.

This is 2598 words. Jesus Christ. Anyway don't forget to vote if you liked it and thank you for reading.

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