The Pearl of the of Sea

By StewartMango

10.2K 196 15

Tom Cashlin was a greedy teenage boy who proposed to his girlfriend and then became a paraplegic after he sli... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 10

298 7 0
By StewartMango

The next day Tom goes to his homeroom where he sees Annemarie standing by the classroom door, "Get out of here stalker!"
Annemarie stops him from entering the classroom, "I saw your dad crying in church yesterday, and I heard him praying, something about how his life is hard or whatever. I only heard the ending of the prayer."
Tom slowly backs his wheelchair up then pulls up in front of her and he grabs her shirt, "Listen, I know you like me but I don't need you stalking my dad too!" he enters the classroom and places himself at one of the desks. The classroom is a big white and brown room with twenty-five desks in rows of five and each desk has a chair attached to it. Tom spins one of the desks backward so he can pull his wheelchair underneath. He sees some of the students in the classroom giggling so he turns around, "Oh, haha real funny let's laugh at the crippled kid!" he shakes his head, rolls his eyes, and faces forward, where he sees Annemarie sitting at the desk, "Ewe, go away stalker!" the students start giggling again.
Annemarie folds her hands on the desk, "I saved your life, Angela left you there to die." As she stands up she says, "I just thought you should know."
As Annemarie is about to leave the classroom, Tom yells, "What do you mean you saved my life!?"
Annemarie turns around, "I mean when you and Angela were playing on the jetties. I turned away because I didn't want to see you with another girl, then before I knew it she nearly ran me over, I saw her drive off with your car." She sees Tom's upset as he puts his head down, but she continues, "I looked towards the jetties and heard someone screaming so I went to check it out and there I saw you almost drowning. I grabbed your hand and pulled you up above the surface, you were unconscious when I lifted you out and I called 911 and starting giving you CPR."
Tom gets angry and throws the desk over, "No! You're lying!"
Annemarie steps back, "I'm sorry, but it's true."
The teacher walks in the classroom and sees that Tom threw his desk over, "What's going on Tom!?" The teacher is a short heavy woman with short black hair.
Tom is trying to calm himself down and he grinds his teeth, "I thought Angela loved me, she left me there to die!"
Annemarie sees that she upset Tom so she tries to make him feel better, "No, I was kidding she saved you, I didn't."
Tom puts his hands over his face and screams, "No, I knew that bitch never cared about me, it was all about my money!"
"Tom, calm down!" the teacher says as she pulls his hands off his face.
Tom rips his hands away from the teacher's grip, "No, it's not fair I gave her the most beautiful engagement ring I could find and she seemed to care more about the ring then the words I was saying!" he then looks down and sees that he peed himself, "Oh God, no!" he hears the students laugh really hard as he rubs his pants, "I didn't even know I had to pee!"
The teacher then pushes Tom away from the puddle of pee, "It's ok, let's get you down to the nurse and call your parents for a change of clothes."
As Tom passes by Annemarie on the way out he looks at her, "You should have let me die."
Annemarie looks down, then she hears the students are still laughing, so she sticks her head in the classroom, "Oh, grow up!"
The nurse's office is small, it has a section of beds on the side where sick students lay down, and behind the nurse's desk is a small bathroom. By the door, Jeff is sitting in one of the waiting chairs as Tom enters the room and is brought up to the nurse's desk.
The teacher leans over to the nurse who is sitting at her desk, "We had a little accident and Tom needs a change of clothes, could you call his parents?"
The nurse picks up the phone, "Sure, I'll call his father." The nurse is a middle-aged woman with a raspy voice and short blonde hair that covers part of her face.
Tom turns to Jeff who has tissues up his nose, "So, Jeff why are you here?"
"Well I was originally here to get a random drug test, but a pregnant chick came in here and-"
"You called her a name and she punched you."
"Well her baby daddy did, but Tom, come on teens shouldn't be having babies!"
Tom smiles and shakes his head, "Oh, Jeff you haven't changed since I first met you." Tom looks down, then back up at Jeff, "I'm sorry I ditched our friendship for Angela."
Jeff smiles, "It's ok, you know maybe if I acted more grown-up she wouldn't have hated me."
Tom shakes his head, "No, I like you the way you are, don't ever change."
"So, Tom, what brings you to the nurse?"
Tom looks down at his pants, "Believe it or not I peed myself."
"I would offer you a sweatshirt, but I don't have one."
Tom smiles with tears in his eyes, "Thanks."
Jeff smiles back, "I never forgot what you did for me, that's why it was easier for me to forgive you."
Steve then arrives at the nurse's office with a bag of clothes, "I'm here for my son."
Tom looks at the bag of clothes, "Wow, dad, that was quick."
Steve pulls out adult diapers, "Well they called me when I happen to be driving past your school, I was out buying diapers for you."
Tom rolls towards the door, "I'm not wearing diapers, I only had one accident!"
Steve stops Tom from leaving, "No, you have been having them nearly every night, I just have been telling you that it was sweat from having your legs together all the time." Steve pushes him by one of the beds, "I was afraid to tell you because I didn't want to make you feel more handicapped."
Tom looks at the bed, "Alright, put me on the bed and put the diaper on me. Could this get any more embarrassing?"
The nurse places a privacy curtain around the bed and helps Steve place Tom on the bed. They take his pants and underwear off and place a diaper on him. After they put a new pair of pants on him, Steve rubs Tom's cheek, "I'm sorry Tom, but this doesn't make you any less of a man."

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