I'm Like You {Michael MellXRe...

By MicahArctic

63.9K 2.1K 3.1K

Y/N is one of the popular girls but wasn't like Chloe or Brooke. Y/N loved playing Apocalypse Of The Damned w... More

|O N E|
|T W O|
|T H R E E|
|F O U R|
|F I V E|
|S I X|
|S E V E N|
|E I G H T(Short)|
|N I N E|
|T E N|
|E L E V E N|
|T W E L V E|2P
E|T H I R|N| T E E N|D
|College AU section|
|P R O L O U G E|
1;We Made It!
4;I love him
|Oneshot Section|
|I D E A|
Starring Role

|T W E L V E|2P

2.5K 99 144
By MicahArctic

|M I C H A E L|

Y/N hasn't been at school and no one knows where she is.

"Hey, Evan." I said entering his house. "Do you know where Y/N-?" "Ev, whos at the..." Y/N's voice trailed off when she saw me. "H-Hey." I said slightly smiling to see she was okay.

"Hi..." She said rather shy. She was not a shy person!

"You alright?" "I gotta go!" She said walking back upstairs. I tried to follow her but Evan stood in my way. "Give her time-"

"I've given her a few days!"


"What happened anyways?"



"Why don't you ask that Nicole bitch." Evan snapped. "Nicole? She is far from a bitch-" "So? That still doesn't justify why she started the rumors of Y/N sleeping with guys!" Evan snapped screaming. He never screamed either.

"...She...She...what?" I was in shock. Nicole seemed so innocent and kind. "Your lying -" "If I was lying then my Cousin wouldn't have been crying for the past few days." Evan stated, coldly.

"I have to confront her then..." I said quietly and left Evans house to see Nicole.


I waited for Nicole at School the next day. I told her to meet me in the janitors closet before class started. I saw the knob start to move and the door opened revealing Nicole, in a red dress, red lipstick and a lovesick look all over her face.

She smiled at me and shut the door. "So you needed to talk to me?" She said smiling at me. Nicole was probably all dressed up just for this. I told her I really had to talk to her and I know that she has a massive crush on me.

"What's your problem?" I asked slightly glaring at her. She was in a daze so I repeated it, "What's your problem?" I asked sternly, a bit louder than before which took her out of the daze. Her face read fear until it showed no emotion.

"I didn't do anything wrong." She said acting all innocent but I saw past that. "Y/N did nothing to deserve that!" I yelled making her jump a bit, "She was gonna take you from me-!" "She can't take something that was never yours to begin with." I said and left her in the closet. I was mad at her.


As I walked out of my final class I saw Jeremy. I rolled my eyes. "Michael? Where have you been all day?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes, "Really? So your not the one thats been avoiding me?" I said annoyed.

"..." He stayed quiet which kind of annoyed me more. "Jeremy, why are you standing there all creepily?" I asked a bit concerned for my safety. He snapped out of whatever he was in and looked at me. "Seriously what up with you man? Youve been acting shady ever since...since..." I paused realizing what was up.

"It worked didn't it?" I said reffering back to when we bought that Squip thing. "Jeremy! That's amazing! We gotta test it out! No...We gotta celebrate! We gotta...Get stoned in my basement!" I said smiling at Jeremy. I might have a chance to be his friend again!

He didn't move.

"Optic Nerve blocking on." He said and walked right past me, showing me a bit. "J-Jeremy?" I asked but he was off...with...Brooke?

I sighed. What did I think...Did I think he would be that amazing guy I knew for twelve years or stay the same asshole I know now.

I had to get home.

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