Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

By TheGreenNinja82

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It seems like EVERYONE mostly has someone they like...except for Mikey that is. But when Venus's friend come... More

Chapter 1 ~ Mikey's Rough Day
Chapter 2 ~ Vennie?!
Chapter 3 ~ She's A Hopeless Case
Chapter 4 ~ The Weapon Snatcher!
Chapter 5 ~ The Bad Idea
Chapter 6 ~Wait...WHAT?!
Chapter 7 ~ Bandit Alone
Chapter 8 ~ Yin and Yang
Chapter 9 ~ Heh It's Splinters Fault...
Chapter 10 ~ Kidnapped
Chapter 11 ~ Gangs and Groups (Part 1)
Chapter 12 ~ Gangs and Groups (Part 2)
Chapter 14 ~ All Is Revealed?
Chapter 15 ~ The Words I Couldn't Say
Chapter 16 ~ The Death of Oroku Nikoretto
Chapter 17 ~ Feelings
Chapter 18 ~ Bandit On the Run
Chapter 19 ~ The Big Kaboom
Chapter 20 ~ It All Ended With a Big Bang

Chapter 13 ~ Groups and Gangs (Part 3)

633 40 20
By TheGreenNinja82

~ Chapter 13 ~

"God, this is so stupid," I gritted through my teeth as we ran along the roof tops.

Bekka sighed. "These feet are slowing me down!"

We were complain but oh no, Leo and Raph were having the time of their lives...IN OUR BODIES!!!

"Wheeee! I'm so faast!" Yelled Leo.

That's when Bekka pushed him off the building.

A second later Leo was running with us but with his trap shut.

"Hey, Bekka!" Raph yelled. "Wanna race now?"

And that's when Bekka called Raph a Badger Face and shoved HIM off the building too.

"I had to ask a simply question." He grumbled and started running along with us.

I smirked a little, I did look odd with a red mask on but I guess he felt the same with my green mask.

We jump from building to building, wondering what adventure would consume us into. In other words, we were looking for a fight.

Leo stopped in a more busy part of the city with the taller, brighter, more populated buildings.

I bit the bottom of my, Raph's I mean, lip. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

Leo smiled, which looked odd in Bekka's body because she smirks. "I thought since we've all been kind of stressed over our bodies being switched around, we can relax."

"What 'bout patrol?" Whined Raph.

Leo rolled his eyes, which looked exactly like Bekka. "I think the other guys have patrol covered."

Bekka nodded. "It's not like patrol is even a challenge."

I sighed. "True," I turned to Leo, "so where are we gunna 'relax' at?"

Leo grinned. "Central Park."

I choked. "What?"

"Aw, c'mon, we all know ya love hangin' there, Nick." Raph smirked.

I huffed. "Yeah, alone."

"Then you can relax away from us." Said Leo.

"Fine," I grumbled. "Let's relax."

Little did we know, that was the worst mistake we made yet.


I was lazily resting my head in my palms, laying on a high tree branch in Central Park.

Leo was right, I was seriously stressed.

As far as I knew, Raph and Leo were walking around, and Bekka was trying to scare the shell out of pedestrians.

Like I just told you, as far as I knew that was what they were doing. I didn't expect for Bekka to ram into the tree, sending me flying off.

"Leo!" I yelled.

Bekka froze. "What did you just call me?"

I paused. "Le-Bekka. You're Bekka." I shook my head. "Why'd I just call ya Leo?"

Bekka shrugged and helped me up. "I dunno, Raph."

She tensed up. "I mean Nick."

We looked at each other. "What's going on?!" We yelled at each other.

Raph and Leo ran up to us.

"Guys, what's going on?"

"Nothing, Bekka." I muttered. "I mean Leo!"

Leo sent me a puzzled look. "Geez, Raph."

Raph glared at him. "Hey!"

"GAAAH!" Leo shook his head.

Raph rolled his eyes. "And ya have the dignity to call my Badger-Face."

"Hey," Bekka growled, "I call you Badger-Face."

"Why are we calling each other the names of the bodies we're in?" I depended.

"How should we know, Raph?" They all asked me.

"I'm Ra--I mean Nick!" I shook my head. "We got to get back to Donnie stat."

"I don't think so," chucked someone.

We twirled around come face to face to...

"Shark!" I yelled before my face reddened.

Who seriously names their kid Shark?

'Bob? No...Jeffery? No...oh! How about Shark?'

He laughed some more. His stupid black oily hair, intense electric blue eyes. The retard. "That's a code name. It's Leory."

'Nah, Shark is overrated. Now I know! Leroy!'


He fixed his eyes on my body. "Hello, Nick."

"Hey, bub, I'm Nick!" I growled.

He turned towards me and raised his eyebrow. "Oh? Prove it."

I smirked. "Dustin."

His face turned red. "That was to kill you!"

"It kind of didn't work." Raph blurted. "I mean, a date in Central Park here? That's lame for me."

I stared at him. "Ya have my memories too?"

Leroy fixed his eyes on Bekka's body. "You, you need to die."

Leo's body, the real Bekka, chuckled. "I switched bodies too, retard."

Leory glanced at all of us. "Shredder will be displeased at this. He wants the people in the bodies, but no problem. I'll just kill you all."

"You?" Laughed Bekka. "You will kill us all? That's kind of funny because I beat you with one hit."

Leroy smiled. "Yes, but this time I'm not alone."

We glanced at each other nervously. Who'd he bring with? Karai? Katrina? Rawzar? FishFace? FlyMan (our new name for Baxter Binkboy)?

Leroy grinned which nearly made me gag.

"Oh, Elana!" He called out.

We call took out our weapons, prepared for anything.

What we didn't prepare for was a girl, no younger nor older than us.

She shared Leroy's black hair and cold eyes.

Leroy grinned even more as she stopped at his side.

Elana didn't look like anything special, or anything dull. She looked like a normal teenage girl. Expect for the fact she was wearing ninja get up. Black socks that went to her thighs, a black mouth cover, and the top was kind of a wrap. All black. A chain around her waist held a scabbard with a sort of weapon. A Japanese sword for sure.

Her held tilted to the side. "Hello."

We all looked at each other even more. Wasn't the enemy suppose to be all like, 'HAHAHHAHA! I WILL RIP YOU ALL TO SHREDS! PREPARE TO DIE!' sort of deal?

Her eyes were locked on all of us. It was almost creepy.

"Who do you want dead first, father?" She asked softly.

"Father?!" I choked.

Elana stared at me blanky. "Yes, turtle. Father."

I gritted my teeth. "Hey, I am a human but SOMEONE," I glared at Raph, "stole my body!"

Leroy smirked. "Kill the talking turtle first. Then the other one with the blue mask."

Bekka gripped an arrow so tightly, she broke it. "I think I'm gunna kill you first."

"Kill them quickly, Elana," Leroy told her, "we don't want any pedestrians taking notice."

Elana nodded and Leory took off.

"I'll go after Leory," Bekka growled. "I still got a score to settle with that arse and I'll make sure he'll never come back."

With that, Bekka tore off.

"Mutagen." Elana spoke. "I sense all the mutagen corsing through your body. So much mutagen."

I eyes Leo and Raph. "So, should I just hit her..?"

"Unexceptable. No one can touch me." Elana told us.

Something was off about her. Her voice seemed way to soft. Her eyes looked nearly completely black, and the way her head was slightly titled to the side. As if she was listening to someone whispering in her ear.

"Whatever," Raph snapped. "Bring it on."

I charged first. My katana barley touched the ground as I held it at my side. I yelled at slashed at her.

She just stood there and raised her hand at me. "Scatter."

I flew up, and yelped in surprise. Elana was a mutant..?!

Suddenly my shoulder irrupted with pain, also in my left leg and stomach.

I screamed in pain, falling to the ground. My ears buzzed as I gasped.


"Ra-NICK!" I heard Leo yell.

I managed to get up. "What...the shell?" I demanded.

"So much mutagen." Elana spoke. "So much to blow up."

I sucked in sharply. She made the mutagen inside of me explode. Huge quantities in certain parts of my body. But how was that possible?

Raph bellowed and charged.

Elana twirled towards him. "Scatter!"

Like me, Raph flew up, he yelled in pain as I saw his side, his head, and his wrist jerk. He fell to the ground with a thump.

Leo glanced nervously at me. "How so you want to do this?"

"Your the leader..!" I snapped back, "so lead!"

Leo unsheathed his double Katanas, only to stare at them. "Raph, where are my bow and arrows?"

I stared at him. "That's Bekka's weapon and I'm Nick!"

Leo gave me a puzzled face. "But I'm Bekka."

My throat tightened.

"Scatter! Double time!" Elana yelled.

Leo and I flew up and we yelled and screamed in pain.

I grunted as I landed on the ground.

What was with her..?

"W-we need Bekka." I said, attempting to stand up.

"I'm Bekka," groaned Leo.

I opened my mouth to say something when I thought of Nick, my girlfriend. And my pets, Spike and Bandit. Funny how they both mutated.

My name was Raph.


My grip tightened on my katana an I charged.


That was not gunna happen to me again.

I growled and slashed at her.

She gasped as my katana cut through her side and grazed her skin.

Elana eyes went murderiously. "Time for you to die."

There's the evil phrase they have to say!

She unsheathed her sword and I knew I was screwed.

It was a long Katana, but not just one, two. The blade was so thin, when she held them to the side, I couldn't see the blade. It meant she was skilled, swift, and fast. And I was in a big, clumsy, turtle body.

Elana twirled around and slashed at my back. I held my katana up for protection as hers clashed with mine.

I expected the blades to snap under the pressure, but they didn't.

Our blades were pushing against each other furiously, she was good.

I twirled in a circle and gave her a 'round kick to the side.

She sucked in the breath and rammed into the tree.

I smirked. Maybe she wasn't so tough with a sword...

Elana roared and charged. She swung so face, it slashed across Raph's, my, plastron.

"I love being a turtle right now." I muttered.

Suddenly, as if someone was whispering something in my mind, I heard something.

Kill them all.

I straightened up and looked around...

My gut clenched tight and I fell to my knees, as if Elana just gave me another "Scatter."

Kill his students, kill Hamato Youshi's students.

That voice...

I roared with anger, making Elana back up with surprise.


My hands began to tingle, like a million pins lightly touching my hands.

Leo groaned and lifted his head. "No way, it can't be possible..."

I laughed. "NO WAY!"

My hands burst into flames and I glanced at Elana. "Y'know what happens when ya mess with someone who has fire?"

Elana back up.

"You get BURNED!" I yelled and charged.

"This is unrealistic. Only the one known as Nick Saki is the one containing---."

She was cut off by a punch to the face.


My visions blurred but I managed to stand.

Elana rammed into a tree and slide down it, her eyes rolled back.

I grinned and went to help Raph and Leo.

My flames died down as I was in the best mood ever.

"My powers are back!" I cheered.

I went to heal Leo when I froze.

"What the..?" I stared down at my hands. They weren't responding to heal Leo. "I just used my powers, so they should be back..!"

Raph groaned and sit up. "Guys, what ever happened to Bekka..?"

We all looked around. She wasn't in sight. She should've came back by now...bragging how she beat the crap out of Leroy...



Bekka is gone! 😱

Anyway, uh, you'll see what happens in the next chapter!

Also, if any of you watch Fairy Tail (Becca) uh, a green Rubik cube wanna be had magic to explode other magic energy in the other mages. So I kind of have Elana that mutant power instead.

And Elana, just was (shhh!) brain washed 😱😱😱

Peace, Love, and Cookies ✌️💘🍪

~ Myranda1550

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